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Bonding Tabatha


"Credit, Dorothy. I staged that performance so the shock factor will work on their minds. The Munchkins think you killed the wicked witch. When the shock wears off, they'll see you as the hero. I know my kids, Dorothy. Don't let their sad faces and tears fool you. The bitch was not loved. Tabatha may have loved her in a sentimental way, but she made Tabatha's life hell, too. Can you imagine a girl with a cute body like Tabatha's having to live and dress like a cloistered nun? She's itching to show her stuff, and she'll have you to thank when she finally comes around. She's weakening; I can tell." "Yeah, well it's been two weeks and we haven't seen shit yet. She's as cold and uptight as she was on that hill, even more so. You should see the way she looks at me when I walk around the house in my panties. If looks could kill..." "Yeah, but it won over the boys, just like I said. One look at those magnificent hooters of yours and they were calling you Mommy." "Yes, but they're not treating me like their mommy, unless you think nursing on me counts. I feel like a damned cow, a dry cow, a juvenile pacifier with a twat they can wash their grubby little hands in. I wanted a family, kids that loved me and called me Mom because they think of me as their mom. I especially wanted a daughter. You said we'd have a real family life, but the more I follow your orders, the more I am perceived as a whore that likes running around half naked." "Hey, that's the kind of mother those kids want after Gretchen. Trust me, Dorothy, even Tabatha wants you to be that way. She'll warm to you, but you have to let her know who's boss. Take charge of her. If she so much as looks cross-eyed at you, yank her pants down and blister her cute little fanny for her. Do it in front of her brothers, and you'll be an even bigger hero. Tie Tabatha to her bed and let them have at her, and they'll erect a monument to you in the back yard." "Honestly, Craig, I see right through you. You just want me to warm her up for you, do your dirty work. You just want to screw the kid." "The kid needs screwing. She's been asking for it since her tits popped out. Who can screw the little bitch better than me?" "Well, you finally came out and said it. You know, I always suspected Tabatha was the reason you wanted Gretchen dead and not just divorced." "I had many reasons for wanting her dead. Tabatha's tight little pussy was one, yes. You and three-hundred thousand dollars to treat you right were the top two, in that order. Don't ever forget that, darling." "I know. Don't worry. I won't get in your way. I may even hold her legs open for you if she gives me anymore shit." "If you take any shit off that kid, you're a fool. I'm going to be terribly disappointed in you if I return from this trip and Tabatha doesn't run naked into my arms and cry, "Oh, Daddy, you're home. Let me suck your dick, then you can butt-fuck me while Mommy eats my pussy." "You're in for a big disappointment. If anything she'll cry, 'Daddy, you're home. Look, Mommy taught me how to eat her pussy. Wanna watch?'" The car pulled to the curb before the check-in area. Craig smiled while getting out and said, "I would not be disappointed if you managed that. Work on her. If you want to make me happy, don't take any shit, and be extra nice to my boys." "You're not going to be happy until the boys are fucking me, and you are fucking Tabatha." "I'm not going to be happy until we are one big happy fucking family. We also need a young Swedish maid and a big fluffy dog with a foot-long cock. Tabatha always wanted a dog. She'll get one. Boy, will she get one. I can't wait to get that girl some proper breeding." "I don't know why that shocks me, but it does." "Nothing shocks you, Dorothy. You're a slut, and I love you for it. See you on Wednesday."They kissed, and Dorothy drove away with a great deal on her mind. Craig exerted a tremendous influence over her. He turned her nursing skills to killing. He turned her normally modest demeanor to that more fitting a shameless slut. He had her nursing teenage boys at her double "D" breasts with two-inch nipples, and now he had her thinking of ways to seduce a young, innocent virgin. He wanted to turn little Tabatha into a plaything to amuse his friends at their wild parties. Dorothy knew she would do all in her power to see that Craig was not disappointed; still, the task of training Tabatha would fall on her, and the task would be a difficult one for her. Dorothy had strong maternal instincts, and she was a professional nurse, dedicated to healing people's wounds, not inflicting them, physically or mentally. Tabatha was already terribly wounded, suffering a deep loss. Tabatha was the daughter Dorothy always dreamed of having. She wanted a living doll to dress up, talk to, show off, and would spend hours brushing