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E-Mail Sex Slave


I have become, in the course of a few short months, a sexually charged submissive trampy, slut, sex slave. There really are no other terms to describe how I now feel about myself and I think that, for the first time in my life, I feel sexually fulfilled. I have never been particularly submissive but, for some reason, having my sexual activities directed by someone else, in fact a stranger, whom I have never met, is a particular turn on for me. Over the course of these months I have come to think of myself as bound completely to obey instructions from this man. My name is Janet and I am a 19 year old junior in college, essentially on my own since my parent’s death in an automobile accident two years ago. My parents were quite wealthy and I have enough money from my inheritance to live as I please. I live alone near campus where I rent a very nice two bedroom apartment. My breasts are not tremendously large, 34C’s, but are firm and have no sag to them at all. I am normally naturally blond with green eyes, 5’ 6” tall, 115 lbs., and I work at keeping myself in shape. I jog in a park near my apartment at least 4 miles each day. I also work out three times a week at the local gym. Consequently, I am in pretty good shape and my body is quite firm and shapely. I have no one whom I would disgrace with my lifestyle so have no reason at all to be inhibited. I have a few close friends who find my new lifestyle intriguing, and I think, secretly wish they could live at least some of it.It all started about four months ago when I met an extremely nice guy in an internet chat room. We chatted several times, talking about our sexual activities and fantasies, and doing a little cyber stuff. We talked of what turned each of us on and he indicated that a particular turn on for him was dominance. That is, he was a dominant and had trained several other women to be sexually submissive. In fact he had not only done this in real life but also done it by e-mail. I was intrigued by this and asked what the e-mail training involved and how it could work that way. He told me that he had a contract that the female would complete and return to him, spelling out the relationship and then he would train them using e-mail instructions and commands. Since I was interested he sent me a copy of the contract and a set of command definitions that I would need to understand in order to submit to his training. I was curious mostly, but after receiving the information and reading it, I thought it might be fun to try something like this and see where it led. However, I wondered how he could really train someone and expect them to do everything according to his instructions and asked him about this. He said it was necessary for the woman to have a digital camera and to send him pictures of her doing the things that he would instruct her in. I had a suitable camera but I wasn’t so sure about sending him the pictures but decided to cross that bridge when the time came. After chatting with him another time or two I told him I thought I would like for him to train me. I figured that I didn’t really have to do everything he told me and it wasn’t like I was putting myself in any danger from this guy since I would never meet him in person. I completed the contract, which basically stated that it was not legally binding and could be terminated by either party at any time, but, while in force, I agreed to follow his instructions to the letter and submit to all of his requests, as long as they did not put me in physical danger. Included with the information he sent were a list of commands that the submissive must learn by heart and perform whenever so instructed. Generally all positions were to be performed in the nude. The basic positions, as sent to me, were as follows:1. Kneel: this is the basic position for you. It will be done nude when at home. you will kneel back on your heels, knees spread wide, hands on upper thighs, fingers spread and pointing outward, back straight, breasts thrust out, head held high, eyes lowered. The only change to this will be in public, when not doing some specific training that requires otherwise, you will do this clothed.2. Inspection: There are 3 parts to this command. First is Inspection kneel: This will be the basic same position as Kneel expect that you will lean back over your feet supported by your hands with your mouth open. Inspection back: you will lay on your back with your legs spread wide. you will use your hands to pull yourself open. This one will always be done nude. Inspection stomach or tummy: you will again be nude for this one. When commanded you will lay on your stomach with your ass raised pulling your ass cheeks apart with your hands.3. Display: this command will always be done nude. This position is standing with your feet spread shoulder width apart, hands behind head fingers interlaced.4. Clean: This is the same as Kneel except that your mouth will be open. It will be used to clean anything that has been inserted into you vaginally only and then only when you're not on your monthly cycle.5. Fours: When this command is given you will get on all 4's for either punishment or for use.6. Strip: this command is obvious. When given you will immediately strip off all clothing you're wearing. This should be done as sexily as possible.You will need to know all of these by heart. I will expect a pic of you in each except for the last one sent to Me within a week.I still wasn’t sure about the pictures but the commands that he had sent sounded so perverse that they were erotically enticing to me. I practiced them, imagining him there, and feeling like a true submissive slut. I already owned a digital camera with a timer – so was able to take the pictures he asked for. But I didn’t send them right away – too chicken I guess. Then, after modifying them to obscure my face, I did send them, though I was late in doing so and explaining that I had debated not sending them. Because I was late he sent me the following message:“Why did you hesitate to send Me those pictures? This will help greatly in planning for your training. But I do not understand the reason for the debate. Remember you are to hold nothing back from Me by the contract. These should have been sent according to the time table I gave you. For not doing so I want you to cup each breast with one hand so that your nipple is prominent and using the other hand smack the nipple hard 5 times on each nipple. Then restate the following to yourself " i am Master’s slave. All that i am belongs to Him. i may not hide anything from Him. Because i did not send the pictures of myself to Him when i should i am carrying out this punishment on myself as directed by Him. i'm sorry Master I will not do this again." Do this after each smack of your nipples. Lovingly, your Master, “I was a little