Big surprise to meet such a girl on this site. Tried to set up a meeting with Helen couple of times, but she was busy. I persisted. First but important: the apartment is top notch, in the center of a cool area of Istanbul, with a nice view, I wanted to stay here to live! For me this is important, from my experience of meeting other girls: not very clean apartments I don't want to be in, I prefer to call a girl to my place or hotel. with Helen I made an exception as my location was far away from her. As she said, her comfort and quality of please important for her too. Helen.. the reality exceeded my expectations, she is much better than anything written in her review. Hot hottie, like you're on a date with a photomodel or actress, I was a little confused when she opened the door. Easy conversation subtle flirtation, anticipation... and she takes you to the clouds when she works with her tongue! The best blowjob ever, in the process it's hard not to cum, because you are so eager to try Helen in action. Normally i can continue sex for long time, but with her hard to control it. You feel her passion and see her pleasure and you can't control yourself, we cum together.. second round I trying A-lavel, I start it slow and feel I don’t need to move at all, she cum by just feel my hard coke in side her ass. Its mind blowing! She is a sex machine that you need go through. You drive many different cars, and then experiences Ferrari. Unforgettable.. Be ready, you will want to extend your time with her. Thank you Helen, you are amazing! Definitely see you again!
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