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Burning the Candle at Both Ends


On the day we assumed ownership, the departing homeowner walked me around the property while his wife showed Carol around the house. Theo showed me the tools and lawn equipment that he was leaving behind in the carriage house in the rear of the property. The carriage house was about a hundred feet behind the house, it was built in the shape of a shortened "T" with a loft in both of the wings, and catwalk along the back wall, connecting them to one another. Theo led me up to the lofts, and showed me his secret. In the loft nearest the house, he had a small telescope set up in a window. He told me to take a look through it, and when I did, I realized that I had a perfect view of the pool. With the adjusting wheel, I was able to look at the chairs and tables by the pool as if I was only a few feet away, instead of closer to one hundred. I remembered thinking, as we walked around the pool, that it was exceptionally private. There were trees that blocked the pool from most of the rearward facing windows in the house, and a privacy fence surrounded the other three sides, including the ground-floor windows of the carriage house. Theo winked conspiratorially, and said that when visitors used the pool, he could peek at them from here for as long as he wanted, without their knowledge. He told me it was amazing what people could do when they thought no one could see them. He adjusted the telescope slightly, and told me to take another look. This time, the view was right through the window of the master bedroom.He also showed me that he had run water and sewage lines to the building, in addition to the electrical lines, in the event he ever got around to remodeling the building to rent as an apartment. He'd never had the time or energy to accomplish that, but with a small investment and some sweat-equity, it could be done. He winked again, and advised to put up some good blinds if we ever got around to renting the place out. I smiled back politely, but in fact, the idea seemed a perfect way to milk my vacation before returning to a "real job". Carol already had a job lined up, and would be making enough to handle the mortgage and some of our bills, while her retirement check and my unemployment pay could handle the rest without dipping further into our savings.Within a few weeks of our moving into the new house, we had completed our unpacking, and were looking at doing some minor remodeling of our own. Nothing major-just repainting some rooms, and wallpapering a couple of other rooms which weren't to our taste. While Carol was working at her job, I was working at our house, and I loved it. I felt that I was making our house really "ours". It also felt great to be able to be my own boss for the first time in years.I was sorry to see the last project finished. I had looked all over the house for anything else that could use fixing-up, and was about out of options when I began thinking about our carriage house. There wasn't very much left to do with the place that I wasn't capable of handling myself. After presenting my plans to Carol, it didn't take very much to convince her of the soundness of the idea. We'd dipped deeply into our savings for the initial down payment and closing costs on the house, but more than enough remained to fix up the carriage house, especially with my plan to do most of the work on it myself. If we kept it as a guest house, it would increase our property value, and if we wanted extra income, we could rent it out.I immediately started finalizing the details, and then we got a call from Carol's sister, Denise, in L.A.Denise told us that her daughter was in trouble. Her daughter had been expelled from school for cutting too many classes, and for being caught with liquor on school grounds. The last time we'd seen Lacey, she was ten years old, and I remembered her as a cute little thing whom I'd loved from the time she'd learned how to walk. She'd long been a favorite niece of mine, and I'd predicted she would be a real heart breaker by the time she was eighteen. She had recently turned fourteen, but the crowd she'd been hanging out with was well into their twenties. Denise had discovered that in addition to the classes that Lacey had been skipping, she also been experimenting with sex and drugs. Her latest boyfriend was a thirty-two-year-old married teacher at her school. (Another part in her expulsion, while he was suspended from teaching, pending a review of the incident by the school board.) Denise wanted to know if there was any way that we would allow Lacey to stay with us while things were straightened out. She thought if Lacey were separated from her older friends and lived in a quieter locale for a while, that she might settle down. At this point, she was desperate to find a solution to her daughter's problems.Carol immediately agreed to allow Lacey to move in with us, for an undetermined length of time. I was less enthusiastic about the situation. First of all, I argued, if she's doing that stuff out there, why would she stop just because she's in Michigan? She could find alcohol, drugs, new friends, and all the rest no matter where she was. I felt we were just taking on more problems that we weren't capable of solving. Carol