disappointed and angered by his response since I had expected him to be pleased that I had sent him the pictures. There was no way I was going to punish myself as he had instructed. However, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I finally decided that if I was into this thing for real, I’d do what I could to make it work. So – I punished myself. I memorized what I was to say after each slap of my nipple, then, sitting nude on the bed, grasped my left breast with my left hand, squeezing it so that the nipple stood out, somewhat obscenely. I smacked it hard with my right hand and recited the words as instructed. I did this five times for my left breast then rested, looking a my breast. It was red where I had hit it, the nipple still standing out unusually far. I massaged it a little and was surprised at how sensitive it now was. Sensitive in an arousing way. I gripped my right breast and repeated the punishment on it. When completed I looked at myself in the mirror and saw how red my breasts were from the spanking I had given them. The nipples stood out prominently and I realized that I was wet between my legs. I was surprised that I had actually been turned on by this. Maybe this guy knew what he was doing after all.One of his first requirements was that I keep a daily journal, and send it to him weekly, describing what I had done in that week, including my feelings at having to follow his instructions. Any sexual activity was to be described in detail. Additionally, I was to purchase a piece of jewelry, called an ohnk, which I was to wear at all times, signifying my submission to him. This turned out to be a very pretty little emblem that was worn on a snugly fitting choker necklace, which I was able to purchase locally. I was to ensure that the ohnk was visible in any pictures that I sent to him if the position permitted. Other requirements received from him in that first week included sending a list of my clothing, with particular attention to panties and bras, but including shorts, skirts, blouses, jeans, etc. I was asked what sexual toys I had (I only had a standard smooth vibrator) and then given a list of toys and other things I would need, with certain ones to be acquired immediately. Those on the immediate list included a small penis shaped vibrator with at least three speeds, the largest variable speed penis shaped vibrator I could find, an adjustable 9 inch long penis gag, small and medium sized butt plugs, a package of clothespins, and a wooden spoon. I was able to purchase all these items except for the penis gag locally. The penis gag I had to order from an on line website. My initial instructions were to perform a ritual each night in bed before going to sleep. “Here's a task for you to start performing each night before going to bed. I want you to use your vibrator on slow against your clitoris and slowly use it in penetration. Take yourself to the edge of orgasm. When you get to the point that you're ready to climax stop and let yourself relax back to your starting point. Do this 3 times. On the 3rd time you may have an orgasm. Follow that up with the clean command. From this point on I want you sleeping nude.” After three or so nights of this I received instructions to change my nightly routine. Since I had told him I had never had anyone fuck me in the ass or ever really had anything in my ass, he instructed me to begin by inserting my small vibrator in my ass with it turned on medium speed and finger myself, stimulating my clit, until near orgasm. Just before I reached the point of orgasm I was to stop fingering and stimulating my clit but leave the vibrator going. As my body calmed down I was to start stimulation of my clit again. This was to be repeated until I achieved orgasm with out direct clitoral stimulation at time of orgasm. This was the ritual I performed until I purchased the toys mentioned above. After I had gotten the toys I was instructed to modify my nightly ritual to begin inserting the small vibrator in my ass, again on medium speed, and the large vibrator in my pussy, not turned on, and continue my ritual, stimulating my clitoral area until just before orgasm, then repeat, but with the vibrator in my ass on high. This really works. I could, after a month or so of this ritual, get just about as much pleasure from being penetrated in the ass as from being penetrated in my pussy. In this way I have learned to be aroused simply from having stimulation in my ass. Of course, with stimulation in both areas, orgasms are much more rewarding now. **After about a week and a half of his training I asked whether I should ask before having sex with a boy. I had met a guy that I wanted to have sex with. I received the following instructions:Yes, you may have sex with boys or girls. but you must make sure that you work very hard to please them and that he or she be allowed to use all your holes at least once and include breast sex while performing oral sex for him. But for either you must be the one doing most of the pleasing. I kept this in mind for future reference and was glad to know what he required.Other instructions with the time frame and some comments are listed below to give you, the reader, a flavor of the kind of instructions I received:** The following was sent fairly early on in the training – shortly after receiving the penis gag in the mail. I was instructed that the penis gag that I was to acquire should preferably be adjustable as to length. Otherwise, I was to get one no longer than 4 inches but in either case it should be as thick as possible. The toy store site I found on the internet had several to choose from. The one that seemed to fit my Master’s description was described as adjustable from 3 to 9 inches in length and offered small, medium, and large sizes in thickness. The thickness measures were quoted as being 3.5, 4.5, or 5.5 inches in circumference. I did a little measuring, and assuming I would have this thing in my mouth, possibly for extended periods, I purchased the medium size. After receiving it through the mail, I experimented a bit with it and found, that while it was little bit uncomfortably large around, I could get it into my mouth fairly easily. I then notified my Master that it had arrived. He responded as expected, with instructions as follows:“slave – I am glad to hear that you have purchased an adjustable gag. This will make it much more effective in your training. Now, I want you to wear the gag during your nightly ritual. Set it at the longest length that allows you to still breathe comfortably while fully inserted in your mouth. When you complete your ritual remove and perform the clean command as usual with both the dildos. Then, after your ritual on the first night, you are to extend the penis gag to it’s longest setting and spend at least 5 minutes sucking it, ensuring that you are able to take the full