Great meeting! Her apartment was filled with the spirit of Christmas... She offered me a Prosecco... Matilda is brilliant at what she does. If what you are looking is plain regular sex, I am confident she can accomodate you, but if you are looking for something else, something more, then I suggest do not hesitate. I will definitely see her again!
There are some moments in life that words cannot describe your feelings. My feelings for Valerie are stronger than ever,the moments and the joy that she offers me i dont change it for nothing else in the world. Valerie is a real person in this fake world we all live, and definitelly she is the ''MOST BEUTIFULL WOMAN IN THE WORLD''. Thanks again for this unbelievable moments there are unique. Hope to see you soon😘
Amazing courtesan which loves sex! I think this is the most significant difference between a good and an amazing escort, she loves what she does! Ass to die for as well as amazing bj, deebthroat, upside down etc. Also she has the most soft skin I have ever experienced in a woman. Highly recommended!
One of my best meetings that I ever had I recomende her she is amazing Amazing blowjob,she can understand exactly what u want. She is very active in sex. Thank u very much for the amazing moments that I had with you.
Thank you dear see you soon❤️❤️❤️
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