"I need you to write me the ideal date as soon as possible" "2-8 december good for you?" "It would be great" "So you want to see in December, does that date suit you, check for December & February" "The ticket is good" "Yes, tickets in my email" "Everything perfect" So Nicole Love continues your fakes about your no-flight the 19th December Tickets, I pushed you? Everyone will see messages and make his own opinion
I say you are idiot sick thanks god my name is so big im star and all know im not fake you are sick idiot .
nad Im denisa G this is my real name you idiot
"Yes, I also like to come back it will be better than now in December would be ideal or in November" "Well looking forward, will we go to Christmas markets" "to be either before the birthday or after the birthday" Each one is able to see all your messages and the Truth about you so continue your fakes lies!!!
if u are idiot and u dont know what is mean after new year it is your problem . fuck off sick
First long meeting with this bad escort. She changed dates after bought tickets as she forgot a production in Germany... Her arrival was a disaster, she was completely tired, bad make-up and didn't go out during 2 days Moreover she had woman period during our dates and she forgot too
really u are sick just laying
All was booked since 3rd November for her flights for 4 days meeting (from 19 to 23 December) At the end the day of the meeting, she makes NO SHOW and no explanation from her.
Sure I dont flight because when I was in paris by u u made me totally nervuse and sick because u are not normal person u push me to say yes about the meeting in Dec I dont had choose to say no and I told u idiot I will pay u this fucking 99 euro after new year
NO SHOW from this escort So really take care about this escort, she is really unrespectful
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"I will not send u nothing I dont have to send u nothing u book ticket and I was sick idiot" This is answer from this fake escort