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Triplets – Co-ed Home Tuition


Triplets – Co-ed Home Tuition
My jeans were done up and my shriveling dick safely stowed away by the time Lizzie took note of a pair of bared adult, masculine feet as she gazed down past her mother’s naked pussy. Her immediate response was to back away from him.
If I hadn’t been so shocked, the sight of Lizzie backing her cunt onto mum’s face, she straining her head up to see what was happening, as she tried to escape the awful sight of her grandfather looking down at them, would have been highly erotic for me.
Carrie just knelt there, confused then horrified as she realized who had entered, one hand pressed down across her groin to belatedly hide it, the other held to her mouth. Her nipples were still rigid, I saw with distant interest.
Poor mum was the last to know, finding herself splayed out a lewd offering to the lusts of any who might be watching.
Her dad for instance.
“Where’s the boy?” he asked, not particularly looking around. He was more interested in my mother’s naked charms before him on the bed. “I saw him climb in the window and I haven’t found him anywhere else.”
Bewildered to find herself in that situation, mother became totally confused by this unexpected question. Both girls darted their eyes about the room as if to find me hiding in the shadows, the corners – even in the now open closet, or on the vanity maybe.
I had been right to move, I realized. Mum had gone to that first hiding place almost immediately on her return to the bedroom with the squabbling girls, it seemed. The concertina doors stood widely apart.
The only place the three of them didn’t look was the toilet. Two of them had even used it, mum and Carrie. How could I possibly have been in there!
“Come on out Andy. Don’t make me come looking for you – I am not in the mood –” he said threatening. Belatedly, much as had been the case with Carrie, mum made as though to cover herself with her hands, trying also to clamp her thighs together – failing due to his careful positioning for this confrontation.
“Please dad –” she pleaded.
“Your son. Where is he?” he demanded, ignoring her pleas.
“Dad – I – Please dad….” Then, “He isn’t here – he went to his –”
I knew better than to ignore him though and pulled back on the door and stepped through into the room. Carrie crouched forward with a yelp of surprise, both hands now crossing her breasts, looking up at me with horror. Lizzie was kneeling at the top of the bed, unable to retreat any further, knees spread widely to either side of her mother’s head, both unable to get out of the others way. She made no effort to cover herself.
Mother looked at me, devastated.
“How did you –?” she asked, not so much to ask what I was doing there, but how I could possibly have gotten into the room at all. I could see that she had no doubts that I had witnessed all that had gone on between her and my sisters.
She flushed scarlet when my eyes wandered down her body almost of their own accord. Yes I had already seen her body, but that was from behind a closed door, through a slightest of gaps. Standing just inches away from her; it was just too much to expect me to avert my eyes.
Gramps leaned down and to one side and patted mum on he leg sharply, once.
“It’s a bit late to be worrying about him, love,” he told her. He wasn’t being particularly harsh in his tone, but he did want her attention. “He’s probably seen everything there is to see about you now –”
Not quite. My position had hardly been optimal for the show they had put on. I wasn’t going to argue with him though.
“Besides,” he informed her, “we have a longstanding matter to consider here.”
“But – but –” she stammered after a moment of puzzlement had turned into what appeared to be an unwelcome memory. “That was years ago – when I was engaged. Mum was only helping me get ready for my wedding night.”
I couldn’t help it. Fearful of what Gramps might do, I still couldn’t ignore the mental picture of my mum being taught the same things my sisters had just learned. My hard-on was returning with all the vigor of my now wayward youth.
“I seem to recall giving the two of you a major spanking,” he said, looking his daughter in the eye. “Not for what you were doing, of course – just for being so careless as to be caught so easily.”
“No – please no daddy,” was her immediate response, the two girls whimpering their agreement with her plea.
The thought fantasy of my mum laid bare-assed naked across Gramp’s knees – or better still, my knees, getting a good bum-warming, almost had me reaching down the front of my jeans again and damn the consequences.
“ – but I’m much more mellow now,” Gramps went on to say, stepping even closer to the bed and forcing mum’s thighs even wider. “You were still a virgin at the time –” he went on, further reminiscing, but was quietly interrupted by his spread-eagled daughter on the bed,
“I remember – you tested me –” she recalled, whispering.
“Like you tested me mum?” asked fearful, but curious Carrie, her sister barely heard to ask the same.
“Exactly the same,” laughed Gramps, answering for her. This also informed us all of how long he had been watching – or at least, the minimum amount of time. He raised his forefinger and curled it closed then open a few times suggestively.
“You’re not a virgin now though – are you?” he said, smiling. “The thing is now, do we defer the spanking until we find out just how good an instructress you are – or not?”
The girls both looked at their mother, each of them understanding full well that any punishment for all of them rested in her response to her father, the man we knew as ‘Gramps’.  He in the mean time was removing his housecoat and dropping to his knees. He wasn’t wearing anything else.
“It’s been a long time,” he muttered as he leaned forward to inhale deeply the odour of his daughter’s pussy, brushing her covering hand aside with his. “Lets see if you enjoy cunt-munch as much as your mother did.”
Then, just as Carrie and Lizzie had done before him, he parted her cuntlips, this time with me in a position to actually see the pink beneath the auburn pubic hair, then lowered tongue and lips to contact. Mum dropped the arm that had been covering her breasts from our –my view, to push half-heartedly at the top of Gramp’s head, a token gesture only. She was already aroused from the attentions of her daughters and Gramps was apparently a past master at muff diving.
I saw he hips rise to meet his pressing lips, despite her soft sobs.
“Too far –” she said indistinctly. “Things have gone too far to stop now.” The hand’s pressure on Gramp’s head changed to a caress. “Oh daddy.”
Looking down, I saw hummocks perched upon the top of her breasts; her nipples then standing a full half-inch clear of her swollen areolas. Of its own volition, my hand reached out and I stooped to do some caressing of my own, this turning into a clasping of her soft, warm resilient tissues as I had wanted to do from the moment I first saw them.
