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Topic: MY AUNT'S PUSSY My aunt's pussy pt.1
 As a teenager I had asperations. This is one of had the hots for my maternal aunt. Unlike my mother who was a seriously strict person,her sister was a flirty,smutty fun loving type. At about the high end of her thirties,she had a body that any teen or for that matter,man desired to encompass. This happened in my teen's at sometime,that's as much as it matter's.
 Me? Oh! At that time I was just a shadow of my current size. Enough of that said,except according to my severe opinionated mother. I was never thinking,always in a rush and darting in and out of where my nose shouldn't take me. Well she's entitled to her opinion! So on this occasion,one such event occured.
 Dashing into my aunt's living room not expecting anything untoward in particular. I enter in my usual haste only to be confronted with an irratable response from that same mother of mine. "Out,go on,get out you little pest,stay out until I say otherwise" Stopped in my tracks,I back out the way I came,in amazement or shall I say shocked amazement. The reason for this was the scene I encountered in my haste. My aunt was spreadeagled over her dining table with her dress up to her waist and her knickers pulled down to the half moon creases of ger bum cheeks.
 My mother was gently touching these cheeks as they were in deep discussion. A word that had recent came my way was 'Lesbian' as always I had checked in a dictionary to find out what it was. FUCK! these sisters were a pair of lesbian's,or so I concluded at this instant. Fucking hell,my own mother a lesbian. Of course like teens today,I had it totally wrong. Hanging around outside,I hovered until summoned to come in by my own personalized god. 'Sorry mum,I didn't think' "That's your trouble,you just never think. One of these days you're going to rush through a door and get your nose chopped off" Eh! That's a fucking stupid statemant. I say nothing. "Just now,who knows what you may have saw,it was lucky I was here to bung you out before you comprmised your aunt. Luckily you didn't see anything,did you? ?
 Reassuring her with a NO! My aunt who had had her head towards my way when I'd rushed in knew perfectly that was a lie. An almost invisible smile twitched her lips for a second. Course she was now stood with skirt and panties back in place. "For your information,your aunty tripped down the stairs yesterday and bruised her backside. She couldn't let our father check it out and now I'm her I did it" - Their dad lived with my aunt at that time, poor old grandad,I bet he would have liked a look. I certainly did,problem was it was all to short a look as I had the hots for my aunt since or even perhaps before I'd started wanking.
 What I had glimpsed was a lovely smooth round pair of cheeks with a sort of shadow across then and an exciting groove down the middle,her ass crack. That was it,if her knickers had been a touch lower I was convinced I'd have seen her cunt. That's it then,my mind was made up,I just had to see that cunt of her's. But how,I could hardly say, Aunt Betty,let me see that bruise and pull your knicker's a bit lower so I can see your pussy slit could I? But I knew she knew I'd got a look at her ass and hoped something might turn up.
 I had my ears cocked now to pick up any helpful tips about how my mother and aunt planned to resolve my aunt's problem on her bum. She'd been a single mum for yonks so no husband was involved anymore.Much to my liking because I disliked her ex intensely. Mum again,"I'll have to be going soon Bett' are you coming with me pest or are you staying with your aunt for now"? 'Staying' I practically lived there anyway. Mainly because aunt and me had an understanding between us that only we could understand. It amounted too her treating me as old or older than I was as opposed to my mother treating me like a six to eight year old. That isn't to say she let me get away with anything,just she seemed to be able to relate more to my age and I to her's.
 So the day turned to evening and evening to night. "I'm sure my bums getting worse" says aunt, "I reckon by to morrow it'll be black and blue and I can't reach round to do anything to it,its aching even now" Could this be my opportunity? "I could,I mean reach it for you,you know,if you needed something rubbed in to your - I hesitated, - your bum cheeks like, in fact the linament I use on my muscles would probably sooth them' "Whoa there boy,I'm not stupid and I know those hormones of yours are rampant,I wash the bed clothes,remember? Just think if your mother found out I'd let her pest rub something into my ass cheeks,she'd freak out with me and you she's so frigid" - Glowing like a torch over my aunt's reference to my ever so stiff bed sheets and sat with a hardon at the thought of rubbing her ass cheeks,I check myself from saying,I wont tell if you don't.
