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Peeped final part


Peeped final part by Handsome Deville

I had not taken more than a couple of steps when from across the street:
“Anthony, Anthony over here.” To my absolute joy there were two females waving at me. One of them was of course my cousin Samantha but I was not sure who the other one was. I waved back anyway and ran over to them.
“Hello Sam you look rather lovely.” And we embraced each other as the unknown person looked on.
“This is my friend Emily from work she was simply dying to meet you.” I stopped cuddling my cousin for a moment and shook Emily’s hand.
“I am very pleased to make your acquaintance young Emily.” and I took a hold of her hand and shook it. She smiled at me and I suddenly felt a bit foolish like I had forgotten something of importance but couldn’t quite remember what it might be.
“I have heard sooo much about you Anthony. Can I call you Anthony or do you prefer Tony?” She was quite a looker and from what I could make out by following the contours as best I could from under her coat she was rather chesty. Which was nice.
“I prefer Tony, but you can call me what ever the hell you like.” I said to her whilst imbuing my statement with, I hoped some humour.
“Shall we go straight to the house or have you anything else planned?” Asked Samantha and as she said that her friend started elbowing her by way of some sort of prompt.
“Oh yes we were rather hoping that we might both stay with you for the next four or five days at the house if that is OK.” Emily blushed quite visibly and looked away from my gaze at that moment. She was really very attractive and there was no way that I would not let her stay at the house.
“Yes of course that is OK. The more the merrier. I hope you won’t mind sharing my bed the both of you.” And we all three laughed but my jocularity was based on the absolute assumption that not only would they share my bed they would also be sharing my cock in a very short while.
“Mum are you in?” I called out as I let the three of us into the house. Nothing not a sound was heard, save the faint ticking of the clock on the wall in the hallway.
“She must have gone out again” And turning to Samantha I said something along the lines of leave their stuff in the bedroom and would they like me to sort the hot water out for them to have a bath or shower or whatever.
“Oh thank you Tony if it’s alright with you I would like to shower please” said Emily. I dropped their suitcases and bags and ran to the emersion cupboard to ensure the water was switched on, and on my return they were both underneath my duvet with grins like proverbial Cheshire Cats on their smug little faces.
“Oh yes and what is going on then?” I asked half expecting them to throw the duvet back and reveal it was a joke and they were still dressed underneath but no. In fact they did throw back the duvet but they were both naked underneath it and looked good enough to eat then fuck. Or maybe fuck then eat? I wasn’t sure.
“What are you suggesting then ladies?” I asked rhetorically whilst unclipping my belt to allow my trousers freedom to drop to the floor. Then slipping my pants down revealing my half cocked penis.
“Well some of that would be nice cousin.” said Samantha who was now having her ear lobe chewed by Emily. Within three seconds of my strides being around my ankles they were off and my cock was inside of my cousins mouth.
“Mmmfff slurp slurp…..I think it has grown since last time honey bunney”
I was now fully entwined kiss wise with Emily whose nipples were sticking out like “Chapel tent pegs” to coin the phrase.
“I am so wet please fuck me Anthony” said Emily as I came up for air from kissing her. Never one to shirk my responsibilities and not wanting to keep the lady waiting I was happy to oblige and without as much as my finger entering her twat by way of foreplay lubrication I rammed home my penis.
And I fucked her and then pulled out before fucking Samantha blah blah blah

The End