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Painting the Roses Red Part 2

Female Discipline

"Get on your feet you miserable wretch.
I commanded, grabbing her hair and then pulling her to her feet and then putting her face close to mine.
What is the Shylock's name and whom is he collecting for?
Remember, things will go badly for you if you lie to me!"

"He said his name was Frank.
I owe him ten thousand dollars."

"Whom is he collecting for?"
I asked, giving her head a jerk.

"I don't know.
I met him in a bar with some bleached blond.
I think that her name was Mary or Martha; something like that."

"Rose my love, please go upstairs to our bedroom and wait for me.
Your sister and I are going to have a little chat.
Do not come back downstairs for any reason.
I do no want you to know about or be exposed to this dirty affair or the people involved."

"Yes sweetheart, I am sure you know what's best."
I laughed to myself at the expression on Clarette's face as Rose walked away.

"Now there goes a kind, sweet Lady and I love her dearly."
Turning my attention back to her I jerked her head with her hair.
"Let me get this straight, Clarette.
You expect me to believe that you met a strange man in a bar.
His name was Frank, a complete stranger to you.
Frank loaned you ten thousand dollars?
But you don't even know his last expect me to believe that?"

"I'm telling you the truth, I swear to God!"

I let go of her hair and then shook my head, sighing.
"It is a shame that you are not more like your sister.
You are either lying or not telling me the complete truth.
Obviously you have no idea what you may have gotten yourself into.
Shylocks are not nice people.
I removed her handcuffs.

And if you continue lying to me...................................."

I punched her in the stomach taking care to pull the punch and knocking the wind out of her doubling her over.
Clarette sank to her knees gasping for breath.
I hoped that I wouldn't have to hit her that hard again with my fist.
The implied threat that I would do it again should be suffice.
Rose was sweet and kind.... truly good person.
Clarette was not, she almost let the punk break Rose's arm.

In order to get Clarette to comply and change her ways, I had to first break her.
I would make her totally dependent on me for everything.

"While we are on the subject of God.
You are not to lay hands on your sister ever again.
God help you if you dare even to raise your voice to Rose.
No matter how smart and clever that you think you are you will never be your sister's equal
The sooner that you learn that the happier you will be."

I made her crawl on her hands and knees to the basement and then I handcuffed her hands behind her back with the cuffs they brought.
I then tied a rope around her neck and to the jack post.
Using my serrated Spiderco Cricket I cut off her tube top blouse.
Then I fashioned a gag from her blouse.
I wrapped a bar of Ivory Soap in it before placing it over her mouth and I tied it snuggly behind her head.

"Perhaps now you will think twice before lying to me or leaving out information.
I will be back later for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."
I then cut off her bra and black Capri pants, leaving her in panties only.

I needed to watch Clarette carefully over the next few weeks.
I could not afford any distractions.
My friend David has connections, knowing many powerful influential people.
Although soft-spoken, David is no pushover.
His wife Laura is classy and confident and he loves her dearly.
David enjoys spoiling her.
Behind the scenes, Laura always defers to him.

We sent Laura and Rose to a very exclusive spa and resort.
We wanted them safe and out of the way for the next few weeks.
Both of our ladies were excited about the prospect at getting away to do girl things.
David would be available to help with the Shylock if things got ugly.
The girls were going to be safely tucked away.
I can always count on David being discrete.
He didn't ask why I needed to be alone for the next few weeks.... or longer.

Clarette spent the rest of the day and the following night secured to the post.

I checked on her early the following morning while Rose and Laura were being driven to the airport to catch their plane to Colorado.
Clarette had soiled herself and then in an effort to get comfortable managed to get her feces on the floor.
That was to be expected.

"How dare you crap on my clean floor like some kind of ill mannered puppy?
I said, feigning anger.
Obviously you were never properly house broken."
I removed her gag noticing the dissolved soap that she managed to spit and drool down the front of herself.

I removed her soiled panties.
Then I made her kneel by the floor drain.
I then hosed her off with cold water an the floor, followed by mopping with a solution of bleach and water.
And while doing so I was formulating a plan in my mind to further break and humiliate her.
I let her drink from the hose, first allowing her to rinse her mouth.
I made her spit into the floor drain.

"Lets start over puppy."
I offered, removing her handcuffs.
Get on your hands and knees... good girl.
Exactly how much money did Frank give you in the bar?"
I asked, pushing her wet hair away from her face.

"Frank gave me one thousand dollars, Sir"

"You told me it was ten thousand yesterday."

"The other nine is the interest.
Please let me go.
I promise..."

"Save your breath and save my ears."
I interrupted, by slapping her ass hard with my hand.
"What's in it for no last name Frank and why did he loan you the money?"

"Frank told me that he was tired of the bitch.
Then he laughed and pointed to the bleached blond sitting next to him.
He said it right in front of her, Mary or Martha, whatever.
He said that we should go to Los Vegas for the weekend and party."

"Did you go to Los Vegas with the Shylock?"

"No, I never went with him, he makes my skin crawl.
I just blew him off.
I didn't know he was a Shylock."

What is the name and location of the bar?"

"The Golden Key on Mix Place, Sir.

"I know of the place.
It's a scumbag bar that is frequently raided by the police."
I said in disgust.
"You had no business being there in the first place.
You have most likely involved your sister and I as well.
The Shylock is likely to push up on us for your debt.
Do you hate your sister that much, puppy?
Did you tell the Shylock about us?
Do you know his last name?"

Clarette hesitated before answering, and I knew she would lie.
"No, I swear to God." "I..."

Grabbing her hair, I pulled and forced her over to a chair and sat down I sat down.
I put her over my knee as if she were a disobedient child.

I spanked with my right hand holding her easily in place.
"You are lying to me and if you continue acting like a untruthful child, I shall punish you like one."

I spanked her until her buttocks were beet red.
Clarette was pleading with me to stop... admitting that she lied.
I continued until she was merely whimpering, and went limp, accepting her well-deserved punishment.
I then handcuffed her in the front this time.
I secured her neck with the rope and tied the other end to the jack post.
I then placed a clean gag in her mouth followed by spreading newspapers on the floor for her to sleep on.