and I argued about it for several hours, finally compromising that Lacey would be welcome for the summer, under our rules, and that at the end of the summer, we'd consider keeping her for longer.That night, Carol teased me about the "real" reasons I didn't want a houseguest. We'd gotten used to going for swims in our pool without using a bathing suit, and had taken to wandering around the house nude whenever we felt like it. With a guest in the house, she joked, we'd have to remain dressed. Let me pause this story to allow you to get an idea of our appearance. We both have light complexions, getting moderately dark in the summer, but remaining pretty fair the rest of the year. We've both got dark brown hair and brown eyes. My wife attributes her good looks to her French background, while my family was Italian and Dutch. My wife is 5'8", 35-23-34, and a very toned one hundred-thirty pounds. She has a firm ass, flat belly, and B-cup breasts that have not yet given in to gravity. As she's never had children, she also doesn't have any of the signs of childbirth-stretch marks, etc. She's never failed to turn heads, in or out of uniform. I stand 6'2", and 200 pounds. I'm muscular without bulging, and the last time I checked my body-fat, I was around ten per cent. Our bodies are the result of all our years in the military. We were required to remain in shape for the sake of our careers, and a lot of that mentality carried over when we got ready to get out. We looked at people our ages with beer-bellies, spare tires, flabby asses and saggy tits, and made a conscious decision to avoid that road. We jogged together, exercised at the gym together, and made certain we ate the proper foods. So despite the fact that I'm thirty-three, I can still wear the same jeans I fit into at 18. Carol at thirty-nine looks like she's in her late twenties."I don't know," I responded. "Who says we have to change our habits around Lacey. Sounds like she's already seen it all. Maybe having a naked man around would actually put her at ease.""Forget that, buster. She'd better find a boyfriend closer to her own age, and besides, you're already taken."With that, Carol slid close to me and ran her hand down my flank, ending with my cock nestled in her grip. I tried to be nonchalant about it, but when she began stroking my cock, it betrayed me, quickly growing to its full length."What's this?" she asked, playfully."Why don't you take a look?" I answered.She smiled and slithered down my body, dragging her long, dark hair down my chest and over my cock and balls. Pausing to grin up at me, she plunged her mouth over my cock and engulfed my hard-on down to my pubes. Carol is very oral, and absolutely loves blowing me. As a result of her affection for the task, she's gotten very good at it. I'd slept with literally dozens of women before I'd met Carol, in addition to a substantial number of hookers while stationed in Korea (which placed me among the average, or "normal", crowd over there). None of the women I'd been with were nearly as talented as my wife.Bobbing her head up and down over my throbbing hard-on, she toyed with my anus with one hand, while pinching my nipples with her other. She paused to wet her finger, then deep-throated my cock and wormed her now-lubricated finger into my ass-hole, while rotating her body over mine to give me access to her own ass and pussy. I returned the favor, licking her from her clit to her rectum, then began tonguing her ass-hole while diddling her clit.Carol has a hair-trigger when it comes to anal stimulation, so it didn't take very long after I began stabbing my tongue into her ass to clench her pussy tight around my finger while my other hand was busy on her clit. She moaned deeply with my cock still buried in her throat, going over the edge and almost taking me with her. Almost before the spasms of her orgasm were over, she rolled over so she was under me and tugged my hips forward until my cock was between her tits. She kept her finger firmly up my ass the entire time, and then pulled it out to squeeze her tits firmly around my cock, replacing her finger with her own tongue. This was too much for me, and after thrusting my erection between her soft tits a few times, I covered her tits and belly with my semen.Panting, I rolled off her, and twisted around until we were side-by-side on the bed. She scooped up my sprayed cum from her belly and licked her fingers clean, and licked as much of her own tits as she could reach, then drew my slowly deflating cock back into her mouth to get the last bit of oozing juice.Finally sated, she padded off to the bathroom to wipe herself clean, and returned to me with a damp towel to wipe me clean as well. Carol then cuddled up next to me, and we drifted off to sleep.Within a couple of weeks, I'd purchased most of the materiel and supplies that I'd need for my work in the carriage house, and had arranged for both an electrician and plumber to take the time to stop by and assist me on the work I wasn't qualified to do on my own. I was anxious to begin the new project, and grumbled a bit when I had to postpone the start to pick Lacey up from the airport. Carol reminded me that she wouldn't be able to take the entire morning off work to drive with me to the airport, and I recognized that it