Tabatha's silky, long brown hair, doing her makeup, teaching her how to attract male attention while preserving her modesty and lady-like decorum - if Tabatha would let her. Craig had Dorothy thinking about shaving Tabatha's pussy, teaching her how to shoot bare beavers, how to present her loins for mounting by a dog, how to suck cock and eat pussy - her father's cock and his whore's pussy. Though he called her, darling, Dorothy thought of herself as his whore, especially after standing on that windy hill in a light, short dress with no panties, scattering the children's mother while her dress blew up around her waist, facing the kids, letting the wind have its way with her dress, pouring the silty ash in a slow stream over her shaved and naked pussy, sopping wet from their recent fuck, allowing the ash to swirl though her legs and stick to the wetness of her inner thighs and vagina, held open by the fingers of her left hand, pouring the last in her palm then stuffing it up her twat, exactly as Craig wanted their symbolic private ceremony to be: the end of one mother, the rise of another. Dorothy still could not believe she actually did that and got off on it. He never spoke of marriage. She was his nurse whore, and more and more, he treated her that way. More and more, Dorothy succumbed to the treatment. When they returned from the hill with four somber kids, he took her straight to the bedroom and made her cry out, "Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me on her death bed! Fuck the bitch into my cunt." They didn't actually fuck as the abrasive ash would have hurt them both, but he did enter her and they made the appropriate fucking noises. He jacked off in her cunt and they stirred the mess into a muddy froth. When they emerged, naked, arm in arm with Gretchen's ash turned to grey mud on their wet genitals, the kids saw their father as a monster, but they saw Dorothy as being worse. She made him that way. The most difficult task for Dorothy was presenting her out-thrust loins with her cunt lips held open, inviting each kid to come and kiss their old mother goodbye one last time before she showered and washed her into the sewer. No one was interested in a last goodbye kiss. Tabatha ran crying from the room. Craig was right, though, the boys soon accepted having an outrageous whore sharing their house. The three boys were won over when she padded through the house after the shower wearing only skimpy panties. From then on, Dorothy wore either short skirts with no panties, or panties only. She went topless always when indoors. The boys' eyes followed her bobbing, swaying udders as though attached to the nipples. If they ever thought about their poor mother, those thoughts never showed. Tabatha, however, could not hide her disdain and disgust. Her father remained a monster, and Dorothy was the monster's pet gargoyle, a pet that did his dirty deeds, a murderous gargoyle without shame or remorse with the ashes of her dear mother fucked into her cunt. She could not stand to be in the same room with Dorothy, much less say anything to her. Dinners were a silent affair that she tried to hurry through. She could not stand to watch her brothers making fools of themselves, fawning over their father's whore and their mother's killer. The younger ones, Brad and Mike, liked to take their meals, each sitting on a naked thigh, licking their dinner off the gargoyle's boobs. And her big brother, Bradley, was the worst, getting under the table and placing his plate on her seat between her wide-spread thighs, making her giggle all though the meal. And her father, watching them in silence while keeping an eye on Tabatha, making her eat slowly and chew her food properly, then making her stay for dessert, making her sit through the entire disgusting performance. Dessert was the most disgusting show of all. They had pudding, always pudding: tapioca, chocolate, vanilla custard. Dorothy would go off and fill her vagina somehow, then return and sit on the table before each person in turn, letting them use a spoon or lick right from the vaginal bowel. And she always stopped before Tabatha last to offer her obscene and messy spread. Tabatha refused to look and begged to be excused each time. Her father pressed hard to get her to try some, to get her to lick the bowl. She steadfastly refused and would cry when he persisted or pushed. Dorothy hated to see Tabatha cry, but after having fed four mouths from her cunt, she hated seeing her getting excused without licking the outside of the bowl clean at least. As Dorothy pulled the car into the driveway, she resolved that Tabatha would not be getting excused tonight, and the congealed sperm-like Tapioca would be desert. Dorothy was surprised to see Tabatha sitting alone in the living room. With school out for the summer, she always stayed away as much as possible, especially if the two might