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Memories of a Slave - Chapter One


Ashley met Chris about six months ago on an online dating service. He seemed a good guy, to get to know. He was around her age and very cute. A bonus was he lived near by.
Ashley though was very young and kind of nieve about alot of things. Chris promised her the world, in alot of ways. He showed her new ways of living  and through him she met alot of interesting people. He got her to start exploring with marijuana and booze. He told her everything they did was ok and alot of people did it all the time. She knew her father, uncles and some aunts and cousins smoked it. She thought why should she be any different. After all it was only pot, and she smoked ciggerette's, they were worse on the body then pot was.
So eventually Ashley started smoking pot with Chris. However Ashley did not know at this time, that even though many people smoked pot to get high, pot was also a mind control drug. Which was used in alot of cases even in date rape.
This is exactly where our story begins, on the first night, Chris used this weapon against Ashley. When he abused her influenced mind by controling her under this substance. This was the night Ashleys life came crumbling down, reality set in and she realized she was damned to stay with this monster. She realized this night there was no escape, she was now Chris's sex slave and would be for the rest of her life.
It all started when Ashley's phone rang. She raced to answered it. Even though she knew it would be Chris.
"Hey Ash, I was just woundering if you wanted to come over watch some movies and get high tonight?" He asked her.
"Well, I can only if I can stay over. You know how I am about my parents finding out." She replied. Not too worried it wasn't like she had never stayed at his house before.
"Sure, you can! I'll pick you up about seven then, I got some things to do first. Is that ok?" He asked her.
"Sounds great! See you then." She chimed, said her goodbyes and hung up the phone. She stayed over Chris's alot. Infact she was there more then she was home lately. Still though a night with Chris was still exciting and new to her at this point.
Exactly at seven, Chris was there to pick her up, and soon they were walking toward the area of town Chris had lived. She was happy to be with Chris tonight and she was a little scared of what tonight would bring. They soon arrived at Chris's Apartment. They started to watch Chris's first movie. Ashley had never even heard of it and quickly realized why. The first movie Chris picked was a porno movie. Ashley watched as Chris lit that first joint, took a few puffs and passed it on to her. She took a few puffs and passed it back. By the time the first joint was gone Ashley felt more different then she had anyother time she was high. She seemed to become paranoid of everything Chris did. Everything from they way he looked at her to the way he moved. Something about what was going on seemed a little fishy.
"Aw what's wrong Ash?" Chris asked breaking her thoughts.
"Nothing really, this just seems a little strange to me. Something just doesn't seem quite right.
"Well you should Lay down onto the bed for a minute he said, still having his eyes glued on that discusting porno. Ashley as if with out a mind left of her own laid onto the bed even though she didn't even want to lay down. Chris looked at her for a second. "You'd be more comfortable if you take those clothes off."
Ashley wanted to say, no I don't want to be naked, I just want to lay here. Something inside of her knew something wasn't right. Something was going on. Instead of telling Chris no, like she wanted to do, Ashley stripped off naked even though her mind was screaming no you don't have to. Her Body replied to what Chris was saying, instead of her own brains commands. Ashley didn't like the look of vicktory in Chris's eye's either. Nevertheless, She was lieing naked on Chris's Bed, Knee's pointing to the ceiling, arms above her head. It felt as if someone besides chris was watching, maybe just one maybe many, but it felt like she was being filmed.
After a little while longer Ashley felt as though she had no control over herself at all it was like she was secondary to all of Chris's suggestions.
"Ashley, do you like this show? I do. I like it alot." He said. Ashley noticed that the movie involved A orgy or group sex which involved two men and four young girls. Ashley thought it was the most discusting thing she had ever seen. She so much wanted to say how much she hated it and thought Chris was a pervert for watching such a piece of shit.
"Yes Chris, I like it alot." She replied. Where in gods fucking name did that comefrom that wasn't what she wanted to say at all. It was like her thoughts were stolen from her. She wanted to tell him how much she hated it, not how much she liked it that was a out right lie.
"Does it turn you on baby?" He asked her. Ashley thought the movie was discusting, yet her pussy was warm and wet. She did not understand how she could be turned on by something she just plain did not like.
"Yes baby, I want to eat that little cunt, on that cute babe, I'd do it for hours on end." She replied. This shocked her. Now she knew she was bisexual even if she never truely admitted it to anyone, not even herself as she was always brought up to believe this was just wrong.