 Instead,I say 'I'm sure it would help,that stuff stops my muscles aching at sport' "Its a kind thought but we'll see how it goes okay"? Ok. Just after I follow her upstairs for bed. 'See you in the morning then,call if you get a problem' "I will,goodnight,Oh! By the way,I know you saw my ass earlier you horny little sod,mind those bed sheets,good night again" Thunder struck,I stand looking as she went into her room,turning slightly. "What I don't know is,was that all you saw"? Boldly I'm in like a flash, 'Yeah,that was all and it was only for a second' "Sweet dreams then,who knows what to morrow may bring" I go all hot. Was that code for, I'll show you my cunt in the morning. Hot faced,my hardon leads me through the bedroom door with wild expectations for tomorrow and to hell with the stiff sheets,she'll wash it had trouble sleeping,the vision of my aunt's cheeks going round in my minds eye and dreaming what her pussy really looks like. Could I? Could I really get to look at it? How? I had it all worked out by morning. If she did let me rub my linament into her bum,whatever I did,I mustn't touch her asshole or pussy with it. I knew this because in experimenting on my cock,I put a bit against my foreskin and it burnt like hell. I used gallons of soap and water and still it stung for ages. Yet given the chance I really wanted to have a touch of her pussy,probably without her knowing.
 Came the morning,no call to help,but all was not lost as I often made and took a cup of tea up to her while she was still in bed. Course partly I hoped to get a look at one or some of her sexual attributes. I was lucky on occasions. In one such case,as she leant to retrieve the cup,the top of her nightdress slumped forward and I saw both her tits and large hard nipples for an over long time. I'm sure she purposely stayed leaning forward for me to see them because she grinned as she saw me learing. "Dirty little sod" she grinned, "Never miss anything do you"? "Go on with you before you make your aunty blush"
 I was off and she must have heard me making the bed squeak as I had a good wank on the strength of it. Another time it was the other way round,I shot out of my room dying for a piss and having gotten my cock out in my haste,she came out of the loo and didn't turn a hair at the sight of my hard piss proud cock already out of my 'Y'fronts. Later and I think in devilment,my aunt impersonating in her opinion a welsh woman talking, "Tis' big he is,tis,he's bigger everytime I clap eyes on him,I do" My mum sniggered,thinking my aunt Bett' was refering to my height,but aunt and I knew it was no such reference,it was my cock size she was on about. I wondered after if she like me would wank herself after seeing my hardon.
 I hope she had because I truly wanted to fuck her really. So,having presented the tea,I couldn't help myself, 'Hows the bum cheeks this morning? shall I look to see if its more black? I'll only peep,if you pull the bedclothes down a bit' "No,no need for that but you can get me a clean pair of knicks from the bottom drawer,I feel it will be to stiff to bend down that far" 'Any ones'? No,get those really fine mesh one's I don't think I can stand much pressing on the bruising" FUCK! Fine mesh indeed,they were transparent,even the gusset looked almost see through. "Dirty little sod,I know what you're thinking,I'll have to make sure I keep my legs closed with you about while I got them on" I blush profusely. "See,look at you,I was spot on wasn't I? I know all you young sod's are forever trying to see women's wotnots"
 See what I mean,talking adult to me. "Go on,let me get up and dress,No peeping mind,just because I'm disabled today" I went without a word,I was flabbergasted at her flirty outburst about her see through knickers. When she is about to descend the stairs I'm there waiting at the bottom,Quietly in case of grandad hearing, "You little sod,still trying to glimpse my see throughs"? 'No,I didn't want you to fall again when you come down if you're stiff' This was a half truth,the other half was as she said,I did hope to see her pussy through those knicker's. As it happened grandad was off out for the day and just as well as it happened.