would be too far (and awfully unkind) to expect Lacey to take a cab all the way to our house from the airport.I was watching for my niece to get off her plane, but was caught completely off-guard when a very attractive young woman placed her hand on my arm."Uncle Don?""Lacey?"She smiled and wrapped me in a hug, which I returned, then pushed her back to get a second look at her. The skinny little girl with the angelic face was still there, but she had blossomed into a slim little hard-body. A lovely, well-tanned face with rosy cheeks, full lips and perfect white teeth smiled up at me, and a tiny diamond sparkled from her left nostril. She had firm little B-cup breasts that stood out pointedly from her chest, a narrow, tapered waist, and slim, yet curvy hips. Her silky hair was cut to hang just below shoulder level, and was sun-bleached blonde. Her glossy hair contrasted brightly against her golden California tan. The tiny top she was wearing left her arms, belly and a good portion of her swelling breasts visible, while her faded and ripped jeans hung low on her tiny hips. A gold ring winked at me from her bronzed belly button, and several more gleamed through her sandals on her tanned toes. When she spun around to give me a full 360-degree view of the beautiful vision she'd become, I saw her small, firm ass and noticed the muscles of her well-toned legs flex and flow under the close-fitting jeans. Although she no taller than five-feet and one-or-two-inches, she was perfectly proportioned, and had looked taller from a distance. I had to drag my eyes up from her traffic-stopping body to meet her amused gaze."So. How you been, Uncle Don? Getting' any?" Same old irreverent sense of humor that I remembered about her."How was the flight, sweetie?"We exchanged the usual pleasantries as we went to pick up her luggage, and stopped for a quick lunch before the drive home. Lacey tried to order a beer with her lunch, and ordered with such casual assurance that she might have gotten away with it if I hadn't told the waiter to bring a couple of iced teas, instead.We tried to catch up on things, and all of my fond memories of her as a youngster returned, but we carefully steered away from the real reasons for which she was there. After lunch, we stopped at the supermarket to pick up some fresh groceries and anything she might need. Wherever we went, heads turned to stare at this incredibly hot-looking girl. I was thinking about sports, computers, engines, and anything else to take my mind off sex to minimize the odds of my getting an erection in front of her.Finally we were done and back in the car for the ride home. She was still very easy to talk to, and the conversation continued to flow easily until we pulled up in the driveway of the new house."Whoa! Uncle Don, this place is sharp!""Thanks. The old owner hadn't gone in for much landscaping or gardening, so it took a bit of effort to get the place looking good, but I think we did alright.""Yeah, it looks great! Show me around. I want to see the whole place."She was practically bouncing like a rubber ball as we went through the house, complementing us on our improvements, and squealed with delight when I showed her the bedroom that would be hers. It was on the first floor, and on the opposite side of the house from the master bedroom. Carol and I had hoped this would give both her and us a little more privacy.We finished the tour of the house, and went out into the backyard to get a better look at the surrounding woods and the carriage house, saving the pool for last."Why do you call that a 'carriage house'? Looks like a barn or a garage, to me," she asked."Well, in the days before cars, when people had carriages and horses to pull them, they built them a little bit apart from the house for consideration.""Consideration of what?""Have you ever smelled a horse's stall?"Ohhh... So when people stopped using carriages and horses, and started using cars, why would they still build these suckers so far from the house?""Dunno. Maybe just because they could."By then we were in the carriage house, and I showed her my plans for remodeling the building."Cool. Maybe I could give you a hand out here.""That would be welcome, but don't feel obligated. We want you to relax first, and then we'll find a rhythm." Time to broach the topic. "Lacey, I'm not sure what you had gotten used to back home, or what you thought it would be like here, but we've come up with some rules for you, and we'll expect you to follow them.""Like what?" Her voice had gone a few degrees cooler, and I could see the inherent distrust of authority behind the mask that was settling into place."Nothing too traumatic. We're giving you a reasonable curfew, setting up a few boundaries for what we'd rather not see you doing, that sort of thing. We're pretty flexible, and we're willing to negotiate if you disagree strongly with anything we've come up with. We're not trying to jail you or anything like that. We've just been hearing about some of the things you've done at home, and they all seem to boil down to trying to grow up too fast. We just want to make sure you have the opportunity to be a kid before it's too late." She didn't seem entirely convinced, but the mask had been set aside. "There. Does that seem so awful?""Nooooo... I guess