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The Mis-adventures of Keli-The Construction site


Hi. My name is Keli and I first found out about sex at a very young age. I have decided to write about some of the things that happened to me, the more memorable experiences. I am fleshing out the stories to make them more readable but the basic events occurred. Some names and locations have been changed to protect the innocent. (And the not so innocent). Although I initiated and enjoyed many of my experiences, I do not advocate sex with children. Keep that fantasy a fantasy. I would appreciate any positive feedback to help me improve future stories.
This story starts out with a bit of background. Please be patient.
Keli Pierce was a pretty child, the odd spelling of her name the legacy of a mother who died when Keli was five. She had recently turned nine although most people meeting her for the first time guessed her age at two, sometimes even three years younger. She was very short and petite with green eyes and long dark blonde hair hanging almost to her butt.
Her father was a Colonel in the military, a troubleshooter who was sent all over the world taking care of problems. After his wife died, he refused to pawn his daughter off on relatives, instead hiring a succession of live in maids or having babysitters who could stay over while he was gone. He also refused to live on the military base, instead going early to each duty station and renting an apartment or house in a nearby town in order to expose his child to the local culture and language.
The kids living on the military base went to school according to age and grade level but there weren't enough children living in town to do that so all the children were taught in a single, large classroom. Keli was very bright, working three grade levels ahead of her age group and finding even that boring. Because of this, she was stuck with the nickname ‘Einstien'. She was leftwithout any friends because the kids her own age seemed childish and rather stupid and the older kids wouldn't have anything to do with someone who looked as young as she did.
One afternoon in July Keli was walking home from a nearby park. Wearing a white tee shirt and cutoff bluejean shorts, her arms and legs showed a dark tan. Taking a shortcut thru an open field, she heard the sound of laughing and yelling coming from where a new apartment building was being constructed. She walked over to the chain link fence surrounding the project and saw one of the construction workers squirting a group of native kids with a water hose. She watched for a couple of minutes and was getting ready to leave when the man with the hose saw her. He held the hose up and grinned, motioning her to come in and join in the fun. Keli almost walked away knowing if she went home with her hair and clothes wet the maid would have a fit but the lure of actually playing with other kids was too strong and she went in thru the gate. Keli rarely did what her father and the maid expected of her and this was no exception.
A few of the girls that looked to be Keli's age or older were playing without their shirts on and one girl was wearing only her panties. As soon as Keli was close enough, the man with the hose sprayed her, instantly soaking her clothes and causing her to almost lose her breath. The water was cold, causing her tiny nipples to become hard and visible through her wet shirt. It didn't take long before Keli was running and laughing with the other kids. She didn't notice that even though some girls weren't wearing shirts, the man with the hose seemed to spend a lot of time looking at Keli. The afternoon passed swiftly and Keli was having so much fun she almost didn't notice the last of the local kids leaving. She realized she had a problem. How was she going to get home, in her room, and her clothes changed without Meka, the maid, noticing she was wet.
"You go now?"
Keli realized the man was talking to her.
"You go now?" he repeated.
" you speak English?" Keli asked.
"Yes, speak good English," the man answered, grinning.
"I have a problem," Keli explained. "If I go home with wet clothes, I'll get in trouble."
The man looked at her blankly, then smiled and nodded his head.
"You need to fix?" he asked.
"Yes, that's right. I need to fix," Keli answered.
The man started toward the back of the construction site but stopped when he noticed Keli wasn't following him.
"Come," he said, beckoning, "Is ok. You follow. We fix."
Keli hesitated, then started after the man. He led to her to a good sized shed in a rear corner of the lot. The man entered the shed, then popped his head back out through the doorway.
"Come," he told Keli. "I show you, to fix."
Keli cautiously entered the shed and was immediately assailed by the odor. She realized it was a large outhouse which included three toilet seats with lids, a sink, a low bench and some wooden boxes.
"Eww," Keli complained. "It smells like diarrhea in here!"
"Di-uh-ree-uh?" The man said, trying to pronounce the unfamiliar English word.
"You know, poop?" Keli asked him.
"Oh." The man said, understanding. "Shit." He shrugged as if in apology. "Shit smells."
The man looked at Keli, telling her, "I leave. You take clothes, squeeze water out." He made motions with his hands showing Keli what he meant. "Give to me, I put in sun, dry quick." He smiled. "You understand?"
"I don't know..." Keli said dubiously.
