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Little Brother, Part V


"Oh shit Erin! Look at this one!" I stepped over to the desk where my friend Ali was messing with my PC. On the screen was some guy, maybe late 20's. He had his underwear halfway down his legs and just as I leaned down to look, he turned around and there was his penis. To me, it was just plain ugly. Fat and all veiny and bumpy. But Erin seemed to think it was the shit. "Oooooh, that's sweet!" She was making these purring sounds and squirming in the chair. I smiled and said, "It's ok I guess." Erin looked at me, her mouth kinda open and that look that I knew that meant, "you moron." She turned the monitor halfway towards me. "Erin..... look...." I looked again. Still ugly and fat and knobby. To me, it was just a 'thing.' Nothing special about it at all. Now he was holding it in his hand and pointing it at the camera. "I just don't see anything particularly hot or special about him, Ali" Ali continued to give me that look. "Oh yeah, I forgot," she said."You're the cock expert." I blushed and shook my head. My friends were always teasing me because I was the one who was always like "ewwwwww" when the sex talk started.

She turned her attention back to the screen where Knob Boy was now eagerly pumping his ugly, veiny, no-personality-at-all penis. I couldn't help but compare it to the only penis I felt any "connection" to at all..... Robbie's. My brother's penis was smooth and long and fresh-looking while Knob Boy's was just......well, just a 'thing.' A part of me wanted to tell Ali about Robbie, and I knew that in time I probably would, but not now. So I amused her and watched as Knob Boy pumped away at his unimpressive penis (or 'cock' as Ali insisted on calling it). He'd stroke awhile then pause and turn and type on his keyboard, his 'thing' dripping and bobbing as he moved. It seemed to me to be almost hilarious because he'd really seem to be "into it" and then he'd stop and type then have to start all over again. "Just get it OVER with!" I wanted to yell, but I stayed quiet and even pretended to be turned on a little, just for Ali's benefit. She was practically drooling by now and I noticed she was trying to keep from jamming her fist between her legs while she sat in my chair. It was kinda cute in a way, even though I honestly couldn't see ANYTHING worthy of getting all turned on about, but she was my BFF, so I just smiled and tried to make the appropriate responses.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Knob Boy jerked upright and shot out a pathetic dribble of sperm onto his floor and it was over. I resisted the urge to comment on how little of a "load" he produced, knowing this would lead to questions about "How would I know?" etc., so I kept quiet, although I couldn't help but wonder what Ali would think if she saw how much sperm Robbie squirted from his gorgeous long, smooth pink penis and how it stayed hard and long even after he finished, compared to Knob Boy's pitiful, now shriveled excuse for a ..... "cock"..... there, I said it. High 5's to me. ;-)