I could give it a try.""That's all we're asking. Now let me show you what I've been saving for last."We followed the brick path up to the pool, and when we came around the corner of the privacy fence, she got her first good glimpse of it. She paused for a moment, and then smiled and picked up her pace to catch back up to me."Theo didn't skimp on this sucker. The rest of the yard wasn't in too bad of shape, but this area was positively pampered. That's the pool-house, over there." I pointed out a small building, four feet by six feet, with a couple of windows and a screened door. He'd built it from scratch, and done a good job of it. The windows and door gave it plenty of light and air, but blinds were in place to ensure privacy. One wall held plenty of towels, and miscellaneous crap, and enough room was left to be able to change into a swimsuit without feeling claustrophobic."And there are plenty of chairs and tables and such out here-"My commentary was cut off by a splash. I turned to see Lacey stroking underwater to the far side of the pool. She'd slipped her sandals off and skimmed out of her jeans, and had dived in wearing her top and a tiny pair of panties. I was able to watch her smooth, graceful journey a few feet under the surface, and was left in awe of her body as she swam economically the length of the pool. Her muscular legs kicked strongly, and her arms pumped with steady, sure strokes. The thong panties left almost nothing to the imagination, and revealed that if she had a tan-line, it wasn't noticeable.She finally came up for air at the far end of the pool, flicked her hair out of her eyes, and stroked cleanly across to me. She stood up in the shallow end, and left me speechless: with her wet clothes, she might as well have been naked.Her light-colored top was completely transparent, and had plastered itself to her chest like a second skin. The cool water had caused her nipples to harden, and the dark aureole were painfully obvious. Her skimpy thong clearly indicated her dislike for pubic hair, as it was molded to her mons, emphasizing the smooth expanse of skin and lack of hair beneath. As she stood for a few endless moments, her feet spread somewhat apart, chest softly heaving, shoulders back, and chin lifted proudly, I drank in her nubile strength and beauty.After several heartbeats had passed in silence, I tore my gaze away from her figure and caught her eye. She was smiling proudly, obviously pleased with my reaction. I had to forcibly remind myself that she was first, my niece, and second, only fourteen."Can I bring you a towel, Lacey?" I was astounded that my voice remained even"Thanks. That'd be nice. Why don't you get a couple and join me in here? The water's terrific!""I don't think I'm ready for a swim, yet. I think I'll get dinner started for Carol, instead. You enjoy yourself, though."I grabbed a beach-towel from the pool-house, and tossed it down on a lounge chair near her discarded jeans. I restrained myself from looking at her, partly for fear of staring again, as well as to hide the rapidly expanding erection that was beginning to tent my slacks. I marched on into the house and went straight to the kitchen. I splashed cold water into my face and pondered the actions of my niece. I knew that part of it was a normal flirtation from a teenager experimenting with people's reactions to her newly forming physique. I suspected that part of it stemmed from her well-established sexual identity, seeing as how she'd been sexually active for over a year already, and most of that time with an adult lover. I didn't know if I should fear the show had been meant as an overt invitation.I don't know how long I stood that at the sink, waiting for my erection to subside, and reviewing the events of the afternoon. I fast-forwarded through the conversation. Did I say anything she might have misconstrued? Did she say anything that I might have misunderstood?I was startled out of my reverie when the object of my thoughts spoke up a few feet from behind me. I'd never heard her come inside."Do you need a hand, Uncle Don?""Uh, no Lacey. I can-"As I started to turn around, the rest of my words died in my throat. She was standing in the entrance to the kitchen, wearing nothing but her jewelry. Although her hair was still a bit damp, she'd taken the time to thoroughly dry herself. Her nipples were still standing out stiffly, and her smooth pussy was slightly flowered open. She made no effort to hide herself, and met my shocked gaze evenly. A remote part of my brain dryly remarked that, yep, there weren't any tan-lines. As the moment stretched out between us, she slowly padded toward me, oozing her sexuality from her very pores. In the swing of her arms, the sway of her slim hips, her body was shouting, 'Look at me! Desire me! Want me!'