"Yes," the man said grinning. "Squeeze out water, dry in sun. I go outside now."
The man left, closing the door behind him and moved to where there was a small hole in one wall of the building.
There was just enough light coming thru the vents cut at the top of the walls for Keli to see, and unknown to her, to be seen.
Thinking about taking her clothes off outside her home made Keli feel strange, but if she showed up at home wet, Meka would give her some kind of punishment, maybe even telling Keli's father. Her father was real strict about Keli behaving like a proper young lady. Playing with a bunch of native kids at a construction site would definitely not qualify as ‘Ladylike." That decided her. Keli pulled off her tee-shirt, set it on the bench, then took off her shorts and panties. Tossing the panties on her shirt, she tried wringing out the denim shorts but didn't have enough muscle to get much water out.
Looking through the hole in the outhouse the man could see that the girl's butt was so white compared to her legs that it almost glowed. He could also see she was having trouble. He hesitated a moment, having only planned on sneaking a peek. Messing with local girls was one thing but a young, white American girl could cause him a lot of trouble. The young girl's white skin ended up being too much to resist. He knocked on the door.
"Hey, you okay?" he asked. "You have problem?"
Keli didn't answer immediately but finally said, "Yes, I'm not...I mean I can't get the water out of my shorts. I'm not strong enough."
"You need help?" the man asked.
"Yes please," Keli answered politely.
"I come" the man inquired.
Keli thought it over, wondering why she was even considering it. Without really knowing why, she gave the answer that would end up changing her life.
"Okay," Keli told him.
The man opened the door and entered as Keli stood there nude. The light from the open door gave the man a clear view of the backside of her young body, the view fading as he closed the door. He took the denim shorts from Keli, and using his strong hands easily wrung the water out over the sink then repeating the action with her shirt and panties. Putting the girl's clothes on the bench, he started to remove his own clothes.
"WHAT are you doing?" Keli demanded.
The man paused, as if confused, then looked at the young girl and said, "My clothes also wet, need to dry."
Keli looked back over her shoulder at the man and thought maybe she should just get dressed and take her chances at home but she really wanted to see what a naked man looked like. The mpetuous curiosity that had gotten her in trouble so many times before struck again.
"Well.. ok then, I guess," She finally said.
The man finished removing his clothes then gathered both Keli's and his own and started for the door.
"I go put in sun," he told her, "Clothes dry quick."
Without waiting for an answer, the man exited the outhouse wearing only his boots. He returned momentarily without the clothes then sat on the bench.
"Good sun," he said," Good dry half hour."
Keli thought about sitting around nude for an hour with a grown man who was also naked and the idea curiously excited her. She became aware of a slight tingling throughout her body, a feeling she always got when she was doing something bad. She still had her back turned to him but had become tired of standing so she turned to sit on one of the larger boxes. As she turned, she noticed the man staring at her and even in the dim light could see he had a strange look on his face. She sat down, keeping her knees together so her privates wouldn't be exposed and caught herself trying to catch a glimpse of the man's privates. In the faint light, she could just make out the man's groin area and she wasn't impressed. His ‘thing' was small and flabby. She knew her biology and wondered how in the world something like that could make babies. Glancing up, she blushed bright red as she saw the man had caught her looking at him.
The man started talking and gave his name. "Me, I am Ahmed. Your name is....?"
"Keli." She answered, " My name is Keli."
"Keli. Keli is pretty name for pretty girl." He told her, " You are about..six, seven years old?"
"No," Keli replied indignantly. " I ‘m nine years old. I'm just small for my age."
"Oh, nine years old," Amed said. "You are big girl."
No one had ever called Keli a big or pretty girl before. "You think so?" she asked.
"Oh yes." Ahmed said, nodding his head. "Six, seven, is little girl. Nine, is big girl.
After the heat outside, the cool interior of the building and a slight breeze blowing through the gaps around the door left Keli feeling slightly chilly, causing her to shiver.
Ahmed noticed the girl shiver and asked her, "You are cold?"
"Yes," Keli answered, "A little ."
"You want Ahmed to fix?" Ahmed asked her.
"Yes please." Keli answered, wondering if maybe he had a blanket somewhere.
Ahmed beckoned to her and when Keli slowly stood up and approached him, he took her by the waist and turned her so she was facing away from him.
"What are you doing?" Keli asked nervously.
"Good rub. Rub rub. Get you warm." He answered.
