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The Newspaper Drive


"You take that side of the street," said my friend, John. "And I'll take this side."
"Cool." I said. "Then we'll meet up at your house for lunch?"
John nodded, already walking across the street, pushing a big old wheelbarrow in front of him. We'd been hauling old newspapers for our Scout troop paper drive all morning, and it was getting hot out.
"I bet I'll get more than you this trip!" he hollered over his shoulder.
I laughed and dragged my rusting red trailer after me. "Yeah, whatever!"
The first couple of houses I hit had zip. Nothing.
Nobody home, not even on a quiet summer morning. A lot of houses we'd tried so far had been empty, the owners probably off at work. I'd made a big score on my last house, finding an old couple that had stacks of grocery bags filled with newsprint stored in their basement. Enough that I'd had to get John to come and help me haul everything back to his place, where we carefully stacked and bundled the loose papers with twine, to be picked up later that night by our Scoutmaster. Over the last couple hours, we'd worked our way through enough of the neighborhood that we were moving farther and farther out, into relatively unknown territory. We were all by ourselves, just the two of us, dressed in our Scout uniforms, with the khaki shorts and green button up shirts, the dumb scarves clasped around our necks, with our merit badges sewn to sashes that we wore with pride, slung over our shoulders for effect.
It was probably a crazy thing to do, a couple ten-year-olds going from house to house, asking strangers to give us old newspapers to recycle. But back in those days, we just didn't really think of the dangers that might be out there, the weirdos that preyed on unsuspecting kids.
At least I didn't.
Until I rang another doorbell, and the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen answered. The house was set back from the street, nice and tidy, with a new sports car parked in the driveway. I remember thinking that since a car was there, I had a good chance of at least getting someone to answer the door. Well, I was right about that. The girl who opened the door was probably fresh out of high school, long and leggy, with straight, golden blonde hair that hung down to her waist and a face and figure made for California beaches. She was wearing a pair of old Levi cutoff's that where ripped at the seams, all the way up to the waistband, and a faded denim shirt about three sizes too big for her, with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, and the front unbuttoned down to her navel.
"Well, aren't you the cutest thing in the world," She said.
Man! I'd never seen anything like her! And she was talking to me! And she called me cute!
Boy, oh, boy, did I get flustered. How I stuttered through my big speech! All I could do was stare at her thin gold necklace, nestled gently in-between the curve of her heavy breasts. I'm sure she noticed me looking, but when I finally finished my babbling, she smiled and turned to someone inside the house. The television was on, and she shouted, "Hey Tim! This cute little guy wants to know if we have any newspapers!"
I heard some rustling, and then there was an older, tall guy with curly, salt and pepper hair standing behind the vision of beauty. He put his hands on her hips and gave me the once over. The girl kind of leaned back into him and stared up over her shoulder at him while he appraised me.
Then he smiled. "Yeah, sure. I think we can find something," he said. "C'mon in."
He reached out and swung open the screen door, waved me inside.
"Um, well..." I stuttered, not sure of myself.
I was feeling pretty uncomfortable, but the girl reached out for me and took me by my arm. 
"Hey, c'mon. We won't bite." She gave me a gentle tug. "You like football?"
"Yeah, sure. I guess so." I said.
"Well, watch the game with me while Daddy looks."
"Uh, Okay."
I reluctantly followed her inside, and she closed the door. I found myself standing in a small foyer, that opened up into a living room furnished with leather couches and shag rugs. A television was on, blaring a football game. Empty beer bottles were scattered on the coffee table, a grotesque thing made out of polished driftwood, and there were even more littering the floor. There were sticks of incense burning,and a sweet, cloying smell hung in the air. I could see an ashtray and a plastic baggy filled with pot, a feathered roach clip lying to the side. A huge homemade bong sat on the floor next to the sofa.
The girl collapsed onto the couch, her long tan legs sprawling. Her titties bounced, and her shirt opened, and for a brief moment I caught a glimpse of a large brown nipple. I got a little dizzy, suddenly. She leaned over and grapped a beer bottle while I stood there uncomfortably. I couldn't take my eyes off of her.