Leaving her I drove to a pet shop to pick up some supplies.
Next, I went to Radio Shack for a wireless camera and monitor.
On the way home I saw a small plastic child's wading pool put out to the curb as trash.
It was a silly thing but no doubt a treasure and delight to a small child's imagination on a hot summer day.
It was bright yellow with cartoon sea horses, octopuses and fish.
Growing up on farm money was tight.
As a small child I remember my submarine.... an old galvanized sheet metal watering trough with a slow leak.
My Dad would get in with me to cool off, especially when he just came in from the fields.

God bless him, Dad would make me paper hats from newspapers.
He carved boats for me from small blocks of wood for me to sink.
Dad was an old navy man, a submariner.
What are your orders little Admiral he would say to me.
Afterwards we would sit on the porch and share a double Popsicle broken in half.
It made me rather melancholy weighing the things I was missing...well.... back on subject.
It was undamaged and without holes so I put it in the back of the truck.
I then took a detour to pick up some extra- large bags kitty litter.

After I ate breakfast I carried the wading pool down to the basement and put it near Clarette.
She was cowering by the jack post expecting another beating.

"Please, I have to pee!!

"Please I have to pee, Sir."
I corrected Clarette, observing that the newspapers were dry and unsoiled.

"Please, I have to pee Sir. " She repeated,"May I please use the bathroom?"

I ignored her going back upstairs to the truck to get the kitty litter.
I made several trips until the wading pool was half full.

"Your rope will reach the litter box."
I advised her taking off her handcuffs and pointing.
"You will do your business in the litter box you plump little puppy."

I made her crawl on her hands and knees into the pool.
"Good girl! " I told her, patting her head.
"Go pee- pee and pooh-pooh, puppy.
When I am convinced you are housebroken, I may allow you use of the toilet.
That privilege is contingent upon how your obedience training goes."
I patted her head as she peed in the kitty litter.
Clarette the puppy was crying quietly in her humiliation.
I stood over her with my arms folded looking down at her in the litter box.

"Look at me puppy.
I do not care how Rose addresses you.
No matter how things turn out between us, as Blanche became my sweet Rose, you shall be my Puppy.
Perhaps I may even grow to like you... perhaps not.
For now I hold you in contempt and you will obey me!
Obedience is you only salvation."

I went back upstairs and returned with her wire mesh dog kennel.
I assembled it while Puppy watched.

It was high enough for her to be on her hands and knees.
It was not high enough for her to sit up.
The kennel was perfect for her to assume the posture of a bitch dog.
I again left and returned with the surveillance camera which I set it up to watch her small section of the basement.

Next, I placed an army surplus wool blanket in Puppy's kennel.
I made her crawl in closing the door the door behind her.
I then locked her in and secured the cage with a padlock.

"Can I have something to eat, Sir?"

"It is may I have something to eat, not can I have something to eat college girl.
You will be fed twice a day and I will feed you in one hour."

I returned in an hour with a bowl of dry puppy chow and a bowl of water.
"Here you go Puppy.
You may not use your hands to eat".
I put the bowls down and opened the kennel door.

It was not my intention to make her eat dog food for the next two weeks.
I intended on purchasing the smallest bag available.
Fortunately I took advantage of a promotion and brought home one free sample.

U.S. law requires that pet foods be processed, and a high quality product like Purina is a processed food.
It is required to meet the same strict standards as food processed for human consumption.
While not particularly palatable, Puppy will eat it when she is hungry enough.

That will be the first mental shackle I will place on her.
The second, making her beg for dog food and be glad to get it.
When she eats it, and she will, I will move on to another mental shackle.

"Are you going to eat, Puppy?"
I asked as she crawled out of her kennel.
She looked down at her bowl of Purina Puppy Chow.
She just shook her head, tears forming in her eyes.

"Suit yourself, Puppy."
I immediately removed the bowl putting out of her reach.
I left her bowl of fresh water.

"It's time for your bath and haircut."

Puppy crawled up two flights of stairs to the bathroom.
She crawled into the tub staying on her hands and knees.
I purchased Sergeant's Flea and Tick Shampoo and Crazy Dog Apple Conditioner for Puppy's hair.

The Sergeant's contains insecticide.
I dumped it out and then rinsed the bottle well before refilling it with Suave Green Apple Shampoo and it matched the color of the original perfectly.
Puppy didn't know that and I made sure she saw the bottles to read the labels.
Taking my time and using my hands I washed her with Rose's castile soap.
As I was washing her I was also questioning her.

"Think hard Puppy, what is Frank's last name?"

"Abzug, his name is Frank Abzug, Sir."

"Good girl." I praised her, patting her ass.
You need to trust me or I can't help you.
In the short time that I have known Rose, I have grown to love her dearly.
Did you know that your sister Rose does not hate you?
She has forgiven you for everything.
Before I sent her away to be safe Rose told me to tell you that
I'm not as forgiving as she
Rose is everything to me and you have put her in danger.
Your own flesh and blood, your sister!
Have you no shame?
Have you decency?
When you meet your maker and he weighs your soul... your immortal soul, Clatette.
Do you know what he will find, I shall tell you; green ink on paper?"

I was becoming genuinely angry with her.
My sublimated rage and resentment were coming suddenly to the surface.
I was remembering her father's wake and funeral.

Then after, how Rose cried as I tried to comfort her.
Rose cried, not for her father... not for herself...but for her sister.
The sister that she loved, the sister that she cooked, cleaned, and cared for...sacrificed for.
Clarette, the sister Rose protected from their drunken abusive father.
The sister that my Rose, my dear sweet Rose............ "God damn you woman!"
I shouted angrily and then suddenly stood up.

I kicked the cast iron tub hard enough to hurt my foot making her shriek and cower with fright and cower at my outburst.
The pain helped me master my anger.
I left the bathroom to stand in the hallway to calm down and l left her sobbing in the bathtub.

When I returned, I started washing her hair.
"One way or another I will settle with this Shylock, this Frank Abzug!"
I said calmly.

"Are you going to beat me again?"
Puppy asked, sobbing.

I just ignored her and started rinsing the shampoo from Puppy's hair.
While I was rinsing out the conditioner she was still sobbing,

"Are you going to shave me bald?
Please, I told him and he knows where you live.
I'm sorry!I'm sorry!I must pay him!He said he has people.
I'm afraid, I... I didn't know what to do."

"You could have asked your sister to help.
You could have gone to the police."

