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Merry Christmas


"Jessi? Oh wow, it really is you. I can't believe this." She gushed as she reached and pulled me into a tight embrace. She finally let me go and we moved out of the doorway and to a bench that was just a few feet away. She started with a barrage of questions; she wanted to know everything. "So how've you been? Where have you been?" "Been doing great, got a great photography job with People magazine. Ummm I've been all over the place. Never seem to be in one place long enough to unpack my suitcase. But I can't complain, I get paid great money to do what I love to do. So what about you Steph, what have you been doing with yourself since high school?' "Oh well believe it or not I am now a high school English teacher." "Well that's cool." Looking at my watch and seeing I didn’t have much time I told Stephanie that I had to go. She seemed oddly disappointed that I was rushing off. So I took a few extra minutes to explain why I was in such a hurry. I told her all about the romantic Christmas Eve surprise I had waiting for my girlfriend Gloria. "Oh so you're still into girls? I thought it was just a phase you were going through." I gave her a weak smile and said "No Steph, Wanting you was a phase I was going through. Don’t worry I got the message loud and clear all those years ago and I'm not one for making the same mistake twice. Now if you will excuse me I really have to go, and it was nice seeing you again...really it was. Tell your family I said hi and Merry Christmas, will ya?" With all that said I went back to my shopping. With the help of a very cute sales girl I picked out just the right outfits to make Gloria's pulse hit the roof. When I left the store I decided to get a quick bite to eat at the food court. Just as I had sat down with my sandwich I heard a familiar voice..."Mind if I join you?" I looked up to see Stephanie smiling down at me. Not wanting to be rude I told her she was more than welcome to share the table with me. As we ate we talked about our high school days and about hanging out at this very mall. While we were talking my cell phone rang, I apologized and told her it was probably Glory or either my boss so I needed to get it. I answered the phone and heard my Glory's voice. "Hi Jess babe, I really hate to be making this call right now, but it seems I have no choice." I was starting to panic..."Gloria?!? What's wrong baby? Where are you calling from?" "Calm down Jess the only thing wrong is that I'm completely snowed in. I can’t make it there tonight. I am so sorry sweetie, you don’t know how much I want to be there with you wrapped in your arms, Instead I'll be lucky to make it back to my apartment...Did I mention I hate New York?" To say I was disappointed would be a gross understatement. “Damn I had a perfect evening planned for us tonight. I even did some “special” shopping just for you. I guess that they will have to wait till either you can get here or I can get there.” “Well I have to be in L.A the day after Christmas.” “Why? When did this happen?” Before she could answer my phone died, I didn’t even get to say goodbye. I put my phone away and looked at Stephanie. “Well there goes all the plans I had for Christmas, guess I’ll just go home and curl up with a good movie and some junk food.” Stephanie shook her head and said…“That’s no way to spend Christmas Eve. Why don’t you call up your parents and stay with them? I’m sure they would love to hear from you.” “Well I would but my parents are out of town visiting my brother and his family, and spoiling the triplets rotten. So I’m all alone, just me and my movies.” Again Stephanie shook her head "You’re just going to have to come home with me then. I can't let someone who was, once upon a time, a great friend and almost sister to me, spend Christmas eve alone eating junk food. Just ain’t gonna happen." I laughed at her use of grammar... "Ain’t gonna? Hmm some English teacher you are. Don't worry about me I will be just fine, I swear. I might even get dressed and go down to Terri's bar and get drunk off my ass and go home and pass out. Who knows maybe I will even find me a little hottie to take home for the night." "Well why don’t you join me and my friends tonight we're gonna be at Terri's and you and I could catch up some more." "Uhh yea sure that sounds like fun. So I'll see you there in what about an hour?" "Umm lets make it two, ok?" "Yea ok, that will give me time to make some calls." So an hour and a half later I was back in my car headed to an old hang out. Of course this time I had a real id to get me in the door, instead of the fake one I used when I was in high school. I arrived at the bar about 18 minutes early and decided to have a seat at the bar to wait for Stephanie and her friends.I sat down and ordered a beer. I was nursing my beer when a nice looking guy sat down next to me. He smiled at me so I smiled back, why did I do that? Apparently he thought that gave him reason to talk to me. "Hi, how are you this fine evening?" "Just fine." I replied with a lukewarm smile. "That's good. So are you meeting your husband or boyfriend here tonight?" Good God this dude was a nosey fuck. "Actually no, I'm waiting for some friends." I turned back to my drink hoping this guy would get the message that I wasn’t in a chatting mood and leave me alone. No such luck, he decided to try his luck with some