She leaned back again, sipping beer, her shirt now rucked up around her waist, and patted the seat of the couch with the bottom of her foot. "Sit down with me," she said, and held the bottle out to me. "Here, you look hot. Have a drink."
My eyes widened. "Um." I said. "I don't..."
"Don't get all goofy on me, baby. I just offered you a drink, that's all."
I blinked. She was offering me beer? John was never going to believe this! What a story!
I sat down on the couch as far from her as I could, and she handed me the bottle. It was cold and damp with condensation. I smiled weakly at her.
"Go ahead," she said. "Daddy won't care. Try it."
I'd had sips of beer before, at family bar-b-que's. I didn't really like how it tasted, but I didn't want to disappoint this woman who'd taken an interest in me. "Okay," I said. I closed my eyes and sipped. The tip of the bottle was warm and wet where her lips had touched. I could vaguely taste lipstick before the sip I'd taken trickled down my throat.
"What a weenie. Take a big gulp."
She giggled and leaned forward, and her breasts fell out of her shirt. My eyes went wide, and then she tipped the bottle all the way up, sending a torrent of the bitter liquid into my mouth, and all over my shirt and pants. I came up for air, sputtering and coughing. She took the empty bottle out of my hand, laughing.
"Oh, shit! Sorry!" She said, her soft hands wiping down my face. "I just meant to tip it a little! Now look - I got you all wet. Man, let me get you a towel!"
She got up and ran into the hall and into a tiny bathroom, emerging with a white fluffy bath-towel. She sat close to me and started patting my shirt down. Her breasts jiggled while she worked. The feel of her hands on me made my eyes blur. Suddenly, my little chubby sprouted wood, and it felt like all the blood left my head.
"Man!" She grinned. "What a mess! And you smell like beer! We can't send you home like this! Maybe I should wash your clothes for you."
"Oh... Uh, that's okay..." I mumbled. But she was already tugging my sash over my head.
"Here, stand up for me for a second," She said.
I was still blinking beer out of my eyes, and I guess I wasn't thinking straight. I stood up, and she patted at my crotch with the towel. I almost keeled over when she rubbed my already straining cock.
"Wow, you're really soaked. Let's get these off you..."
Before I knew what was happening, she'd unbuckled my belt, unbuttoned and unzipped me, and my wet shorts had fallen down around my ankles. She looked at the little tent sprouting in my damp underpants, and grinned up at me.
"Hey," she said. "I think you like me."
"Um." I said. "Yeah?"
She giggled and stood up in one slow movement. Then she grabbed my shirt and pulled it open. I heard buttons pop, and she yanked it down over my shoulders. She stepped close and rubbed up against me. I could feel the rough denim of her shirt on my chest, against my chilled bare skin, and the warmth of her soft skin against mine. She was taller than I was by several inches, and looked into my eyes.
Then she pushed me flat onto the couch and started tugging my underwear down my legs. I was breathing hard, my legs caught in my pants, and my hands pinned behind my back by my shirt. I didn't know what she was going to do, and I'd completely forgotten about the guy named Tim who was somewhere looking for newspapers for me, and I didn't care. All that mattered was that this gorgeous, half naked woman was leaning over me, undressing me, and my cock was so hard it felt like it was going to pop.
"Oh shit, you're a horny little man aren't you," she giggled when my dick sprung free of my underpants. "That's so cute!"
She yanked off my shoes and wrestled with the damp tangle of shorts, socks and underpants until they were all lying on the living room carpet. Then I watched as she wiggled out of her short-shorts, and gasped as she crawled on top of me.
"My name's Jessie," she whispered, and kissed me. Not the dry, chaste pecks the women in my family gave me when we got together during holidays. No, Jessie didn't waste time with that. She cupped my cheeks and pressed her lips tight to mine, and slowly pushed her tongue deep into my mouth.
Jessie, I thought. I liked her name. In my delirium, I realized I never told her what my name was.