"I can't go to the police. I can't snitch. She sobbed.I'll go to jail.
"I have shoplifting warrants in three states.
He said that if I didn't pay him by the end of the month I would owe him fifteen thousand.
Frank said he would make a prostitute to pay off my debt to him."

"I will check out your story and give you the benefit of the doubt for now.
If you are telling the truth I will not beat you or shave your head.
I finished by brushing Puppy's teeth for her and then let her spit the used toothpaste into the bathtub drain.

I could have easily forced myself on her but I put those carnal thoughts aside.
Perhaps she was not the hard case that I thought she was.
Perhaps there was hope for her after all.
So far Puppy was quite compliant and she was not really bad to look at despite the extra pounds.
Puppy's bath was very impersonal and business like and so unlike the baths or showers I share with Rose.
I really should fence in the backyard and put in a hot tub...but I regress.

I toweled her off in the same business like manner while she was still on her hands and knees.
I wrapped her hair in a towel ordered her to stand.
I put her hands behind her back and held them there.

"Stop blubbering and feeling sorry for yourself.
Because you are Rose's sister and she loves you I will help you.
I give my word that I will protect you from the Shylock.
Stand straight and keep your hands behind your back.
I want to get a good look at you.
You do not have permission to speak.
I have all the information I need from you for now.
From this point on if you speak without permission I will beat your for disobeying me.
Do you understand, Puppy?"
She nodded yes.

Puppy had the same thick and well cared for hair as Rose.
The difference being Puppy's hair color was a rich shiny jet- black.
It was cut in long layers falling to the middle of her back.
Puppy had a round face and no dimples.
Although her lips were not as full as Rose's they were nice.
They had the same small ears and they shared the same nose.
Puppy's eyes were a darker brown, so brown as to appear almost black in the right light.
She had the same long eyelashes as Rose.

"Open your mouth I want to see your teeth."
I ordered, removing my Surefire ED2 flashlight from my pocket.
I stuck my fingers in Puppy's mouth, pulling her lips back.
Puppy had good teeth and healthy gums, excellent.

I did not approve of her long nails painted nails.
Many of her nails were now broken from crawling on the floor.
I cut them short and sensible and removed the nail polish.

Slightly plump, Puppy had a small belly and her hips were wider then Rose's.
Puppy's breasts were larger with pinky brown areolas and larger nipples.
Tight clothing really didn't suit her figure.
Puppy would be curvaceous upon dropping 18 to 20 pounds.

Puppy's pubis was covered in thick black hair.
I stroked it with my hand making her shudder.

"Your day's in the tanning booths are over.
Don't you realize the damage you are causing to your skin not to mention the increased risk of cancer?
You have the same beautiful skin and complexion as your sister, why ruin it?
Go downstairs to the kitchen, Puppy.
I will give you your haircut there and you may walk for now."

I made her sit on the bar stool and then removed the towel from her hair.
I combed her long hair out smoothing it down her back.
Picking up the scissors, I separated a section of her hair in the front with my fingers.
I slowly chopped it off just below shoulder length.
l let Puppy see each severed lock before dropping it to the floor.
I continued this all the way around, from right to left until the last snip.
I wet her hair again and combed it out.
Next, I divided her hair into sections.
I twisted them up and clipped each section on the top of her head with plastic butterfly clips.

I brought the first section down, and used the comb to cut it straight across exactly to shoulder length.
Then bringing each uncut section down using the cut sections as a guide.
After I blow-dried Puppy's shorter hair I checked for any stray pieces.
I cut them with my scissors until the bottom was cut perfectly straight and even.
It was now shoulder length with a good blunt cut: almost all of the layers gone.
I planned on cutting it shorter as part of her punishment until Puppy was left with a short, boys haircut.

I played with her hair fluffing it about her shoulders.
It felt much thicker and fuller without the layers.
I parted her hair in the middle and then divided it in two sections.
Then, I fixed Puppy's hair into pigtails.

"Do you have to pee or poop?"
Puppy nodded her head for yes.
Walk down to the basement and use your litter box.
Remember, I can see everything you do on the monitor.
I will be recording everything on my laptop.
If your training goes well and you please me I will not show anything to Rose.
Your punishment will remain strictly between us.
After you do your potty you will find baby-wipes in the red covered trashcan.
You will wipe your bottom with the baby wipes and you will clean your hands with several others.
Put the soiled wipes in the can, and then come back to the kitchen.
After you return you have permission to speak."

Puppy ran down the stairs and defecated and urinated in her litter box.
I watched the look of relief on her face as she was going because she must have been holding it for a while.
My best guess was that when Puppy returned she would be more cooperative.

When she returned I said, "You will find a broom, dustpan and trashcan in the closet."
Sweep up the hair and dispose of it properly and then put everything away.
Wash your hands in the sink and then get on the stool and put your hands behind back."

I dumped Clarette's oversized purse on the kitchen table.
I removed her Drivers License, Social Security Card and credit cards.
I scanned them into my desk top computer and sent them to David as e-mail attachments.
David would use this information to have one of his many contacts run a background check.
I followed it up in a telephone call to him and I made it right in front of her.
During the call I updated him of the unfolding events.

We planned on bringing Puppy to David's and hiding her if necessary.
This was contingent upon the outcome of the meeting with the Shylock.
Nobody can enter David's property undetected.
Trespassers would be shot and killed.... survivors would be shot again.
The Shylock was a threat to my family and fortunately I now had the Shylock's name.
David would provide me with a detailed report about this Shylock, this scumbag, Frank Abzug.

After I finished my telephone call, Puppy asked.
"Are you really going to help me Sir or are you are just saying that to get what you want."

"I am going to give you a pass Puppy to speak your mind and I will make allowances for your cynicism, however do not doubt my veracity.
I tugged sharply on one of her pigtails to emphasize this point.
I then stood behind her and took a pigtail in each hand.
I stood behind Puppy holding her pigtails and continued talking quietly.

Just come out and say it, "what's in it for you."
The answer is nothing.
I really am going to help you with the Shylock.
I value honesty, loyalty and friendship.... family.
I imagine these are concepts that are hard for you to grasp.
They come to me as naturally as breathing.
The people I surround myself with breathe the same air."

"All men want something."
She stated, matter fatally.

"To a certain extent, yes.
I admitted.
Don't judge all men by your father or with the men you keep company."

"My father was a drunken bastard, I hate him!"

"Yet you didn't refuse your inheritance as spelled out in the will, did you?"