 By late afternoon,it was clear my aunt was stiffening up. "I don't reckon I could do those stairs right now" 'Hurting more is it'? "Yeah,I been looking,there's some balm for bruises up in the bathroom cupboard,could you get it please and I'll try and put some on myself" Bugger,I thought I'd cracked it. Having got this balm and quickly read it could be used on sensitive areas,I was a bit breathless in the hope of getting to apply it to her bum,I still hadn't had a good look at the bruising let alone her pussy. "Go on,go and let me see if I can do it myself" I instinctively thought to say,if not let me,but held my tongue. The thought now of my aunt laying on her belly as she now was and me seeing her body only covered by these sheer panties was making my cock throb,but I dared not go far in case she needed my help.
 I duly went outside and equally cunningly got by the window to watch her try doing it herself. By the time I quietly got to look,she'd already hiked her dress up and I was just in time to see her body through her panty's. What really got me was the virtual naked pubic area all covered in a mass of dark hairs. Trying to wriggle her knickers below her bum cheeks with keeping the front over her pussy fur was giving her problems. At one point,they pranged down to her thighs and showed me her pubes naked. pulling up again,she was what looked like cussing. It dawned on me,why struggle,why not just take thething completely off. Equally,I realised that she knew she wouldn't be able to see to where she needed the balm rubbed in so she was doing her best to hide all but her bruised part.
 "Come in I'm in trouble in here,I'm just not going to be able to do it.I'm going to have to let you try" From leaving the window to re-entering the room I'm a bit disappointed because her knickers are back as originally they were. She was on her belly so I couldn't see her pubes and pussy through them as she said, "Only pull them down enough to do the bruising,I'm going to trust you to only see what you need to" Okay. I knelt down and took in every aspect of my aunt's body through her thin knicker's. With a hardon up to my chin,I started to ease this thin film of cloth off her bruising,it was bruised and all,a line almost black ran across her cheeks to about half way down. There war a bit of bruising at her spine above her bum as well. Dutifully I stopped pulling just below the bruise and letting go of her pants,they promply sprang back up her cheeks. 'Aunt,we may have to take them right off,did you feel,they sprung back up as soon as I let go' "You try again,if you pull them off my cheeks down to the creases where my bum ends,they'll probably stay put" Gently so not to hurt her I once again eased her knickers down. "I bet you're loving this you horny little sod,seeing your aunt's ass naked,is it making you tremble"?
 It was,my hands were shaking,but my answer was,although not very convincing. 'Not a bit,I'm more concerned about hurting the bruising' "That's nice" she replied. I now put some balm on her, 'Shall I put on my hands or straight on your body'? "Body then you can rub it in" Stating the obvious. I made sure I let some drop into her crack and I must have been spot on as she said. "OO! That went right on my bum hole,how will you rub that bit you cunning little sod,you done that purposely. I chuckled. "You're determined to get at my bits aren't you"? I chuckle again,but went for it. 'Like this aunty, - I slid my fingers along her crease and I felt her flex as my nails passed over her crinkly hole, - see,its slides so easy with this stuff, - I run my whole hand around not only the bruise but right over her bum cheeks, - its awkward to do just a bit of your bum,its easier like this' I again run along her crease,this downwards from her spine,A twitch again as I pass her sphincter and continue towards her pussy lips. As I just reach her pussy slit she puts her hand back round and stops me. "NO! Naughty,you know that part isn't bruised" FUCK! I still haven't seen her quims lips. I ease her knickers down her thighs a bit more, 'Its alright,the stuff may stain them if it gets on them' She lifts just a touch and the springyness of the elastic let them go just a slight bit more.