be alone in the house. The kids could come and go as they pleased, but the evening meal was mandatory. They all had to be in by seven. The boys were at the community center pool, as usual, checking out the high school girls in their string bikinis. Tabatha owned a modest one piece suit and swam only in their backyard pool, and rarely then. Dorothy didn't know what to make of this, but decided to break some ice or warm some cute fanny. She pulled her dress off over her head and tossed the thin dress over a chair by the door should she need it to answer a caller's ring. Wearing only high heels, she padded over to stand between Tabatha and the TV she was watching intently. Tabatha tried to look around Dorothy's pelvis as Dorothy blocked her view and said, "We have two whole days to get better acquainted. I want you to remain at home. I insist you remain at home. I want to take you shopping for some sexy new clothes, and we must get you one of those itsy bitsy bikinis the girls are wearing. You'll make them all green with envy, because yours will be the itsiest and the bitsiest. Look at me when I talk to you, Tabatha. I said, look at me!" Tabatha turned hard eyes up to Dorothy to hear, "That's better. I want us to be friends. We can do each other's hair and nails. I can teach you about makeup. I'll be the mother you should have had and deserve to have." Tabatha gave Dorothy an icy stare with her jaw tightly clenched to hold in what she wanted to shout. Dorothy ignored the defiant stare and calmly said, "My toes need retouching. Come. I'll show you how to do a pedicure. Give me your hand, Tabatha." Tabatha reluctantly lifted her limp hand and Dorothy hauled the petulant girl to her feet. She led the stiffly plodding teen into her mother's former bedroom, took a seat in her mother's vanity chair, reached for her mother's polish remover, buffer, and polish, then ordered Tabatha to sit on the floor at her feet. Tabatha knelt and sat back on her heels in resignation, hanging her head to avoid having to look into Dorothy's mature vagina. Dorothy made that difficult by hanging her left leg over the left armrest while placing her bare right foot in Tabatha's lap, pressing her toes in Tabatha's crotch. Dorothy wiggled her right toe, saying, "What's the matter, Tabatha? Does seeing all your mother's stuff just as she left it make you sad?" Tabatha remained silent. "When I talk to you, I expect an answer." Tabatha said, "Yes, it makes me sad." "I'm so sorry. Does it help if I tickle your pussy?" "Stop it!" "Don't you have a pussy between your legs, Tabatha? I don't feel a pussy. That would explain why you're such a sour puss all the time. I'd be sour too if I had no pussy." Dorothy continued probing the top of Tabatha's vagina. She could feel the start of her slit and the tight puffy labia, but pretended she couldn't, watching closely for Tabatha's reaction, her true reaction, for to go by the pained facial expression she made would be misleading. Dorothy noticed that Tabatha made no move to avoid or remove the foot, though, in the past, whenever Dorothy rested a hand on her shoulder, Tabatha quickly brushed it off. Tabatha tolerated the obscene rubbing with a bright red face as Dorothy continued her taunting tease, saying, "Your mother gave you two of almost everything. Didn't she give you at least one little pussy to play with?" "My mother gave me everything I need, including that." "Well, then, let's just see." With that, Dorothy brought her toe to the edge of Tabatha's skirt and dipped under between her bare knees. Tabatha stiffened as Dorothy's toes ran slowly up her right thigh, then turned in toward the center as the foot neared the crotch. Tabatha tensed and turned her head as the toe made contact over panties, then turned on edge so as to fit between the gap in her thighs. Dorothy nestled her toes in the cleft and felt the full length of Tabatha's slit with the big toe pressing in, saying, "Oh, there it is. Yes, you do have a pussy, a cute little pussy, too. There's the clittie, and there's the nice fat lips. I can feel a well-defined pussy crack, not too long, just right. And there's the pussy hole, right over the wet spot. My goodness, but you are wet. What are you thinking about, you nasty little girl? Dorothy dug her toe into the hole, pushing in panties and all, making Tabatha wince. She said, "I asked you what you were thinking." Tabatha looked Dorothy in the eyes and said, "You killed my mother. I hate you. I hate you. That's what I was thinking." Dorothy was stung by the unexpected accusation, but forced calm in her voice, saying, "And that makes you horny? You are a perverted little slut, aren't you? I'll bet you liked the part when I poured your mother on my cunt. You must have climaxed when you saw me stuffing her ashes into my pussy." "Then you admit you killed her?" "I admit nothing, but if it turns you on, I'll play