"That was different!"

"Why was it different, Puppy?"

"Because he is my father.
I was legally entitled to it."

"I were legally entitled to it because he was your father and you hate him.
You took the money or to be precise sold his things to get the money.
It all makes sense to me now.
You didn't attend the funeral or wake nor did you help your sister with the incurred expenses.
You sure showed him.... didn't you Puppy."

"You are twisting my words!!"

"Am I, Puppy?You cleared out the house taking everything of value.
You even took sister's bed and dresser.
You certainly showed him."

"But Blanche got the house."
Puppy said defensively.

"Did she?" I asked.

"Well she got the ruby anyway.

"Did you know the house had three mortgages?"

"How could I possibly know that?"
She answered, looking as if she wanted to cry.

"I don't know Puppy how could you possibly know that?
I asked, sarcastically.
"Perhaps you could have at least attended the funeral.
By not attending you broke Rose's heart not your father's.
It was an opportunity to put aside your differences, to heal."

"I never made Blanche stay with father."
She said, tears now running down her face.

"That is true, you didn't."

"Blanche could have left at any time."

"That is also true."

"But if Blanche didn't have any money how did she pay for the funeral and headstone?"

I didn't answer her; I let the silence do the talking.

"You must have paid for them then."

"Rose talked to me about selling the ruby but I wouldn't let her... how could I possibly let her?
Did you assume that Rose sold her birthright to pay for the funeral and headstone?
If it came to that Rose would have, sweet Rose would have.
Totally selfless on Rose's part; leaving her penniless."

Puppy didn't answer.

"Then by chance you ran Rose in the restaurant and you know the rest.
This is the woman who protected you from your father, the father you admitted hating.
You were seven when your mother died and Rose was twelve.
Rose cared for you until you left for college at seventeen.
She wore second hand so you could wear new.
Rose worked two jobs to help put you through college, frat girl.
Eight years of college... and you never even graduated with a two year degree."

She was openly sobbing now as I continued to berate her.
She tried to wipe her face with her hand.
"Keep your hands behind your back or I will spank you for disobeying me."
I again tugged on her pigtails.

"You still have permission to speak, Puppy."
"Jump in at any time."
She continued sobbing, afraid to move her hands and wipe her face.

"When your father was bedridden and helpless Rose gave up the better paying of the two jobs.
She stayed home to care for him because he was family.
Even then he was verbally abusive to her.
On his deathbed he asked for you, before the priest took his confession.
He was still lucid and begged God for forgiveness.
Rose forgave him and comforted him and she assured him that you forgave him too.
Perhaps Rose no longer loved him, but she forgave him."

"Your father died assured that his daughters did not hate him and had forgiven him.
As for the rest, God will sort that out.
I talked with Father Dennis in private.
He is the priest whom performed your father's funeral mass and heard his confession/last rites.
He was humbled by your sister's compassion to the mean old bastard.
Those were the priest's words, mean old bastard."

"From the time you left home up until your father's death, who was there for Rose, green ink on paper?
Get on your hands and knees and crawl down to your kennel.
I'm done with you for now."
I let go of her pigtails and followed her down to the basement.

Puppy was crying and shaking as she crawled to her kennel on her hands and knees.
She crawled into her kennel refusing to look at me.
I put her water bowl in with her before I padlocked the kennel door.
Before I left I pushed one of her father's Mass Cards through the bars.

I left Puppy in the kennel for three days.
I allowed her out twice a day for water and to use her litter box.
Puppy refused to eat her puppy chow when it was offered.
Each time I immediately removed the bowl.
Puppy was not allowed to speak until she ate her puppy chow.
I was not speaking to her as well.
When she tried to speak I put her over my knee and spanked her as before and then I put her back in the kennel and left her there.

The background check on Clarette Rousseau came back first.
Puppy did have arrest warrants in three states for shoplifting.
She had multiple traffic violations in numerous states; further difficult situations to deal with.
In addition to this she had managed to accumulate several hundred thousand dollars in credit card debt.

I had every bit of conceivable information available.
Starting with her from birth to the present: birth certificate, baptismal certificate, etc., credit reports, medical and dental records
I had all her school records from kindergarten through high school as well as her college transcripts, everything about her available.

Puppy was an honor student with a near perfect grade point average all through public school.
In college she did fantastic her first and second semesters being accepted by Mensa with an IQ of 180.
At first her scholarships covered the costs of everything except for spending money.
Then her grades started slipping when she was admitted to a highly desirable fraternity, as fraternities go comprised of mostly wealthy spoiled girls.
From there, everything was downhill.

Frank Abzug was another matter entirely because we didn't have much of anything on him.
It was if the Shylock suddenly appeared on the scene five years ago.
Everything previous to that was erased from the system.
Perhaps the man was an illegal foreigner.
As my father used to say, "I hope you haven't bit off more then you can chew, Adam."

All we had was his last known address and all real property was listed in his wife's maiden name.
We did manage a recent set of photos of the bastard.
We also had information on his motor vehicles: A red 1965 Corvette Convertible and a black 1973 Lincoln Continental.

The last day of the month, October 31st. was fast approaching and I had eleven days to get the Shylock his money.
Even if I paid him, there was no guarantee that he would leave us alone.
The Shylock might look upon it as a weakness and try to extort more then interest from me.
Right from the start I would have to convince him that he had bitten off more than he could chew.

By day seven, Puppy had to be starving.
I gave her bath early that morning and then I brought her to the kitchen and made her sit on the stool with her hands cuffed behind her back.
I styled her damp hair in twin braids tying the ends with a red ribbon bow.
I deliberately waited eating breakfast until after I bathed her and I gave her permission to speak if she wished.

All that Puppy ingested the past seven days was water, therefore; I started with the coffee beans.
There are few things that smell a good as a newly opened can of coffee.
Better yet, grinding the coffee fresh from beans.
Next was the bread.
I bought fresh Italian bread dough to bake in the oven.
Another marvelous smell, freshly baked bread, hot from the oven...slathered in butter.
Rose makes bread from scratch.