“Oh no – please –” moaned my mother, looking up at me. Gramps looked up from his oral ministrations and saw what I was doing.
“Your mother’s busy. The girls are not,” he said simply. “Carrie is a virgin though – that is her’s to give, or to keep.”
There were rules then.
Lizzie wasn’t a virgin, and more importantly, she was aroused. Hands that I had thought to have been raised to cover her breasts and her own groin were in fact fondling and fingering gently as she watched the elders of our family. She looked up at me though when Gramps spoke, her fingers slowing. Stopping.
Its hard to describe just how erotic it was to see Lizzie, her prettiness something I had not noticed before this had all happened for some strange reason, then crawl over mum to the side of the bed, then shyly hesitant, approach me.
I was dry in the mouth, and was hoping desperately, that the slight tremor I could feel in my hands and knees, wasn’t too obvious.
“Are you going to fuck me, Andy?” she asked, her voice sweet and, this new to me – submissive. “I really would like to be fucked please.”
I flicked my glance towards Carrie. She was still hunched forward with her hands covering her breasts, but her head had lifted after hearing her sister speak. I saw a look of annoyance, a readiness to tell me where to go and how to get there as usual, but quickly changing to one of uncertainty when she heard a moan from mother, Gramps noisily working on her wet pussy and the hidden clit within. My own demeanor, altered by what I’d witnessed somehow, might also have affected her willingness to assert her full twenty minutes of seniority over me as usual.
Things had changed in the house. Mum, the undoubted authority in the until now, with Gramps a guest, only, in status, had been somehow reduced in status. The two girls could not help but have noticed this.
When I said nothing, Lizzie leant forward and kissed me on the lips, then stepping back timidly. Carrie was stunned to silence. Mum was still mixing moans with sobs, aware of what we were doing – more aware of what Gramps was doing to her.
I cleared my throat nervously.
“I want – you know, what you were doing –” I waved loosely at mum, then at the two of them.
Carrie was quite rude about it, recalling her now former ascendancy within the three of us. This time, unlike – well, unlike before the evening’s performance by the three females of the family, she was less sure of herself. This time my own reaction, instead of accepting her self-confidence based verbal bullying as I always had, I recalled her own part in that performance.
I had seen a female.
Not my sister. Not the eldest of we kids.
I, a male, had seen a female.
It makes a difference, trust me. Carrie’s acerbic reaction to my words tailed off into silence at my visible, if only momentary, reaction. Anger.
Lizzie’s response was more a matter of frustration.
“Oh no – I’ve done all that,” she complained, suddenly sulking. “Please Andy –please fuck me now. I’m so horny after all of that stuff.”
“Liz-zie!” Carrie protested open-mouthed.
“You’re horny too!” Lizzie hissed at her sister, turning immediately back to me. “Please Andy. I promise – I’ll give you the best fuck ever.”
Only then did I fully understand that I had the power now. I didn’t get an increased hard-on. My dick didn’t suddenly grow to some improbable storybook size. There was no fanfare of marshal music or roll of drums.
Deciding to reach for the stars rather than gaze fearfully into the heavens, I pointed at the edge of the bed, next to mum’s widely spread legs.
Lizzie pouted.
Then she complied.
Now came the hard-on!
Without a word from me she spread her legs, presenting me with the lovely sight of her lightly haired, visibly moist and even vestigially gaping, slit. I watched her hips moving as though she were uncomfortable.
Mums leg rubbed against hers, she now fully controlled by a lust engendered frenzy beneath the probing tongue and lips of my grandfather. Trying hard not to look at my mother from my new, decidedly front-row vantage point, trying instead to concentrate my thoughts on my enticingly available sister before me, I focused on undoing my shirt, button by button.
I actually left one button done up, totally ruining the effect I’d sought when I tried to slip it off with casual disregard. No one noticed but me.
I found myself on my knees, my forearms resting upon Lizzie’s thighs. Her cunt was only a few inches from me. That ‘cunt’ was not my sister. That ‘cunt’ was not an underaged girl at the mercy of a brutal male relative.
That ‘cunt’ was simply a female awaiting the attention of an available male.
I didn’t need to stoop to sniff in the odour of my sister’s aroused cunt. I could see the source of the scent, the wetness glistening along the line of her waiting pink gash. Elbows still using her thighs to rest upon, I reached with growing conviction with trembling fingers of both hands, to just separate the folds of her pussy so that I could look at that singular goal for all heterosexual males throughout the history of mankind.
Her pubic hair tickled my nose as I buried my face in her groin, though I don’t recall lowering my lips.
It started off more as a kiss upon her nether lips. Beneath my eager, tremulous even, mouth, I was surprised by my apparent eagerness, bumping into her hairy mons, thinking that I had failed to control myself. I could hear, vaguely, a frustrated moan from far above, over and even through the body of my sister beneath me. I thought I was showing myself up as a mere child playing at adult games.
Holding still in an attempt to counter this apparent youthful and inexperienced failure of manly control, I was surprised to find my sister’s groin fervently grinding into my face. It wasn’t me at all – or at least, my own enthusiasm was still trying to keep pace with that of my sister.
My face was wet with her juices, my nostrils filled with her sex scent.
Tentatively, I introduced my tongue between her labial folds. The sensation was electrifying, even the taste overwhelming my senses. My tongue actually started to trace the source of that feminine nectar, working downwards, with her laying on her back, until I found myself straining to delve deeply into her hole to lap up that instantly addictive, sticky fluid found only there in existence. She, in turn, was rotating her hips, rubbing her clit against my nose even as it slipped between lubricated cuntlips as my tongue probed below.
Then I felt a presence next to me.