along. It does seem to turn you on, Juicy Lucy." "Stop doing that. I hate it. You're disgusting." "Your mouth says one thing, but your hot, horny, little pussy says another. Which of your mouths should I believe, the mouth with teeth or without? Since a pussy's mouth can't lie, you must be lying through your teeth." "Believe whatever you want, but I truly hate you, and I hate what you're doing to my pus...vagina." Dorothy reached up with her foot and hooked her toe in the panty waist band. She pulled down hard until they ripped and the panties hung loose. She then wedged her toe through the lips of naked wet pussy until she was under the hole. She pressed up and entered the girl's hole with a wiggling toe, sinking her full toe inside, saying, "My goodness, but you are a slimy cunted little wench. I swear, your hungry little pussy is chewing on my big toe."Tabatha continued to make pained faces, but yielded to the unnatural invader when she could have very easily made that awkward insertion difficult by simply clamping her thighs together or just by tilting her pelvis back, not to mention the obvious blocking with her hands, wrestling the foot out of her lap, and throwing it off like a hand to the shoulder. Other than tilt the pelvis up a bit, she did nothing. Dorothy seated her wiggling toe fully within the tight confines of the girl's vagina, then said, "There, that's better for both of us. By the way, you can say pussy or cunt; in fact, I prefer you use pussy from now on. The word will sound precious coming from your sweet lips." "Take your toe out of my pussy. I hate it." "That's a lie, and I can safely assume that other stuff was a lie, too. It's like slime soup in there and getting slimier by the second. You don't hate me, and you love what I'm doing to your horny pussy. You want your little pussy fucked so badly that you'll even settle for a woman's toe, even the toe of the woman who murdered your mother." Dorothy could see that her toe was driving Tabatha to distraction. Tabatha managed to move her knees six inches apart without being too obvious, as though trying to get comfortable, and she raised up off her heels slightly, giving Dorothy's toe easier access and room to work, room to fuck. Dorothy continued her taunting teases, saying, "I think you're glad I got your mother out of your life so you can start living life a little, start dating and showing off that adorable figure. Your brothers and your father are dying to see you naked, Tabatha." Tabatha accidentally let a moan escape on hearing those words, and she held her cunt steady for the wiggling toe-fuck she was getting. Dorothy said, "I sure won't stop you; in fact, I can help. I can even see to it that your cute little pussy gets the proper fucking it needs and craves. I'm not talking about toe fucking, girl. I'm talking about hard, throbbing, sperm-shooting, cock fucking. You mother would never let your pussy have any cock. You'd be a virgin until you were twenty-one, and you know it. I'll be a much better mommy to you, and you know that, too." Dorothy slowly raised Tabatha straight up on her knees and had her jutting out her loins to receive the toe fucking. Just as Tabatha was about to reach a climax, and her pelvis began to hump and grind, Dorothy withdrew her toe, taking her foot from under Tabatha's dress. Tabatha stared with a hunger denied and sat with a slump onto her heels again, panting and frustrated. Her face was as red as a fire truck with a combination of arousal and embarrassment. Dorothy said, "I wanted my toes done, remember." Tabatha gradually regained her composure, then took Dorothy's right foot and wiped the wetness away with her skirt. She began applying the polish remover, holding Dorothy's foot high, frequently looking over the toes to catch visual snatches of Dorothy's finger lazily stroking through her wet snatch. Dorothy waited until Tabatha caught another snatch, then said, "Do you like my pussy, Tabatha?" "No.""Then what were you thinking while you stared at my pussy? Does my pussy remind you of your Mommy? Do you want to give your Mommy a kiss, now?""No. That is not what I was thinking. I was just thinking you might make me shave it for you. I wouldn't put that past you." "I hadn't thought of that, but since you suggested it, why not? From now on, you not only shave my pussy, but you take care of all my pussy hygiene. You'll handle my periods for me, and clean up after sex. You'll wash it, douche it, dry it, and perfume it, daily. And when you're done, you'll kiss it." "I won't kiss it." "Yes you will, and the kiss will be a long French kiss." "I'll kiss it if I have to, but no way will I French kiss your pussy." "Actually, French kiss isn't exactly right. You'll actually be tongue-fucking my pussy with your face pressed in tight with my cunt lips pulled wide open, so you can get your face inside and rub your nose on my