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Dreams come true Part 2


When we got to the bedroom we lay on the bed talking whilst we were cooling down from what we had been doing, “So Sue just what sexual things have you done so far with your boyfriend Sam so far” 
“My ex boyfriend remember? I dumped him last week because he was such a selfish boy.” 
“In what way was he selfish to you Sweetheart?” I asked her. 
“Well he always expected me to give him a blow job, which I must admit I love doing as I have always liked the taste of cum, ever since tasting yours years ago, but he would never offer to lick my pussy because he said it was a disgusting thing for a boy to do.” 
I said to her “That is because Sweetheart he is just a boy and does not know what he is missing out on, he will find out one day. Me however have just tasted your pussy and found it to be the most sweetest I’ve tasted since the time I first tasted yours years ago and I can honestly say that I like licking pussies almost as much as fucking them.” 
“Thank you Uncle you can lick my pussy anytime you want and after next week,” she said gripping my very stiff cock, “you will be able to fuck your little niece with this lovely big cock whenever you want also.”Sue began sucking my cock with great passion so I began trying to manoeuvre her legs into straddling my body in the 69 position. Sue soon got the idea and lowered herself near my face. I located her clit and began sucking and gently chewing on it. This drove her wild with pleasure and she began moaning and sucking my cock with even more passion and I soon realised that she was not far off having an orgasm, and to make this even more pleasurable for her I put my finger inside her pussy and got it wet and then holding her butt cheeks apart I slipped it right inside her butt and began fingering it whilst continuing to suck on her clit, Sue took her mouth from my cock to cry “Oh! Uncle I love your finger in my arse, you can put another finger in if you want as it really turns me on and went back to sucking my cock with great passion so I wet another finger and then slipped the 2 fingers inside her arse right up to my knuckles and then began pumping them in and out whilst continuing to chew on her clit. and then without warning she did something that I was not expecting, she put her hand between my legs and located my arse and stuck one of her fingers right up inside me and when her finger rubbed against my prostrate this was just too much for me and I just exploded with cum inside her mouth, this along with my fingers pumping her arse must have sent her over the edge because she came explosively in my mouth and squirted her love juices all over my face the taste of which and what her finger was doing to my arse made me  cum more than I have ever cum before which had the added affect of making her cum even more.  
As we lay their afterwards drenched in sweat “Sue said “That was fantastic Uncle I have never, ever cum like that before on my life.” 
“Me neither Sweetheart, where did you learn to do that with your finger in my arse it just felt fantastic?” 
“I read about it in some book that most men are very sensitive in that spot and that it makes men cum more when it is fingered.” 
“Well it certainly worked for me, that’s for sure.” 
Sue then said, “I am really looking forward to next week when you will fuck me and make a real woman of me but I must admit I am a little scared because your cock is so long and fat and my pussy is so small and tight, the biggest thing that has been inside it is your finger, you will be gentle with me won’t you?”“Of course I will Sweetheart and because I have made love to a virgin before I know how to be gentle and to make it very special for you, and though it may hurt for a short time I promise you once the pain has passed you will feel nothing but pleasure and you will want to do fuck again and again.” 
“Well I have been thinking, although I usually pleasure myself most days, I’m not going do anything to myself at all, so by the time next week comes I will be so horny that I probably won’t feel the pain so much.” 
“Fair enough,” I replied, “in that case I will forgo my usual daily pleasure and save up all my cum for you but I warn you there will be a lot of it.” 
“Yes that will be great and you can fill my pussy up with all that cum when you take my virginity.” 
“Well as much as I would like to, I don’t know if that would be a good idea as I probably would end up getting you pregnant and that would not be a good idea at your young age.” 
“Oh! You don’t have to worry about that because when Alice and I started getting interested in boy’s even though we had promised Mum we would wait until we were 18 she made us go on the pill as a precaution, mind you even though I am on the pill unless I really knew the guy I still wouldn’t let him do anything without using a condom, but I know you don’t sleep around so I know you are ok.” 
“Thanks Sweetheart, it is because I don’t like using condoms that is why I don’t sleep around as I would be too scared of catching something, so you are a very sensible girl as you can’t be too careful in this day and age, I just hope your sister thinks the same.” 