“You’re doing it wrong!” said Carrie’s voice in my ear. “Just pushing your face in and licking is not the way to do it,” she said. I turned my head to look at her. Her now openly visible tits were just gorgeous. She reached between me and the genitals before me, pointing.
“You need to put your tongue there, and then press your lips around this bit.”
Of course I couldn’t see what she was talking about, her hand in the way.
Then I found myself being pulled to one side, a naked girl wriggling in to take my place.
“Tongue here,” she said demonstrating immediately. I found myself backing off to listen and learn despite my newfound self-confident masculinity. Then, voice distorted by her fixed tongue, she told me where to place my lips, and what to do once I had done so. “Lips here – sort of lick and suck her clit –”
Lizzie simply kept up her hip grinding thrusts, not particularly caring who it was feeding her pleasure from between her legs. Actually, I think Carrie got a little carried away with her demonstration, lingering far longer than was needed for just a simple demonstration – yet how can I be sure?
Carrie had replaced me at the juncture of Lizzie’s thighs. Time, a variable after all, may simply have telescoped, distorting my point of view. No matter how it might be looked at, my older sister was taking too long in her demonstration.
Enjoying it too much.
I had to pull her from between Lizzie’s legs to regain my rightful position.
I’m not proud. I’m willing to learn from others.
I soon had my youngest sister writhing beneath me, her rhythmically upthrusting hips increasing their tempo to match my own unbridled nuzzling suckling upon that ultimate teat of woman.
Carrie was saying something – I have no idea what. Lizzie’s hands were clutching digits interwoven into my hair aiding her increasingly insistent and enthusiastic meeting of my seeking tongue and lips with her groin’s mirrored responses.
Then my face was drenched, literally. I had imposed upon a willing victim, my first orally instigated female orgasm. Lizzie even drowned out the cries of my mother as she too succumbed to the ministrations of her own father.
Eyes glazed following this ultimate success over the, again, ultimate goal of all men, I turned my eyes to glimpse my grandfather. He too had a glistening moistness about his lips and chin, even as I knew I did. He too had a glint to his eyes, the mark of triumph for a successful male – even as I knew that mine did.
“Please Andy – please,” Lizzie begged. “Fuck me – fuck me now please.”
I couldn’t hold back any longer. Standing to release my belt and thrust my jeans down to mid-thigh region – even ignoring the sight of my grandfather’s astonishingly enormous cock resting at the very gates of my mother’s waiting cunt at my side – I leaned forward to place supporting hands to either side of my sister below me, then lower myself to plant a fervent kiss on her ready lips. Compliant to my intentions, she was more than ready to kiss me with the same enthusiasm as I held towards her, but her hand snaked down between our bodies and, for the first time ever, a female hand encircled my dick, guiding it to it’s rightful, proper home.
Even as I felt my glans brush against her pubic hairs in passing, I found myself thrusting automatically, a male reflex almost. Probably.
She, more experienced than I – hell – infinitely more experienced than I was, managed to meet my insistent thrusts, guiding me after a few blindly targeted dead-ends, to that ultimate bullseye, the slippery wetness of the more forward end of her cunt giving way to the engulfing hole to the rear.
I simply sank into her all the way to my balls, her finally satisfied moan the only sound between us as I experienced for the first time that most natural union between a man and a woman, we not brother and sister at that moment in time.
My mother was making a different sound just then though, as would any woman I think, given the introduction of my grandfather’s frighteningly long, thick cock into her long unused, if well-lubricated cunt.
Lizzie was lost to her sensations, my having at last given her what she wanted, at least the beginnings of such. Carrie instead was staring across our coupling bodies at the spectacle of our mother’s penetration by Gramps, her own father, our grandfather.
The sight of his thick member almost distracted me to impotence.
I have never been one of those youths who measured his dick every morning when I awoke, anxious to find myself bigger than my peers – I had no idea what the length of my penis was. Nor had I any idea of its thickness, an important measure I understand.
Quite frankly, I didn’t then, and still don’t care.
No matter what the size of another’s cock, mine is only what it is, bigger than some, smaller than others – much smaller than the likes of my grandfather. He was abnormal.
Wishful thinking or envy makes little difference to a man’s anatomy. Both, on the other hand just leave you thinking small.
I may have been sexually inexperienced, but my instincts – my body memory – knew what to do. I don’t know that it would even be possible for me to remain still with my dick so deeply embedded in my sister’s hole.
Thrusting, pistoning, my hips ground my groin forward, ever forward into hers, her widely splayed leg’s least movement tied to my own efforts. Yet I hardly saw anything of this other than as a memory for later. All I could sense was the gentle friction, the feel of my prick encased within that lubricated, velvet tunnel, my sister’s greater experience even offering up an unexpected gripping of my member as though to hold me in her inner embrace.
I thought the rhythmic wet slapping sounds were coming from my mother beneath Gramp’s huge cock, but when I looked, fascinated despite the distractions provided by my sister below me, I saw that although lost in their own pleasures, their pace was of necessity slower than my own. Mother could not have survived the pace I found myself setting with my plunging dick.
Gramp’s weapon would have ripped her apart!
Mother’s knees hovered just inches over her enticingly mobile breasts, her wrists now held in each of Gramp’s hands at her shoulders as he supported himself while driving himself into his daughter’s cunt almost vertically rather than the horizontal attentions I was paying my sister. Lizzie’s tits, still forming cones of firmer flesh than mum’s, were being thrown frenziedly forward and back as I steadily lost control.
Lizzie’s talons dug deeply into my arms and sides as she threw her head back, crying out in some guttural, primeval language, one founded in pleasure and lust. This in turn drew from me an answering call as my body, totally cut off from my higher functions, had me thrust as deeply as I could manage into my sister’s cunt hole, straining with every fiber of my being to plumb her very depths as I emptied my hot, surging seed into her.