Tomatoes were on the menu that morning.
Red and juicy tomatoes and sliced half-an-inch thick.
I drizzled them with cold pressed extra virgin olive oil and sprinkled them with freshly chopped basil.
If you wish, add sea salt or fresh ground black pepper to taste.
But the bacon, never forget the bacon sliced thick right from the butcher.
Cold hickory smoked bacon with a touch of maple syrup frying in the pan.
Following the bacon, poached eggs, round and perfect.
The combination of all these delicious delights, intended as visual and olfaction overload in the kitchen.
Puppy's bowl of Purina Puppy Chow was on the floor by the stool.

I started to eat breakfast.
"Please Sir, may I please eat my puppy chow."

"Do you promise to be a good girl?"
I asked, taking a sip of coffee.

"Yes Sir, I promise to be a good girl."

"Are you my Puppy?" I asked.

"Yes Sir, I'm your Puppy."

"You didn't lie about your warrants and that's a good start, Puppy.
I will never punish you for telling the truth."
The traffic tickets were a surprise however."

I took out a handful of the puppy chow out of her bowl.
Then I started feeding her one piece at a time and sipping my coffee until she ate about a dozen pieces.
"Are they good, Puppy?"

"No Sir, they are terrible but I am so hungry.
May I have some water please?"

I put my coffee cup up to her mouth allowing her a few sips and then I took one.

"How is the coffee?"
I asked kindly.

"It is delicious, Sir."

I took another sip and gave her one.

"I don't hate my sister."

"If you say so, Puppy?"

"I still hate my father."

I didn't comment.
I refilled my cup from the pot and to gave her another sip.

"I am terrified of the Shylock and I thought that I didn't have a choice.... I was desperate."

I took another sip and then let her take one.
"Do you normally drink your coffee black?"
I asked, taking a sip.

"Yes, especially when it's this good, Sir"

"This is one thing we have in common, Puppy, preferring our coffee black."
I walked back over to the table with my coffee cup and sat down.
"Come over here and kneel by my chair."

I sat there and shared my breakfast with her.
I fed her by hand, letting her sip out of my coffee cup as before.
When I was done eating I let her lick and suck on my fingers.

I put the plate on the floor next to my chair.
From a kneeling position and Puppy leaned forward with her hand still cuffed from behind.
Puppy greedily licked the plate clean.
As with Rose, my first connection with Puppy occurred in the kitchen.
Under different circumstances, but both of them in need of my help.

"I will give you a chance to redeem yourself in my eyes, Puppy."

"I will do anything you say, Sir."

"Good girl.
Don't disappoint me."

I took her face in my hands.
"You will start by cleaning the kitchen.
You do know how to clean house, don't you, Puppy?"

"I know how to clean house, Blanche taught me."

"Good girl."
I said, removing her handcuffs.
"We will make it a contest between you and Rose."

Puppy worked non-stop until early evening glad to be out of the basement.
In all honesty she did do a very good job and she followed me room to room while I was critiquing her work.

"Very nice work Puppy... very nice work.
Every room is clean, neat and tidy.
Rose could not do better."

"Thank you Sir."
She said, smiling and looking relieved.
"Is there anything else I can do to please you?"

"Your obedience pleases me, but no nothing specific for now.
Go upstairs and wait for me in the shower.
You may walk from this point on.
Consider it a reward for a job well down and you may also use the toilet."

After a time I joined her in the shower.
I washed myself while she watched and then it was her turn.
Using my hands instead of the washcloth I was gentle with her.
I soaped her down paying particular attention to her breasts and vagina, my hands, lingering and probing.
Of course I had a hard-on during the shower what normal man wouldn't.

Puppy was certainly aware of it.
I debated to myself about asking her to give me head in the shower.
Puppy would have to spare herself a spanking.

I was content to caress her breasts and arouse her, proving that my theory was correct.
The Rousseau women had marvelous sensitive nipples.
I ended her shower by shampooing and conditioning her hair.

I allowed Puppy to dry my back with a towel.
I then toweled her off, followed by blow-drying and brushing out her hair.

Puppy brushed and flossed her teeth while I watched.
I observed that Puppy was fastidious about her teeth and very thorough in caring for them.

"Sir, may I use some mouthwash please?"

"Don't push your luck, Puppy."

"Yes Sir, I meant no disrespect."

"Perhaps not.
I will wait for you downstairs.
Use the mouthwash if you wish and be sure to tidy the bathroom before you leave.
We have much to talk about."

I was sitting at the kitchen table when she came downstairs.
I pointed to the floor by my chair and Puppy knelt down next to me.
I handed her a stack of papers, her background check.
"This is you Puppy from birth to the present."

As she was looking through the papers, she said.
"I don't understand, Sir.
How could you possibly get all this information on me in such a short period of time?"

"I too have people. With an IQ of 180, you are obviously are an intelligent women and should realize by now I meant what I said about helping you if only for Rose's sake.
Up until now you have been misdirected, greedy, coveting and intellectually lazy and certainly lacking discipline."
But you still have much potential and your obedience is the key to unlock it."

"This is what we found out about Frank Abzug."
I handed her his background check.
"Not much but in the end my gut tells me that this will be to our advantage.
If he were to disappear suddenly who would be there to mourn him?"

His wife?"
She suggested.

"If you mean the bleached blond you described to me in the bar, not likely.
I bet Martha would be glad to be rid of him."

"Are you hungry?"

"Yes please, Sir?"

"We are having a light meal this evening."

I again fed her off of my plate, as would a Master with a favorite bitch dog.
Afterwards we shared a pot of chamomile tea drinking out of the same cup.
Puppy was sitting at my feet.

She was forthcoming with much information about her perspectives growing up and about being raised by her sister.
Puppy was jealous and resentful of Rose.

I allowed her to talk with me about a whole host of subjects.
I came to understand her as an intelligent woman.
Puppy was very knowledgeable on the subjects of art and classic literature.
Her greatest passion.... she loved to paint.

She expressed her passions, as I would have for my own: rod-building, fly tying and fishing, with Rose now being my first.
Rose encouraged her to study math, chemistry, biology, physics, and anatomy.
Rose also insisted that she enter the field of medicine and become a doctor or surgeon; resentful, Puppy rebelled.

This would explain much, but it didn't justify all the bad things that she did.
The shoplifting or the scenario with the Shylock leading up to her submission for example, but as I said, it explained much.

In essence I was her confessor that evening and I was now her disciplinarian as permanent.
I was the soon to be mediator between Puppy and Rose.
Then Puppy became silent and sat there looking at me.................................

I touched her face gently.
Puppy did not cringe or pull away.

