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My auntie MILF sorry Edith


_________________ My aunt has no idea what a milf is _____________________

Well that's my belief. I'm Freddy - Fucking Freddy to my mates,but Fingers Freddy in my family. The fingers bit? - Oh that's because as a kid I tended to jab my finger into any mix being made for a meal to see what it tasted like. Bloody burnt my fingers sometimes because the concoction was near boiling,like Jam or Chutney.

Anyway,old habits die hard and now with hormones raging,I've adapted to another requirement. Namely touching up,okay,girls seem to either get pissy or giggle as I go for a feel. But my mind is on bigger fish! I'm talking about my aunt. She's heading for forty I think,but her tits are about that number in inches and her ass as well. Now that's the thing. Oh yeah,I've gagged after getting a good thigh or cleavage look. But I wanted a feel,a real feel,especially of those tormenting ass cheeks and who knows perhaps even her pussy.

My aunt wasn't nieve,well not all that much,as was proved when I managed a press of my fingers into her ass crack thro' her dress one day. - "Oye Freddy fingers,you can stop that straight away,that's not in a bowl" - 'Course I threw a dummy of innocence,but she knew I'd stuck my fingers in purposely. I clocked a smile after though,so assumed she wasn't that pissy. Time would tell, if she turned and told my mum. But nothing came of it,so I decided that was an okay signal.

What just happened was manic,but let me take you back a couple of days. - On that day I crashed thro' the back door of aunty's and found her at the top of a step ladder which suited me fine as I could see up her thighs. I waited below her, -taking in the scenery if you get me. She was on full stretch cleaning the strips of a louvre type blind. Stretching farther to the side than she should have with one foot lifted outwards for counter balance. I embraced the improved view at my leisure. - Fuck it can't be,a thong at her age? - Well that's what I assumed anyway. Then without warning the steps wobble,only for a moment. My aunt made a grab at the step top rail to steady herself and in turn I grabbed at her to stop her from falling. - Honest to god,it was pure instinct. - But my grab had my hands up her dress and gripping at her ample ass below her hips.

Her shock I like to think was the fear of falling not my fingers on her naked skin. My finger instinct of old kicked in and I eased my grip and started smoothing her ass in circles, - The rubbery effect made my cock harden,but as my aunt just stood at the top,I asked, - "You okay up there?" - "Yeah,give me a moment to recover myself and I'll just finish what I was doing" - No mention of my fondling so I continued,one palm going clockwise and the other anti-clockwise.

"Oye, Freddy! Oye,you! You listening,I'm coming down for awhile,that don't need rubbing,I never fell" - I reluctantly desisted and slid my hands away. - "One day somebodies going to chop those fingers of yours off" - another smile. We had a coffee and she talked about getting up the steps to finish what she was doing. - "I'll do it if you like!" - "No.I know how to do it properly" - Another smile, - "Anyway,I've had enough shocks for one day,I wouldn't want another like the one you gave me just now" - "Accident,it was,I thought you would fall!" - A knowing smile, - "Those fingers of yours nearly made me" - She ascended the steps to finish,but telling me not to put my hands back to where I had them. I was up for this but it wasn't to be,just as she reached the louvre - Aye-up, watch it here's big Frank coming in. - Big Frank is her husband as little Frank is her son. - I moved away slightly,in guilt really.

For that instant I was really pissed off,because I had every intention of having another feel. Now Big Frankie took over,in an instant he moved on his wife slipping his hand up her leg I heard... No saw his hand slap her ass cheek - as his arm lifted her dress high enough to show the cheek as he slapped it. "Frank! We have family,behave!" - Big Frank looking at me,now sat down - "High kiddo,bet you're off home aye? Got a bit of business to attend to with your aunt Ede here" - What a shit,I knew the business he refered to was a good shag,probably before she came down off the steps.