With Keli facing away from him Ahmed began to briskly, but not too hard, rub her body. He started at her shoulders, rubbing downwards, moving to her arms, then to her sides, down over her hips and down her legs to her ankles.
The brisk rubbing was actually helping to warm her up a bit and although surprised at the physical contact, Keli refrained from speaking, allowing the man to move his hands up and down her body.
"You are very pretty, very sexy." He told her.
As smart as she was, Keli was taken by Ahmed's flattery. People didn't usually refer to her as pretty. Usually people referred to how small she was. And she wasn't sure what sexy meant exactly, but it sounded good.
When his hands reached Keli's ankles for the third time, he switched form doing the outside of both legs at the same time to doing the inside and outside of just one leg. As his hands reached the top of her thighs, he let the fingers of the inside hand brush the lips of her young pussy, causing her to flinch. His hands moved up and down her leg, each time stroking the young girl's virgin pussy. He moved his attentions to her other leg, repeating the process.
The tingling in Keli's body was increasing and there was now a funny feeling in her private area. She was beginning to really enjoy the man's attentions when he suddenly stopped. Ahmed stood up and moved Keli to one wall of the small building. He took her hands and reaching around her, placed them on the wall.
"Hold hands here," He told her, "For brace."
Keli didn't understand but as Ahmed started rubbing her back she caught on. Ahmed moved down Keli's back, over her ass to her thighs. As he massaged the top part of her thighs he deliberately kept rubbing her young pussy, occasionally giving her ass a gentle squeeze. The contact of Ahmed's hands on her butt and privates was causing the tingling in Keli's body to increase even more. She suddenly had a realization. She was doing something ‘nasty', and it excited her. She didn't know why but it did, and she liked it.
Giving Keli's butt a final squeeze, Ahmed moved his hands to the front of Keli's hips. As he did so, he moved closer, parts of his body now touching Keli's. When he reached Keli's stomach, he started rubbing slower and softer, at the same time gently pulling the girl's body to his. When his hands arrived at Keli's chest, he lightly kneaded her non-existent breasts causing her small nipples to become hard.
Keli was now thoroughly enjoying the man's attention when she became aware of something hard poking her in the butt. The man's hands were gently rubbing her titties so it couldn't be them.
So she asked, "Ahmed, what's poking me in the rear-end?"
"Ah," he answered, "That is you say in cock."
"Cock? You mean your thing.?"
"No, not ‘thing'. Cock. Is what I pee with."
"Oh, it's called a cock." Kelly said, understanding. " But I .....when I peeked at you it looked kinda small and soft."
Ahmed removed one hand from Keli's chest, took one of Keli's hands and placed it on his cock. "Feel." he said.
Keli was momentarily shocked as she felt her hand come into contact with the man's ‘cock' but her small hand almost involuntarily closed around Ahmed's hard cock.
"It's hard," she said, surprised. "But soft at the same time. What happened?"
"My cock, it gets hard when I am with sexy girl." Ahmed told her.
Stepping back, he forced Keli to let go of his cock. He then took one of the smaller boxes and moved it closer to the wall and told Keli to step up on it. He replaced Keli's hands on the wall, then placed his cock between Keli's legs.
Keli, flattered at being called ‘Sexy' again, still asked, "What are you doing?"
Ahmed pressing inward on Keli's thighs, answered, "Please to close legs. We fuckee fuckee."
" Fuckee fuckee? What's fuckee fuckee?" Keli asked, closing her legs.
Without answering and pushing his hips forward, Ahmed started to slowly fuck between Keli's tightly closed legs. Each time the head of his cock went as far forward as it could go, it would just graze the lips of Keli's pussy, causing her body to slightly jerk.
The tingling in her body was very strong now and there was a warmth building in her privates. She thought, "Now I'm really doing something nasty."
Ahmed increased his efforts, pumping his cock between Keli's legs faster and faster, pulling her hips back each time he thrust forward. The feeling in her groin was becoming quite pleasurable when suddenly Keli felt a warm, wet sensation between her legs while at the same time hearing Ahmed grunt.
Ahmed stepped back and now that he was finished, suddenly became afraid. He quickly reached over to the bench, grabbed his shirt and began wiping his cum from between Keli's legs all the while saying "Sorry...sorry."
Keli wasn't quite sure what had happened or why Ahmed was apologizing but was disappointed that it seemed to be over. Ahmed handed her clothes to her and as she got dressed he did the same. Before he pulled his shorts up, Keli could see his cock was becoming small and soft again. She could also see he looked very worried, almost scared.
