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Summer Camp Sisters


My little sister and I loved going to summer camp every year. She is 2 years younger than me, I am 18 Hailey is short and skinny (5’1 and about 100 pounds), even for her age. She has brown hair, brown eyes, a really big and bright charismatic smile; she reminds me of a very young Keira Knightly. I am quite similar in terms of facial features, but I have thick, long, blonde hair and my breasts are a health full b cup, I am 5’6 and 115 lbs.
My Girl Scout camp is separated into units, based on similar interests. This summer we were signed up for the “Night Owl” track at summer camp. This means we (about 18 girls and 2 permanent camp counselors and 2 rotating counselors) get to stay up at night and do activities. The Girl Scout camp manual said we would get to go camping after canoeing across the lake at night, that we would go night swimming, night horseback riding, and a host of other things. Hailey and I were excited to play in the dark.
The first night we got to camp was not as fun as expected. We were forced to clean. Not just clean, but in a weird way… the showers, cabins, and latrines of the camp counselors. Hailey and I were told we had to clean the showers in our underwear. The counselors said they did not want our clothes to get ruined and therefore upset out parents. Hailey was cold and hungry. One camp counselor came by, Rick. Rick was about 27, tall and athletic, dark hair and blue eyes. He was quite attractive. Rick said to my little sister, “Quit your fucking sobbing or you will really regret it.” Another counselor was taking pictures of us, she said that we looked like models. Her name was Meredith, she was 22, 5’4 and about 120 pounds, with long dark hair and eyes, she was tan and looked like she could be Argentinean. The whole situation seemed weird to me, and I expressed my concern.
“I do not think this is appropriate. My sister and I would like to go home now.
Rick laughed, “You still have 6 more days, Princess. Don’t worry, maybe by Friday you will have earned your right to a hot meal and a mattress.”
Hailey started bawling and I got up to go to her. I was frighteningly met with a slap across the face. “You do not serve or comfort anyone unless I tell you after you have earned the privilege. Get on your knees little girl. I want to see you scrub these showers until your elbows and knees are bleeding. No breaks until I deem you deserve one.” Rick said this as if he had been running this kind of operation his whole life. I immediately felt terror shoot down my spine and knew there was not much I could do. We were in the middle of bumblefuck, no real electricity, no wireless internet, no scream would be heard. Hailey stood up between sobs and tried to dart off into the woods, with no shoes on and just her little white cotton undies and undertank which were soaking wet, maybe from the shower water, maybe from tears.
Meredith grabbed my sister by the leg and she fell down, hitting her head off the soil of the forest floor. I ran after my sister. Meredith then grabbed her by her hair, and I punched Meredith in the side. To which Rick responded with a fist full of my hair in his one hand and his other hand around my neck, squeezing tightly, to the point of nearly passing out. “It looks like they are going to be more difficult than we anticipated, Rick. I think we should just take them to our cabin now. Try to teach them the hard way.” Rick looked, nodded, and I thought I saw a slight smile.
When we got to their cabin we saw an old fat man sitting on a couch in front of a fireplace with his legs up. His legs were up on a girl who was on her hands and knees. She was wearing very adult looking lingerie but she appeared no older than 14, her breasts were perhaps A cups, pushed up in a lacey red bra and she also wore red lacey undies which covered her bottom. She seemed to be struggling to remain in the position with the fat mans legs on her. He stood up when he saw me and Hailey walk in. The girl immediately looked relieved.
“Well, well, well…”, he said, “My two favorite counselors seem to have done another marvelous job.” He walked around me, and took some deep breaths and eyed up my young virgin body and my sisters fragile frame. He shoved his hand into my panties very abrasively, to which I responded by hitting him in the face. Rick immediately grabbed my long thick blonde hair and pulled back tightly and whispered in my ear, “Fucking try that again, bitch, and I shove a baseball bat into your pussy… and if you scream, I will cut your throat.” I was crying and panting, sweating, and thoughts were running through my mind so fast I could not focus on any particular one. I did not know what to do, everything seemed so surreal. I wanted to take my sister and run. Run forever. My poor baby sister. She was so young, so naïve, so tender.
Rick let go of my hair and I was more compliant. The fat middle aged man dug his finger knuckle deep into my tight pussy and tears fell from my face. It hurt so badly. “Damn… You are going to be fun, I can tell. So tight and not too wet like the experienced sluts.” He popped his finger out and wet to Hailey… who was crying and seeming to be hyperventilating. “Awww, poor baby. Do you need your binkey??” To which he shoved his pussy juice covered finger into my sister’s mouth, with a large cackling laugh which echoed off the wooden cabin walls, then out into the darkness of the woods.
This man demanded Rick and Meredith take their clothing off. Rick had a large penis. Probably about 8 inches long and 3 to 4 inches thick. Meredith had a lot of hair surrounding her pussy. I had never seen so much. Next, Meredith was undressing my sister and me. We had no hair on our bodies and had not started to develop curves like Meredith had. The boss then sat down on the couch, and put his feet up on the girl again. He demanded to see Rick urinate on me. I cringed, but knew better than to object or defy anything. I think I became desensitized to the whole situation. Pretended it was just a nightmare. I would wake up soon, in a sunny bedroom, under my princess canopy bed.
I felt the warmth, the wetness, I could smell the urine. It hit my breasts, and traveled down my tight tummy… over my bare pussy. Meredith kicked my knees in from behind and I fell to the floor. To which Rick took as an invitation to pee in my face. I hide my face. Wrong move. Meredith took my hair and yanked my head up and my mouth opened wide, for Rick to pee in. I tried not to move, for fear of what would come next. Hopefully this was the extent of it, that they would be happy. Rick finished and shook off.
The boss wanted my little sister lick Meredith’s asshole. She cried and refused. The old fat men got up and slapped her firmly across the face and drug her over to the couch. He said, “Fine, then you can suck my asshole, you little dissenting, defiant bitch.” He pulled off his boxers and revealed a small penis, he had Hailey laying on the couch and sat on her face, he spread his ass cheeks wide. Hailey kicked and twisted, Meredith came and held Hailey’s tiny body in place.