clit." "That's disgusting. Look, if I promise to French kiss your pussy real good, will that do? I'd die if I had to tongue-fuck a pussy, yours especially." "I suppose, but you'll have to make me cum." "All right, I'll French kiss your pussy until you cum." "And lick up the mess you make." "All right, I'll lick you clean afterwards. Making me do that is sick, I hope you know? There is probably some of my mother still in there." "I know. That's what makes it so exciting. I can't wait." "Do I have to do it now? Is that what you're saying?" "All right. I'm in no hurry to have my toes done. Why not do it now? I need to teach you the right way to love my pussy. Put that stuff away and scoot in close." Tabatha did as she was told, trying to mask her enthusiasm. She scooted in close as Dorothy laid her right leg over the armrest. Tabatha started in for the kiss, but Dorothy stopped her, saying, "Not so fast. Don't be so eager." "I just want to get this over with." "I'd better never see that in your expression or in your actions. If I do see that, I'll blister your behind for you. If you ever insult my pussy again, I'll take a belt to you. I believe a daughter should worship her mother's pussy." "You're not my mother. You're not even my step-mother." "That doesn't matter. I am assuming the role with your father's blessing. He made me your mother, and you'd better learn to accept that fact, and show me the proper respect. I can be very nice, or very mean. That will all be up to you, but you will worship my pussy regardless. Do you understand?" Tabatha nodded and submissively said, "Yes." "Okay, the first thing you do is warm up my pussy, but before you do that, you must be naked." "What? I don't want to get naked in front of you." "I want you naked, now strip!" Tabatha rose slowly to her feet and turned her back on Dorothy as she began undoing her dress. Dorothy said, "Face me when you strip for me, and act sexy. This is all part of warming up my pussy, and you should use the strip to try and turn me on." Tabatha turned slowly and began to sway in a wide stance as buttons and zippers parted. As each item came off, Tabatha, accented the skin uncovered with delicate hands. Like a model on a game show showing prizes, she traced patterns over flawless young skin. When her breasts came into view, Tabatha presented them. Dorothy lifted her foot, toyed with the tight mounds, and pinched the button nipples in her toes as Tabatha held steady. When the torn panties, the last garment, slithered down Tabatha's legs and were removed, Dorothy followed their progress with her toe, then ran the toe back up Tabatha's right leg and resumed her earlier toe explorations while Tabatha held herself steady with her knees parted in a standing half squat, her small hands gripping her inner thighs, framing her vulnerable sex. Dorothy had her on the brink of orgasm when she said, "Now, turn around and show me the full rear view. Pull those cheeks apart." Tabatha quickly assumed the desired pose, eager to get that toe back in her pussy. She gave Dorothy a wide spread, with her head peering up at her pussy from between her knees. She watched the toe tease her pussy flesh, probe the hole, then slide up the crack to her anal rosebud. She then endured the uncomfortable penetration of her small asshole. When Dorothy had her toe in as far as it would go, Tabatha said, "That feels weird." "It feels weird to me too, pleasantly weird. You should feel a big cock in there with a big pair of hairy balls banging against your wet pussy." "Have you done that?" "Too many times to count. All right, sweet pea. Let's get the lesson started." Tabatha got down and scooted up close to the wide beaver Dorothy presented. Her full facial blush hid the mask of disdain completely. Only eagerness showed in Tabatha's eyes as those eyes devoured the details of Dorothy's mature vagina. Dorothy said, "Use the fingers of both hands to massage my cunt. That's it, push everything around, rub lightly on my clit, and lightly finger my hole. Yes, that's nice, slow and easy, get my juices flowing, make that pussy juicy." Dorothy observed the intensity with which Tabatha applied herself to the task, then said, "Did you ever French kiss anyone?" "No, but I know how." "Tell me what you know about French kissing." "You kiss with your mouth open and use your tongues in each other's mouth." "Well, my pussy has no tongue to kiss back with, but you have the right idea. Just get a good lip-lock on my pussy hole, seal your face in tight, and stick that tongue of yours way up inside. Lick my ovaries and lick the walls of my cunt real good, twirl that tongue, and stick it in and out real fast. Tongue fuck my cunt." "Want me to do it now?" "No, I want you to prove that you can do it right by kissing me as you will kiss my pussy. I won't have you experimenting on something as valuable as my pussy. Come up and lie