Afraid this is by far the worst in this agency, which had never disappointed me before. She is 20 years older than her pictures, her body is in ruins, cheap tattoos, no ass, flabby belly, tits with poorly made rock-hard silicones inside. She expects you to do everything exactly as she demands, you should lie static face up on this precise side of the bed, hands off her body, kiss her siliconed lips only once. The add promises erotic massage, but she refuses to give it. She rejects anything erotic and starts taking about her “job”. She stopped mid way the blowjob to start texting for 2 minutes, then she was angry because my erection was off. Then she started provoking me, and getting angrier because I did not respond to her provocations, she spent the rest of the time talking to her agent, I think she was trying to fabricate a case against me to get me in trouble with the security man or something. I left 30 minutes before in total disgust. As I said by far the worst experience in this agency, which has much superior and younger girls in store.
Very sweet girl. She enjoys what she does. I felt a girlfriend vibe. She is tall and slim like a model, and her face that resembles the actress Cher, with a sexi smile, soft lips, white skin and long black hair. She is cooperative as a good lover that takes part in the fun. Expect to be asked to confirm the appointment 1 hour before. I will repeat.
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