I couldn’t believe what I had just done at long last. I’d fucked my first woman – who just happened to be my sister. Somehow that didn’t matter to me in the unexpected lethargy that swept over me then.
It was selfish of me, I know, but I gave no thought to my sibling beneath me, just withdrawing from her pussy so that I could rest upon her. I laid my head on her chest, her left breast a lovely pillow, her right a distraction as I gazed lazily at my mother still rocking beneath the steady thrusts of Gramps into her widely stretched hole. The view was unbelievable, even to the extent that I felt a stirring of renewed interest from my own resting member.
I felt a hand shaking at my shoulder.
“Andy – Andy!” Carrie said, hesitantly. “I don’t want to be the only one –”
Turning my head towards her involved passing my lips over the inviting nipple of Lizzie’s left tit, an opportunity to good to be missed. I don’t know if there was a taste there to her tissues and even from the sweat from recent efforts, or if my mind, lulled by the sucked in flesh, just filled in the gaps for me. Her breast tasted wonderful!
“Andy! I’m talking to you!” Carrie was back to her normal demanding self. She clearly thought me rude to be sucking on our sister’s luscious tit when she wanted my attention. As I said though, things had changed in our household.
Her answer from me was one of those groaning, moaning sounds of pleasure. I could hear a reciprocating “Mmmmmm…” from Lizzie too. My hand slid up her body to fondle her unengaged right breast.
“I’ll let you do it to me too,” said Carrie, as though conferring a gift to me. In fact she was, her virginity. “ –but I don’t want you using your fingers – you know, on my pussy. And you won’t be allowed to touch my boobs,” she concluded. She wouldn’t have missed the fact that Gramps was anything but the ideal choice for an initial fuck – not if she wanted to walk normally afterwards anyway.
She wanted to stay the ‘older sister’, with all of the ingrained authority that her seniority bestowed upon her. She’d seen at once the change in Lizzie’s newfound submissiveness to me, and my having exercised command in directing the course of events that were lead up to my first fuck.
Mum and Gramps were both in the zone, elsewhere.
“Oh yeah, Carrie – that’s going to work,” I heard Lizzie muttering, both of us enjoying my ‘breast work’. Hell, it was new to me – it was all incredible to me. I certainly didn’t want to give up the succulent adolescent tits now available to me. “Why not just get a dildo and be done with it – ahh – ah!” I had nipped her aroused nipple with my teeth a little more than intended, teasing them, but found that this just aroused Lizzie’s lust even more.
Mum was grunting beneath Gramps by this time, her feet in the air because of my granddad hooking his arms under her knees as he leant forward over her, probably unable to breath deeply enough to do anything more. I noticed her bare feet kicking loosely in circles above Gramp’s shoulders.
“I don’t want to be his girlfriend – just get rid of a piece of skin!” Carrie argued, speaking to Lizzie rather than me. That suited me fine. I switched my oral attentions to my younger sibling’s right breast, more than content with what I found there.
“Go away Carrie,” I said between breasts, “I’m busy.”
She slapped down onto my shoulders with a squeal of annoyance. I ignored the first whack. The second earned her a threatening growl. The third and last, the hardest, really upset me.
“Gramps isn’t the only one who could spank you Carrie,” I warned her.
Gone was self-doubt, the product of my still short life-time in a female orientated household, even the advent of Gramps changing little. Until now, that is.
Such was her uncertainty, even that little threat was enough to immediately silence her less than acceptable behavior, if not her demands.
“Ok, I went a little too far – I’m sorry,” she conceded. “I really do want to –”
Lizzie, the imp, continued to mutter down at my head as I nuzzled her early womanly offering to men, needling her older sister; amusing me despite my attentions to her fleshy mounds.
“She wants to fuck you, Andy,” she accused, though chuckling at her sister’s wanton audacity. “I think she knows that if you were to fuck her, she’d have to be nice to you for a change.”
Smart girl. My mouthful of tit had mellowed me enough to actually see her in a new light. I had a smart baby sister.
All I needed to find out now was if my older sister was at least the equal of the younger.
“But Gramps said my virginity was mine to give,” she reminded us.
“ –nothing said about me having to accept it though,” I pointed out, turning to look at her at last, speaking at her rather than Lizzie’s tit.
Lets be utterly frank about this. I wanted to fuck Carrie more than anything I could think of at the time. It was not about sex though – I’d had that and I knew I could have it again. I’m not greedy – well, not over­-greedy for nookie anyway. There was no question that Lizzie was available to me now. And the future.
But sex is more than mere sensation. Carrie knew this too. She knew that in her surrender to my cock she would be changed as much as I had. Our relationship would shift authority to me.
“OK – ok,” Carrie then said, back-pedaling, surrendering some of her un-earned ascendancy over me. “You have to touch me there – to make me wet enough to do it.” I turned back to Lizzie again, sliding my hand down between our bodies and once again exploring her lightly furred snatch, dipping into moist sticky depths once more and eliciting throaty chuckles of pleasure from my victim.
I noticed that Gramps had stood up, his gargantuan member drooping rigidly under its own weight. Mum looked distraught – he had not ‘finished’ her. I couldn’t make out her words, if she in fact said any, just the pleading sound of her disappointment. Gramps bent forward and took his naked daughter by her hips and twisting her about, then lifting her up and forward until her knees were on the edge of the bed. He didn’t hesitate in thrusting his cock straight back into mum’s waiting twat, plunging in to her very depths without pause.
The slow fuck was done with. Mum had been stretched and readied. Now was the time for pleasure. Almost unbelievably Gramps started pounding on mum’s cunt with his groin, shafting her to his fullest extent with an increasingly determined tempo.
“Please Andy –” Carrie, like Lizzie and me both, had been watching the display to my left, the two adults oblivious to our presence. Watching that monster dick disappear and reappear with increasing rapidity, the sight of which had my own cock rigid once more and all too ready to attend to its own needs, I had to force myself to remain yet indifferent to Carrie’s blandishments.
