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Exploring sex old style.


Kids will play.

It was our most discussed subject, WANKING! We,that is me and Terry my mate admitted to one another that our aim in life was to shoot off. We had together wanks and both admitted to spending much time alone trying to wank until we had shot our sperm. Neither of us had matured to that stage,although we both found that with much friction from our pumping hand a sort of juicy fluid gradually became white as we pounded away with our clenched fists.

I'd made comments to Terry as I had no sister's. Did he think we'd get better results if we get his sister and her mate to wank us,especially if they'd show us their tits or even perhaps their pussies while they were wanking us. He conceded his sister was a far more mature girl than her mate,but playing with our cocks? Well,In his opinion,they were so wrapped up in themselves he doubted if he'd even get a girlie giggle from either of them if he broached the subject with them.

He boldly claimed on this day that he'd mentioned it to his sister,but I had my doubts... Then a change took place. With my cock so hard it felt like it was about to burst - the aching was almost distracting my wank - while my fist pumped so fast and hard that my foreskin felt ready to strip itself clear from my stiffness,my first orgasm accompanied by shots of semen flying in all directions happened. I sat on the toilet now watching my purple cum covered cocks head pulsing in time with my fast pumping heart. 'That's it! I've cum off with real spunk pumping powerfully from the eye of my cock.

My only thought now was to go round and tell Terry. I did just that and he said,sis' and her mate is upstairs,shall I let them know? This made me wonder if he had in fact told his sister about them trying to get us to spunk. Parents out,we went up to let him break the good news, - Or rather,we thought it was! - Typical brother like, he just burst through his sisters door,causing a screech from both of them as they were short on clothes, - "Stupid sod,you should have knocked,bursting in like that you two might have got an eye full.

Having no sisters I considered I had anyway. They both had only panties and bras' on. With clothes spread around,they were clearly trying each other's clothes on. "Ah! Can't see anything anyway. - Here keep your pants on around John now,he can make you pregnant already" - "That all!! buzz off and leave us alone,we're not interested!" - In that moment,having deflated my ego. Saying nothing,I still thought, 'Fucking cocky cow,just 'cause girls can't cum - as I thought then - bet it would shake her if I got to stick my cock up her cunt and made her pregnant first time!'

Terry said, - "Come on,fuck 'em. Clothes is all they think about,dumb cow's" - That was an end to it,or so I thought... Only, weeks later and many excited wanks,each repeating my semen experience was pissing Terry off,because he'd not had any success. We went to our usual haunt over the cow field, - Well what was a cow field,but had been taken over by a brick making company that quarried there. We had gone over,because my grandfather who worked there had mentioned to my gran, - "blasting today so don't jump out your skin when the blast goes off"

To me this was plumb information to be kept truly to ourselves and close in friends Terry's sister and her mate for instant. Unlike now,then with the regular dropping of bombs,people never even thought of kids getting hit by flying rocks which is the very thing that attracted us. - Not getting hit you understand,No! We argued bline after, as to which rock was seen to go highest and where it landed. So as always we were well early,so we now just pissed about tormenting the girls in a friendly sort of way.

Then Terry's day went tits up, - "TERRY! TERRY! Over here now I need you! - It was his mum, In no time he was back, - "Shit,she's sent me on an errand,I bet I miss the bang. Fucking cow" - Sister and mate,with hands to mouth in shock - "God,you called mum a cow,if she found out she'd do for you!" - "Oh! Shut your fucking mouth,its alright for you,you'll be here for the bang,it'll be weeks before there's another" - Of he went and there was no way I was going to volunteer to accompany him on the chore.

Stating the obvious,his sister said, - "Our Terry's upset,never mind,he'll get over it! Hey you, John! We've been talking about you" - Hand's to mouths and close in whispering with jogging/giggling with each other, - "Yeah John! Sonia, - sister got a jab,'Its you not me' giggle! giggle! - Sonia wants to ask you something" - Jad! Jab! -Sister continued, - "Okay,we wondered! No! We wanted to see you,you know CUM!!!" Hee! Hee! - "With our Terr' gone off,would you let us see it,you know cum off?" - Boldly,I interjected, - "What with you doing it for me!! Giggle,push Giggle - If you did,we'd make it happen before the bang so we don't miss it, - the bang"

As an after thought, - "I'd cum even quicker if you showed me yours while you wank it" - Sisters shy mate Sonia stood up proudly - "Alright then,here's mine" - she hiked her dress up and pulled her knicker's to one side, - Boing,I had an instant hardon, - "Go on then,get it out,we'll take it in turns to wank while the other one shows you her pussy, Promise you won't try to put it in us,because we might get pregnant!" - "I won't,I'll just sit here and let you do it to me" - So having got my hardon out,they moved in close and started touching my knob until shy girl gripped round it and started wanking me - balls solid as rocks were exposed as she wanted the full bunch to look at. - "Get your pussy out for him,he's already seen mine" - Sister admonished her mate, "That wasn't really a look, - Up went her skirt and down went her knickers - my cock throbbed as she stuck her pussy inches from my eye's - that's how he wants to see them,It is John,that's what you meant,isn't it?"

