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Right out of high school I found a job in small but international airline in Greece. It was a dream job, some days all I had to do was to show up for work and full around in the internet.  Ihad an office at the terminal and I worked alone. My tasks were feelingup paperwork and having brief encounters with curriers and stewardessesthat came to give me papers for themselves or for their cargo.

Twothinks always got me wonder about the airline I was working for. Thefirst was that quite often we used very big airplanes for the size ofthe cargo and the number people we were currying.

Thesecond had to do with the stewardesses. They were handpicked, they werestunningly beautiful and quite a few of them. In my terminal only, Imet at least 40 different girls. The most frequent visitors were 6, Eva,Milena, Wing, Wendy, Korina and Hiroko. I only went in first name baseswith Milena and Eva and the more time I spent with them the more in aweI was of their beauty and sex appeal.

I soon found out firsthand what our core business was and I had to take one for the company.


Filling in for an absent stewardess.

It was a rainy Monday when Milena came in my office in a hurry.

-Georgia we have a problem!

What? I asked in fear that I had screwed up.

-Hirokowas supposed to fly Athens-Istanbul-Brussels today. She just called andtold me that she broke her leg on her way here. She is in the hospitalfor x-rays right now.

-This is bad, Mister Dan is one of our most important flyers and had requested for Hiroko specifically.

Can’t you get someone else to go?

-OhGeorgia, the flight takes off in an hour, we don’t have time to bringanother girl and I have just landed from a 12 hour flight and I cannotfly again until Thursday.

She paused and took a really good look at me.

-Say, Georgia, how old are you? 17?

No, 18 and a half .

-And you have clearance to flight in our airplanes, right?

I see were you going with this, but I am not a stewardess! I wouldn’t know what to do. I want to help but….

-It’sgoing to work great, don’t worry about it! First I will write up you asa passenger. It’s a 5 hours flight. You will take off 8am, When youreach Brussels you are home free. In 5 hours you will back here and in the mean time you will have the airplane all for yourself.

-You will be back for dinner and 3000Euro richer!

-Let’s get you dressed!

Shemade it look so easy. I didn’t want to look ungrateful and say no tosomething that wouldn’t amount to more than 4 hours overtime.


Getting Ready

-Take those pants off! Better yet, take the bra off as well.


-Well, The shirt and skirt look great on you but that underwear is awful.

Idid what Milena told me and removed my underware. She gave me Hirokosuniform and it was a fit. Unwillingly I compared myself with Hiroko andlaughed at the idea that Mister Dan was in for a surprise. Hiroko was aJapanese work of art. Busty but petite with perfect ivory skin and bigbeautiful green eyes. I on the other hand although similar inproportions I was tanned with black hair and brown eyes, not to mentionthe obvious tan lines.

I was tiding my uniform on the mirror when Milena told me to hurry up.

-Mr.Dan has arrived! I will let him know that Hiroko couldn’t come and youjust filling for her. After you will sit very comfortably in thestewardess compartment and wait. If he calls you will go, you willaddress him Mister or Master Dan. He most likely will ask you for adrink or a blanket, “I will tell you where everything is”, you will givehim what he wants and you will leave him.

What if he wants something more from me, can I call you for help? I saw Milena looking at me suspiciously.

-Help!Georgia, you are a big girl and one that doesn’t say no. If Mister Danasks you something of you he will make it very clear how he wants itdone and judging from your persona Georgia… you will probably end upliking it.

Shewas yelling because of the engine noise. I couldn’t help thinking thatthe subject she had in mind when I told about asking for her help wasvery different than mine.

-Mister Dan is on board. I told him what happened and I believe that youwill have a quit trip. By the looks of him he will sleep all the way toBrussels, he was at an all night party at the Great Bretania Hotel and Iguarantee to you that he hasn’t had any sleep. So, remember what I toldyou and don’t be afraid!

She had noticed I was shaking from the cold air and my excitement!


Meeting Mr.