“You can do what you like, Andy – I don’t mind. Really.” She sounded frantic with need. I know I was, given the encouragement of my mother’s ravishment at my side. “ – but I don’t like boys groping my boobs. Just that one thing. That’s all I’m asking – please Andy.”
I pushed myself upright, though still on my knees between Lizzie’s legs as she lay back on mum’s bed next to its owner. Sitting back onto my heels I just grinned and waved my older sister over to me. With an odd mixture of uncertainty and urgency, she stood up to expose herself to me fully, this time knowingly, as she stepped quickly forward. Reaching out to take her by the hips I drew her further forward, so much so that she had to spread and flex her knees, and even go up onto her toes as she leaned slight back to accommodate my mouth and tongue. Her love-juice soak cunt tasted wonderful.
I heard Lizzie’s voice from beyond my more than willing elder sister.  She’s slid down onto her own knees opposite me, and even felt soft lips kissing the knuckles of both my hands as I held Carries ass-cheeks firmly in my grip. Under my lips and tongue I found no hesitation, no lack of willingness – just eager acceptance.
So of course I went for more.
Pulling back my head I looked upwards between Carries jutting titties.
“Down Carrie, sit down onto my dick,” I ordered her, declining to make a request of it. I wanted her full surrender though and stopped her from engaging her cunt lips against my upright, very rigid cock. “I want some tit, Carrie. I want your tits too.”
No hesitation, no doubts – no pleas. Right hand taking her right breast, her left hand snaking up behind my neck, I found myself being force-fed that previously denied uniquely female tissue. Both of her arms then wrapped about my head, my own once again clutching at her ass and pulling her tightly against myself.
I’m not sure, but I think I heard Lizzie mention something to her sister.
It sounded like she was saying, “Nice, isn’t it sis? I love having my tits sucked.”
It wasn’t long before little Miss Prude, Carrie, was straining to kiss the top of my head, her body thrusting against mine with an urgency that I was starting to share.
“Do it to me Andy – please do it to me. I’m ready – so-o-o-o ready!” I could feel the moistness from her cunt on my fingers, against my chest even, as they delved deeply into her hole from behind, her little cries of discomfort from this abuse to her virginal tightness lost in her need. I let her lower herself, leaving her to control our coupling.
No matter how ready she was, I knew that this would be painful for her. I am not cruel. It was a small concession for me to make. I felt small fingers push past my own, returning her sister’s finger-fucking with enthusiasm.
“Fuck her, Andy – fuck her good!” I then felt my manhood taken in a two fisted grip and guided into the mouth of Carrie’s waiting orifice. I was amazed when Carrie suddenly thrust downwards, engulfing my dick – then jamming up against her last barrier. Stopping.
 Carrie was whimpering with discomfort and desire to complete the deflowering immediately. Then Lizzie made a shocked statement.
“He’s fucking mum up the ass!” she said, incredulous.
Only something of that magnitude could possibly have distracted either Carrie or me at that precise point in time, she twisting quickly about to look and me to pull her half to one side. Neither of us could even conceive of Gramp’s monster dick penetrating mum’s ass without splitting her open – both of us, it would turn out later, thought that was only something that those people would do to each other, neither of us exactly cosmopolitan in our limited worldly experience.
More weird than that, mum said nothing, even pushing back against him as he inched his way impossibly into her anus, with only suppressed whining sounds to show her discomfort. I saw her right hand slip down beneath and through to work on her own clit. Unable to support herself on one hand, she lowered her chest to the bedding, turning her head to one side, eyes closed tightly, face strained.
One effect of Carrie twisting about to see, and at the same time my leaning to the other side to look back at the spectacle, was that I literally screwed myself through and beyond my sister’s hymen, the event going almost unnoticed by the two of us.
It was too much for me to hold back. Taking a firm grip of Carrie’s ass-cheeks yet again I started to thrust into her, lifting then allowing her to sink down again onto me, she only moments behind me in wanting to proceed. She lowered her lips to my neck, kissing me with each plunging penetration, juddering cries accompanying her movements. I brought one hand around to her front to a hold of her left breast.
“Oh no – no – no –” she moaned, not missing a beat as she bounced up and down on my lap. “Please, you know I don’t really like that.”
Her timing for that complaint was all wrong, completely wrong. Annoyed beyond all reason, anger fueled by the passion of the moment, I took her body in my hands and threw her away from me. Bewildered at this change, she twisted away from me and fell onto the bed, half turned about.
When I saw Gramps draw back his cock in mum’s ass, then push forwards once again to her soft cry, I knew what I must do now.
Carrie found herself pushed right up against the edge of the bed, her hips flexed at ninety degrees as I held her facing down at the bedding. She had no idea what was happening, realization striking home only when she felt my swollen, well-lubricated glans against her vulnerable rosette.
Her cry of “No!” was drowned out by the fiendishly delighted cry of her sister.
“Ram it up her ass – all the way!” Lizzie called out. I don’t think mum and Gramps had the least idea what was happening next to them. Not did I care as I matched Gramp’s thrusts, one for one, Carrie’s moans a little more vocal than mum’s.
Mum came first, burying her face into the bedding to muffle her cries as she frigged herself to completion. Gramps followed with a shuddering, growling moan as he released his load into mum’s bowels. I could even see white streams of his seed squeezing out past his cock from her ass hole.
He was not finished though.
Taking her by the arm he pulled mum back to fall weakly onto her knees on the carpeted floor. Cock in hand he then tilted her head back and introduced it’s purple head between her lips, not so much pushing his cock into her mouth as pulling her head towards his groin over his that still erect member. Mum’s mouth was stretch impossibly wide as she stared up at her father, concentrating no doubt on not gagging – on simple breathing itself.
I saw him withdraw slightly to allow her to suck in air noisily through her nostrils then pull her face forward once more.