"It's bedtime and well past two in the morning.
Go and get your handcuffs."

When Puppy returned with her handcuffs.
"Please don't hate me, I can change."
She uttered quietly, and looking down.

"Put them on."
I told her firmly, but not unkindly.
Puppy put them on and then I double locked them.

"I believe I said it was bedtime."

Puppy got up and headed to the basement to sleep in her kennel.
"No Puppy, upstairs, the second bedroom to the right."

The second bedroom to the right is my bedroom.
Not the former guest bedroom that I share with Rose, our bedroom.
I refer to this bedroom as my minimalist room.
It contains a Twin Mission Bed.
No pictures are on the walls no rugs, nothing.... just the bed.
There are heavy curtains and shades on the windows to block the light.
I always found the room to be very peaceful and restful.
This is where I have been sleeping after Rose left.

"You will be sleeping here with me, not in the bed but on the floor.
I have provided you with a blanket."

"Thank you for giving me a chance, Sir."

"You are welcome, Puppy
Don't disappoint me."

"Goodnight Sir."

"Good night, Puppy."

In the morning I let her use the bathroom.
After I washed her, Puppy fastidiously cleaned her teeth not having the opportunity before bedtime.
I fixed her hair in a simple ponytail.
Then we ate breakfast and I feed her from my plate while Puppy was kneeling at my feet.
We shared two cups of coffee drinking from the same cup.

Then it was time for Puppy to forge her own collar.
Although not forged from red-hot iron with hammer & tongs it will be a mental binding no less secure.
I am speaking metaphorically of course.

While Puppy was cleaning house yesterday, I received an overnight package from FEDEX.
The package contained the materials for Puppy's collar.
The raw materials: 6mm deep gem quality red carnelian round faceted beads.

Puppy sat on the kitchen floor and gave her a piece of quarter inch rope.
I showed Puppy how to tie the type of knot between the beads.
This would ensure that if the cord did break all the beads would not spill to the ground.
Puppy soon mastered the knot with the rope.
I then gave her the appropriate red silk cord to string her necklace.
Or if you prefer.... collar, Puppy practiced with this first, trial and error.

She was a quick study and enjoyed the challenge completing the 42-inch necklace by late afternoon, finishing with a 14kt. gold clasp.
It was obvious that Puppy enjoyed creating beautiful things with her hands and she had natural aptitude for such.
I made it a point to complement her on a job well done.
I was now certain in which direction to encourage her to pursue.

"Well Puppy, besides preferring our coffee black we have something else in common.
We have the ability to create beautiful things with our hands.
Some day I look forward to seeing you paint.
I also look forward to learning about art, your bailiwick.
Obviously all the Rousseau women possess abilities and attributes unique to themselves although no less valuable.
Things upon which money cannot weighed, money having no spiritual weight or value."

"Stand up and put your hands behind your back..........
Good girl, now close your eyes and keep them closed.
Excellent, don't move from this spot or open your eyes until I tell you."

I put the necklace around her neck.
I took Puppy's face in my hands.
I then kissed her mouth.

"Do you know what kind of gems stones you are wearing?"

"No Sir?"

"They are carnelian a form of translucent red agate.
It is sometimes referred to as "cornelian" rather then "carnelian", the "cor" to the Latin meaning "of the heart."

"The Romans believed that the stone protected one from evil.
They further associated this stone with emotional warmth, creativity, and rebirth.
Your second chance to set things right... of being born again... your rebirth.

This necklace is of your own making, a talisman if you will for the good and for the future.
To pass on to your heirs much like the ruby and no less valuable.
The real value of the ruby lies not for what it will sell for on the open market.
The real value is spiritual and what it represents.
It represents tradition.
For the love of mothers for daughters, of family, passed from generation to generation...priceless.

"Open your eyes Puppy."
Why are you crying?"
I asked, even though I knew the answer.

"I'm so ashamed of myself.
Of what I have done and failed to do.
I have thrown my life way.
How can I ever face my sister after what I have done to her?"

"One step at a time.
When you are free of the Shylock and safe I will send for Rose.
First and foremost you need to forgive yourself.
Then you need to forgive your father."

"But how can I face Blanche after our falling out?
I refused to talk to her for years.
Where do I begin?
What will I say to her?"

"Do you love your sister?"

"Yes.............." and she started crying again, softly.

"And blessings on the falling out."
"That all the more endears.
"When we fall out with those we love."
"And kiss again in tears."

"You know Lord Tennyson?"
Puppy exclaimed.

"Yes, we brutes are often surprisingly literate."
I wiped the tears from her face with my hand.

"You are a strange man, Sir."
Puppy said, smiling.

"Am I?"

"I don't mean that in a bad way.
You were ruthless with Duke.
Good riddance to my final mistake in worthless men.
You could have killed him by striking his carotid artery.
Fortunately for him you managed the brachial plexus origin rendering him unconscious.
Followed on awakening by disorientation, nausea, loss of fine motor skills and a probable pounding headache.
I was terrified that you might do the same to me, or worse."

"And that makes me strange?"

"No, not that."
Puppy answered.

"You absolutely mean what you say.
Then you do what has to be done regardless of the consequences.
You love my sister Blanche with a passion I never thought possible."

"I envy her that, Sir.
Even though I am still afraid of you, I feel safe with you.
You came charging in with such unbridled rage.
What really scared me was how quickly you mastered yourself."

"Then Rose.... may I call her Rose?"

"Yes, if you like." I answered.

"Rose put her hand on your shoulder...and the way Rose looked at you and you her, the love was almost tangible.
No man has ever looked at me like that
I thought you hated me.
Puppy said, wrapping her right hand in her necklace and pressing it to her heart.

"And now?"
I asked.

"I want to breath your air."

"We shall see, Puppy"

"I understand, Sir.
I shall be patient and accept my penance without complaint.
I know now that you don't hate me."

"You assume much, Puppy."

"Yes Sir, but in my heart I know what I say is true.
This may sound strange but I just know, as if I sense it.
You are a strange man but a good man, Sir.
I do not believe that you would waste your time with hatred as I have.
Just look where it got me.

"Are you familiar with Sylvia Townsend Warner?"

Not at all, Puppy."
In her diary she wrote in part.
"One cannot overestimate the power of a good rancorous hatred on the part of the stupid."
"The stupid have so much more industry and energy to expend on hating."