Ahmed reached in his pocket, pulled out some local money and peeled off a bill.
"Here, you take," He said extending a fifty lira note to the girl. "You no secret, ok?"
Keli took the lira, a months allowance for her and realized Ahmed was paying for her silence. She didn't tell him she had no intention of saying anything, knowing the kind of trouble she would get in if she did.
Ahmed opened the door, ushered Keli out of the outhouse and quickly led her to the gate. Checking to see if anyone was watching and seeing no one, he unlocked and opened the gate and pushed her through.
As he held one finger to his lips he said, "Remember..secret!"
Keli just nodded and slowly walked home, many new concepts running through her mind and fifty lira in her pocket. She smiled.
Over the next several days Keli found herself thinking about what had happened at the construction site. If she dwelt on the idea for any length of time, the tingling in her body would start. It made her feel almost...itchy. At night, after she had gone to bed Keli would sometimes lightly rub her pussy and wonder why she was doing it. Doing or thinking about doing something nasty again left her feeling so very strange, and, itchy. She decided she would go back to the construction site.
The following Friday after her Father had left for an overnight trip, Keli left her house and walked down the street heading for the construction site. Stopping at the edge of an adjacent field Keli watched and waited as the workers stopped their labors and one by one went home. When Keli was sure all the workers had left except Ahmed, She approached the gate and she saw him rolling up some hose.
"Hey, Ahmed! " she called. "Ahmed!"
Ahmed turned, surprised at seeing the young American girl. He had thought she wouldn't come back. He motioned her in and walked towards her.
"Hey sexy girl. You come to see Ahmed?" He asked.
"I was just walking by and saw you so I thought I'd say hi." Keli answered.
"Ah. Ahmed thought maybe you come back for more fun.
Not looking directly at the man Keli said, " No, I was just going home when I saw you." Kelly hesitated for a few seconds then said " But I don't have to be home right this minute . I could hang around for a while."
Ahmed turned his attention back to his task telling Keli "O.K. You wait, Ahmed finish work."
"Alright" Keli replied
Keli wandered around the yard trying to ignore the little voice in her head that was telling her to forget all about Ahmed and nasty things and get her butt back home right now. She was startled out of her inner struggle when Ahmed suddenly appeared beside her.
"Hey sexy girl. You want go play with Ahmed?" he asked.
With just a slight hesitation Keli nodded her head. " I guess so, if you want to."
Ahmed grinned, thinking about how dangerous this was but excited past the point of caring replied, "Yes, I want to. Come with Ahmed."
Ahmed turned and once again headed towards the small building at the rear of the site. Upon reaching the outhouse, Keli followed Ahmed inside. Once Keli was inside, Ahmed closed the door plunging the small room into darkness. Both Keli and Ahmed stood still for a moment, waiting for their eyes to adjust to the dimness.
Once he could see again, Ahmed moved next to Keli and gave her a hug, gently squeezing her ass at the same time.
"Ahmed hoped very much Keli girl come back." Ahmed told her.
Releasing Keli, Ahmed started removing his clothing but when Keli followed suit Ahmed stopped her.
"No," he said, "Ahmed want to do."
Ahmed finished undressing then moved over to Keli and slowly lifted up her t-shirt. Standing close behind her he reached around and softly rubbed the preteen's almost non-existent breasts paying close attention to her tiny nipples.
Keli, relaxing a little now that she was actually doing something again just stood there and enjoyed the man's hands on her body. Ahmed lifted Keli's t-shirt over her head and tossed it on one of the boxes. He started rubbing lower and lower until he was sliding his hands under the waist of Keli's shorts. Ahmed unsnapped her shorts and pulled them and her panties down. Keli lifted first one foot then the other without complaint letting Ahmed toss her shorts and panties on top of her t-shirt.
Ahmed, enjoying the feel of the girl's prepubescent body started to lightly stroke her pussy with one hand while gently squeezing her nipples with the other.
Keli stood unmoving, lost in the pleasurable feelings she was experiencing. Ahmed continued to rub her body for a while then abruptly stopped. When the rubbing stopped, Keli turned her head to see why and saw Ahmed scooping up a handful of white greasy hand cleaner from a can that was kept by the sink. Ahmed turned back to the girl and rubbed the thick grease-like soap between her legs and directly on the adolescent girl's pussy. Keli was surprised at how much better it felt with the slippery hand cleaner providing lubrication.