.I did. I wanted to feel that firm, tanned body under my trembling hands, and to trace every graceful, muscular line with my tongue.She didn't stop until she was directly in front of me. We were separated by only a few inches. She licked her lips and spoke to me again. This time it was in a whisper that caused me to lean forward to hear."I asked if you needed a hand. It looks like you could use more than that, though."Lacey kissed a fingertip, and raised it to my lips. I reflexively kissed it as well. She then trailed the finger down my chin, down my chest, down my belly. She stepped even closer to me as she wriggled her hand under the waistband of my slacks and jockeys. She made contact with my throbbing erection, and her hand felt so cool and dainty against the heat my cock was throwing off."You want that hand, or not?"I remained silent.She let go of my cock long enough to unbuckle my belt, unsnap and unzip my trousers, and then plunged both hands into the sides of my underwear, sliding them around to my ass as she closed the distance between us. She dragged her rock-hard nipples across my shirt, and I could feel them poking my belly. My painfully erect cock was sandwiched between us, and she ground her own belly against it.She tilted her head up, eyes slitted hungrily, and parted her lips. Her tongue darted out and flicked past her pearly teeth, drawing my mouth down to hers almost as if by magic.My hands finally came up from my sides to cup her face gently between them. I held her head, my fingers tangled in her still-damp hair, while our tongues danced. For several long minutes, this was enough for us, then her hands became more insistent. She began squeezing and kneading my ass, and my hands drifted down her face, down her neck and finally cupped those tits that had been distracting me so much this afternoon.When she began tugging my pants down, I stopped her by gently gripping her waist and lifting her up until her legs reflexively wrapped around my hips. Then I cradled her against me, and slowly walked out of the kitchen, down the hallway, and into her bedroom.The soft, warm breeze was lazily blowing through the curtains over her windows, and brought with it a smell of the first flowers blooming in the new beds beside the house. As I lifted her from my hips and lowered her down to her bed, she knelt before me on it, and lifted my shirt up. I helped her pull it over my head, and then she was pushing my pants and underwear down over my ass, and down my legs. I stepped out of my loafers and kicked off the last of my clothes, and then I was naked before my niece.She leaned forward, toward my twitching cock that was so conveniently located in front of her, and planted a sloppy, wet kiss on the end of it. Her soft lips nibbled the length of my hard-on, pausing to suck my balls into her tiny mouth, and then continued back up the other side of cock. When she'd returned to her starting point, she wasted no time in sucking my one-eyed monster into her mouth.One thing I realized quickly was, that in the year of so she'd been fucking, she'd learned a hell of a lot about sucking cock. Due to a combination of the situation, my pent-up arousal, and her talented technique, I didn't last very long before I was ready to shoot. Not knowing if she'd want me to pull out or stay in, I decided to play it safe and tried to lift her head away from her new toy. She was having none of that, though, and held on to my hips securely, increasing the speed of her ministrations, and moaning gutturally when the first heavy slugs of my cum hit the back of her mouth. Despite the force of my ejaculation, she didn't miss a drop. And to ensure that nothing was wasted, she licked my gradually softening prick until she was certain she'd gotten everything.A welcome side effect of this cleaning procedure was that I never completely lost my hard-on before it was back with a vengeance. Ignoring its greedy insistence, I lay Lacey back on her coverlet to return the favor.As soon as my tongue made contact with her steamy pussy, she stiffened with her first orgasm. She bit her lip and pulled my face harder against her pussy as her orgasm peaked, then slowly subsided. I wasn't letting her off easy, and stayed put for a while. She tasted so sweet and fresh. I could have stayed down there for hours, lapping up her generous juices. She started to tense again, and moaned when her second orgasm swept through her. After this one, she lay limp on the bed, too weak to move. This didn't stop her from starting a running commentary, though. As I licked and sucked and played with her sopping pussy and protruding clitoris, she urged me on, promising me what she would do to me during her stay with us. She promised me access to every orifice in her body, and said she would do anything I asked of her.I stayed down there, my mouth on her pussy, until she began to tense up for her third orgasm. As her breath started to catch in her throat, I moved up until my cock was poised at the entrance to her young, smooth pussy."Oh, yeah!" she cried out, grabbing my waist and pulling me down on her. She came on that first jab, as the head of my cock sank in past her slippery lips. She made the most noise yet, groaning loudly and whimpering my name.I sank in a good two or three inches on that first stroke, and if I close my eyes, I can still feel the heat and moisture, and incredible grip of her teenage twat. She gasped at the sudden intrusion of my cock. I'm not all that big, about seven inches, but I'm pretty thick. When I jack off, my fingers don't quite meet my thumb around my cock, and when she was grabbing it, she didn't even come close to getting her smaller hand all the way around it. Now, slowly edging forward into her soaked box, it looked even larger. With her slim hips and