Really beautiful girl !, it seems every time time i book for just 30 minutes i find an amazing girl and then regret i didn't had more time to spend with her! Well tania was such a case! I dont like to share too much details but i had a really good time with her :smile::smile::smile:
Thank you so much ????????❤️????
The date is random . This girl is really beautiful with a natural sexy Brazilian body, and enjoys what she does. I don't want to share too much details, but i can say i had a really great time with her.
What to say ... i liked her very much , very active in our intercourse and seemed to enjoy also. At the end we danced also a bit :wink: I wished i had more hours to spend with her, would definitely revisit
Anna is really beautiful and she knows it. She also exercises a lot , something that is visible from her excellent body and from the fact i was waiting for her to finish her running session in order to meet :wink: I was planning to stay for an hour, but after even half an hour i was satisfied and really sweaty like playing football for an hour ;) :wink: . I Would definitely recommend her.
I was really nervous meeting lolita , and expressed it to her . She did her best to help me be comfortable and have a nice time. As such i enjoyed every minute out of it and also had some friendly chat at the end. She also seemed to have a nice time and enjoying our session ;) . She responded to my sincere compliments with her own as well and had some nice laughs. Next time i promised her we would have even better time. ;)
Yes dear, I remembered you. I also glad to made you relaxed. Hope to see you soon dear again when I come back. Kisses
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