Reluctantly I said cheerio,realising it could have been me fucking her as far as I was concerned. Lucky old bastard!... Alright,I know its his wife,but who knows she might be prepared to share it about a bit. Well,she might! I reasoned... A couple of days later and several wanks over my aunt Ediths ass cheeks I was back. Cheekily I went for it. "Hey aunt Ede,I bet you didn't finish those slats the other day" - "What makes you think that?" - Grinning broadly I chirpily replied, - "Big Frankie had something different in mind I think" - My aunt visibly blushed - "N-o-o! It was about little Frank,that was what was on his mind" - "What about Little Frankie?" - Straight out she shot it into me, "Oh! Some girl came to the door claiming he'd knocked here up" - "Has He?" - "He said it could be anybodies" - "Who?" - "OH! Jean or Jeanette I think" - Shit I knew who she meant I reckoned,but played dumb, - "Oh... Did the blind get finished?" - Swept from her mind now, - "The blind??? Oh,No... her mind tripped back bringing a super smile - No,forgot in the hurry" - I didn't press her about the hurry.

That was two days ago,my mind was on NOW!!! - "We could do it now if you want" - I can only describe her smile as dirty, - "Oh no you don't,I know what you've got in your mind,NO! NO! NO! I'll never go up those steps again with you around, NEVER! NEVER! NEVER!" - I pressed cheekily on, - "It made you all funny what happened?" I asked, - "Not funny fall off,but funny!!! She went round and round in the air with her palms. - "I promise, I wont do that to you,I promise! - "Promise?" - I hoping but doubting if she would,as she said, - "I hate stuff not being finished,I will but I mean it, NO SMOOTHING MY BUM MIND!"

Steps retrieved,up she went and she finished the last slats before I made my move. "Aunt,you know your legs are perfect" - It wasn't a lie,her legs going from ankles up to her thighs were perfect. As if she knew what was coming she took hold of the step ladder rail. "Remember what I told you,don't you dare touch my bum!" - I didn't,I kept my word,as I slid my hands up the front of her thighs. She let a faint gasp out, - "Fingers,please don't you'll get caught again" - "Tell me if you see Big Frank coming" - Not a sound in reply as in shock I felt my aunts naked belly against my fingers, - Thong? No thong,just bare skin. I pressed my face against her covered ass and searched around her groin and belly area. I couldn't feel any pubes,yet I could feel the top of a pussy slit.

I pulled at this groove until I felt the moisture in it,the delectably softness of her inner lips parting so softly as my aunt spread her thighs as much as the steps would allow, - "OMG,you're making me go wobbly again,let me come down,please let me down" - I appeared to move away for her to descend,but as soon as she had put one leg down a step,I closed back up to her and could now feel her pussy stretching apart enough for me to feel her properly. She seemed to except now that I was able to masterbate her properly,as not only was her quim now very wet,but I had no trouble feeling under her hood at her clitoris. With my face sideways against her bum cheeks I could feel her fucking at my fingers.

Then she started making little sexy gasping noises, - "Don't try to do me,please don't,do you know that girl Frankie has been doing? Oh God,I aught to stop this" - By now my fingers were inside her vagina exploring every crook,cranny,ripple and opening and she was fucking herself off on my fingers as she orgasmed. Although completely on another planet,she staggered off the steps and flopped into the chair. - "I wanted to do what Big Frankie did the other day" - "I know! I know! But he'd have caught you,its only that the old boy next door stopped him for a chat... He's right outside" - Now composed,just in time as Big Frankie came thro' the door as I sat hiding my rampant hardon. - "High kiddo,you got the hots for your aunt or something,see the steps are out again Ede" - I went as red as a beetroot. - "See Ede,he has he fancies you" - "Stop your teasing Frank,you're making the poor lad embarrassed,the things you say sometimes!"

I sat petrified that he'd feel aunts pussy and find out what we'd just been up too. But no,he was on an altogether different wavelength thank goodness. - "You'll love this Edith,just got a real big rise today,must be my charm when I see the female cashier on paydays. Guffle! Guffle! Bet she loves me really,like old fingers Freddie here with you" - "Leave him alone you bully" - He did. Thank goodness. Now aunty's a whole different thing,I really don't want her to leave me alone... Tomorrow maybe the day!! I Hope so!!