"Oh really." Chris Chuckled. "She is here girl. Shes playing with your pussy right now. Everytime Ashley looked at Chris it was him who was playing with her pussy. When she closed her eye's however his fingers became long and slender and it felt like he had femine nails, along with a femine touch. He kissed her as her eyes were closed. His lips felt not of a male but more of a female, she had even more a feeling of being watched of being taped. Her mind unwilling but her body was getting deeply aroused. She tried to open her eyes, but at times she couldn't. When she could all she could see was Chris even though she could feel a presence of one or more persons in the room besides her and Chris. She knew the touch of a woman being with one before.
Then out of know where, she felt a hand of a male touch her left breast. though this wasn't chris's touch, the hand seemed much bigger and more firmly cupped on her breast then Chris's Hand. It began to feel good in a way she never felt before and even though her mind was still telling her something was wrong her body told her it was right.
"Chris this doesn't feel like just you. It feels like theres more then the two of us in here." She said opening her eyes for the first time in a while seeing Chris taking off his clothes so now the both of them where naked. Chris smiled a awkward kind of smile. Getting in between Ashley's legs. She lay there doing not much of anything as Chris penetrated her sopping wet penis with his nine inch cock. Ashley winced a bit in pain, followed by a soft moan. For some reason once his cock was in and he laid his full body wieght on her he seemed much heavier then he had before. It was like it wasn't even the same man. Ashley heard soft quite moans around the room she looked but could not seem to find the source of where they had came.
Her thoughts flooded her brain that something here wasn't quite right. These thoughts began to fade as Chris thrusted harder and harder into her pussy. All Ashley could think about then was this felt Amazing and as she moaned out in pleasure, her moan was echoed by another moan of a female.
This was something new to her as she then heard this female say oh Chris fuck me harder baby. Ashleys head sprung up and the voice had faded out perhaps she was hearing things. She couldn't have heard Chris fucking another woman , Chris was fucking her. She looked up into Chris's eyes. It didn't seem like Chris at all it seemed like it was another man inside of Chris's body. Ashley knew it was completely impossible as she laid there bieng fucked by this man who at the time she thought was chris , she listened to see if she could still hear more moaning other then her.
"Forget everything else Ash, focus on me." Chris said between heavy breathes. "Baby I want you so bad look at you your tight little pussy...those sweet lips, your desirable tits." He said. "how about your sweet ass How tight is that sweet ass of yours babycakes Can Chris ride your tight ass for a while?"
"NO!" Ashley yelled.
"What do you mean no? You never ever say no to me do you understand? I am the boss and you are nothing but my fuck bitch do you understand that?"He yelled with not a single readable emotion in his eye's.
"Get the hell off of me!" Ashley Srceamed.
"Chris she's coming to. turn over bitch so you can take it up your sweet ass." The man Ashley thought all this time to be chris actually wasn't Chris at all. Ashley looked over to the other side of the room where Chris was fucking a teenaged girl.
The man on top of her managed to turn her over hold her down and shove his massive cock into her once virgin ass. Ashley screamed out in pure pain.
 "Get the fuck off of me you fuckin pig!!Ow, Chris, why did you do this to me?" She yelled.
"Don't worry Adam, She does that every once in a while. Once her and Stacy get in the shower she'll forget everthing when she get's out.Do what you want she will forget everything anyways." Chris said."Hear that bitch, this thing happenes to you quite often. You should pick your boyfriends more carefully. oh Hell yeah , that feels so damn good." Said Adam. Who was thrustong his cock into her ass fast and hard. Which made tears stream down Ashleys face. The pain was so bad she could feel something rip she was sure of that.
"Please, stop it really hurts." Ashley pleaded.
"Oh I don't think so little slut. I paid for you and I'm gonna take what I paid for." he said seeming proud of him self."oh I'm gonna...I'm gonna..." He didn't even have to finnish. Ashley could feel the mans hot cum shoot up her cunt.
Ashley lay there underneath her assulter shoocked at the events that just took place. She stayed long enough to see Chris Cum into the girl he had called Stacy.Then the two men dragged stacy and her into the bathroom. Chris ran the shower. Soon after Stacy pulled ashley into the shower. Ashley however watched out of the shower curtain as Chris plunged his cock into Adams waiting ass.
to be continued.....