tiny waist, it didn't look like she'd be able to take it, but take it she did. She even urged me deeper and harder while I was trying to give her time to adjust to it.When I finally bottomed out, looking down at her shaved puss, she looked even younger than her fourteen years. I thought for a second that she could be just nine or ten, at the stage where her hair hadn't started to grow in yet. Then I lifted my gaze to her heaving tits, her firm, full breasts standing up from her narrow ribcage, and her dark, hard nipples bouncing under me as I plunged into and pulled out of her. I looked at her enraptured face, wanton lust competing with heavenly contentment as she writhed under my slow and steady thrusts. Just then, she opened her eyes and saw me watching her. She smiled and pulled my face down to hers for a quick kiss, then began trembling as her fourth orgasm rocked through her on the heels of her third.A remote part of my brain recognized that she was beginning to experience multiple orgasms, and I hoped that I could last long enough to let her enjoy them all.She lay beneath me, babbling in her release, alternately writhing with pent-up excitement, and collapsing again in helpless exhaustion while one climax after another hit her in rapid succession. I was getting close myself, and was desperately trying to postpone my own release, but it wasn't easy with this gorgeous girl urging me to fill her up. Then she told me that she wanted it in her ass. She told me that she wasn't on the pill yet, and I couldn't cum in her pussy, but she wanted my cum in her ass.I stuck a finger into her asshole, easy to do with all the juice and sweat that had run over it from her pussy. My finger went in easily, and I decided to go for it. I pulled out abruptly, eliciting a gasp from her, then rolled her over onto her stomach. Spreading her legs slightly, I lined the purple head of my eager cock up with her dark hole. I pushed in slowly, expecting more resistance, but went in easily. I felt my pubic hair mashed up against her firm ass cheeks almost before I knew it, and was amazed that I had gotten into her ass easier and more quickly than I'd gotten into her pussy. (She later admitted that she'd gotten into the habit of letting her lover drill her ass to avoid getting her pregnant, as he disdained to use a rubber, and she hadn't been able to get effective birth control on her own.)Once I'd gotten the full length of my cock into her ass, I started a slow in-and-out motion, gradually picking up momentum until I was jackhammering her tender back door. Then, as she started to wail with yet another orgasm, I lost all control and started spewing my cum up into her. I grabbed her hips firmly with both of my hands, and grunted as each spurt of semen seemed to wrench my balls up through my cock, almost as if they were trying to crawl up into my niece through my dick.I fell off to one side in utter exhaustion, while she lay panting underneath me. Neither of us spoke for a long while, and finally I had enough strength to lift myself up and off her. I almost expected to hear a "Pop!" as my softening cock slid out of her ass. And even in it's flaccid state, I was pretty amazed that I'd gotten in there at all, let alone so easily.Collapsing back onto the bed next to her, I stared at the ceiling, wondering what there was to say.She eventually propped herself up onto one elbow and looked down into my face."What's the problem, Donny?""No matter how I look at this, Lacey, and no matter how much I enjoyed it, this was wrong. I shouldn't have hap-""Fuck that," she cut me off."You know how many times I've heard that?" Her expression clouded as she went on. "Michael said it to me after he banged me in his car in front of my house. 'Oh Lacey, this was a mistake, I'm a teacher and I could lose my job.' That didn't stop him from trying it again, and again." She was sitting up now, and was starting to clench her fists."Eventually he stopped saying it, when I told him to shut up about it. What was I supposed to say? 'No, it's cool that you're fucking a twelve-year-old, then going home to your own daughters and wife?' And Robbie, the guy from the music store. And Paul, the guy from this real estate office." She was kneeling next to me on the bed, and leaning over me as her voice grew louder. "And R.J., he had a house by the beach, and he was, like, forty or something. They all said, 'Oh, this is wrong.' Well it's bullshit." She emphasized her point by poking her finger into my chest. "None of them had been screwing me, I'd been screwing them. You think some guy is going to get in my pants without my permission? You think you seduced me this afternoon? Fuck that." Another poke. "I seduced you. And you loved every... minute... of... it." Four more pokes. "You never would have made a move on me if I hadn't practically raped your ass in the kitchen. I was getting tired of waiting, to tell you the truth."She was finally winding down, and I smiled at her. "That still doesn't make it right. I did love this, and everything you've said is correct. But your aunt, my wife, would kill me if she found out. And if she didn't, the rest of your family would do it for her.""Only if they found out.""Yes, that's what I said.""So who's going to tell them? You? You think I'm going to? Shit, the