Sexiest women i've ever seen, shes even prettier than the pictures. Everything about her is 10/10 , there really isnt any more to say. Shes leaving in 5 days so good see her.
TR- Normalde yorum yapmam ama s谋rf bu k谋z i莽in hesap a莽t谋m 莽眉nk眉 yorumu hakediyor. Yer kozyata臒谋ndaki me艧hur hotel, giri艧 莽谋k谋艧 s谋k谋nt谋 yok kimse bir艧ey sormuyor bile. K谋za gelirsek foto臒raflardan bile daha sexy, memeler do臒al ve gayet b眉y眉k D size. Sexte 莽ok aktif yapmam dedi臒i bir艧ey yok, zamana hi莽 bakmad谋 bile ayr谋ca inlemeleri de m眉kemmel. Ben 枚p眉艧meyi denemedim o y眉zden no yazd谋m ama muhtemelen iyi 枚p眉艧眉yordur. Pozisyon bilgisi olduk莽a iyi ve fizi臒i de m眉kemmel. 陌ngilizcesi var dil problemi ya艧amad谋m. Kendisi olduk莽a cana yak谋n uzunca sohbet edebilirsiniz .Daha yeni gelmi艧 1 hafta durur muhtemelen ka莽谋rmay谋n. Ben f谋rsat olursa tekrar gidece臒im. Menejere gelirsek gayet h谋zl谋 geri d枚n眉艧 yap谋yor problemsiz bir 艧ekilde ayarlad谋k g枚r眉艧meyi. K谋saca kesinlikle g枚r眉lmesi gereken k谋zlardan. EN- Normally i dont do a review but just for this girl i made an account becuse she deserves a review. Firstly the hotel is really easy to get in and out no one askes you anything, its the famous hotel in Kozyatagi. The girl itself is even hotter than the photos. Breasts are natural D size, shes very active in sex and does everything you want. She hasnt looked at the time not even once. Her moans are very nice too. I havent kissed her but im sure she kisses great aswell. Her physique is amazing and she knows a lot of positions. She speaks english so i havent had any language problems. She said she just arrived so she will likely stay at least a week. I will meet her again when i have the opportunity. The maneger responds back quickly so no problem there either. In short she is a must see.
Dear. Mr.Ermiss thank you for your first review. We really appreciate it very much) and thank you for kind words) best wishes. Always welcome to you again) by the way girl back to Istanbul tonight 馃敟馃敟馃敟happy to see you)
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