length. This will probably mean that it will reach well down into your throat. This will not be easy at first, which is why you must practice. If you relax your throat and swallow occasionally it will become easier. It will be difficult to breathe with it all the way in but you must be able to do this for short periods at least. Eventually most of my subs have found that they are able to breathe with it in all the way, usually still with some difficulty. Each night increase this practice time until you are sucking it for 30 minutes, at least 18 of which should be with it deep throated. You must eventually be able to take any man’s penis, regardless of size, and deep throat him. You will find doing this very enjoyable once you perfect the technique and I have every confidence that you will. Once you have completed the practice session, reset the length so that the penis fills your mouth but is does not cause difficulty breathing. Attach it around your head and sleep with it in for as long as you can, but no less than 2 hours on the first night. If you can keep it in longer at first, do so – it will become easier the more you do it. Eventually I want you to be able to sleep all night with it inserted in your mouth and strapped to your head. One additional modification to your nightly behavior will be that, upon completion of your ritual, you will insert the small butt plug in your ass and leave it in for as long as you can stand it. I know you are not used to having anything in your ass, but your goal must be to sleep with something in your ass all night long. You must become used to having something in your ass in order to be able to please men, any man regardless of size, by letting them, even wanting them, to fuck you there. Once you are able to sleep all night with the small plug in, switch to the larger one, then once you are able to sleep with that in all night. You will always sleep with it in. During the day, you should have either the small one or the large one in as much as possible. The goal here, eventually but sooner rather than later, is for you to be uncomfortable when NOTHING is in your ass.Now – this means that, until I give you further instructions modifying your behavior, you will sleep with the gag in your mouth and the butt plug in your ass. At any point during the night, as long as these items are properly worn, you may stimulate your pussy and tits all you want, and have as many orgasms as you are able and want to have.” ** The following was sent to me to more fully explain what I was to wear, after the initial instructions regarding dress:You must never wear anything covering your pussy unless you must wear pants or shorts of some sort. I that case you wear something that fits as tight as possible with no panties. It should be obvious due to the lack of panty lines, that you are wearing none. Shorts should be as short as possible, with the cloth fitting between your legs not more than one inch wide, less preferable, at the narrowest point. Leg openings should be high enough to ensure that the bottom of your round ass cheeks are visible. Most of these shorts should be of the “hip hugger” variety, cut very low in front and pulled up tight so that the inseam fits in between your ass cheeks and separates your pussy lips. ** About two weeks after sending my clothing list and receiving the instructions on what to wear I got the following. I bought the suits and what happened later follows somewhere below.You are to purchase several swim suits. I will give you web addresses for sites selling the ones I want you to buy. One is a white bikini. Another is a white one piece. Another is a one piece of knit material that clings to all your cracks and crevices. All are cut extremely high on the sides and have rather narrow fronts to them. The one pieces have very plunging necklines, particularly the white one which should plunge to below your navel. It will have two straps to hold the two sides closed in front. You should never need to use either of these, but depending on the fit, you may use the bottom one if you feel it necessary to prevent arrest. These suits usually will have a lining at least over your pussy and in the bra portion. You are to modify each by removing any lining. There should be only one layer of thin material covering any part of your body. Worn in this way, these suits will then show off your pussy and tits to best advantage, especially in the white ones, with your pubic hair died black as previously instructed. The dark patch between your legs will ensure that most people will know the hair on your head is dyed blonde rather than your pubic area dyed black. This will enhance your image as tramp who dyes her hair to be a “bleach blonde”. A word of caution – when wet these suits will become almost transparent, leaving very little to the imagination, so swim with care. A suggestion would be to swim, then, when leaving the water, have a towel handy to wrap around yourself to make you appear modest but short enough to allow glimpses of your dark bush under your suit. ** After sending my clothing list, about three weeks into my training, my Master began instructing me on what to wear. He sent the following instructions.“I want you wearing a push bra with either a blouse that buttons down the front or ties in the front for one week. Also wear a short skirt with the shear thong panties. If weather makes such an outfit inappropriate, you will wear tight low cut hip hugger jeans, worn as low as possible. After one week you may not wear a bra or panties with either outfit. The blouse at all times must be open enough so that men can look in all they want. Whether wearing the skirt or jeans, your legs must never be completely together. It must become normal for you, unless you cross your legs, to sit with your legs apart, at least slightly. When sitting with legs crossed, never cross them tightly. When wearing a skirt cross the right leg over left with the right leg pivoting on the left knee at a point approximately three inches below the right knee. Practice this in front of a mirror with the object of attaining a position which will allow anyone sitting across from you to look up your skirt. When wearing jeans, always sit with either your legs spread as wide as possible or with legs crossed, ankle on knee. You are to rest one hand on your crotch, rubbing it occasionally, when sitting in this manner.” And so – here start several recounts of my experiences as a result of following my Master’s instructions:Well - I followed the instructions regarding dress completely, finding that I apparently had exhibitionist tendencies that I was not previously aware of. And this led to my first experience of sex with a guy since starting my training. With a short skirt on I practiced, with and without the thong, crossing my legs in front of my full length mirror in my apartment until I was