First things first, I've already met with Ana two times so far and she truly looks just like her photos. She is like the girl next door. A pretty, petite girl with cute small boobs, a perky ass and a charming smile. She is a highly intelligent girl with an amazing personality and incredible sence of humor, making you feel as though you've known her for a lifetime. If you treat her right, she will treat you even better as Ana's purpose is to please you as much as she can, so for this, communication is key. nnIm not gonna say much about the sex as diffrent people have different chemistry with each other, but:nnPros:nDuring sex Ana transforms from the girl next door to your very own sex toy. You can treat her as your girlfriend or fuck her brains out. No matter the situation, Ana has the ability to adapt and provide an exceptional experience. She is very active and her bj is to die for. The combination of her looks, personality and sex skills make her trully unforgettable.nnCons:nNot being able to have sex with her everyday.nn100% Recommended.n100% Guaranteed you will visit her again.
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