over me and show me what you can do. First, we'll French kiss. Pretend I'm your female lover, and that my mouth is your lover's pussy." Tabatha timidly laid over Dorothy as Dorothy took Tabatha by her small ass cheeks and brought their cunts together. Tabatha's eyes went wide as she felt the warm wet tissues of Dorothy's pussy merge with her own, then swooned when the pussies began grinding against one another under Dorothy's ass massage. Tabatha's lips pressed to Dorothy's and their tongues were soon exploring each others mouths. Dorothy could feel the passion building in Tabatha's kiss as the little tongue fought to lick every square centimeter of Dorothy's oral cavity. When Dorothy broke the kiss to speak, Tabatha kept kissing and licking her moving lips as the exciting woman said, "Now, show me how you'll French my cunt. Pretend my mouth is my cunt hole. Show me how you'll use your mouth and tongue to please my pussy." Tabatha made a tight seal over Dorothy's mouth, then sent her tongue in deep. She licked teeth, gums, roof, and the inside of Dorothy's cheeks, then licked all over and under the slack tongue. Dorothy was busy as well. Dorothy no longer had to move Tabatha's ass to rub their cunts together; Tabatha was doing all the rubbing herself. Dorothy entered Tabatha's ass with her middle finger and used the stiff digit to fuck the girl's ass, driving Tabatha wild. The excited teen fucked herself on the finger and humped her pussy against Dorothy's in the process, all the while licking Dorothy's mouth like a hungry pup licking out an empty peanut butter jar. When Dorothy saw that Tabatha was nearing her climax, she pushed Tabatha's head away and withdrew her finger, saying, "Hey, you're here to learn a lesson on cunt worship, not to rub off on me like a horny dog." Tabatha, on the verge of tears, collapsed over Dorothy's body with her head resting on a pillowy breast, breathing hard, trying to restore order to her rebellious body. Slowly, she turned her eyes up and said, "Do you want me to French your pussy, now?" "First, you have to love on my pussy. You have to show my pussy that you love it." "How do I do that?" "By planting tender kiss all over and licking lightly. Stimulate the external parts first. Go ahead and start doing that. I'll coach you along." Tabatha began by sucking each nipple, then kissed her way down Dorothy's body as she slithered to the floor. She pressed a tentative kiss to the top of Dorothy's crack, then kissed down one lip and up the other. When she got to the top, she eased off and licked her wet lips, saying, "Your pussy juice doesn't taste bad like I thought. Was that good?" "Fair, and that was probably your father's sperm you were tasting. We fucked right before I drove him to the airport." "I heard you. Do you want me to love your pussy some more." "Yes, you've just started." Tabatha immediately returned to kissing, pressing most of her kisses to the wet crack, especially at the hole. She kissed and licked her way up the center, then planted numerous kisses to the clit before giving it a few parting licks prior to looking up again and saying, "Was that better?" "Much better, now start using more tongue. Yes, lick the crack. Like around the inside of my pussy hole. Good, now peel back the lips and lick all the pink meat. That's it; lick up everything. Lick up Daddy's sperm. Now use the broad flat of your tongue to lap my pussy from my asshole to my clit. That's it, lap like a dog. Plow through my cunt. Show me how much you love my pussy." Tabatha showed her with a dramatic display of affection, at least, affection for her pussy. She lapped hard and fast, putting her all into the task. Dorothy never thought Tabatha would be this easy and saw hope that the job ahead would be easier. She said, "Oh, that's wonderful. You do love my pussy, even after I killed your mother and stuffed her ashes in it. That mean old bitch is dead, and now you're loving the pussy that killed her. My pussy loves you, too, Tabatha. Now, show me your best French kiss. See if you can suck the last remains of your mother out of my cunt." Tabatha dived into the kiss, sealing her open mouth tight, then reaching in as far as she could. Dorothy cried, "Oh, Jesus, that's good, Tabatha! Oh, honey, you kiss cunt so damned good. Twirl that tongue, baby. Suck, baby, suck! Lick all those nooks and crannies. Lick your mother out of my pussy!" Tabatha performed her task with great enthusiasm, appearing to be trying to get her head inside. Dorothy let her go for ten minutes or so, then said, "To make me cum, you'll need to come up and suck on my clit. I'm ready when you are. That's it, suck the whole thing in your mouth. Slap it around with your tongue while you suck hard and munch easy. Oh yes! Oh, Shit! Oh fuck! Yessss! Yesss! Ohhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhh! Yesssss. Yes. Yes, Tabatha. Oh yes, baby!...That