"Next I suppose you will assume that I like you."

"Perhaps you may grow to like me, Sir."

"Do you have anything else to confess?"
I asked.

Yes, even though I doubt that you will believe it."

"Try me."

"Are you familiar with the Stockholm Syndrome?"

"Yes I am."
"An entire study devoted to one incident."

"I thought as much.
She replied.
"I have been thinking about that and how it applies to me.
At first I made excuses to myself, fear for one and convenience for another.
You made me eat the dog food and I actually begged you for it.
I was so hungry and it tasted terrible.
I rationalized that it had to be the Stockholm Syndrome."

"You shared your coffee with me.
We drank out of the same cup and you fed me from your plate and I liked it.
Then there was the Mass card from the funeral home with my father's name on it.
I hated you for that... I hated you!
You forced my thoughts inward and about myself.
I didn't like what I saw."

"And the Stockholm Syndrome?" I asked.

"Just an excuse, just so much Psycho Babel.
I have come to a conclusion, Sir."

"And that conclusion is?"

"I actually enjoy being dominated and being submissive to you.
I want to breath your air.
The necklace was the final key to unlocking the last mental door I placed in the way to deny the truth.
A priceless gift on your part to be sure; how can I possibly refuse such a gift?"
I will gladly embrace a second chance under your terms."

"Do you trust me, Puppy?"

"I trust you, Sir."

"Why do you trust me?"

"When I cleaned the house from top to bottom I knew I did a good job.
You said;"Very nice work Puppy, very nice work."
You didn't find fault where there wasn't any and then use that as an excuse to punish me.
You genuinely appreciated my honest efforts.
You have told me what to expect from the start and when I comply or disobey you act accordingly."

"You are not verbally abusive and you do not curse at me... well maybe once, almost.
When you kicked the bathtub.
"You started to curse but stopped and then left the room to calm down.
This alone told me so much about your character.
When you punched me, and even though it hurt, I knew you held back, thank...."You may finish, thank God." I offered.
I deserved to be spanked and I am certain that you would never beat me out of cruelty, only to correct and then only as a last resort.
You have not tried to force yourself on me, and I have been naked this whole time.
I was actually annoyed that you didn't find me attractive."

"Just annoyed?"

"More then annoyed."
Puppy looked down and then into my eyes.
"Then we showered, and well.... you know what I mean.............but yes I trust you."

"Will you please take me to the cemetery to see my father's grave?
"I have something to tell him."

"You want to go now Puppy?"

"Only if it is convenient, Sir."

"Permission granted."

"Then you do believe me!"
Puppy exclaimed, smiling.

"Trust has to begin somewhere and confession and penance is good for the soul.
I can provide you with panties but none of Rose's bras will fit you properly.
You are about the same size as Rose, although your bosom is larger and you have wider hips.
Not to mention having lost weight since you have been here.
I believe that the uniform will fit you though it may be a little tight.
Shoes are not a problem, size 7, right?"

"Size seven and one-half Sir, what kind of uniform?"..............................................

There are two entrances to the cemetery and both entrances would be open this time of year.
David went on ahead and secured one of the gates chaining it closed.
He would remain out of sight and watch the open gate to monitor traffic in- and- out, just in case.
When Puppy and I leave the cemetery David will unlock the gate and leave things as he had found them.
Samantha would be sitting in her Jeep watching my house from the street.
Grace did the same for me when I went to the pet store to get supplies.

While she was in her Jeep, and just before I left, Samantha called me on my cell phone.
"Adam, you will be careful won't you?"

"Yes don't worry."

"Of course I will worry.
If something happens to you, I will have to find a new lunch partner on Tuesdays."

"I love you too, Sam."


"Yes, Sam."

"Please be careful!"

As I was pulling out of the driveway, I received another call.

"Adam, this is Grace."

"Yes Little Brat, I will be careful."

"Good, I wouldn't want anything to happen to my Bogeyman.
Good hairdressers are hard to find.....................

The trip to- and -from the cemetery was uneventful.
Puppy was unaware of the extra precautions.
She had enough to deal with making peace with herself in regard to her father.
It would serve no useful purpose to have her worrying about an early confrontation with the Shylock or the ex-boyfriend.

My gut told me that I we had not seen the last of Puke.
I gave her my word to her that I would protect her and I was prepared to take on grizzly bears this evening if necessary.

It was starting to get dark when we arrived.
The cemetery would be closing for the night in approximately two hours.
This should give her plenty of time.
I got out of the truck first and opened her door helping her out as I did helping her mother taught me to be a gentlemen....I guess I am a strange man?
Then, taking her arm. I escorted her to the gravesite.

"Do you want me to wait for you in the truck?"

She turned to me and said.
"No, please stay with me... Sir."

"Adam will suffice this evening."
I offered, squeezing her hand.

"Thank you, Adam."
She said quietly, squeezing mine back.
"Please stay."

I stood next to her while she prayed silently as she had been taught.
She remembered her Catholic upbringing as it came flooding back to her, as her tears flooded her face and fell to the ground.
Puppy's grief was genuine; I could sense it and borrowing a few words from her." it was almost tangible".
And then, I held her letting her cry on my shoulder as I did with Rose.

Puppy was very quiet on the way home.
When we arrived I went upstairs to use the bathroom.
When I came back down she was waiting for me in the kitchen.
Puppy had completely undressed except for her necklace.
She doubled it and was wearing it like a loose choker

"Put the panties back on.
Tomorrow we will see about getting you some appropriate clothing.
You did a very good thing this evening."

"Please put this on for now."
I said taking off my green flannel lined canvas shirt and helping her into it.

The shirt came down to her thighs and was large and loose on her.
I asked Puppy her bra size and she told me.

"We could just go to my apartment and get some clothing."

"Your ex-boyfriend cleaned the apartment out a few days ago."
Everything is gone including all of your clothing."

We both sat at the kitchen table sharing a meal.
She sat across from me at the table this time.
I explained that I was arranging a meeting with the Shylock to settle her debt.

"Will I be going with you?"

"No, you will be safe with a friend.
David has a huge piece of property and his house has an unrivaled security system.
He is also a crack shot.
And then there is Socrates."

"Who is Socrates?"

"You will see him when you get there, if not sooner.
Don't be surprised if he ignores you though he is like that."
I have to make some telephone calls.
Pick up the kitchen and straighten up the house where it is needed.
I will be in my bedroom."

