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Wedded into Slavery, Intro and Part 1


Topic: Wedded into Slavery, Intro and Part 1My name is April.  I have been enslaved by a man named Bruce.  Years ago, I was good friends with Bruce, but after the death of my lover, I disappeared from the tavern in which we all lived and worked together.  One night I came back, drunk, and acquiesced to his advances, and agreed to something I never intended to happen.  I agreed to get married.

I am bound, only to leave if he should allow me.  I never before knew he could be so fucked in the April headed downstairs, her well-groomed white-gloved hand skimming along the length of the rail until she found herself at the first story of the tavern.  There she saw Bruce behind the bar, staring right at her, as if he had been expecting her the entire time.  He was dressed in a tux, and stood next to a man in a long black robe.  Bruce had an obvious hard-on accompanying his lustful grin, and when the robed man caught glimpse of April, he too developed a She looked stunning.  Her vibrant skin was highlighted by the vague sheathing of her body.  She wore a stretchy lace and fishnet soft cup bustier, which was pulled taut by the white clips that also held up her soft white stockings.  She toyed at her long, loosely curled blond tresses, which framed her delicately veiled face and fell to the waistband of her white “Well, my beautiful bride, this was the best I could do on such short notice.  You look so sexy, dressed up for She turned slightly red, noticing her well-curved body was on display for not only Bruce, but also a She warily approached them, both of the men hungrily eying her as her breasts bounced slightly with each “Well, April, you have made both of our cocks so hard with your wonderful tits and your shapely body.  You won’t have to fuck both of us today, but you will be fucked.  Let’s hurry this up so that we can consummate our She stood beside Bruce, who did not lovingly take her hand, but hooked his hand inside of her waistband and cupped his hand over the nearest globe of her “Can we hurry this, please, The minister nodded and flipped through the small book he held in his hand before just putting it down on the bar to his side.  “Would you just like to take your Bruce nodded, then looked to April.  “I, Bruce, take thee, April, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to keep for my pleasure, for as long as we both shall He had fed her the vows he wanted her to speak the night before, and had instructed her to memorize them.  A tear trickled down her cheek as she fought with herself, not wanting to speak the boorish words he wished her to speak, knowing she had no “I, April, take thee, Bruce, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to pleasure your cock, to bathe myself in and consume your cum, to service your every whim, to, She hesitated, eliciting a glare from Bruce, who painfully squeezed her ass to inspire her to “To present my body in a whorish fashion, to allow full access to the entirety of my flesh and the depths of my orifices for penetration or any other treatment which you may require, to always ensure that you blow your load, even at the expense of my own pleasure, for as long as we both shall The minister smiled evilly, his erection very obviously twitching underneath the “By the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife, yadda yadda.  Now, go on, love birds, and I shall be on my way.”  He extended his hand to Bruce.  “She’s a hot one.  You’re a lucky son of a Bruce laid April down onto his bed, lavishly covered with black satin, and removed the jacket of his tuxedo, shoes, and socks, tossing them to the side.  The sound of the thump of the shoes against the wall caused her to look over to the side, then she spotted a bottle of champagne in a bucket of ice on the bedside table, along with two champagne flutes, a corkscrew, and an unlabeled Bruce started unbuttoning his shirt, then removed it after loosening his bowtie, shucking those to the side, as well, then rapidly removed his cummerbund, pants, and underwear.  He seemed to be in a pretty big April looked back to him with worry, her eyes locked on his large and hardened “Remove your veil, baby.”  She did so, delicately placing it on the bedside table.  “Good girl.”  He crawled onto the bed, situating himself in a lying position on his side, putting his hand on her stomach.  “I know you’ve already lost your virginity, but I thought you could still wear white because you haven’t yet lost your anal Her eyes grew wide and she took a deep, fearful breath, which made him laugh.  “You vowed, baby.  Every orifice I wish to lavish attention on.”  His hand traveled down her stomach and onto her mons, then over to her hip where he unclipped one of the bands that connected her bustier to her stockings.  He then did the other one, and resituated himself so that he could remove the delicate leggings.  “Don’t worry.  I’ll give your hungry pussy attention, too.  I bet you’re already wet, aren’t you, “Please, I don’t want to do this.”  Her big blue eyes looked up at him “You’ll love it, baby.  And it’s not like it really matters, because you also vowed to make me cum at the expense of your own pleasure. ”  He straddled her, lifting up her bustier, motioning for her to sit up briefly so he could remove it.  Once it was removed, his hands came to her breasts, softly cupping the mounds and moving them in circles.  His eyes closed against the pleasure he got just from enjoying her tits.  His already steel cock stiffened and lengthened even more as it rested against her stomach.  “Ohhh, yeahhh.”  His fingers zeroed in on their pink targets, painfully pinching April’s delicate nipples, making her close her eyes and arc her back as she moaned in “Alright, baby, let’s get these silly panties off,” he spoke, almost in a whisper.  He moved off of her and reached under the small of her back, easing her lower body up as he peeled the g-string from her body, displaying her bare She began trembling, naked save for the gloves on her hands.  “How about some champagne?”  He knew April was a booze hound, so he wasn’t surprised that once he uncorked the bottle and poured their two glasses, she immediately downed her own and half of the bottle.  “That’s okay.  You’re loose when you’re She whimpered softly at the humiliating words he spoke, then put the bottle back on the He watched her in her nude state as he patiently sipped down a few glasses of the alcohol, leaving about a fourth of the bottle left.  He held it up and swirled it a bit to gauge the level left.  “Perfect.”  He turned his visual attention to her again.  “Now, slut, I need you to scoot to the bottom of the bed.”  She hesitated, but did so, not wanting to incur any punishments, at least not on the first day of being a slave.  She was buzzed, no doubt, and, as he had said, much more willing to He got off the bed with the bottle of champagne in hand and moved to the foot of the bed.  “Now, lift up your hips and spread your legs.”  She lifted her pelvis off the bed, bracing her feet on the edge, spread as far as she could in her position.  He smiled softly, reaching forward to swipe his index finger along the length of her pussy slit.  He swiftly found her clit and gently circled it, watching her sway her hips back and forth with a pleasured moan.  “That’s it, whore.”  He moved the bottle neck to her opening and quickly shoved it in, releasing her clit and circling her hips in his arm so he could angle her and let the sizzling liquid seep into her cunt. 