“Yes she does but I don’t have to worry about her just yet because like me she intends to stick to her promise and wait until she is 18 next year before having sex and who knows maybe you will get to fuck her and take her virginity too?”  
“Mmm! I must say that would be very nice thing to happen because as you know I love you both equally but only time will tell but a year is a long time in the life of a teenage girl. I think now though we had better get you cleaned up and I will drop you back home, and because you are having a party on your birthday next Friday how about I take you out shopping for a nice evening dress on Saturday and you can wear it in the evening when I will take you out for a meal at a very special restaurant where there is music and dancing for your birthday and then we can come back here and continue where we have just left does that sound alright to you?” 
“That will be great Uncle; I haven’t got anything suitable to wear to a place like that and I will ask my friend Carol who is a hairdresser to style my hair for me and also ask her to do my makeup so that I will not feel  out of place when I get there.” 
The following Saturday I took Sue to the Mall and we went in this exclusive ladies shop and I explained to a very nice assistant called Sandra about the place I was taking my niece for her birthday and told her how much I wanted to spend and that I would leave Sue in her capable hands whilst I went to the coffee shop and read my newspaper and if she called me on my mobile when she was finished I would come back and settle up the bill. Sandra told me she had been to the same restaurant a couple of times and she had 2 or 3 dresses that would be very appropriate for the occasion and any one of them would leave enough change from the amount I had quoted to buy some accessories if that was ok. 
That’s fine I told her use the full amount if you need to so as to make Sue feel right for the occasion and went off for my coffee. 
About 1½ hours and 3 cups of coffee later and having read my paper back to front and done the crosswords, my mobile finally rang so I went back to the shop only to find Sue with 3 or 4 bags some from different shops in the Mall. Carol explained to save me the bother of traipsing round the other shops she would charge for it all and settle up with them afterwards and also said with a laugh that there was still enough change to pay for all the coffee I must have drunk while waiting, just! but it would be worth it on the night she said to me with a smile, either Sue had said something or Carol was a very astute young lady. 
I dropped Sue off and said I would pick her up at 7.30 as the table was booked for 8 o’clock. 
She told me not to bother as she had arranged with Sandra her hairdresser friend to drop her off at the restaurant so she could make an entrance with her, hopefully, sophisticated appearance. 
At 5 minutes to 8 sitting at the table, I am anxiously looking at my watch when in walked this vision of loveliness her long blonde hair was piled high on her head in a very chic fashion and she was wearing this low cut long black dress with a long split up the side  almost to her waist that showed off her very shapely thigh as she walked and this was complimented by a gold chain around her waist, a gold coloured evening bag and a matching pair of gold high heel shoes that made her at least 2 inches taller. With the subtle make up she was wearing the entire effect made her look like a sophisticated woman of about 21 and not a 18 year old teenager. 
I was gobsmacked and as I stood up to greet her as she made her way across the restaurant floor I noticed the eyes of practically every man in place turn to look at her with lust in their eyes and who can blame them.As she reached me she said in a loud enough voice for most of the restaurant to hear, “Hello Darling I hope I haven’t kept you waiting too long.?” 
As I gave her a quick kiss and a hug I said in an equally loud voice, “Of course not Sweetheart but you are well worth waiting for.”As we sat down I looked around and I could tell that most of the men were probably thinking ‘What a dirty lucky old bastard, he must be loaded to get a woman like that’ which of course I wasn’t. 
After we had got the champagne I had ordered for the occasion whilst we were looking at the menus I said to her, “You look really gorgeous and I’m sure that you could have practically any man in this room at a mere snap of your fingers.” 
“Don’t worry” she said laughingly whilst stroking my cheek, there’s only one man whose bed I will be sharing tonight and I’m looking at him.” The guy at the next table upon hearing this nearly chocked on his food and his wife just glared at him.  
“He won’t be getting any tonight” I thought, unlike me.After a great meal and some fine wine Sue wanted to have a dance whilst waiting for our desert, as we were dancing my hand brushed across her butt and I could not feel any panty line so I whispered to her, “Tell me Sweetheart are you wearing any thing beneath this gorgeous dress it sure doesn’t feel like it.” 
“Well” she whispered back teasing me, “you will just have to wait until later to find out won’t you unless of course you want to take me to the restroom and check me out.”