I was walking down the sidewalk next to one of those diners with tables outside. I don't know what diner it was; I wasn't paying any attention to it. The night air was cool and the neon sign from the restaurant lit up the sidewalk pretty well. One of the waitresses walked past me carrying her tray full of empty glasses on her way back into the diner. She was about six inches shorter than me and her dress looked really good.
It was green. A light pastel green. It had a form fitting, button up top with a short skirt that barely hit her mid thigh. And her outfit was completed with a burnette bun on her head and white socks bunched up in white sneakers on her feet. Her outfit was really attractive.
So attractive was her outfit that I found myself turning around and going after her.
She was too shocked to struggle.
I finished up, then turned and started walking away. I noticed that all the people that had been eating were just staring at me as I walked away. I had an odd sense of pride. This pride aparantely made me horny because my penis quickly became fully erect again. At this, I decided to be adventurous.
I turned back around, returned to the waitress still crumpled on the sidewalk, and aimed my penis right at her ass. As I shoved in, her screams were even more intense than before. Her agony helped me cum even quicker than I did before. I pulled out and wiped the semen, fecese, and blood off my penis with her nice green skirt. I then turned back around and went on my merry way.
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