 I can feel my cock pulsing,I'm sure I'm going to cum as her pussy now peeps out from her fleshy thighs,Just the pout of the two outer labia,they were puffy and pinky brown like a new suntan. There was no way they'd been in the sun either. The slight amount of pubes were all curly and I desperately wanted a touch of them. "You've stopped,what's the problem? I shake back to reality,daring not to let her know I'd been looking at her cunt. 'Nothing,I was just thinking what beautiful skin you have' "Thank you,was that all you were thinking" I chuckle some more, "You're a dirty little sod,I bet you were thinking what you'd like to do with my body,go on admit it,I did when I saw you the other morning"
 Fucking hell,that's as much as admitting she'd wanked about my hardon. I let my hand trace up and down her ass crack some more. "OO! That's not a bruise in there either" I done it some more,she turned her head from the side away from me to look up at me. "You little sod" she mouthed, "Stop it,you know exactly what that's doing to me" Daringly I ran down from her spine to her pussy,she didn't use her hand to stop me this time,but her eyes opened then screwed together as she pursed her lips. "Stop it for christ sake,please don't you're not supposed to be doing anything like that" I stopped and she mouthed, "Thank you" As I went back to her bruised cheeks and while consentrating intensely on it,I managed to open her ass crease with the motions and saw her sphincter. Fuck it was lovely. One to go,her pussy slit!
 I was sure now she was asleep from my smoothing her bum. She was breathing slow and deeply. More and more,I left the bruise behind and kept running my hands just short of the part of her pussy I could see. Then she made me jump a bit as she shifted and bent one leg up turning her ass towards me and opening slightly. This action stretched the knicker waist band but also opened the gusset away from her slit. There it was! her cunt in all its glory. The lips were tightly closed together but there was a trace of her juices making a wet line right along the slit.
 If I only touch her hairs,would that make her wake up? No way was I going to risk waking her and spoil my looking at her pussy' I kept letting my hand hover a smigging off her quim as my pants got soaking with love juice. Love juice i would dearly like to smear into that wet groove I was admiring so closely. Then I made a mistake,my shaking fingers misjudged it and I tickled some of her pubes around the sides of her labia. I froze,frightened I'd been rumbled. She moved again,not much,just a little that opened her pussy just a smiggin. I went back to nearly touching her and she again caught me out,her pussy lifted and my fingers made contact. Her pussy stayed against my fingers and I now wasn't sure if she was awake or asleep.
 I let my fingers creep along her quims slit and probing a bit deeper i felt her quim was soaking wet. Scared to press at the hole part I contented myself with exploring the length of the slit,not trying to reach to far towards her belly. I jerked away from this and continued rubbing her bruise as her eye's opened, "God,this made me ever so sleepy,I must have dropped off for a mo' then" She had,but not for a mo' more like twenty minutes. "I was having a lovely dream then,but you're to young to hear about it" I looked at her smiling, "What's that smile all about? I think we've done enough for now,I must admit its helped the ache I had" My question not asked of course was: The one in your bum or the one in your pussy?
 I'm still not sure if the next thing she done was in not thinking or as a thank you for touching my pussy? She turned slowly and stood up,while holding her skirt high she adjusted her knickers back up with her pussy and pubes virtually in my face as I was still on my knees. "OOPS! Sorry,I just didn't think" I smiled like a drain,her quim was so near my face I could taste it. 'I'll rub it some more at bed time,that okay'? "I'm sure you'd love too,we'll see how I feel,but for gods sake,you didn't do this mind" 'Course not,I'm not that stupid,in fact I wondered whether you were asleep just now'? "Wonder on little horny one. How's the sheet looking"? Daringly now, 'Much like everything else around here,all sticky' "You're being dirty now,you dirty little sod" My grin said it all,she knew I'd fingered her and I knew she knew. My realregret was I never pushed it in her quim's hole. But I would next time. There had to be a next time now we'd come this far I told myself.
 I stood now,blatantly she looked at the bulge in my trouser's. "Tis so big that one,will he ever stop growing I ask" Grinning now, "If she ever found out what I meant that time,she'd swing for both our murders" We both grinned again. "You're a dirty little sod" 'What about you aunty? you love the smut as well,I get it from you' "You'd like too you mean!" Ha! Ha! This was not lost on me.
 Bye now.