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And she was nice enough to be mean Part 1


Topic: And she was nice enough to be mean Part 1And she was nice enough to be mean.Well some of you have read my other story called Forced into slavery, and it seemed you liked it so i'm going to attempt at another one. These stories are all fake and are conjured up from the imagination. I didn't know the names of the most of the equipment used in bondage so i tried to describe each scenery and happening precisly. I would as that as you read this story you let your imagination take a hold of you and imagine you being there and watching. Enjoy reading and please leave comments so i can better my stories.Mystiah (pronounced Mis- stye- ah) watched from the girl from the corner of her eye and was filled with pure black hatred towards the girl. She'd known the girl since she was just a child and at first they'd been friends, but as they grew older, she began to envy the girl and they soon drew apart not even saying hi or bye to each other as they walked down the crowded school hallway. Things even got worse as they were enduring their last month of their graduate year in highschool. Mystiah stared down the hallway and watched as the girls shapely derrier and hips swayed past her. Fury storms flooded her head and with that she trodded down the hallway in silence, thinking about the girl, only stopping to pinch the bottom of a hot teacher in front of her.The girl's name was Jessica, she was your typical blonde bombshell, the only difference was that she wasn't stupid and she was very opinionated. Her hair was a nice blonde, not any of that bleached stuff but the kind of color that you saw when you peeled a banana opened. Her eyelashes were long and dark and curled at the ends making shadows on her cheekbones when her eyes were closed. Her sensual lips were a pale rose color, so soft and pouty you just thought of biting them and enjoying their sweetness just like biting into a fresh juicy fruit. She had chests the size of large ballons, a 40 dd they were and people could not help but stare as she walked down the hallway in a revealing top. Even the teachers often asked her to come to their desks just so she could lean over and they'd see the sweet puffy pink nipples that were always erect. She had a very flat stomach and her belly button was piereced and she had a tattoo of a cherry on the lower part of her stomach. Her ass was just amazing, so round, so tight, yet somewhat soft at the same time, she had a tattoo of a dove heart on her lower back, so when she sat down and her top rode up and her bottoms rode down just a bit, you could see a hint of a sexy thong that looked so enticing below the tattoo. Her legs were long and shapely and whenever she wore mini skirts, your eyes would travel up them and wonder what secrets where held underneath those sexy panties. Jessica had discovered her beauty when she was 13, her boobs were bigger that everyone else's her lips were sensual, her ass was tight and guys never stopped staring at her. Her gym teacher used to keep her after class and make her do stretches since she was so flexbile so he could see every curve of her body. After Jessica discovered her beauty, she had become mean, no longer sweet and nice like she was before. She used her beauty to her advantage and sneered at everyone. She thought she was better than everyone else and made sure everyone knew it. There was not one day when she came to without wearing something that showed of her assests. One day, she came to school wearing a mini skirt and sexy panties, she spread her legs a little right  so that everyone who walked by would see the sweet pussy that they wanted to kiss hidden behind a set of panties. She smiled ever so often, just so she'd seem nice and then when you thought she was changing she'd become the biggest bitch ever. She was nice enough to be mean and Mystiah had had enough, since the starting of grade 10, she'd been waiting for their graduation year because she knew that once the summer of gr 12 came, jessica would be hers forever.
Comment if you want me to post part 2. it's really good and you'll be left wanting more. If you don't comment, part two won't be posted