I contacted the agency to confirme the services (BBJ,DATY,FK,2 times sex in 1 hour, classic sex positions) before to book the girl. Also i asked to confirme WITH the girl. They said that was all ok. Than i met Paris in her hotel fo 1 hour. She is older than the photos (around 35) and her body is far from toned. She needs a lot of gym. I also noticed 2 or 3 mm of pubic hair (not well shaved). By the way she was cleened and not fat. At the beginning was smiling and happy , than when we started the foreplays i asked for French Kisses. She gave me a single child kiss.. Than she wanted to do blow job me and took the condom. Stop ! what about my uncovered BJ ? She told me that if i want uncovered , she needs to spray an antibacterial on my penis and wait for 2 minutes.( i thought to be to the doctor, not with an escort.) When she did it , i felt some kind of pain on my penis (like burning). Than she finally start to blow jobs me. She never (and i repeat never) gone under my glans. Just work of top point. Than we started to fuck (she on top of me) but after 5 minutes she was tired. So i putted her under me. She never allowed me to kiss her. She used too much lubricant and i felt not too much. So i needed to focus hard to end up. After finished the first round, we talked a bit. Than i finally asked to lick her pussy, but she told me she doesn't like it... I told her that the agency told me that was ok , but she continued to deny.... So, no FK, no DATY, i was really pissed off. After all the arguing it was almost time to go (10 minutes) and my desire was gone. So i ended up and gone away. At the end i can say that she is a wast of time.
She is really a disappointment. Doesnt' know how to work. Passive like a mummy. Waste of money.:angry: Promises kiss with tongue (before money) than just child kisses.
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