was fantastic." Tabatha raised up to say, "Wow, you sure bucked around hard. I had trouble hanging on. Was I really that good?" Dorothy patted her smiling cheek and said, "You were the best I ever had, Tabatha. Now, lick up the mess you made." "Oh, wow, it is messy. Okay, here goes." Dorothy watched Tabatha licking at the wetness seeping from her hole. She held a hand on Tabatha's head and repeatedly told her what a good cunt lapper and pussy sucker she was. This inspired Tabatha to resume her French kissing and she lapped Dorothy's cunt walls. Dorothy wanted to see how long Tabatha would continue if she didn't stop her. Tabatha continued French kissing for ten minutes, then began tongue fucking her hard, smacking her face into the open maw with her stiff tongue fully extended. She did this for another five minutes, then went up to suck on the clit without being told. Dorothy stopped her at that point, and Tabatha settled back looking disappointed. Dorothy said, "I couldn't take another so soon. Maybe later. You have toes to finish, remember?" "Oh, yeah. Sorry. Did I do that good? Is that how I have to kiss your pussy everyday, after I do all those other things?" "Yes, exactly like that. You're a good daughter, Tabatha. I hope one day, you'll call me Mom." "I'm just doing this because I have to. I'll never call you Mom." "I think you will. I think you will very soon." Tabatha let that go unchallenged and resumed her pedicure. A few minutes into her work, she said, "Are you really going to make me get naked in front of everyone?" "Of course." "Are you going to let them fuck me, all of them, even Daddy?" "Daddy most of all. He wants to make you his little whore, as if you didn't know." "I figured as much. He's changed. You corrupted him." "You can thank me later." "I'll be his whore, as if I had a choice in the matter, but I'll never thank you for making me one, never." "As long as you're a good whore, that will be thanks enough. If you can fuck the way you suck pussy, you'll make a great whore for your Daddy. He has lots of friends he wants to share you with. I'm sure you'll make us proud." "My Daddy would not let other men fuck me, no way would he do that." "That's all he talks about, but I won't argue with you. You'll find out soon enough. When you have a big dick fucking your ass, another fucking your pussy, and you are sucking on a third with six horny men waiting for a hole to get free, you'll see." "Oh, God, Dorothy, would he really do that to me? Have you ever done three at once?" "No, but you will, and often, right here at home. You have four cocks to serve and only three holes to serve them with, remember?" "Aren't you going to help me?" "Not often. I have you to satisfy me, and you can still satisfy two cocks when your mouth is busy between my legs." "Oh, God, I really will be a whore." "That's right, a three holer whore that also worships my pussy. Tabatha, climb up on mommy's lap. I think you and I need to have a good mother/daughter talk." Tabatha got up without comment, and sat on Dorothy's lap, lying back in the crook of her left arm, while allowing Dorothy to spread her legs. Tabatha had her ass over Dorothy's mound with her right leg draped over the right arm rest; the left rested on the floor. Dorothy squeezed her large left tit, offering the distended nipple to Tabatha's mouth, saying, "Nurse on me, Tabatha. There's no mother's milk, but we can pretend." Tabatha sucked in the nipple and began nursing, looking up into Dorothy's eyes as she did. Dorothy stroked a finger through Tabatha's open slit, then slid inside the receptive hole. She set up a gentle massage of Tabatha's aroused sex as Tabatha moaned while sucking. Tabatha enjoyed the gentle stroking and paused in her sucking to say, "You're a witch, aren't you?" Dorothy laughed and said, "And if I am?" "I don't mean a bad witch. I think you're a good witch. You have powers." "I do, huh?" "Yes. I think you killed my mom with your powers. You cast a spell on my dad, and you cast another spell on me. I can feel it working. I feel like calling you, Mommy. I can't help myself...Mommy." Dorothy said, "Good, then that means the spell has taken. You are completely in my power, now; but you're right, I am a good witch. I use my powers to bring pleasure not pain and suffering." "I know. I like good witches. I like being under your spell, Mommy." "We want you to be the family whore, Tabatha. We want you to serve all of our sexual needs. Will you do that willingly?" Tabatha nodded while sucking, then widened her legs and lifted for the fucking finger. Dorothy went on, "Good, I knew you'd be a good girl, Tabatha. Now, you've earned your reward. Just relax and nurse. Let Mommy make you cum, sweetheart." Tabatha nursed, but she could not relax. When Dorothy set up a strong, steady finger fucking of her excited pussy, Tabatha had her ass lifted high, rolling her