She yelped and whimpered in protest.  It was cold, the feeling of being filled with liquid unexpectedly was uncomfortable, and she protested by squeezing her vaginal walls, and the liquid spilled out, coursing down her ass cheeks and into her ass crack.  “You fucking drunk bitch.”  He smirked.  “You love your fucking drink, don’t you, bitch?  And you love your fucking cunt filled.”
Having gotten used to the feeling, and actually enjoying it, April used one of her arms to hold her legs up, closing them, but spreading the plane of her pussy so Bruce could teasingly pump the bottle neck in and out of her pussy.  “There we go.”
“Mmmm,” she moaned, her eyes shut lightly as her head nuzzled into the plush of the bed.
Bruce lightly slapped at her thighs, and she let them down and splayed them to the side.  He sped up the penetrations into her dripping twat and reached up with his free hand to play with her tits.  “Oh, yeah.”
She whimpered softly, putting her newly freed hand up near her head, baring her body for his pleasure.
When he noticed her pleasure mounting, he let the bottle slip out of her pussy and across her perineum, venturing into the crinkle of her ass.  He stopped playing with her tits so he could restrain her should she try to get away. 
She yelped, her eyes flying wide open.  “Please don’t!”
“Shut up, bitch.  If you’re going to beg at all, it better be for me to use you.”
She shut up, not wanting to egg him on, but she still looked conflicted.  He wasn’t moving the bottle, but he could at any moment.  Her ass muscles were tightening to try to expel it, but he held it in firmly.  “Actually, I like the thought of your begging.  So, whore, go ahead.  Beg me to fuck you.”
“Please, fuck me, Bruce. ”  She was monotonous.
He violently pumped the bottle in her ass several times, then quickly moved it back to her pussy, where he slowly and torturously began pumping her again.  “Say it like you mean it, whore.  You want to cum?”
Now that the bottle was back in her cunt, she enjoyed the feelings again.  The slow, deliberate movements helped her to start mounting her arousal again.  She spoke with renewed fervor.  “Please!  Oh, yes, please fuck me.  Fuck my pussy with the fucking bottle.”
“There we go,” he cooed.  “There you go, baby.”  She started moving her body against the neck of the bottle with a groan, pushing it deeper.  “That’s it.”
Bruce made a few very deep penetrations into her cunt.  “If you want to cum, you have to keep begging, slut.”
“Please, can I cum?”  Her breathing was deepening and speeding up.
“What do you call me?”
“Please, master, can I cum?”  She whimpered softly when he sped up the fucking of her pussy.
“What do you want me to do after you cum, baby?”
She groaned softly, “I don’t know.”
“Yes, you do, bitch.”  He pushed the bottle deep, not moving it.  “You have to beg me.”
“Please, after I cum, can you fuck me in the ass?”  She went red with embarrassment, hoping she had chosen adequate words.
“Of course, baby.”  He started the pumping again.  “And you may cum.”  He sped it up, feeling resistance as her pussy muscles started squeezing back in pleasure.
“Mmmm, ahhhhh,” she moaned, rocking her hips back and forth to help get the bottle deeper.
“Oh, yes, baby,” he groaned, feeling the immense strain in his cock as she fucked the bottle.
“Oh, yeah!” she responded, clutching the bed as he continued to fuck her.
“Yeah, baby,” he cooed, pleased with her performance.
“Mmmm, ohhh yeahhhh!” she called as she came, her muscles clenching tightly onto the bottle.  “Fuck yeah,” she gasped as she slumped back against the bed.
“Mmmmm,” Bruce murmured as he slowly twisted the bottle and pulled it from her cunt.  “Oh, yeah, whore.  What a good girl you are.”  He patted her pussy with pride in his little slut, and she jumped slightly after the intensity of her orgasm.  “Did you like that, whore?”