comfortable that I was doing it as instructed. I was also careful to sit, when legs were uncrossed, with my legs slightly apart, again practicing in front of the mirror. With my short skirt on and sitting as instructed I knew what others would be able to see – and the thought of doing it in public turned me on tremendously. Since the weather was quite warm, I rarely wore the jeans, but when I did it became second nature to sit with my legs widely apart and a hand in my lap, over my crotch. It was relatively easy to wear the blouse with a push up bra, short skirt and thong as instructed for the first week. I spent a good bit of time in the library studying and getting used to sitting with my legs apart. I found that in the library with my legs under a table I could spread my legs quite wide while seeming to be engrossed in what I was studying. With my bra pushing my breasts up and the blouse open to the third button, I displayed a lot of cleavage. I would sit at a table against a wall facing other tables across from me. My Master had impressed upon me that I should sit, whenever possible, in such a position that would allow as many people as possible to look at me if they wanted to. On the first night two girls sat at one of those tables and I know they noticed me and seemed to look at me with disapproving expressions. The second night two guys were there. They each sat low in their seats and, watching them out of the corner of my eyes, I could tell they were staring at my legs, or between them. I shifted position several times, each time letting my legs fall farther apart, trying to appear totally absorbed in what I was studying. I would lean over often, allowing them to get a nice view of my breasts as they strained against the bra. Each night I would return to my apartment with a soaking wet cunt and dive into bed for my nightly ritual. This went on for most of that week with the same guys coming back twice while I was there. They got pretty obvious in staring at me but I pretty much ignored them until the last night of that first week wearing the clothes as instructed. That last night, just before I left, I looked right at one of the guys, the cutest one, and smiled at him. As I got up to leave I slid forward on my seat, allowing my skirt to ride up, exposing my pussy, covered only with the shear thong. It was soaked with my juices and almost transparent. As I stood and turned my back to him I left the skirt hiked up and bent forward to retrieve my books and notes, knowing that my bare bottom was on display for any to see. Then I tugged the skirt back into place turned and smiled again at the cute guy and left.I missed the next few nights at the library. The time had come for me to go without bra or panties, and for the first three days I did that while going to class and doing my other routine things. But I studied at my apartment. It was hard enough at first to wear only a blouse, again with the first three buttons unfastened so that most of my breasts were easily seen as the blouse shifted. When I would lean forward, the view from the side frequently showed my entire braless breast. I was very self conscious at first and though I continuing to sit with my legs slightly apart as instructed, I’m pretty sure that I managed to keep from flashing my bare pussy at anyone for those first few days. Then I could not avoid going to the library. I had to do some research, and having gotten somewhat used to wearing, other than my shoes, only two pieces of clothing, blouse and skirt, felt a little less self conscious in doing so. I arrived at the library at my usual time and took my usual table. For a while no one sat across from me. Sitting there with my legs spread only a few inches apart with no one looking, I actually got absorbed in what I was researching. I thus was not aware when the same cute guy sat down across from me, nor was I aware how far apart my legs had drifted. After consciously sitting with my legs apart, now for about a week and a half, I really was more comfortable with them apart, consequently they now quite naturally fall apart as I am sitting. When I glanced up from the notes I was taking and noticed him, he quickly averted his eyes. I made a point of shifting position, making it look as though I was trying to be a little more discrete. Then I returned to my notes, shifted position again, pointing my legs directly at him and letting them fall open. My knees were probably only six inches apart but it felt like six feet as I sat there exposing myself, my bare pussy, to this boy. I could see him looking at me and I leaned forward to thumb through a book, letting the blouse fall away from my chest and giving him an excellent view of my breasts. As I straightened back up I glanced at him. This time he did not look away and I nodded to him, smiled and returned to my research. I continued to work for another half hour, and continued to give him lots of opportunities to see my bare pussy. I had actually worked my ass around enough so that my bare bottom was on the wooden seat and the skirt was hiked way up. Of course this was only obvious to the guy watching me. As I finished up I gathered my things, placing my notes in my book bag, and slid out of my very slippery seat and stood up, tugging my skirt down as I did so. As I turned to leave I flashed him my best sexy smile. I returned the books I had used for my research and left the library, walking toward my apartment, so wet that my juices were running down the inside of my legs. I had only gone a few yards when I heard footsteps behind me. I glanced back and there was the guy. He smiled and said, “Looks like we are going the same way. Mind if I walk with you?”I was a little uneasy but he looked harmless and I WAS turned on. “Sure,” I replied.“I have noticed you in the library several nights” he said. “ I’ve been trying to screw up enough courage to ask you out. Tonight when you got up to leave I finally told myself that all you could do was turn me down – so here I am – asking” He was so obviously nervous and unsure of himself that I almost felt sorry for him. But he WAS a hunk. “So, what exactly are you asking me?” I said as I continued walking. “Umm, I guess – like – would you go out with me?” he said.“Well, that’s pretty vague. Go out where and when and do what?” I asked.