He had a weird smile on his face.
“You may have my nose, and even my chin –” he grinned. “But you’ve got your mother’s mouth, my love. You definitely have you mothers mouth!” His satisfied groan of pleasure emphasized that compliment.
I exploded inside my sister’s ring, shooting out so much cum that it felt almost as though I was pissing into her ass. From the startled look she gave me over her shoulder I think she had the same idea.
Gramps had shown the way though.
I pulled her back to kneel at mum’s side, brushing aside her half-hearted resistance and proceeding to fuck her face, my soiled dick uncaring where it found a moist, warm female hole. Lizzie was standing unconcerned in her nakedness to one side, smiling down at mum and Carrie, then volunteering the information that she didn’t have any trouble controlling her gag reflex either.
It was only with those words that I realized just how deeply my cock was reaching down the throat of my older sister, her snuffling breaths into my groin only stimulating me to continue. I was amazed at just how much of Gramp’s cock mum could swallow. But that wasn’t all she had to swallow. Just as had been the case with Gramps spunk oozing out of her ass, so could I see it now trying to do the same as the man ejaculated deep into her throat. She was trying to swallow it all, I saw, her throat visibly working keep up with the flow from her dad’s balls. Carrie could see too, and even tried to pull her head back when she saw me smiling down at her as I too felt the first flush of release. My hand was in her hair though, stopping her.
I saw her look of surprise as each of four spurts gushed into the back of her throat. Keeping my cock in place, she had no option but to follow mum’s lead. She even tried to make the best of it once she understood that it was going to happen, regardless of her wishes in the matter, starting to suck a little as my dick finally started to shrink.
Lizzie leaned forward on her toes and kissed me on the cheek, saying nothing.
After an age of – well – nothing happening, mum reached out an arm and pulled Carrie to her side, guiding her head to rest against her still heaving bosom to comfort her.
“Come on girls – lets go into the other room and clean up a little while the men rest,” she said after that tender moment. “I somehow don’t think the night is over yet.”
Gramps ruffled her hair affectionately, bringing a sweet smile from her. I joined him in helping the two of them to their feet, both a little shaky after what they’d just been through. Only Lizzie looked ready and raring to go for more of the same as the three of them entered my first hidey hole and firmly closed the door behind.
“I’ll bet you weren’t expecting this, were you lad?” Gramps asked with a chuckle. “I certainly wasn’t when I missed my train earlier on.”
Only now, with the three females out of sight, if not out of mind, did the enormity of what had happened start to really sink in.
“Gramps – what just –?”
“What happened, Andy boy?” he responded happily. “Life just became interesting again. That’s all.”
I have no idea how long it was that we waited, talking about nothing that I can remember, before the three women returned, only Lizzie not having rediscovered her naked shyness in front of the two of us. Mum and Carrie advanced into the room hands held protectively across breast and groin. Lizzie skipped over to clutch at Gramp’s arm, hugging herself to him and smiling with glee.
“Is it our turn now Gramps?” she asked innocently, astonishingly ambitious I thought. She looked over at her sister and made little waving motions to call her to her side. “Me and Carrie?”
Just the sight of mum’s luxuriant auburn thatch had my dick twitching, my eyes riveted upon her pubic region. I have a vague idea that she blushed under that lustful gaze.
“We’ll see,” said Gramps in reply. “Maybe not the same way – your mum’s a little bit more able to cope with – this –” he explain, indicating his flaccid though still impressive manhood. “We will have to be careful whatever we do.”
Carrie stood before him, eyes lowered somewhat. She allowed her hands to fall to her sides, bringing a gentle smile to her loving grandfather’s eyes, though now a smile with an expanded meaning.
That left mum.
I just wanted to touch her, to be in contact with her bare skin. I wanted to hold her and kiss her – not as her child but as a man with a woman. She wouldn’t look me in the eye at first when I stepped forward, her own gaze off towards the others, hands still held protectively before her. She had ‘reluctance’ written all over her and I had an awful sense of dread wash over me, thinking that she’d refuse me, bringing this wonderful dream happening to a grinding – or lack thereof – halt.
Having had time to think about it, I wondered if she would want to continue.
Ok, so I was afraid of missing out on the grand prize.
“Andy –” said Gramps from the side looking over Lizzie’s shoulder as she pressed herself up against his body. He seemed to be just holding her. Both mother and I watched as he lowered one hand then deliberately, if refraining from applying any power to it, smacked his granddaughter’s bare ass twice. From then he turned his attention back to the girl in his arms, ignoring us once more.
“Mum….?” I asked, trying to ignore my twitching dick as the thought of her laying across my lap, my hand slapping her ass to a pink glow, tried to overwhelm me.
The pantomimed suggestion from Gramps wasn’t lost on her though.
She didn’t have as much enthusiasm for the encouragement as I might have done, finding it in herself to rethink the matter. It wasn’t until much later that I actually got around to understanding that she had accepted the fact that I could have done it. I could have spanked her ass to my heart’s delight until she surrendered herself to me. She, my mother, would have been chastised for her reluctance. By me.
Things had changed.
“Gramps is right,” she said quietly, turning to me and stepping close. “It’s a bit late for doubt now.” She lifted her head and kissed me softly on the cheek. “Its your turn to have me now.”
I surprised her – and me for that matter, when I answered her.
“No mum, I don’t just want to have ‘my turn’ at you.” She looked at me oddly, comparing what I’d just said to my sharp intake of breath at Gramps suggested reaction to her reticence, this puzzling her. My pleasure at the thought of slapping her ass had been just a little obvious. “I just want to make love to you – like the girls did, sure, but like a guy and really sexy lady would too. You know – lovers.”
I was mumbling a bit, trying to articulate my jumbled thoughts. She raised her hand to lightly caress my shoulder understandingly. She leaned forward to kiss my shoulder then.