I heard Jessie moan as she kissed me. I managed to make some kind of grunting sound as her hips came wiggling down on me, and for the first time ever, that wonderful, soft, velvety warmth of a wet pussy enveloped my swollen little cock. My hips jerked up, and I heard a meaty smack as I buried my dick into her cunt.
She broke the kiss and smiled down at me. Her long hair brushed my face and she tucked some of it behind her ear. She put her hands on my skinny chest and slowly pushed herself up, until she was completely riding my cock. Then she yanked her shirt open, giving me my first real, up close look at a woman's body. She shook her hair back over her shoulders, then took off the shirt and tossed it onto a chair across the room.
Jessie cupped her huge breasts in her hands. I stared in happy wonderment at the tan lines from a string bikini that criss-crossed her chest and over her shoulders. She gently rode me, squeezing and playing with her titties. I watched in envy as she pinched her big brown nipples until they were rock hard, all the while frantically trying to worm my hands out from my shirtsleeves so I could touch her.
And then I saw the guy, Tim, standing behind her in the hallway, quietly watching us, and my eyes shot open.
"Oh, jeez!" I shouted, and tried to buck Jessie off me. "Jeez!" I said again. "I didn't mean..."
Tim and Jessie both laughed. She pushed my shoulders hard, shoving me firmly back down onto the leather couch, and glanced behind her as Tim sauntered up behind her.
"Hey, little man. It's okay." Tim stroked her hair. "I see you've made a new friend, huh, Jess?"
"Yeah, Daddy." She grinned at him, kept me pinned, all the while slowly grinding her hips in a small circle. Nothing ever felt so good. But I was scared to death. She glanced back down at me. "I like him, baby. Can I keep him?"
Tim raised an eyebrow. One huge hand clamped in her hair and yanked her head backwards. The other slipped around her waist and squeezed one of her tits hard enough that the color drained from her darkly tanned skin. "Hmm. We'll see about that."
They kissed. His bristly mustache scraped the tender skin around her lips, leaving blotchy red marks. His other hand left her hair and grabbed her loose tit. He started to chew on her neck and her shoulders, leaving red bite marks as he squeezed and played with her boobs. Jessie started to buck on top of me and gasp for breath. I could see her belly muscles twitching, and her pussy clamped so hard around my little cock I jumped and felt a tingle building somewhere deep in my body.
And then Tim roughly pushed her away, shoved her down until she was lying flat on my chest. Jessie breathed heavily in my ear and wrapped her hands under my arms, grabbing my shoulders tight. She started to lick me, running the tip of her warm tongue around the edge of my earlobe, nibbling softly. Tim stared down at her. His face looked ugly.
"You love to fuck, don't you, you little fucking cunt." 
"Yeeeeaaaaahhh..." Jessie breathed, and squirmed.
Her pussy kept spasming. I groaned. My arms were falling asleep. I didn't care.
Tim unbuttoned his jeans and let them fall. He wasn't wearing any underwear, and his massive, purple cock sprung out, long and thick and hard, pulsing, hanging halfway down the side of his leg. He pulled off his t-shirt and stepped out of the jeans puddled on the floor. The leather crinkled as he climbed onto the couch behind Jessie. I felt his hair legs brush my calves, and saw him grab his cock and lever it towards Jessie's rear end.
"Oh, yeah. Fuck me, Daddy," Jessie was whispering. "Fuck my sweet ass..."
Tim thrust a couple times, and I saw his cock rubbing up and down her butt. I could feel the hair from his big, heavy balls tickle the insides of my thighs. He roughly shoved my left leg off the couch, trying to give himself better access to Jessie's ass. The shag carpet felt cool against the bottom of my foot. Jessie hissed in my ear, and she let out a hoarse grunt and her fingernails dug into my shoulders when Tim finally pushed the tip of his cock into her ass.
"That's right, baby," he grunted. I heard him slap her butt. He laughed, and I saw him hit her again. Jessie's smooth butt cheek had a bright red imprint where he'd hit her. He slapped her again. Her ass jiggled. Her pussy twitched. I groaned.