“Shi-oot”, he said, obviously a southern gentleman, “I really hadn’t thought that far ahead.” We had walked under a street lamp and I stopped and turned to him. I had my book bag strapped on my back and it was pulling the blouse open all the more. My breasts were exposed so that the edge of the areolas were exposed around my visibly erect nipples which were pressing against the fabric of the blouse. He was probably 6 feet, two or three inches tall, maybe 175 lbs., obviously in good shape, and I had to tilt my head back to look up at him. His eyes were fastened to my cleavage. “Don’t worry about it,” I said as I slipped my arm under his, pressing my right breast into his left bicep, and began walking again. “Sure, I’d love to go out with you. You think about where, when and what and let me know – OK?” I said, looking up at him and smiling. “Damn”, he said, not bothering to watch his language a second time. “That’s really cool. How about Thursday night? Do you have any early classes? We could go to Tiger Tavern and get something to eat, do a little drinking, and then – well, do whatever else you want to do”.This was Wednesday and Thursday was one of the big blowout nights at school, so that sounded cool. “No – I only have one late class on Thursday so that’s not a problem. And Tiger Tavern sounds great – I haven’t been there in ages.” We chatted as we walked and it turned out that he was a sophomore who had transferred from a JR college. We arrived at my apartment and, stopping, still arm in arm with him I said “Well this is it, where I live. What time should I be ready tomorrow?” I turned and let my hand linger on his arm, my breasts all but falling out of my blouse. “How – how about 9 o’clock”, he stammered. “OK, cool” I said, reaching up to place my hand behind his head. I pulled him down to my mouth and kissed him lightly on the lips. “I’ll be ready at 9.” I kissed him again, this time a real kiss, tongue probing for his. He responded, thrusting his tongue between my lips. I really did not plan to invite him in but I was soooo hot and he was sooo a hunk. Breaking the kiss, I said, somewhat breathlessly, “Would you like to come in? I have a few cold ones in the fridge and I’ve finished all the studying I need to do for tomorrow, and it is still early.” I know I sounded a little too urgent – but what the hell – I’ve been told by my Master that I’m supposed to please men – why not start here. “Sure”, he said. “I could use a cool brew,” as he glanced at my cleavage once more. I smiled and took him by the hand and led him up the stairs and into my apartment. As we entered and closed the door, I turned and looked up at him, holding him by his hips, and said “I know you have been watching me in the library. And I hope I didn’t embarrass you. Sometimes, particularly when I’m into something I’m working on, I’m not the most demure and discrete young lady I should be, like keeping my legs together. But that’s just me. Did I embarrass you?” I asked innocently. “NN-No” he stammered. “ Not at all. So you knew I was looking and – and still didn’t worry about me seeing – well – stuff?” he asked.“Of course not, silly,” I said. “I knew you were looking and it turned me on. That’s why I didn’t wear any panties tonight. You did notice that didn’t you,” I teased. I look up into his eyes and reach up again and kiss him. He responds and I reach back to his ass and pull him into me and rub back and forth. I can feel his erection. I pull back and take his hand again and lead him to the sofa, turn and push him down, smiling at him all the time. I ask if he would like a beer. He does. I go to the kitchen and get two and take them back to the den, hand him his and sit next to him. I lean into his shoulder as I sip from my bottle and his hand went around my shoulders. We snuggled like that for a few minutes just talking about not much of anything. Then I turned and looked up at him. Our eyes met and it was so easy to reach up around his neck and pull his mouth to mine. We kissed for a loonnnnng time, a very erotic kiss, we sucked each others tongues and explored mouths. I turned into him and put my arms around his neck and kissed his mouth, cheek, ear, neck, licking and nibbling as I went. One of his hands went to cup my ass and the other went to my breasts. For the inexperienced guy I had him pegged for, he was learning fast. I straddled him as he sat on the sofa and rubbed against him. We were really getting turned on. I know I was and could tell he was to – from the bulge I could feel in his jeans. I untangled myself from him and stood up in front of him and undid my skirt and stepped out of it and took off my blouse. Then, standing in front of him with nothing on I told him I really would like to see him naked and asked him to undress He took my hand and led me, now totally nude, to the bedroom, as though he had been there before. I said something about how lovely the bed looked. He just looked at me and smiled, then pulled me to him again and we kissed some more as he rubbed my ass, letting his hands roam between my legs from behind. I spread my legs a little to give him more access. Then I pulled away from him slightly and, remembering that I was to put the pleasure of the man first, put my finger to his lips in a shushing gesture, then knelt in front of him and undid his trousers and pulled them down along with his underwear. He was already pretty hard and I really had a quick intake of breath to see how large he was. I have no idea of the measurements but I couldn’t get my fist all the way around it and putting two hands on it, like holding a softball bat, there was still probably 2 or three inches of the length showing. I certainly had never fucked anyone with equipment like that. As soon as I had him nude from the waist down, I took his cock in my hand and started licking it from base to end and back again, then down to his balls and around, then back up. His pubic hair was like soft golden moss and smelled so good. As I put my lips around the head of his cock I licked with my tongue as I sucked it. He really got into this quickly and was really rock hard. I backed off a little then, remembering the instructions to let him fuck me between my tits, I, still kneeling in front of him, raised up a bit and placed his hard cock between my tits and then squeezed them together and rubbed up and down, back and forth. As his cock moved toward my mouth I had no trouble at all taking the end in my mouth and sucking as it moved back out and down between my tits. I have never done this before with anyone and was surprised at how good it felt. We did this til he pulled away and said that he was about to loose it and needed to put on a condom. I took the condom from him and knelt again in front of him and put it on his cock, jacking him a little as I did. Then I sucked on his cock sheathed in the condom for a few times, then I stood and took him by the hand and went to the bed. I lay down and he lay beside me. I asked him to get on his knees and straddle my waist. When he did, I slid down so that his cock was again between my tits. Again he tit fucked me and I would suck the end as he moved back and forth. I took his hands and placed them on either side of my tits so he could squeeze them. It was so hot, my pussy was soaked. Then he stopped and took off his shirt. He was so hot, muscles on muscles, flat, washboard abs, very little body hair except in the right places. He moved between my