“Thank you Andy,” she whispered, laying her head against my chest and snuggling up against me.
We were both naked of course, yet still it seemed to be suddenly shocking to feel her soft skin against mine, the touch, easily identified as such, of her right breast against my chest. My left hand reached forward to touch first her hip, then hesitantly slid around to her available ass cheek. I strove to forget the beguiling thought of what might have been. My right hand instead caressed its own way up the side of her body until it came to the curve of her breast standing proud between us, cupping it’s soft welcoming mass for the first time since I was an infant with an entirely different agenda.
“What do you want to do, lover?” asked mum sweetly.
I took her chin in my hand, stooped and kissed her full on the lips. I felt no hesitation in her response, neither the returned kissed nor the pressing of her breast into my hand.
It’s the man that leads, right? I danced her back to the edge of the bed, my right hand on her left breast rather than holding her hand in the prescribed manner, hearing a sort of girlish giggle from her. At least I think it was her.
Looking at Gramps laying flat on the other side of the bed by this time, I saw Carrie lowering herself onto his face, steadying herself with her hands against the wall. Lizzie, meanwhile, was sliding herself back and forward on his erect monster of a dick, her pussy like a hotdog bun far too small for the ‘weiner’ it was laid against. She had that ‘floating’ sort of look to her face as she wanked herself against his hardness.
No, it was mum after all. The two girls were lost in the moment, far too far gone to be giggling.
I kind of leaned to the side and lowered my lips to her ready nipple, my hand squeezing the mound of flesh to push it tip out. Ok, I know it doesn’t work like a balloon, but I didn’t care.
She tasted a lot like Lizzie – that same sweet salty taste augmenting the feel of her breast tissue on my lips, my tongue tip.
“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Mum,” I told her, “you taste wonderful.” Once more I sucked her flesh into my mouth, savouring its texture – savouring even more than that forbidden fruit. She was making a low voiced response, just a sound. One that was keyed to the male in me. Man. Woman. Response.
Both of us.
I had a primary goal though. I wanted something more – intimate.
“Mum, I want – you know, what the girls –” She stroked my hair then lowered herself to sit on the edge of the bed, drawing me down with her. She held my head with both hands, maintaining my oral contact with her breast until she was seated. Then, lowering her hands to my shoulders, encouraged me to slide down her body until my head was between her thighs.
She had recently refreshed herself, but the odour of her groin, her cunt was almost overwhelming me. I just buried my face into the furry mass, inhaling deeply, groaning my desire aloud. I felt a shifting of her weight as she lay back on the bed.
I lifted my head to look up along her body at her face, framed by her jutting tits, a gorgeous sight, believe me!
“Mum. I –” – but I couldn’t finish. For the first time I raised my hand and laid it against her mound. First and second fingers slipped without resistance between swollen cuntlips and found the hooded button beneath immediately, massaging it awkwardly from the ‘wrong’ position. My other hand came up beneath her almost of its own accord, two fingers probing deeply with her moist velvet sheath.
Judging by how much Gramps dick must have stretched her, I’d have thought I could almost have slipped my fist into her hole but was surprised to feel a light clenching upon my two fingers. Not that I particularly cared at the time.
Much as I had experienced that once in a lifetime losing of my own virginity when I fucked little sister Lizzie; when I had furthermore taken my first virgin in the person of my other sister Cassie – this carnal contact with my mother surpassed anything I had ever done before, or am likely to experience again. I licked along her crack, loving the natural taste of her.
“No – no – no,” she said, brushing my ribbing fingers aside. “Let me do it for you.” I think she wanted it for herself too judging by the grinding hips and her almost frantic right-handed agitation of her clit a bare inch from my eyes. “Aaaghhhh!” I think she said.
Or maybe it was me. Or both.
All that had gone on before between her and the girls, the angle all wrong for me to watch in detail at the time, flooded back from in my memories of the evening. I could feel my already erect cock grow even more rigid, almost painfully so in response to both scent and visual stimulants – and yes, to the thought of me having my naked mother tossing herself off in front of my very eyes, the thought of what I would be doing with her in the near future.
I couldn’t stop myself.
Taking her hand and forcibly terminating her masturbation, I pressed my lips to her hairy cut and starting licking.
Somehow I heard – and even understood – the disjointed and slightly breathless voice of Cassie as she entertained the tongue of her grandfather in her pussy just feet away from mother and me.
“Lick and suck – remember, lick and suck –” she instructed me. Somehow I wasn’t bothered by her intrusion this time. I raised my eyes to look beyond the auburn thatch before my eyes, up beyond mother’s distant breasts at my sister as she turned again to face the wall, our grandad’s hands grasping her thighs as his tongue probed her oh so recently deflowered depths.
Pausing only to separate her cuntlips with trembling fingers, exposing the cloaked nub of her clitoris, I followed Cassie’s instructions – I followed her commands with a will. Strong, or merely desperate fingers clutched at my hair pulling me close to her bucking hairy mound, all this to the sound of unadulterated lust from the throat of my mother.
I soon found myself lapping once more, this time to take in the sticky nectar flowing from her hole in ever increasing quantities.
I was out of control. Any plan for adult composure and conduct that I might have had were lost to lust, something I realized when I felt and heard only a twitch and a deep throaty groan in response to teeth gripping my mother’s erect clit as my tongue mashed and lashed at it. It was time to move on.
Hand gripping her thighs I hoisted myself up and onto her, pausing only to taste each of her inviting breasts before moving up to her lips. While one of my hands took my weight, the other guided my dick to her hairy delta, contact with her pubic hair against my glans almost finishing the event there and then. I felt her body wriggling beneath me, arching, ready to receive me.
“Fuck me, Andy – fuck me now son,” she invited.
Between my thrusting weapon and her mobile groin I have no idea just how it happened, but my cock stabbed deeply within the woman without the least resistance, without the least obstruction to its passage.