And then he grabbed her around the waist and rammed his dick into her, hard. Jessie screamed. Her head jerked back and her spine arched. Tim pulled his hips back and slammed them forward, over and over. I felt a heavy, thick pressure push down on my cock as he shoved his way into her rectum. Her bruised, beautiful tits bounced and jiggled, her nipples brushing on my chest. She tossed her head, her long hair falling on my face, getting into my mouth and nose. It smelled nice, like flowers. But I couldn't breath with all of her hair on my face. I felt like I was smothering. I tried to spit it out while Tim started to ride her.
Jessie leaned forward again, laying all the weight of her body on my chest. The two of us jerked up and down on the couch while Tim rammed her. He was grunting like an animal, swearing at her, slapping her ass as hard as he could while he pounded her. She squealed and moaned and gasped for air, her arms wrapped around me so tightly I thought she might crush me. I watched her eyes roll back in their sockets. The tingling in my body was building, moving deep into my crotch.
And then Tim leaned over, and kissed me.
His dry, thick tongue forced it's way deep into my mouth. My eyes shot open. His added weight knocked all the air out of my lungs. His mustache felt like sandpaper, and his mouth tasted of alcohol and pot. He grabbed a handful of my hair and kept me from turning away, flicking his tongue in and out, biting my lower lip. Then he stopped and grinned at me.
"You like fucking my little girl?" He said.
I was terrified. Tears dripped down my cheeks, into my hair. I couldn't say anything. He shook my head. "I said, you like fucking my little girl?"
I managed to nod.
"That's good. You just relax, boy, and we'll all get along just fine..."
Tim suddenly pushed himself off Jessie, and pulled his cock out of her butt with a wet pop.
"Get off of him, you little whore." He grunted. "I want to see him fuck your ass now."
Jessie smiled at me and climbed off. Tim took hold of my right leg, and flipped me over with out any trouble. Then he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up against him. Jessie climbed back onto the couch, facing away from me with her ass up in the air. Tim grabbed my little cock with one hand and stroked me until I was completely hard again, and then guided my dick to her gaping asshole. He shoved me into her until the tip of my penis lodged home, and then pushed my ass with his thighs, forcing my hips forward, until I slowly eased into her butt.
The wirey hair on his chest rubbed into my back. His cock was burning hot, rubbing up and down my ass crack. My hands and arms were still all tangled in my shirt. He ran his huge, calloused hands up and down my belly, over my skinny chest, pinching my nipples. One of his big hands cupped my throat, the other slipped down between my crotch and Jessie's ass cheeks, and he tickled the light dust of hair covering my balls.
"That's a good boy," he mumbled. "Now fuck my daughter, or I'll have to spank you."
I gulped. I felt my adam's apple bob against the palm of his hand gripping my throat.
"Fuck her, boy. Can't you tell how bad she wants you to cum in her asshole?"
I gulped again, and managed to nod.
I looked down at Jessie. Her back was arched, her muscles tense. Her waist was tiny, her hips wide and flaring. Her ass was round and tan, with another light tan line running right up her butt crack and circling around her waist.
That string bikini, I thought crazily. I bet she looks great in her bikini...
Then Tim pushed me over, and his fingers dug into the skin around my butthole. He used his thumbs to spread me open. I felt something round and hard pushing, an painful pressure building, like I had to take a huge poop. I heard him say, "Oh, yeah. Look at that..." And then I heard him spit. A warm glob of wet splattered on the top of my ass crack and dripped down my butt. He hawked, and spit again, started to massage it in, trying to lubricate the shaft of his cock and my butt, all the while keeping up the pressure, pushing his huge cock slowly into my virgin young asshole. He pushed in an inch, then two, then three...
Then he gripped my waist like he had Jessie's, and gave a good solid shove with his hips. His cock sunk in a good six inches, and my whole body jerked. Underneath me, Jessie gasped with pleasure, and I felt a flood of moisture spurt onto my thighs. Her hands clutched at the leather cushions, and she jerked and collapsed. Tim pounded my ass again, knocking me on top of Jessie, and he kept right on going, lying right on top of me, crushing the wind out of me. His arm snaked around my throat, choking me while he screwed his cock even deeper into me, inch by inch. He stuck his tongue deep into my ear, started to lick and bite my ear and my neck.