Igot to my compartment and buckled my seat belt for takeoff. Mister Danwas in his chambers tacked away from Milena. The airplane door closedand in 18 minutes we were airborne and on our way to Istanbul.An hour later we landed just to take a box and leave for Brussels. Whenthe pilot let us know that we could leave our seats Mr. Dan called forme.

Iwas really nervous; I opened the door of a very luxurious compartment.He was lying back on a chair with his hands behind his head, I saw thathe had been drinking scotch.

-What is your name again?

Georgia Sir… I mean Mr. Dan…

-Inmy suitcase you will find a grey suit and a matching pair of shoes.Leave the suit on that chair and polish the shoes. I want them sopolished that I can use them as mirrors, you understand?

Yes Mr. Dan.

-And something else.


-Be very quite!

Yes, Mr. Dan!

YeaI thought to myself. “He will be sleeping all the way and the difficultjob he asked me to do was a piece of cake for me“. I used to shine myfathers and grandfathers shoes, so something I used to hate doing willactual come handy.

Movingin the tip off my toes I opened his suitcase and left the grey suit onthe next to it. Then I sat on the airplane floor and start polishing theshoes. The tight skirt was getting on the way of me being comfortableso I pulled it up and I end up sitting butt naked on the floor. I wasvery concentrated on my job but I couldn’t help feeling my pussytwitching as it was rubbing against the high quality soft cover.

Iwas fighting well over an hour and I had finally finished. I placed thelaces back on the shoes , I left them under the chair and got up. I wasvery happy with my performance and now I was going to exit very slowlyand wait for the landing.


Mr.Dan was awake and Horny

-DON’T pull your skirt down! He said harshly and my blood froze in my veins.

Iturned around only to see him awake, staring at me with a vicious lookand his hand stoking the most massive cock I had ever seen.

“I am so sorry Mr. Dan I didn’t mean to wake you up!!”

-You didn’t, but what I saw stopped me from sleeping again.

-Iwas looking at you for quite some time and was wondering what kind ofgirl could replace Hiroko. I saw your exposed ass while shining my shoeson the floor with your ass and I want ask you what kind of girl wouldgo on her job without wearing any panties.

You saw that Sir? I said full of embarrassment.


-Take the shoes and come stand here next to me!

AsI moved next to him I realized that I was a bit afraid too. Embarrassedthat I got caught with my rear exposed, and afraid of what this couldmean about my job. On the other hand I couldn’t stop looking in awe hisimmense cock.

MasterDan took one shoe from my hand. He examined it and then I saw himbringing the toe of the shoe between my legs and rubbing it on my cunt.We both saw the wet patch I left on the shoe.

-Did cleaning my shoes made you horny, Georgia? Because your little cunt is dripping.

YesSir… I mean NO Mr. Dan… I got aroused because the soft floor cover wasrubbing against my skin. That was not totally true. The situation, myembarrassment and his huge cock was making me horny but I didn’t want totell him that.

-You got horny by sitting on the floor, is that what you are telling me?

Yes, Mr. Dan, I am sorry.

-You came onboard without any panties right?

Yes Sir.

-Do you at least wear a bra?

No, Sir I dont.

-Saw me.

Iopened my shirt revealing my breasts to him. He was looking greedily atmy private parts and my embarrassment and arousal grew. His huge cockwas just inches away from me swinging and my mouth was feeling was spitjust by looking at it. I wanted to tell him “Just Let me hold that foryou hunk” but other thinks was on the line for me now. I had to wait forhis decision.

As if he was reading my mind he spoke.


Doing it with Master Dan

-I see what has happened here;

He seated up on the chair and grubbed my pussy hard.

-They replaced a high-end & high-priced call girl like Hiroko with a cheap slut.

-It’svery early to say that the company is screwing me but this time I willtake their offer and I will screw you. If you don’t do it very often,fucking a slut can be very rejuvenating.

Screwing? Fucking a slut? Was he talking about me? I asked in disbelief.