only reason my mom found about me screwing around was because of some guy who went to her and clued her in. He tried to get into my pants and I shot him down, and he wanted to get back at me. She'd had no idea! Once she found out about that, she started digging, and found out the rest of what she knows. And even that isn't half of what I've gotten away with.""Lacey, that's horrible!""It's my choice!" she shot back."Honey, you've got all kinds of choices to make, but the kinds of decisions you've made severely limit your remaining options.""So now you're going to tell me how to fix them, right?"I could see that she was already preparing to tune me out. I swallowed the speech I'd been about to give her and considered things from her perspective. First of all, you couldn't expect her to just forget the things she'd learned, and the experiences she'd had. One of the first laws of growing up: You can't un-learn, and you can never go back. Second: if I tried to preach to her, she'd resist me on general principles. And third: she had me over a barrel. If Carol ever did find out, she really might kill me. And if she didn't, there were enough men in her family-and mine-to leave me dead or hospitalized. I could potentially lose everything I held dear.So I started thinking like Lacey."No, I'm going to tell you what it'll take to keep things running smoothly here, and still get both what you want, and we want.""What's that supposed to mean," she said, not sure where I was going with this."That means that we can't pretend we didn't just fuck each other this afternoon.""No kidding," she said sarcastically."I mean, we should figure out where we take it from here.""I've always thought you were cute, Uncle Don. I'd planned on fucking you as soon as I found out Mom was shipping me here.""And if there was a way we could keep on screwing without hurting Carol, or risking my marriage, would you want to? Or did this afternoon get it all out of your system?""You get that cock hard again, and I'll show you what I want in my system," she cracked, cupping my balls."Well, as I see it, since your aunt isn't an idiot, she'd figure out pretty quickly if we tried to carry on a secret affair, in her own house, and under her nose.""So you don't want to fuck me anymore, is that what you're saying?" She looked like she was about to get pissed, again."No, I'm saying we have to figure out what we'd need to do to keep her from getting suspicious.""What the fuck! You're talking in circles! What are you saying?""I mean, let her know about it.""Are you fucking crazy, or what? You just said she'd kill you if she found out we were fucking!""No, I said she'd kill me if she learned we were having an affair under her nose.""You just said-""I mean, get her to approve it."She was speechless at that proposition. Before she could ask another question, I told her what I had planned."Hey! Where's my favorite niece!" Carol shouted from the front of the house."Come on back here, honey," I answered.She came out back to find me working on my tan beside the pool, and Lacey treading water at the deep end. I was wearing some baggy surf shorts, and Lacey had put on the most conservative swimsuit she'd brought with her. It was a bikini, but covered a relatively large portion of her tits and ass, unlike the other thongs and less-identifiable articles of beachwear she'd pulled out of her suitcases."Come here and give me a hug, you!" Carol said as she joined us by the pool"Hi, Aunt Carol!" Lacey said, climbing out of the pool and walking toward my surprised wife.She took a moment to admire the figure of her sister's daughter in the relatively modest bikini, and then wrapped her up in a warm hug. Carol glanced at me in the chair, lifting her eyebrows in a silent question. After years of marriage, I knew what she was asking: 'Do you see this body!' I responded with a shrug. 'What can you do about it?'"Oh no. I've gotten you wet," Lacey apologized. She stepped back from Carol, and sure enough, she'd managed to soak the front of her blouse and skirt. The white cotton of her blouse had gone transparent, revealing Carol's full breasts encased in a lacey brassiere, while the damp spot on her skirt looked like she'd wet herself. Lacey made matters worse by attempting to brush some of the dampness away from Carol's breasts, stroking her nipples to hardness in the process."Oh, I'm fine, honey. I usually change out of my work clothes before I go into the pool, though," Carol joked."Aunt Carol, I'm so sorry. You'd better rinse this skirt before the chlorine damages it. Let's take care of it before it has a chance to ruin it."Lacey steered Carol into the house, and phase one of my plan was in effect. She was to ensure that Carol undressed in front of her, and if the opportunity presented itself, to be nude in front of Carol at the same time. I left my book beside my chair and hurried out to the carriage house. Scrambling up to the loft, I adjusted the telescope to peek into the bedroom window.Carol and Lacey were just walking into the door, and Carol was unbuttoning her blouse. She disappeared from view, probably stepping into our master bathroom to remove her clothes in privacy, but Lacey followed right behind her. Good girl.More Taboo Incest Hardcore AtREAL INCEST&INCEST CARTOONS&INCEST THEATER