Experienced Lizzie, and later on the virginal Cassie both had been utterly mind-bendingly at the time of our sweating copulation. As my cock sank into my mother’s well stretched but comfortably fitting sheath I knew I had experienced heaven.
“Fuck me Andy – just fuck me silly,” she instructed me dreamily.
I started moving in and out, forward and back, reveling in her controlled clamping upon my invading member. It was awkward from my position in relation to her, but my enthusiastic plowing of her furrow increased in intensity as hormones took control of my body. I even tried to slow myself as I felt the first boiling evidence of release welling up from my balls themselves.
My feet slipped on the carpet and I grunted as I fell upon the wantonly splayed female beneath me, she just shifting to accommodate my unexpected weight. Grabbing her hips in both fists I lifted while thrusting deeply into her once more as I attempted to move her up further onto the bed.
Pleasant though the penetration was, my feet slipped again.
Trying to avoid losing contact between cock and cunt I reached up with my left hand to grip her beneath the neck, the other scooping beneath her lefty leg, swiveling her to lay along the edge of the bed, her right foot remaining on the carpeted floor as I moved with her, one knee now on the bed, the other leg’s foot on the floor.
Again I started to thrust into her but still we were teetering on the edge of the bed, on the edge of catastrophe as far as our lovemaking went.
“You’re too near the edge of the bed, mum,” I told her, panting with effort. She responded without question, simply rolling over onto her belly instead of shuffling across as I had expected. Shrugging, I just moved with her and knelt across her legs, taking hold of her hips and almost lifting her up onto her hands and knees. I think she was a bit worried about what I was planning because she twisted around worriedly as though to ask. I couldn’t wait though and pushed my aching dick into her once again available pussy until my balls slapped against the cuntlips once more.
There was no finesse to the fucking that went on then. I just slammed it home again and again, my body slapping against hers wetly. She was moaning both from the sensations I was triggering in her and, perhaps, in realizing that this had changed our relationship forever. This could not be a one-night escapade, never to be repeated.
I was ramming my dick into her box – her Pandora’s Box that had been opened by first Gramps, and now me. My libido had been unleashed.
Leaning forward I tried to fondle her tits while continuing to fuck her welcoming hole steadily, forcefully. All that did was to throw her forward to her belly, my prick slipping out of her sheath. Not wanting to stop, I thrust forward again, having half fallen onto her, achieved penetration immediately.
“NO! Not there –” she cried out into the pillow beneath her face. Wrong hole.
Too bad. I was in, and I was pumping her once more, careful not to lose contact again. I was not reaching as far inside her rectum as I had been her cunt, the padding of her ass blocking my efforts to some degree.
She reached back with her right hand to grip my wrist as I held her hips steady, twisting to look back at me, but saw to one side that Carrie was kneeling astride Gramp’s lap as he watched me plowing his daughter, my mother’s ass.
“No daddy – she’s too young. You’re too big for –” she grunted out to the rhythm of my plunging dick. I returned Gramp’s favour from earlier and started to slam into mum’s ass harder and faster, distracting her. I glanced up from the beautiful sight of rippling ass-cheeks beneath me, and saw that she was too late anyway. Carrie was carefully sinking downwards onto the rigid pole, Gramps wisely, I think, leaving her to control her descent.
I figured she would be thinking that, already sore from losing her virginity to me just minutes before, she might as well get the stretching done with. Her head was laid on Gramp’s shoulder looking over at our mother and me. I saw her eyes glazed and distant looking, her bottom lip between her teeth.
She started moving slowly up and then down, sinking further each time. Lizzie, the little minx, had her head down close to the action as Gramps stretched our sister wide.
Then in a flash, she had scampered across the bed, breasts dancing around as she stooped then to investigate what I was doing to our mother.
“Are you doing her bottom too?” She hadn’t said a thing when I had switched from Carrie’s freshly breached pussy to her virgin asshole, yet she seemed surprised to see me buggering our mother. Admittedly, I hadn’t intended to do so – well, not just yet anyway. It had just happened that way.
I would have answered her, but as these things do, my first taste of my mother’s fuck-holes was coming to an ever-urgent end. I laid myself forward onto her back and once again clutched at her tits, using them almost as safety grips as I plunged again and again into her very depths, finally shooting my hot load into her bowels. I would have stopped then, exhausted, but heard a grunting plea from beneath me.
“No – no. Don’t stop yet. I’m almost –” I saw her left elbow wriggling madly, her hand thrust beneath her own body to work on the clit I was not reaching since my dick was re-routed. I kept going, hoping the continued friction would counteract the inevitable flaccidity to come. Then, moments later I felt her body shuddering underneath me, heard her cries into the bedding beneath her, as she too climaxed.
I slumped forward then, suddenly lethargic, just laying there as my dick shriveled its way back out of her anus, leaving its trail of sticky seed.
Lizzie shook my shoulder.
“Are you going to have her suck you clean like Carrie did. Can I watch?”
I rolled off mother to one side, lying on my back now, saying nothing, drifting in the moment. Mother looked at me, then at Carrie sliding up and down, ever more easily upon her grandfathers enormous cock. Slowly, stiffly, she moved back onto her knees beside me, then, gently caressing my thigh, leaned forward and started licking at my dick, then taking it into her mouth. A second face thrust itself down beside hers, a second tongue working, this one on my balls. To the side I heard Gramps calling out as he came again for the fourth or fifth time, this time deep inside Carrie. Who’s counting anyway? She would wait for a future fucking for her own cock-induced orgasm. Stretched as she now was, it was unlikely she’d have so much trouble next time.
I just let my mind continue to drift with the sensation as gentle sucking and licking had its inevitable effect on my still willing dick.
I had fucked my mother.
I had fucked my two sisters.
It was unbelievably glorious! And it was only beginning.