pelvis and humping the finger. As the powerful orgasm built to a crest, Tabatha took her mouth off the nipple and cried, "Oh, Mommy, make me cum. Fuck my pussy, Mommy. Mommy! Mommy! I love you, Mommy! Ahhhhhhh! Ohhhhhh! Ahhhhh!" Tabatha screamed out her release at the top of her lungs, then collapsed totally. After a few minutes to catch her breath, she threw her arms around Dorothy's neck and began planting tender kisses over Dorothy's face, neck, and chest. With every kiss, Tabatha praised Dorothy's beauty and called her Mommy. Dorothy basked in the loving attention, offering up body parts for the devoted affection. Tabatha could not get enough and climbed to straddle Dorothy's hips, pressing their bodies face to face while centering her kisses on Dorothy's mouth, saying, "I love you, Mommy. I want to be the best whore you ever created. I'll make everyone happy for you." When Dorothy opened her mouth to talk, Tabatha's tongue shot inside. Dorothy found this amusing and talked with Tabatha's tongue licking inside her mouth, having to enunciate and form her words slowly to be understood, saying, "We'll see, Tabatha, but there's something you should know. Your father wants you to have a dog, a big dog, a male dog, a male dog with a foot-long cock. I think you know what that means, don't you?" Tabatha excitedly said, "Yes. The dog is going to fuck me, isn't he?" After saying this, Tabatha resumed licking inside Dorothy's mouth, licking more feverishly than before. Dorothy said, "Yes, and you'll suck the dog's cock. You will also be performing a live sex act with the dog at parties. We want you to get good at putting on a real nasty show. Come up with positions that best show the dog's cock fucking your pussy. You'll need to practice often, and you'll need to experiment. I can't help you with dog fucking lessons. That's a subject I know nothing about. You're on your own. Can you do it?" "Yes! I'm sure I can. I'll train him myself. I'll do it for you, Mommy." "I'm sure you'll do fine then. After we finish here, we'll go out and find the perfect dog. I'll let you pick him out, but make sure he has a nice big cock. I'll see that we have time alone with each one we look at so you can find out what he has to offer. Will you do that? Will you suck their cocks hard and let them cum in your mouth so we don't leave a horny dog or a mess?" "Yes. I'll do as many as it takes, Mommy, and I'll swallow all their cum for you." "Good, sweetheart. We need to surprise your father when he gets home. Won't that be fun?" Tabatha sat back with a dreamy-eyed expression and said, "Yes." Craig entered the house on Wednesday evening and Tabatha ran into his arms wearing nothing but spike high heels and a smile. He cupped her naked ass cheeks as she threw her legs around his waist, leaning back to show her tits. She said, "Let me suck your cock, Daddy, then fuck my cherry pussy for me. I'll eat Mommy's pussy while you fuck me, then I'll show you what I taught the dog." The huge dog padded over and began licking Tabatha's sex as Craig held his daughter's pussy lips open and got his fingers licked as well. She said, "He's great, Daddy, a great dane with a foot-long cock that feels terrific in my ass. I can suck his cock all the way down my throat. I'm dying to feel him in my pussy, but I wanted to save my cherry for you." Dorothy, standing between Craig and the astonished blonde Nordic girl in the ridiculously brief maid's uniform, said, "Are you satisfied?" "I am very satisfied. You did good, Dorothy, but then you always do." "I was afraid you wouldn't like the dog. He's not fluffy." "To hell with fluffy. With him, we'll see everything." "Yes, and there's a lot to see. He's not only big, he's insatiable. You're in for a real treat. Our daughter is a bitch in heat." "Mommy is right, Daddy. I am a bitch in heat. I'm already a two-holer whore. If you'll put me down and open my third hole, I'll be a three-holer whore, just like you want. I can't wait. The mean old witch is dead, and I want to celebrate." "So do I, sweetheart, so do I." And they all lived happily ever after; but then, what did you expect from a story that begins, "Once upon a time" with a good witch in it?The EndRead other Phil Phantom stories by visiting Phantom Base at HTTP://PhilPhantom.ComCAUTION: Exercise caution and good sense before engaging in unsafe sex practices that involve any exchange of body fluid, even contact with open sores or small cuts. Scenes involving large objects, tattoos, bestial sex, body waste ingestion, bindings, devices and gadgets are the stuff of fantasy and are offered to promote the only safe sex there is - masturbation. Before you try anything, find out what the risks and hazards are because they can all be deadly. Read, enjoy, and remember - sex with minors should be left to other minors. PPMore Taboo Incest Hardcore AtREAL INCEST&INCEST CARTOONS&INCEST THEATER