Finally, I felt his hairy balls settle against my little nuts. 
Tim slowly fucked me, grinding his hips, not pulling the foot long dick out of my ass for more than an inch or two before grinding it back in. It felt like someone had shoved a baseball bat into my rectum. It hurt. Sharp, searing pain as the tender skin ripped, and then an awful stinging as the salty blood began to seep over the torn flesh of my anus. A thick, heavy feeling settled deep into my bowels. My fingertips scrabbled against his stomach, leaving scratches, but there was little else I could do. The pain in my ass, his crushing weight, and the arm wrapped tight around my throat gave me barely enough air to breathe, but not enough to scream.
Under me, Jessie's whole body was twitching. Her hips were jerking up and down, almost ripping my little cock out at the roots. She was biting a pillow, stifling screams of her own as she came, and came, and came. The couch under her was dripping with her pussy juice. She was dripping with our co-mingled sweat and smeared with her cum. Her massive breasts were smashed flat, stuck to the leather.
And then through the haze of pain, I felt the tickle in my body swell, building like a gigantic balloon, until it burst. I opened my mouth in suprise and shame, but the only sounds that escaped where hoarse coughs. And then Tim came, in a sudden, gasping rush. His hips jerked against my ass cheeks, and I felt his cock swell even bigger inside me. Her pulled out and cornholed me one, two, three more times, fucking me fast and hard until he came, sending hot streams stinging, sticky cum into my ruptured and torn butt, until it mixed with the blood and shit seeping out of my anus and oozed down my balls and over his own daughter's ass.
Suddenly, my orgasm burst into jittery fits, my entire body burning with pleasure and pain and shame. Somehow, I enjoyed my first orgasm, while I was getting fucked in the ass by some crazy son of a bitch and his psycho daughter...
When it was all over, we lay there on the couch, panting. Until finally Tim gently pulled his flaccid cock out of my ass, and gave me a soft pat on the butt.
"That," he said, "was the best fuck I've had in a long fucking time."
Jessie rolled onto her back underneath me. She gave me a tired smile and kissed me, her soft tongue exploring my mouth. "Me too."
Tim was pulling on his pants. "You still want to keep him?" He asked.
Jessie broke the kiss and wiped tears from my eyes. "Yeah. I think so."
"You want me to take him up to our room for later, baby?"
She squirmed. A wicked smile played across her face.
"Oh, yeah!"
"Okay - Hold on to him for a sec."
Jessie wrapped those long legs around my back, her arms around my neck. Her pussy rubbed my cock, and despite me, it stiffened again. She kissed me. I heard Tim move around the house, then a hand grabbed my hair and jerked my head back. I groaned, and Jessie shoved a hard red rubber ball into my mouth, and Tim let go of my hair and buckled the ball gag into place.
Then he picked me up and threw my naked body over his broad shoulder, and easily carried me up the stairs. Jessie followed us. Tim carried me down a hallway and opened a door to a dark room. Tim flicked on the only light, a low-watt bulb high up in the middle of the ceiling. The only window had been covered and boarded, and thick padding covered the walls, ceiling and floor. The middle of the room contained a king size bed with a solid, rod-iron bedframe, the mattress covered in soiled white satin sheets. A dresser was open, with strange leather items spilling out.
Tim tossed me down on the bed. Thick leather cuffs were attached to the four bed posts. I tried to struggle, but he sat on me. Jessie helped, and the quickly had me spread-eagled and buckled in, safe and snug.
Jesse kissed the top of my forehead, and closed the bedroom door. She pulled a black leather riding crop from the dresser, and smacked it into the palm of her hand. She turned back to me with an ugly gleam in her eye.
"Actually," Tim said, "Don't get to cozy. I need to go move his wagon. So I'll leave you two alone for a few minutes so you can get more acquainted. Then when I come back, let's have some more fun."
~ Fin ~