Very dissapointed because we have set an appointment at 1320 and she informed when i arrived that the the time Is cancelled for 1340 very unprofessional and very humiliating.
sorry, my pussy is very sweet🤤💦 many people want to try it😍. that's why sometimes such situations happen😔. try to sign up again😘
What can i say for Vanessa. Hot and wild cat. Super hot body and she knows exactly how to set a man on. Her bj skils are outreal and u just holdyoursrlf not to cum. She is very direct and gives you the sense of gfe experience. She is the best professional i ever met and would definetely go again many many times as i had some great orgasms
This is a great girl . Real gem . Cannot describe how good she is. Besides her natural beauty she is so humble. She is a wild cat in the active part and very sensual. Cant wait to meet her again . I had a great time meeting her
Wow!!! Godesss emerged from the sea . Mindblowing and super nice character. Maybe the best girl i have ever seen. Super fit and analogies of a super model. I am still in a shock……cannot wait to meet her again. Thank u very very much It was a blast
I was astonished by the Elegant lady . I cannot express how delegate she was. Her body is sculptured by angels. Wow wow wow Super clean girl and very clean apartment Can wait to meet her again
Maybe the best escort girl that i have ever been with. Top notch and exceptional professional Top clean GFE EXPERIENCE Thank u for this lovely spend experience
Very pleasant girl and very warmly she welcome me. So calm and peacefull that conveyed that feeling to me. The sex was great and brutal i might say. Definettely i will go againg
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