"Yes Adam. May I take a shower?"

"Yes, you may take a shower."

You may sleep anywhere in the house you like except for Rose's bedroom."
Puppy just smiled and gave me a look before she got up to clear the table.

First I called Samantha and I thanked her for her help.
Then I talked to Grace thanking her as well.
Grace was quite descriptive with what she would to do for me before during and after her next trim.
I also made arrangements with Grace for Puppy's clothing.
Grace would drop everything off tomorrow afternoon.

Then I called David.

"Did you tell her about her apartment, Adam?"

"Yes I told her."

"How did she take it?"

"She took it well, considering...."

"Then you didn't tell her everything."

"I didn't tell her about the graffiti Duke left on the walls about her... the profanity.
How Duke destroyed and defiled her personal belongings.
That would serve no useful purpose.
I should have broken both of his thumbs."

David continued.
The painters are finished and they will be putting down the carpet down tomorrow.
Clarette's landlady has agreed not to press charges but she is keeping the security deposit.
You are stuck with Clarette and the bills for all of the damage.
Are you sure she is worth it, Adam?"

"I promised Rose."

"That's not what I asked you.
I wasn't talking about Rose and you know it.
Stop being obtuse!
You know what I mean.
Are you sure that Clarette is worth it?"

"I am absolutely sure."

"And you, Adam, how are you holding up?"

"I'm ready for bear."

"You are a stubborn bastard! "
He said, laughing.
"I wish you would let me go with you when you confront him."

"This something I have to do on my own, David.
If things go sour you may have to post my bail."

"Nevertheless, your note was delivered.'
David advised me.
"The meeting is for three in the afternoon at Salvatore's on the 30th, one day early.
I have made arrangements for you to have a friend's private corner booth.
The booth is away from the public and they will be closing off that section.
You will be able to get your back to the wall and watch both entrances.
Now for the bad part and you are not going to like this, the ex-boyfriend is back in the picture.
Duke was the go-between for the Shylock."

"It's to late to change my plans.
I want you to know that you have been a good friend.
Give my love to the girls."

After my shower I was lying in bed.
I was going over in my mind about the upcoming meeting with the Shylock.
What I would say, what I would do, and I was trying to figure every angle.
I had to plan for every contingency.
I heard Puppy come upstairs and go into the bathroom.
I was nodding off when she came into the bedroom fresh from the shower.
She was wearing my Kelly- Green shirt with the silk panties underneath.
That was a good sign, Puppy keeping her word to me and not trying to leave.
I left the truck keys on the kitchen table.
My back up was the hidden switch for the electric fuel pump to which she was unaware.

"The hot shower felt so good.
I was hoping that you would join me."
Puppy said, taking the towel from her head and finger combing her hair.
"Do you shower with Rose?"

"That is a very personal question, Puppy."

"Yes it is, Sir.
She said smiling.
But so has everything that has happened between us been personal.
I have confessed everything to you."

"What do you think, Puppy?"

"I believe that you do shower with Rose.
"May I ask another personal question?
Could you love more than one woman at any given time?"

"It's bedtime Puppy, turn off the light and get some sleep."

"Yes Adam.........................


"Yes Sir."

"What do you think you are doing?"

"Trying to get some sleep, Sir."
"Good night, Adam."

"In my bed!
I did not give you permission to sleep with me."

"Excuse me, Sir.
But I respectfully disagree.
You said that I could sleep anywhere I liked except for Rose's room."

"That is not the same as giving you permission to be in my bed and you know it.
Stop being obtuse, Puppy."

Puppy rolled over and looked at me.
"You didn't exclude your bed so technically here is part of anywhere I like.
And you were very specific with only one room."

"You are too smart for your own good do you know that?"

"Do you want me to sleep on the floor?"
She asked, innocently moving closer.

I could smell her clean skin and hair.
Puppy was a woman with a woman's smell.
Many of her mannerisms were the same as her sister's.
More then I liked to admit.

"No." I replied honestly aroused and wanting her body.
I wondered if one of the additional properties of carnelian is mind reading.

"May I kiss you to thank you for the necklace, Adam?"
Puppy asked, getting closer.I could smell her sweet breath.
She was now close enough to feel my erection.

"You may kiss my cheek."

Puppy kissed my cheek and said.
"Do you like me just a little bit?"

"Perhaps a little bit."

"Do you know what I think?
Or should I say, what I used to think?"

"Tell me Puppy."

"That all men are the same.
God gave men different faces so that we women could tell them apart."

"Why did you think that?"

"I was required to take two semesters of woman's study courses in college to remain in good standing in my fraternity.
I was on probation for two semesters before they allowed me to be sworn."

"You did join the fraternity, Puppy."

"Yes, they allowed me to join.
As part of my initiation my pledge sister Megan took me to an upscale salon for a makeover."

"Tell me about your makeover. "

"My natural hair color is black, as you see it now.
I wore my hair much longer in those days.
My hair was blunt cut all one length and parted in the middle just touching my butt."
Puppy said, touching her hair and sighing.

I am sure your hair was quite beautiful."
I told her, reaching over and stroking her hair.
Puppy moved closer to me.

"I used to braid it just like Rose.
I was naive and innocent then and I suppose you may find that hard to believe.
But I was happy in those days too."

I didn't comment and she continued.

"First, the stylist cut my long braid off at the nape of my neck.
"Even though I was wearing clothing, I felt naked without my braid.
It was a comfort to me.
I can still remember sitting on the bed in mother's bedroom with Rose.
Mom would brush and braid our long hair calling us her special girls.
My mother had such beautiful long red auburn hair.
I have a picture of her in my apartment.......................
Are you sure Duke took everything, Adam?"

"Unfortunately yes, the bastard even took that."
I replied, telling a little white lie.

Moving closer still, Puppy asked.
"Have you ever cut Rose's hair?"

"I keep it trimmed for her if that is what you mean.
As is my preference, Rose's hair it is blunt cut all one length to her waist.
Rose will wear her hair any way I tell her; she is my woman.
My sweet Rose is obedient and submissive to me all of her own free will."

"Then you like Rose's hair color, you don't think it makes her look old?"

"I love the color, Puppy.
It makes her look exotic and sophisticated.
You were saying about your makeover?"

"My pledge sister Megan had her stylist cut my hair 6 inches all the way ar