legs and began to kiss me there. This isn’t the first time someone has kissed me there but I was so turned on I had an orgasm almost immediately, I know I almost drowned him. I really cum a lot when I am so turned on. He lapped and licked until my body stopped its involuntary movements somewhat, then moved over me, positioning that lovely cock at my pussy. He started with slow smooth strokes and I got hot all over again, just that quick. Never before that quick. He still hadn’t cum but it wasn’t long before he was thrusting into me rapidly, and I was answering each thrust. I have never been penetrated to such depths. I could actually feel him bump against my cervix and thought how hot it would be to have him in there. But we both came in just a few minutes, maybe five minutes, after he entered me. We were both exhausted and just lay there with him inside me, my vaginal muscles contracting and relaxing, squeezing him and I could feel his cock jerk inside me from time to time. When he had softened somewhat I pulled away and told him to just lie there on his back. I moved down him and took him in my mouth again, licking my cum from the condom. It tasted much better than the first time, hardly any rubbery taste at all. He was telling me that it was to soon for him, yet he began to get hard again and, though he wasn’t rock hard like before, he was hard enough. I straddled him and lowered myself onto his cock. It felt so good, I told him to lie still and let me do the work. He did at first. I took his hands and placed them on my tits (why am I now calling them tits – I usually refer to them as my breasts). Then I could tell he was getting harder in me and he started thrusting up into me as I pumped over him. He had another orgasm in a very short while. I did not cum this time but kept raising and lowering myself until I was sure he was satisfied. I then just collapsed on top of him, hugging and kissing then just lying there. Later we talked, telling each other how good it had been, getting up eventually and walking back, both nude, to the den We sat and drank another beer, then he fucked me again, this time there on the floor, with me on all fours and him entering me from behind. After this time we were really tired, and drenched with each other’s sweat, and my juices. We lay in each others arms, him still in me and tenderly hugging each other. “You are incredible and I don’t even know your name,” he whispered to me. “And you don’t know mine. I’m Brad.” “Brad,” I repeated. “Nice name for a nice guy. And you are pretty incredible yourself. My name is Janet but names aren’t all that important.”“Damn,” he said. “I want to see you again. I know you probably have guys falling all over you but – jeeze would you consider sort of dating just me for a while?” he said a little sheepishly.“Brad, No. Don’t think of me like that.” I said. “I’m not the kind of girl you would want to take home to Mama. I like sex too much to limit myself and get serious about anyone at this point in my life. In fact – and I don’t know why I’m telling you this – maybe to discourage you – but I’m sort of in training. Training to please men – or my sexual partner whoever that is. I’m just starting with this training and you are the first one I’ve fucked since I started. I hope I have learned something about pleasing my partner and being with you has helped with that training. So, I know I’m going to get a reputation – of being easy, having round heels, fucking anything in pants, etc. but I don’t care. I think that is what I want, what I will enjoy. I would love to see you again, but just for the sex. You are a wonderful sex partner and I hope I pleased you. Do you understand at all what I’m saying?” I asked looking at him, lying there with his semi hard dick in me. I squeezed my pussy on him and felt his cock jerk in response.“Jeeze, Janet – that’s the wildest thing I ever heard of. You mean you WANT to be known as easy, a girl that would fuck anything in pants?” He asked incredulously . “At this point, yes, I think that is exactly what I want. And if you want to be with me again you will have to accept that.” I said. His cock was hardening in me again and I could tell he was turned on by my attitude. I moved against him and turned him on his back again, placing his hands on my tits. He groaned and responded by thrusting into me with a vengeance and energy I was surprised he still had. We fucked again several times. He seemed to accept my refusal to date only him and my explanation. Finally we were exhausted. As he got dressed and stood in the doorway holding me we kissed another of those long passionate kisses and he started to say something. I placed my finger against his lips to shush him and said “Brad, it was an incredible, unbelievable evening and I really would like to fuck you again. But we both probably need to cool it for a while. But call me when you are ready. I really do want to please you – just not only you. Do you understand?” He nodded mutely, smiled, and turned, opened the door, looked back at me and one more time smiled and closed the door.That was the first time I had sex with a guy since starting with my training. Obviously my training was having an effect on me. No way would I have done what I had done that night if I had not been so conditioned to please a man. I have since done this many times – picked up some guy, usually another student, and taken him back to my apartment and spent the night with him. Some have been better than others. OH – Brad? – I saw him twice more but he became a little too serious about me and could not get over my desire to fuck other guys. Too bad. He was a HUNK. But I cannot limit myself to just one man. I really love pleasing them and I think they like pleasing me, though that is not my priority. Pleasing my partners pleases me and that is what I now think I was born to do. I have a reputation now – pretty much as a gal with round heels. Suits me fine.The following was sent, probably about a month after my training started and after I had answered my Master’s question on whether I enjoyed humiliation or not? I had answered that it turned me on (and it does). He knew I did not like being called a whore:The next movie that is rated R for sexual content, you are to go see it alone. I want you to have the butt plug in your ass and the large vibrator in your pussy, no panties or bra of course, and a top that opens easily to allow your tits to be viewed by anyone close to you. You are to sit behind a couple of guys and during the movie have slightly audible orgasms. If they say anything to you, you are to lower your eyes and say you are sorry but do not change seats or leave. Stay where you are and continue to react to the stimulation of the vibrator. If they get up and move beside you, you are to let them touch you in any way they want. This will just reinforce what, at this point, a