In typical fashion Lily has teased me into a frenzy, this time with my porn magazines by demonstrating her knowledge of their contents. While it's a bit weird having my sister show me her favorite photos from an oral sex party pictorial, it's also a major turn-on – brothers and sisters aren't supposed to be doing this. But, as is frequently the case, I am standing nude with my erection boldly pointing in my clothed sister's direction, while she fondles me and discusses the details in the magazine.
“This looks interesting,” she tells me as she encircles her fingers around my glans. “This woman is suckingon this guy's penis while she's going to jerk off two other guys. ”She gets quiet while studying the shots and takes a firm hold on my cock. I am standing almost aside from the whole event, as if my penis is on loan for my sister's enjoyment. Of course, after a certain amount of playing and pulling I do enjoy the conclusion to our decadent playtime. While I know I can speed the final result along, I decide to take another step – Lily's spent plenty of time examining my penis, testicles and other areas of my body using her fingers and hands. Seeing her fascination with the oral acts the shapely Oriental woman is accomplishing in the photographs I suggest “Why don't you try copying her? See what it's like. ”Lily looks up through her perfectly round eyeglasses then looks down at the cock in her grasp as if considering my advice. . . . she begins her well-rehearsed pumping action as she returns to the magazine. I decide to let things go, especially as she seems determined to get me to ejaculate in short order.
Suddenly, she stops and drops the magazine on the bed. “Hmm. . . . I think I know what needs to be done,” she says, releasing my organ and getting up and leaving the room. Of course, I have no idea what she's about to do. Did I cross some sort of boundary when I suggested she take me in her mouth?We'd been doing quite a range of things during these past weekends, all of them with Lily in clothes and me naked – while I had jokingly teased her about it, Lily had yet to undress. She did fondle herself through her clothes and admitted to me last night that she was going to masturbate before bed (though she didn't invite me to assist). I figure she's got a new something or other to add to our sex-play so I carefully stroke myself and wait for her return.
Lily is shuffling around in her bedroom – I am tempted to make my way down the hall to investigate when I hear her say out loud “Okay. . . . I've been considering this for a while.
Even after the cavalcade of suspense, fear, excitement and exhilaration that has both instigated and accompanied our sex-play activities, I am not ready for this. The chills and shivers that enveloped me during that first show-and-tell morning wrack my insides again as Lily leans her naked self against the door frame. Amidst the cacophony raging inside me I feel my arousal intensify and take a firm hold on my erection as if it will prevent me from falling over.
I realize my mouth has fallen open – given all that has transpired in the past weekends I thought nothing could startle me. Even imagining this moment didn't prepare me for the real thing; I'm standing naked, porn strewn around my bed, holding my erection in my hand and I'm still shocked to see my sister nude. Despite her supposed nonchalance Lily is more than a bit nervous – she's just abandoned her clothes and strutted in here without any sort of backup in case things go wrong. I guess she learned a great deal from my morning exhibition last Saturday. She straightens herself, moving out of the doorway and into the room.
“I guess. . . we're.
“Yeah. . .
Lily carefully places her hands on her thighs as if she misses her pockets and inhales slowly.
I carefully consider what I should say. “Well. .
Lily looks at my stiff organ, moving to the bed and sitting directly in front of it. “How about I practice, okay?” she inquires. I cannot believe this scene – I am standing nude in front of my nude sister who sits on my bed and reaches to grab my penis. Without a moment's hesitation she opens her mouth and slides it over my glans and begins to suck. While I've imagined this scenario during many late nights, this is almost incomprehensible – I look down and see my penis in Lily's mouth and feel the wonderful sensations of her tongue pulling gently and stirring extraordinary urges from some unfathomable depth.
After several amazing moments she pulls me out of her mouth and asks “How's that feel?” I nod and utter “Oh. . . it's good. . . . real good. ” She rolls her tongue in her mouth then licks my glans making it wet and very sensitive. Small moans and short breath escapes my throat without challenge as Lily takes my cock back into her mouth and begins sliding up and down while sucking gently. Since we had already played around this morning I now her actions are going to produce a rather immediate result. I feel the sperm begin its wonderful journey up into my penis and decide not to cum in Lily's mouth.
“Lil. . .
“Oh. . . . guess what?” she asks. I am beginning to recover from my stupor as I look at Lily and watch her lean back and spread her knees. She looks down at herself and reaches into her pubic area. I watch her pull her pussy lips open to show her soft wet vagina. “I guess you should play with me now” she says.
.Samo punoletni
Ova veb stranica sadrži golotinje, eksplicitni seksualni sadržaj i jezik za odrasle. Trebalo bi da ga pristupe samo punoletne osobe na fizičkoj lokaciji odakle pristupate sajtu. Pristupanjem ovom veb sajtu, predstavljate nam se da ste punoletni i slažete se sa našim odredbama i uslovima. Svaka neovlaštena upotreba ove stranice može kršiti državni, savezni i / ili strani zakon. Dok Zuzanane stvara niti proizvodi bilo koji sadržaj koji je naveden na našim oglasima; svi naši oglasi moraju biti u skladu sa našim standardima starosti i sadržaja.
Zuzana ima politiku nulte tolerancije za dečiju pornografiju ili maloletnike koji oglašavaju ili koriste našu veb lokaciju. Slažem se da prijavim nezakonite usluge ili aktivnosti koje krše Uslove Korišćenja.
Takođe slažem se da prijavim sumnjivu eksploataciju maloletnika i / ili trgovinu ljudima odgovarajućim vlastima.
Ova stranica koristi kolačiće. Dok pretražujete naš sajt, slažete se sa našom upotrebom kolačića.