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The Rape and Brutalization of a Young High School Catholic Cheerleader (Part 12)


As Harrison climbed off Diana he thought back over the course of the evening and the hours since they had met in the Horn Towers lobby for the ‘alleged’ college pre-admission interview. In that time, much had changed in Diana’s sheltered world. At 5:00 PM, she was a smiling, confident, high school senior who was two weeks from graduation and thinking only about college and moving into an exciting new chapter in her life.

Over the last 18 hours, the next chapter of her life had been re-written. Her spirit had been crushed like an eggshell. The brightness in her eyes had vanished and been replaced by a dim look of confusion and fear. Her confident smile had been replaced by a pathetic look of pain and anguish. And her precious virginity (that she wore like a badge of honor and flaunted like a cruel ‘no trespassing sign’ at the young men she teased-dashing their sexual desires like a bucket of cold water) had been viciously taken from her. By 3:00 AM, she no longer had an opening in her body that had not been filled with cock. Harrison smiled as he thought about that and the things he still planned to do to her.

Looking at his watch, he realized that there was no hurry to release Diana from her torment. Her parents were not due back until Sunday and they were in a place where the things he was doing to her were not likely to attract attention. “The party has barely started” Harrison thought to himself.

Getting up from the bed, he decided he was ready for a break. Leaving Diana’s limp and battered body lying there, he went into the bathroom and took a shower. He was surprised that a place like the Vagabond had such a nice supply of personal hygiene items. Laughing to himself, he doubted they spent much to keep the rooms stocked since few guests were there long enough to bathe.

After finishing his shower, Harrison dressed back into his suit pants and shirt, skipping the tie and jacket. Then putting his shoes and socks back on, he hung up the towel and returned to the room to check on Diana. She hadn’t moved since he had left her. Picking up the camera, he shot a few more pictures of her as she lay on her stomach. Zooming in to get a good view of the blood and semen running out of her ass, he clicked off a few more pictures then set the camera on the night stand.

As he watched her, he sat down on the bed next to her and stroked her hair. It was no longer smooth and silky like it was when he first carried her into the room. It was now wet with sweat from the physical exertion her body had been subjected to and was a mass of snarls and tangles. Rolling her over onto her back, he looked at the streaks of mascara that ran down her cheeks from her intense sobbing and the rivers of dried saliva on her chin. Her panties hung half out of her mouth, like a huge white satin tongue and there was dried semen on her neck and under her nose. She looked like a slut who had just crawled out of a dark alley. That was quite a change from how she looked at 5:00PM.

Again picking up the camera, he took more pictures and then set it back down on the bed. Then reaching up to the headboard, he began removing the duct tape from Diana’s wrists, releasing her from her bondage. Once her wrists were untied, he slapped her across the face to wake her from her fitful sleep.

As she opened her eyes, looking at him with her blank stare, still under the effects of the rohypnol, he reached out and pulled the spit drenched panties from her mouth. Still unaware that her wrists had been untied and with her mouth finally clear of the obstruction, she took in a deep breath through her mouth and gasped. Then, whispering in a hoarse voice she pleaded with him “P-p-p-please let me go!”

Harrison smiled at her and said “You look like a dirty little slut, Diana. I think you need a shower to clean yourself up. Would you like to take a shower?” Suddenly an expression, something close to relief, came across her face.” Diana sighed in response and whispered “Oh yes! Y-y-y-yes! Please! Please!”

Harrison stepped away from the bed and pointed out to her that her wrists had been untied. Then, holding his arm out to the side, he made a sweeping motion towards the bathroom and stood there, waiting for her to make a move towards the bathroom. Gingerly rising from the bed, Diana stood up (still wearing the high heels) and walked on wobbly legs towards the bathroom. As Harrison watched her firm young body walk past him, Diana made a feeble attempt to cover her most intimate parts with her hands and staggered into the bathroom. Quickly closing the door behind her, Harrison heard her lock it and smiled. He had discovered earlier that the lock didn’t work, but he felt no need to let Diana know that…yet!

As he heard the shower come on, he stood outside the door and listened to Diana moan as the warm water ran over her brutalized body. Then, stepping away from the door, he picked up his laptop and sat down on the bed.

While the computer booted up, Harrison picked up the camera from the bed and connected the cable from the camera to the laptop’s USB port. He then proceeded to download the remainder of the pictures to his photo files. Once all the photos had transferred to the computer, he logged onto the internet. Once he was online, he surfed to the Facebook login screen. Once he was logged in, he went to Diana’s wall and started checking out who had been visiting and what they had posted there.

In reviewing her wall, he saw a message she had posted at 3:30 on Friday in which she told her friends about her interview for Georgetown, that was scheduled for that afternoon. As he read the last sentence “I’m nervous because I think the interview will be very in depth”, Harrison smiled as he thought how prophetic her comment had turned out to be.

Leaving the computer logged on, he minimized the screen and walked back over to the bathroom door. The water was still running and it sounded like Diana was crying. Smiling he decided it was time for him to throw her off balance, again.

Moving to the bed, he picked up her slacks and torn blouse along with her bra and spit soaked panties. Then grabbing her purse off the floor, he removed her cell phone and stuck it in his pants pocket. Then taking her clothes and purse, he barged through the bathroom door and set then in a pile on the toilet seat. He then walked over to the shower, and yanked open the curtain. Diana screamed and tried to cover herself up with her hands again. The idea that she didn’t want him to see her naked, after what he had already done to her, seemed humorous to him.

As the soap ran off her body, he said “I brought your clothes in and your purse. When you’re done I want you get dressed and to put on your make up. I want you to look just as nice as you did when I met you at the Horn Towers. And don’t take too long!” Then he turned around and headed towards the bathroom door. Suddenly stopping, he said “Oh and one more thing! I have your cell phone so you won’t be able to call anybody. If you’re “really good” I’ll let you call your parents later. Now hurry up!”

Shutting the door, Harrison sat down on the bed and listened. The water continued to run for about five more minutes. Then Harrison heard Diana turn off the shower and he stood up. Checking his watch, he saw it was after 4:00 AM. Quietly, he moved to the door and stepped outside into the night air. Shutting the door behind him, he waited by his car and looked around the parking lot.

Suddenly, Harrison saw what he was looking for and started preparations for the next phase of what he had planned for Diana.