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SMS & Apeluri
OK what can I sey about this beautiful and sexy and silky lady ,she welcome me with a big beautiful smile and sexy lingerie, very inteligente mind a perfect gfe experience.
In bed she knows what you want and need.
She is sensitive and very caring
I just wish she comes back again to Cyprus soon so I can get to meet her again. Xxxxxx
I think 10 stars for the services of this lady are not enough. She is a professional in every aspect, she loves what she does and that makes everything easier. She is a tall, slim, exotic woman with the softest skin I have ever touched, an ass you can't get enough of and voluptuous boobs you want to kiss all the time. I found her more pretty than in the pictures and definitely it's worth the time spent to arrange a meeting with her as she is a true independent girl. Her communication skills are well above average.
I think is the best GFE / PSE experience I ever had.
Μετά από 2 ώρες που προσπαθούσα να κλείσω ραντεβού με την συγκεκριμένη κοπέλα το άξιζε πραγματικά. Η κοπέλα είναι ακριβώς αυτό που λέει στο προφίλ της. Γυναικάρα σέξυ και πραγματικά απολαμβάνει να της ξεσκίζεις το κωλαρακι. Πίπα φανταστική, δακτυλα στο μουνι και στην πίσω πόρτα μαζί αλλά το καλύτερο της είναι το ξέσκισμα στο υπέροχο κωλαρακι της αφού το απολαμβάνει πραγματικά.
Δεν γίνεται να χάσεις αυτή την θέα.
After 2 hours of trying to get a date with this particular girl it was really worth it. The girl is exactly what she says in her profile. She's a sexy woman and she really enjoys fuck her ass. Amazing blowjob,fingering pussy and back door together but the best part is how much she like when you fuck her ass.
Don't miss this goddess.
See you tomorrow 😘😘
When I entered, I was greeted by a slim woman!
Then I went to wash up, and after the shower, Milana was already waiting in bed. We started with some caressing and kissing. After that, the girl gave me oral and licked my balls at the same time.
In the missionary position for quite a long time. I held onto the girl firmly and picked up the pace. A big load came from deep inside and I released it into the condom, right at the bottom of her pussy.
Condom off and cleaned up the equipment.
Pretty lady and the pictures give an accurate impression.
Η σημερινή επίσκεψη ήταν απλά φανταστική. Μου άνοιξε την πόρτα φορώντας ένα διχτυωτό φόρεμα και ήταν λίγο ψυχρή στην αρχή, κρατώντας μια μικρή απόσταση. Μου πρόσφερε μπάνιο, το οποίο πήρα και μετατράπηκε σε ηφαίστειο στην κρεβατοκάμαρα. Έχει όμορφο στήθος, φυσικό και ευαίσθητο και απολαμβάνει να παίζει μαζί του στο έπακρο. Υπήρχαν επίσης δακτυλοσκοπήσεις στον κόλπο και τον πρωκτό της, τις οποίες επίσης απολάμβανε αν κρίνω από την έκφρασή της. Πίπα χωρίς καπότα και πολύ υγρή, υψηλής ποιότητας και μετά ήταν στο σεξ. Πρώτα στον κόλπο με ανταλλαγή πολλών στάσεων στην τελευταία από πίσω (dogy) και ένα δάχτυλο στον πρωκτό. Και μετά άρχισε: "Fuck my ass, please!" Υπήρξε λοιπόν πρωκτικό με ανταλλαγή πολλών στάσεων, το οποίο και απολάμβανε κρίνοντας από την συμπεριφορά της. Δυστυχώς δεν είχα πολύ χρόνο, καθώς ήμουν σε διάλειμμα από τη δουλειά και κουρασμένος, οπότε δεν υπήρξε δεύτερος γύρος, μείναμε μόνο με επικοινωνία στον καναπέ του σαλονιού. Μάλλον την απογοήτευσα, αλλά και αύριο είναι μια μέρα.
Today's visit was just fantastic. She opened the door for me in a fishnet bodysuit and was a little cold at first, keeping a little distance. She offered me a bath, which I took and she turned into a volcano in the bedroom. She has beautiful breasts, natural and sensitive and enjoys playing with them to the full. There was also fingering in her vagina and anus, which she also enjoyed judging by her expression. Blowjobs unprotected and very wet, high quality and then it was on to sex. First into the vagina with an exchange of several positions in the last one from behind and a finger into the anal. And then it started: "Fuck me in the ass, please!" So there was anal with several positions exchanged, which she also enjoyed judging by her speech. Unfortunately I had little time, as I was on a break from work and tired, so there was no second round, we were left with just communication on the sofa in the living room. I guess I let her down, but tomorrow is also a day.
Serviciul de escortă de sex feminin Milana (26) Serviciul de escortă Turku fata de escortă - Milana - Acum în Turku. Milana este o escortă de Feminin și are 26 ani. Aspectul meu Latina te va hipnotiza. Dacă ești în căutarea unei escorte pe care nu o vei uita niciodată, Milana este alegerea perfectă pentru tine. Culoarea părului: Brunetă. Culoarea ochilor: Saten. Dimensiunea sânilor: DD. Dacă îți plac escortele exclusiviste, vizitează-mă în camera mea de hotel din Turku. Poți să mă vizitezi și la mine acasă, contactează-mă pentru locația exactă. Serviciul de escortă outcall disponibil. Ofer, printre altele, următoarele servicii: Casă / Apartament Privat, , Disponibila pentru bărbați. Toți bărbații adoră să primească un sex oral uimitor de la o escortă fierbinte, dar sexul oral nu înseamnă doar să primești plăcere, ci și să o oferi lingându-mi Predominant rasa păsărica. Disponibila pentru bărbați, sunt mereu încântată să cunosc oameni noi. Citiți recenzii înainte de a apela la serviciile unei escorte? Ai ajuns la locul potrivit, aici găsești recenzii și evaluări ale escortelor, ale mele și ale prietenilor mei escorte. 100% real, fără fotografii false Pe această pagină de escortă găsești videoclipuri și fotografii cu mine pentru a mă cunoaște mai bine. Una dintre cele mai populare escorte de pe acest ghid de escorte. Escorta uimitoare Milana. Fermecătoarea și sexy Milana te invită într-o lume a plăcerilor de neuitat în Turku, Finlanda. Cu anii ei tineri 26, ea știe cum să-ți satisfacă cele mai ascunse dorințe și fantezii. Ea oferă o gamă largă de Pozitia 69, Sex Anal, A-Rimming (On me), Toate felurile de fantezii, Sex Anal, Bondage, Ejaculare pe corp, Insotitoare de cina, Deepthroat, Sarut frantuzesc profund, Poziții diferite, Joaca cu dildo, Vorbe murdare, Pe la spate, Dominaţie, Domination light (On you), Penetrare dublă, Masaj erotic, Facesitting, Fetish, Fingering, Girlfriend experience, Golden shower, Handjob, Tocuri inalte si lenjerie intima, Kinky, Sărutat , Masaj, Masturbare, Oral with condom, Pussy licking, Duș sexy, Duș împreună, Strapon, Jucării, garantându-vă momente de neuitat de pasiune și plăcere. Lasă-te să te scufunzi în lumea fanteziilor sexuale și trăiește o adevărată explozie de emoții cu Milana. Nu ratați ocazia de a vă scufunda în oceanul de plăcere alături de îndemânatica și sexy Milana. Uită totul și lasă-te să trăiești momente de neuitat în compania ei fermecătoare. Nu pierde timpul și fă-ți viața mai luminoasă și mai intensă chiar acum!