Absolute con artist. Treated her to a wonderful date. She was on her phone the entire date (on her social media, talking to friends, and several times even other men). She even tethered to my phone without me knowing to use my data and would get upset when it booted her off automatically. Each time I even began to get intimate, and believe me I was subtle and gentle, she changed the subject and moved away. She didn't like the only part of the date that I picked out and pouted the entire time, because it wasn't her thing. She managed to do enough that within only 8 hours of the 24, she said I was crazy and that she was going home. Of course, she had already gotten the entire payment upfront, which she demanded within the first hour of our date. I ended up with 4 kisses for a date that cost 11,000 reais. An absolute con. Do not even consider hiring her.
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