worthless little whore, slut you are. But trust Me in time you will come to be a priceless little fucking whore and will desire nothing more than to be a total slave to a Man. “After receiving these instructions, I was really sort of insulted. I am not and will never be a whore. I just love sex too much to charge for it. But I suppose, if my Master wanted to sell me to someone for a night, I would probably do it – but I neither want nor need money for my sexual favors. Sound a little pompous for a slut?? Well, I guess so – but it is the way I feel. Anyway, I was a little nervous about carrying out the instructions. I procrastinated for about a week before doing anything. My apartment is close to the downtown area of the little college town we are in. It makes it convenient when I want to drink a good bit because I can walk back to my place from my favorite bar and the downtown area as well as back and forth to campus. I had been drinking by myself and commiserating with Dave the bartender, owner there, just joking around with him. I was wearing my usual outfit for these days, my short skirt, a blouse that tied in front (no buttons) and my athletic shoes. Dave is a cool guy and we have become pretty good friends over the course of the two years or so that I’ve been going to his bar. He has definitely noticed the change in me and has been curious about what’s going on with me. I have told him pretty much everything by now – but that’s another story – later. As I was saying, about a week after getting the instructions about the movie, I went by Dave’s and got a bit high drinking beer there and chatting with Dave. The movie instructions had been on my mind since I received them and so I decided that if I wanted to do anything about these instructions, it was time to act. Basic Instincts was playing at the local $2.00 movie downtown and that one seemed appropriate It was only about 6:00 PM and I could make the 7 o’clock show. Basic Instincts had been playing for a few days and I figured there wouldn’t be too many people there. Probably wouldn’t have done it if I hadn’t been just a bit high. But, I left Dave’s and went by my apartment. I got the butt plug, inserted it in my ass, and put the vibrator in my fanny pack. I walked to the movie theater, bought my ticket and entered the theater. I bought a small bag of popcorn just to have something to do til the movie started. The 5:00 show was just getting out. I stood at the back for a few minutes checking out who was there. Not many – a few couples out on a cheap date about halfway down to the front and what looked like three freshmen boys sitting near the front. No one that looked very promising. I sat down about three rows from the back, near the middle of the row of seats and waited to see if anyone else would arrive. If nothing else I would sit there with my vibrator going and just have fun for myself. Just before the lights were turned down, two guys came in and looked down my row and we smiled at each other. They took the next row down and sat right in front of me. Must have been fate. I was sitting fairly demurely for me, but with my legs slightly apart as usual, the popcorn in my lap. As the lights went down and previews of coming attractions started, and they turned to talk to each other, I could see them sneaking glances at me. I put the popcorn on the floor and reached into my fanny pack and got out the vibrator. Watching to make sure the guys attention was on the screen I inserted it into my pussy. I was already pretty wet so had no trouble at all getting it in. I could feel it pressing against the butt plug and the feeling was quite erotic, knowing what I planned to do. As the main attraction came on we settled back to watch the movie. When the first sexy scene with Sharon Stone and Michael Douglas came on I turned the vibrator on low. It’s hum sounded loud to me but the guys apparently didn’t hear it or they ignored it. I started uttering small moans as the vibrator did it’s work. I really was getting turned on. I squirmed around in my seat letting my legs fall farther apart, my skirt working its way up my thighs. One of the guys glanced back at me and his eyes got a lot bigger as he looked at me. I had my eyes almost closed with my hands gripping the arm rests of the seat as I moved my ass over the rough material of the seat. I was using the seat to keep the vibrator in me. I saw the guy nudge his friend and whisper to him. His friend then turned and looked back at me, then looked at his friend and mouthed “Son of a Bitch” and then looked back at me. I took a deep breath and let it out then stopped moving. As I did I opened my eyes and looked over their heads at the screen . They were still looking at me, or rather at my legs spread apart three or four inches directly in front of them, and what they could see between them. I tried to appear as if I had not noticed them looking at me. Then as the screen brightened for a moment I looked down at their faces, turned toward me, and closed my legs and tried to look embarrassed. “I’m sorry,” I whispered to them. “Am I bothering you. I’ll try to be quieter from now on.” The larger guy, pretty cute, said “Girl, you gotta be kidding. You aren’t bothering us as long as you don’t mind us watching you. This flic really turns you on huh?” The other guy, also cute, smiled at me and said “No, no. You aren’t bothering us at all”. I tried to look contrite and embarrassed and closed my legs most of the way and stopped squirming around quite as much. But I took my left hand and kneaded my right breast through the cloth of my blouse. I began squeezing it and pinching the nipple, moaning softly from time to time. The vibrator was still humming away and I could feel myself getting close to cumming so slowed down a bit. As I did, the big guy whispered to his friend and then they both got up and hopped over the seats to sit beside me, one on either side, “Do you mind if we sit beside you? My name is Don”, the big guy said. We just thought you might need some help back here all by yourself.”I smiled, lowered my eyes but said nothing. I hesitated slightly, still looking down at my lap, started to say that didn’t mind what they did, but decided to stay as quiet as possible and see what they did. I wasn’t long in finding out.The seats in the theater had arms that could be pulled up out of the way and both Don and his friend raised the arms on each side of me. Don slipped his hand down onto my knee then up the inside of my thigh as I inhaled sharply and spread my legs wider. Don smiled at me as he pulled my mouth to his with his other hand. We kissed as his hand found my pussy and the vibrator humming away. He broke the kiss with a smile and said “My, my, what have we here. Is that how you have been getting so hot back here?” With that he pulled the toy from my pussy with an audible squish. I gasped as the vibrator was