She whimpered softly in humiliation.  “Yes, master.”
“You ready to get assfucked, slut?”
She groaned softly, “I’m scared, master.”  She bit down on her lip.
“Don’t be scared, baby.  It’s just a cock up your tight little ass.”
“But your cock is so big, master.”  She thought he might like to hear that.
She was right.  His chest swelled with pride and he stroked the length of his large dick a few times.  “I know, baby, and you’re so tight, but we have to do it.  You’re my wife, and you’ve already lost your oral and pussy virginities.  Don’t you want to give your master your anal virginity?”
“Yes, master,” she lied.  “What do I have to do?”
He snaked his hand forward and gave her clit a sharp pinch, making her yelp.  “I need you to get on your hands and knees in the center of the bed.  Since it’s your first time, I promise I won’t hurt you too badly.”
He brought the bottle back over to the bedside table, placing it down, picking up the bottle of oil and mounting the bed.  April had obediently gotten into the position he required of her.
He flipped open the tube of oil and drizzled it onto the crack of her ass, letting it ooze downward, then he rubbed his index finger along the crack, hooking the tip into her asshole.  She groaned in discomfort.
“Oh, yeah,” Bruce said, slipping his finger in all the way.  “Can you tighten on my finger, baby?”  She bore down, increasing the pressure on his finger.  “Oh, yeahhhhhhh,” he responded.  He watched her ass prettily constrict and relax around his finger rhythmically, rubbing one of her ass cheeks to display his pleasure.  “Look at that.  What a dirty little whore.”
April was clenching her teeth, gritting them against the penetrative discomfort in her asshole, merely performing to prevent any sort of punishment from being laid down upon her.  She slammed her head into the bed as she felt a second finger pop into her ass.
“You’re such a good girl.”
“Fuck my ass, please.”  She sounded meek.
“Oh, yeah!” he grinned, pleased to see her going above and beyond what he asked of her.  He wiggled the fingers, then started forcefully moving them from side to side, loosening her.  He then started moving them more quickly, shaking them violently, causing her to arc her back in pain and let out a scream.  “Yeah, baby!”  He pulled them out suddenly, getting up behind her and mounting her.
He slid his raging hard-on into her ass slowly, feeling her jerking and barking in pain.  He used one hand to hold himself up on the bed, leaving the other one free to soothingly stroke along April’s tummy.  “It’s okay, baby.  You’re being very good.  You’re being a very good slut.”
“It hurts, master,” she whined as he continued to slide into her, her body trembling as he was fully in her.
“I know, cunt,” he said, slowly working his dick up and down into her hole, continuing to rub along her stomach.  “It has to be done.”
He pumped a few times, then pushed deep inside of her, relishing in the sounds of her pain.  “Now push it.”  She bore down on his dick, massaging the length of his shaft, making him moan, his eyes squinting shut.  “Yeah, that’s it.”
He pulled out of her, moving his hands to her ass cheeks, pushing down on them to spread them apart and show her gaping hole.  “You want some cock?”
“Uh-huh,” she whimpered, relieved that her ass was empty.
“Say it, bitch.”
“I want your cock up my ass.”
“Yes, please!  Fuck my ass!”
He instructed her to fold one of her arms behind her back.  He pressed down on it, slamming his dick into her ass again.  He pumped her roughly, eventually releasing her arm to grip onto her ass cheeks.  She gained traction by dropping her arm down and gripping onto the bed.
Bruce reached underneath her with both arms, ceasing his pumping so he could flip them over.  He lay down, situating her on top, her feet on his thighs and her hands by his sides.  “Ride my cock.”
She began moving along his dick, aided by his hands propped against her back.  She was whimpering and moaning with pain.  “It’s okay,” he cooed, not really consoling her at all.
He started roughly pounding up into her, yelling louder than she, “I wanna fuck that ass, baby!”
Unsettled by the rough fucking, April’s arms gave way and she fell back against Bruce’s chest.  He continued to fuck her, but slightly gentler, one hand moving down to gently grasp an ass cheek, the other moving to a gyrating breast.  When he squeezed it, April moaned in pleasure, her ass massaging his cock inside of her.  He groaned, throwing his head back, eyes shut.  “Yeah.  Ohhhh, yessss.”
“Ohhh, god,” moaned April, also closing her eyes, surprised to actually feel an oncoming orgasm creeping up on her.
“Yes, baby,” moaned Bruce, lengthening his strokes.
“Oh, yeahhhh,” she responded as she began to shake.
“Oh, fuck yeah!” he cried, quickening his pace as he felt his load loosening in his balls.
“Fuck me!”
“Yeah, baby!”
She started crying out in staccato bursts, letting out a final scream as she came on top of him, clamping down on his dick.  This caused him to swiftly follow with his own orgasm.
“Fuck yeah!” he called as he blew his load into her ass, pounding several times before his dick was limp in her ass.
“What do you say, bitch?”
“Thank you, master.”  She gasped to catch her breath.  “Thank you for fucking my ass.”