Ahmed moved around Keli and took her arm, gently pulling her up on the same box she had stood on the first time. Moving up behind her Ahmed pushed his cock between her legs. Keli started to close her legs like she had done before but Ahmed stopped her.
"No, open legs wide. We do different this time." the man told her.
"Okay." Keli replied agreeingly, spreading her legs.
Ahmed pushed forward so that the head of his cock was touching the child's pussy.
"You like this, to fukee fukee?" he asked.
"Yes," Keli replied. "It feels nice."
The warm tingling in her body was very strong now and Keli was almost in a trance when Ahmed started to push just a tiny bit harder causing the tip of his cock to just slip between the lips of Keli's young virgin pussy. Keli didn't mind the feeling of Ahmed's cock rubbing just inside her privates for it was giving her new, different sensations. The tingling in her body was so warm, and so strong now it was almost unbearable. Keli knew she was really ‘BadGirlKeli' this time.
Suddenly, as Ahmed tried to push more of his cock in her privates, Keli felt a slightly painful pressure in her privates.
"Ahmed? It's starting to hurt a little."
Ahmed ignored the girl, pushing even harder causing Keli to try and move forward, away from the pressure but Ahmed grasped her hips and pulled her back.
"Ahmed, it's really starting to hurt! Please stop!" Keli begged.
Ahmed was beyond listening or caring and thrust forward hard while pulling Keli back by her hips allowing him to bury his entire cock in the young girl's pussy.
Keli couldn't believe the intense pain that suddenly ripped thru her body causing her to scream in pain. Since the construction site was not near any homes, no one heard the screams of the young girl. Or if someone did, they ignored them.
Keli was crying and pleading with Ahmed to stop but his movements became more frenzied. Ahmed was thrusting forward at the same time pulling he was pulling Keli back to him when suddenly he pulled back too far and his cock popped out of the girl's pussy. In frustration, he thrust forward blindly trying to bury his cock back in Keli's tight warm pussy again but missed and instead buryed his cock all the way in the girl's ass. A new, fresh burning sensation tore through Keli causing her to scream out once again and cry for Ahmed to stop. After only a few strokes in Keli's ass Ahmed pulled back and entered her pussy again. It only took a few seconds more when once again with a groaning sound Ahmed was done. He slowly pulled out of Keli leaving the young girl sobbing. His cock was covered in Keli's blood, and blood trickled down the her leg.
Ahmed stared in horror at the blood on Keli's leg, suddenly realizing the danger he was in. If the girl told on him, he wouldn't stay alive a single month in prison.
Still sobbing, Keli turned and yelled,"You HURT me! You really hurt me! Why didn't you stop when I told you to?"
Ahmed was in a blind panic. "Ahmed is sorry..sor sorry." he stammered. "You too sexy. Ahmed lost control. No could stop."
"I'm gonna tell my dad!" Keli told him. "He'll beat you half to death."
"Oh, No! No tell! If you tell, Ahmed die! They kill Ahmed for this! Please no tell? Ahmed do anything. Ahmed not want to die!"
Keli could see the fear on the man and it appeased her little. She saw that Ahmed really believed he would be killed. She was still angry but she didn't want him to die. Ahmed saw the girl hesitate and thought he might have a chance to get out of this alive. He turned and grabbed his pants, reached into a pocket and pulled out a thick wad of money. He started to peel off some bills then suddenly extended the whole amount to Keli.
"Here, you take. Take all. No tell. Ok?" he asked her.
Keli stood glaring at him for a few seconds then slowly took the money. "I think you are a very, very mean person. But I don't want you to die. I don't know what to do about this."
"Hey, Ahmed promise never, never, never to do again. You keep all lira, no tell anyone. Stay secret. Ahmed is so, so, so sorry. Please no tell?" Ahmed begged.
Keli stood there thinking. If she did tell her father, he might find out this was her second time here. He might find out that Keli let the man do stuff the first time, then came back for more. Keli made a decision.
"O.K. I won't tell. But I don't like you anymore and I'm never coming back here again."
 Having had the last word Keli grabbed Ahmed's shirt and wiped the blood from her legs and then very gently from her privates. She got dressed as Ahmed just sat with his head down.
Keli moved to the door and left. Walking slowly home she tried to make sense of everything. She wondered why girls wanted to have sex if it hurt so much. Did it hurt the guy too? It seemed like she had more questions then ever. She did know one thing. She wasn't gonna ride her bike anytime soon.
The End