pulled from me and I again lowered my eyes, really embarrassed now, but hotter than ever. “You don’t need this, baby. Not as long as I’m around”, he whispered holding the vibrator up for his friend to see. “See – I’ve got a real one right here for you”, he said as he pulled my head down toward his lap. Somehow he had opened his fly and gotten his dick out while we were kissing or maybe before. At any rate, it was out and extremely hard. Nice equipment too. About 7 or 8 inches long and very thick. It looked lovely to me in my heightened sexual state. He reached under my stomach and untied my blouse completely and ran his hand over my chest, squeezing and pulling at my nipples. At the same time he pushed my head and mouth over that lovely cock. I took him in my mouth and sucked. Remembering my Master’s instructions and thankful for the practice with the penis gag he had made me do, I began to suck him all the way down my throat. I felt his pubic hair tickle my nose and then pulled away, continuing to suck for all I was worth. Then back down again, working my tongue around his huge member. As I was sucking him off, I felt his friend’s hands on my ass. His fingers found my now empty but oh so wet pussy and stuck his fingers in. Then I heard him exclaim.“Damn, Don, she’s got something in her ass too”, he whispered.. “Jeeze, Darrel, don’t interrupt the girl. She is one super good cock sucker.” Don replied, then, “What the hell have you got back there girl?” With that he pulled me off of his cock and I was able to answer.“It’s a butt plug.” I said, not raising my head and feeling really embarrasses now. “It just feels good to have it in there”, I continued, making matters worse.Darrel then said, “Well, is it ok if I pull it out of you. I want to finger your ass and pussy together. Would you like that sweetheart?” he asked.I simply nodded my assent to his request. I whispered, “whatever you want is ok with me”, .as I lowered my mouth to Don’s cock again.“Damn, baby” said Darrel, “I don’t know why you are doing this but I ain’t complaining.” He pulled the butt plug out of me and immediately inserted several fingers in my pussy and his thumb in my ass. He was working them in and out of me, pinching his thumb against his fingers inside me and rubbing back and forth. With my mouth full of Don’s cock and Darrel frigging my pussy and ass, I exploded. Thank goodness my mouth was full of cock or I would have screamed. As it was we were still being pretty loud. Enough, I discovered later, that the high school guys had moved up and were watching us. As I sucked Don’s cock I could tell he was about to cum, so I pulled back and just worked the tip of his cock. He exploded a few seconds later, in my face, shooting cum into my hair, eyes, mouth, nose, all over my head. He just wouldn’t stop cumming. I was drenched. Then Darrel pulled me off Don and said “Come here babe, and sit on my lap for a little while.” I was like a rag doll after my mindblowing orgasm and covered with Don’s cum. Darrel was really strong for a relatively small guy and he pulled me up and over onto his lap. I found myself with his cock sticking up between my legs, rubbing over the lips of my pussy. It just felt wonderful to have a cock there. I shifted and took my hand and guided his cock into me, oblivious to the fact that neither of these guys had condoms on. I worried about that a lot later but, luckily, nothing bad happened as a result. I rode him like a horse as he held on to my tits, squeezing and kneading them. In no time he exploded inside me and I matched him with another mind blowing orgasm of my own. Both guys were spent as I climbed off of Darrel and sat in my seat. That’s when I saw the younger guys sitting where Don and Darrel had been, taking it all in. I just leaned back and smiled at them, my face and hair covered with Don’s cum, Darrel’s oozing out of my pussy onto my seat, and my blouse fully open and hanging at my sides exposing my tits to their astonished view. I just looked down at the floor, totally embarrassed now that I realized we had put on a show for a group of guys. I pulled my blouse together and tied it as Don told the guys to cool it – the show was over – move on back to their seats. They left grinning from ear to ear.As we were recovering Don said, “You know, I think I have seen you around campus recently. Yeah, sure, I meet you every time on my way from my English to Algebra - every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, don’t I? Yeah. Damn, I thought you looked familiar. You are always dressed – I don’t know – like you are trying to turn on every guy you meet. Always with a mini skirt and your tits all but falling out of your top. Yeah, I recognize you now. I always thought you were just a little prick teaser. Glad to find out that I was wrong.” Now that I looked at his face closely, I knew he as right, so I said, “Yes, that’s me. I remember you too.” I looked, contritely, down at my lap, at the seat between my legs. It was soaked with my juices and Darrel’s. “We really made a mess didn’t we”, I said.“Yeah, YOU sure did.” Said Don as he reached up and smeared some of his cum over my cheeks and back onto my hair, matting it down. He rubbed it under my nose, then sniffed his finger. “You probably want to go home and get cleaned up don’t you? Or do you like smelling like a cheap whore.” Well, that really humiliated me. I’ve taken five guys home with me at the same time and let them have me in every way possible – in the mouth, ass, pussy, tit fucking, three at a time, in my mouth, ass, and pussy while I jacked the other two off with my hands. That was some night. I was covered with cum and pussy juice at the end. They left in the morning saying nice things about me – about what a good cock sucker I was and how good my ass was to fuck and how talented I was to be able to take care of all of them at once. They all said they wanted to do it again. And we have, though not with as many at one time. The last time I was with two of the guys and one brought his wife. A really cute red head, really hot. It was my first time with a woman and I really enjoyed it and I tried to make sure she did too. He wanted her to have sex with another woman and since I had made it clear to these guys that I was open to anything, he asked if I was willing to have sex with her. She was a little hesitant at first but eventually, with me licking her cunt and fingering her she got into it. We kissed and used my toys on each other for several hours while her husband jacked off. But that is another story and this one has gone on long enough. Author’s note:I hope you enjoyed this story and if you have any suggestions for me – want to give me some “instructions” – I’m open – in more ways than one. Just send me an e-mail. Maybe, if I don’t actually act out your suggestions, I’ll at least include your suggestions in another story. Janet