My mouth now dry and my cock wet,she got only a dry gurgled affirmative. - "Go on Soni'' take yours off and let me wank him for a bit as you really show him it" - I was getting worried that I'd shoot before I got a real good look at her pussy. In an instant,pussy was back in my face. Then they both took over,pussy ignored,it was plain to see by my jerking body that I was getting near. They homed in each side of my legs waiting for the moment. I had their hands jostling to wank me, until with a dreadful bang the earth shook and my cum shot from the end of my cock straight into the shy girls face and hair as the quarry explosion had caught her off guard and jerking forward with shock she placed her face right in the firing line of my cum. - "You fucking dirty fucker,you done that on purpose. You intended to squirt spunk all over her,you rotten sod,after we let you see our cunts!!"

But they never let go of my cock while appearing to be so shocked! - "What are we supposed to use to wipe it off her?" - A flash of genius, - "Her pants,use her pants" - What and put them on after with all your wet stuff in them?"- "No,just leave them off,anyway,Terry il' be really pissed,not seeing the bang or your quims" - "Stupid,she can show hers,but he can't look at mine,I'm his sister" - "What! You have to show him yours as well,I'm not showing mine on my own,anyway,I can't put my drawers back on" -" Why not?" - Stupid,his spunk will make me pregnant" - "Me stupid,its got to go inside your pussy,that's why its long like that to push it right up there or it won't knock you up" - "You don't know that for sure,I'm playing safe and letting my pussy stay naked" - "Oh god,here's your brother coming,he'll be really pissed if you don't let him see it,anyway we've both got them uncovered,so that won't take long"

Terry arrived, - "What happened,with the bang?" - "He shot spunk all over her face,dirty fucker" - Terry was gutted, - "What he showed you it cumming?" - "No stupid,we made it cum,we wanked it off and he cum off ever so quick because we let him see ours" - "Aw Fuck,that's typical,I missed the lot" - "Not the lot,she's wearing no knicker's and said she wants to show you her pussy" - Liar,I said no such thing!" - "Make your minds up,lets see yours as well, how about you wank me as well,like you did John's" - Sister was on it like a flash, - "No point is there,you said you can't shoot off yet" - "I might,if you two are wanking me with your cunts pushed in my face" - Clearly they too had enjoyed the excitingexperience because they conceded and got near him and in fact pulled his cock out themselves.

Playing with it some,surprisingly his sister showed him her quim first and he started lifting his ass off the grass as shy girl Sonia pulled at his cock, - "Get so I can see both of you" - They did and kneeling high on their knees,they reached to wank him, - If you let John feel you,I'm sure I'll shoot off for real this time. - With doubt in her eyes his sister looked at me then opening her knees on the grass I put my fingers in for my first feel of Terry's sister's pussy. I was shocked,it was soaking and juicy,I pulled my fingers out to show Terry, - "Put it back,stupid" catching my hand as I did,do it on there,I felt a hard little lump, - "Yeah! That bit,rub that part until I say stop" - I did and loved how her hips seemed to be girating as her pussy chased my finger, - "You going to cum yet,I've got to let go!" - "Soni' You wank him,John's finger is making me go really strange" - "Don't lie Joy,I've heard you having an orgasm when you do it yourself" - "I know you listen,but this is different,its a man doing it,and he can cum" - "Bitch" Let me feel yours Soni' I'm sure I'll shoot off if I do. See that would fuck your opinion up,wouldn't it?" - Sonia lifted her self enough for Terry to look and touch her pussy. She too started girating on his fingers. Terry took over wanking himself, as Sonia also lost her stroke into a completely erattic movement.

Joy pumped herself off until she'd finished cumming,just as Terry shot,not an enormous amount of cum in a slinging glob towards his sister. It stuck right on her exposed pubes, - "Dirty fucker,I'm your sister,you shouldn't cum over your sister" - "To late now Joy,rub it in your hairs and enjoy it" - "Don't get any ideas about that because you can cum now" - We looked at her intensely - "No,he, you can try on Sonia,but he's my brother!!" - To be honest,Terry was excited that he'd cum as well and I'm sure it never occured to him what his sister had just implied. - "Hey Sonia,I haven't a clue where any rocks fell have you?" - Sonia had just finished an almighty orgasm. - "Just here she giggled - pointing between her legs, - Joy suddenly blushed as she realised she was looking at her brother still feeling Sonia's quim as she made no attempt to stop him.

"Just because we've let you work us up,don't think we'll let you fuck us!" The blush went away. "Come on Soni' they've had enough excitement for one day" - They both wandered away from us... "Hey! Joy! Come back a mo' - 'NO,I know why you're calling me! - But she wandered back anyway, - Quieter now,'You've called me back to try and get another feel' Without a word I offered her her knicker's. - "Bastard" I'm sure I detected a slight disappointment in her voice. - "Hey sis' what about my sperm then,wasn't that just great? me cumming off like that!" - She screwed her face up and joined Sonia. - "Fucking whore,at least she could have said she was pleased" - "I know the feeling! Fucking women,can't understand them,we make 'em cum and then they walk off pissy. Still at least we seen their quims,wonder if they'll let us fuck 'em some day??" - "How high did the rocks go?" - "Not a clue,I was shooting my spunk in Sonia's face" - "Fuck! shot off in her face! You're having me on" - "No,honest like Joy told you,I pointed it at her face and she tried to catch my cum with her mouth - I LIED You go and ask her if it went all over her face!!" ... If he do,I hope to fuck he asks her excactly the way I said it, --- ASK HER IF IT WENT RIGHT IN HER FACE!!!Hee! Hee! He's gutted again at the moment!