Hegot on his feet, his mouth was covered my left nipple and his fingerswere deep inside my pussy. He pushed me away and told me to take off allof my clothes and drop on all fours.

Hegot naked. He went to the bar and opened a bottle of jack Daniels. Hedrunk from the bottle and came to me, he made me stand on my knees andput his cock inside my mouth and ordered me to suck.

I did suck him good. He kept drinking from the bottle, pouring down on my throat and face fucking me.

WhileI was looking at him a noticed I sense of ownership over me and vileindifference to me as a person. I was confused but I prepared myself tobe fucked.

Whenhe was satisfied fucking my mouth he dropped me belly down. I got inall fours waiting for him. I looked at him walking around on the cabin.His white masculine body was shining from sweat. He opened anotherbottle and turned around and looked at me. His massive cock swiveledaround looking rock hard. He had a sip, put on a condom and came overme. He grabbed me by the shoulders and lowered himself  behind me. His cocks tip touched my pussy opening and with one thrust he buried it deep inside me.

AAAAhhhhhh, OH MY GOD, I yelled.

He kept thrusting like a machine for minutes that seemed like hours and I was yelling still.

My young pussy never had a cock so big inside me and so fast, I just couldn’t help myself.

-Are you gonna cum for me you little slut? He whispered in my ear and stopped moving with his cock deep inside me.

-Are you? He pulled out and nailed himself in me again.


Hebanged away and a few thrust later I was shivering and shaking from themost submissive and more liberating orgasm I ever had.

He pulled out off me and got me to stand on my knees again.

-I am gonna cum on your mouth and you gonna swallow it all like a good slut, OK Georgia?

Yes Master Dan!

I removed the condom and started giving him head.

-You like cum Georgia?

I didn’t know what to say because I never had it before.

-Well do you?

I nodded yes anyway.

-I’m Cumming, WHORE! Open your mouth I wanna see it all inside!

He pulled his cock out in front of my open mouth and he was fapping.

Icould see the tension on his body and almost read it when he releasedthe first stream of white goo on my tongue. He kept coming, filling mymouth and my chin.

When he was done he took a good look at his work and closed my mouth.

-Swallow it babe. But I couldn’t do it all at once.

Icleaned his cock and he told me it was ok to get up and get dressed.But he changed his mind immediately. Now he didn’t want me to wear anyclothes or wipe his goo of my face. I stood by the bar looking at himgetting dressed. When he was ready he laid back to the chair I first sawhim and he looked at me standing like the first time.

The pilot announced that we would be landing in Brussels in 20 minutes. What could he do to me in 20 minutes?

Upto that point and despite my violent fucking I thought he was a prettyneat guy. 18 minutes before landing I saw a shine in his eye. He askedme to turn around, bend over and hold my butt chicks apart.

Quicklyhe came next to me and he looked me in the eyes but his cock was stillin his clean trousers. He took a bottle of Smirnoff vodka and rubbed iton my cunt all the way up my spine to the back of my neck. He poured thecontent on my head, my back and my butt. For a moment I feared he mightset me on fire but  he had other ideas. He slidthe bottle down behind my asshole and pushed the mouth of it inside.Although it went neatly in I yelled and cried like never before and hecouldn’t care less.

Heturned and pushed it in and out a few times, he made me drink from thebottle after pulling out and send to sit naked to the stewardessescompartment. He was laughing all the way.

Minutes later we touched down.

Master Dan left and a beatifull employ from our company came in the airplane.

-Georgia? She asked.

-Milena told me to check up on you.

-You can get dressed now, its over.

- I hope Mr Dan was not too hard on you. She said after seeing me holding my butt open.

She help me got comfortable and told me that in 3 hours I would be in Athens in Milenas care.

That was good knews.

I slept all the way to Athens. Milena picked me up took me home for a good bath and more sleep.

They never asked me what happened but I did learn that Master Dan never raised an issue about our services.