cheesy pick up line. He actually asked me if I came here often! I just rolled my eyes and said a silent prayer that Stephanie would soon come rescue me from this idiot. While he kept chattering away about the holidays or some shit, I tried really hard not to be rude, and at the same time not to encourage him to keep talking to me. Just when I thought I was going to have to bust my beer mug upside this guys head to shut him up my salvation sat down next to me. This beautiful blonde lady sat down on the other side of me and smiled. Now this, this I could handle. I smiled back at her while the chatter box on the other side kept jabbering away. After a few minutes I asked the lady next to me if she had a pen I could borrow. She dug around in her purse and came out with one. I took the pen and wrote a short note on my napkin. I wrote..."This guy is driving me nuts. help me?" I slid the note and the pen across the bar to the blonde. When she read the note she smiled and nodded her head yes. So she waited just a minute or two and got up and turned to me and spoke to me for the first time. "I'm going to grab a table while I wait for some friends would you like to join me?" "Sure if I’m not going to be imposing." "Naaa you won’t be, come on and keep me company till they arrive." With all that said she and I walked to an empty both and sat down. Once we were seated, she asked me why I was in a bar alone on Christmas eve. Instead of going into all the details about Gloria being snowed in and the now ruined perfect romantic evening. I just simply told her I too was waiting for a friend. We sat and chatted while we both waited for our friends. After about 18 minutes I saw Stephanie walk in. I waved to her and she walked over. "Well Jessica I see you've already met Shelia." I was a bit shocked and amused and told Stephanie so. Stephanie joined us at the table and told us that the other lady that was going to join us had to cancel cause her husband had made other plans for them. So it was just the 3 of us for the night. After actually introducing us Stephanie ordered us another round. Shelia began telling Stephanie how we had happen to meet and we all got a good laugh. Through out the night Steph and I told Shelia about some of our high school days up to but not including the night I made a pass at her. Something disturbing started happening to me about half way through the night. I began to feel that old attraction for Stephanie again. This was not good, I swore to myself I was over her. And for a long time I was over her, at least I guess I was over her. Sheila was the first to leave after she got a call from her babysitter. Stephanie called it a night soon afterwards. We talked as we walked to my car and Stephanie suggested that I should drop by her parent's house and speak to them. I agreed cause it had been a long time since I last saw or spoke to her parents, and they had always been good to me. So before setting off I asked if they still lived on West Oak street. She said yes and that they still lived in the same house and it hasn’t changed since we were kids. As I started off I noticed Stephanie wasn’t heading towards her car, so I pulled along side her and asked if she needed a ride. She got in and told me she had taken a taxi cause she didn’t want to drive incase she had too much to drink. On the drive to her parents house I found out allot about Stephanie. She went to college, got her teaching degree and came home to teach. She was currently single and dating now and then. As she talked I found myself glad to be back around the girl that I once considered my sister. Soon enough we pulled into an old familiar drive way. I was greeted with familiar sounds and smells of home cooking as we walked to the door. With Stephanie leading the way we went in and found her family sitting around watching a Christmas movie. "Hey y’all look who followed me home." Steph said with a laugh. It took her mom a minute or two to realize just who I was, then when she did.... "Well as I live and breath...little Jessica Felder!!" She stood up followed by her husband as they each hugged me he held me at arms length and said... "Well Mae it doesn’t look like we can call her "little Jessica" anymore, she's all grown up." "From what I can see here looks like all the right places too." Came a very familiar voice from behind me. I turned to see Danny (Stephanie’s older brother) standing there looking at me and smiling. I couldn’t help but to smile back at him, that is until I saw his wife come out the room holding a cute little "mini Danny". His wife being there didn’t stop him from coming over and giving me a big hug and a pat on the ass (which his wife didn’t see). When he let go of me he called to his wife. "Rita, Hun come over and let me introduce you to the only girl to ever break my heart, my finger and my balls all in one night." She came over and as we shook hands she gave me an evil "stay away from my husband you slut" look. We sat and I filled them all in on what I had been doing the past years. When her mom found out that I too was still single she said.. "What is with you young girls today? When I was your age I was already married and starting my family. I didn’t worry about a career, my family and home was my career. You and Stephanie are beautiful young women, you should have a handsome man by your side. Look at Rita, she's got it right. A good man and a child to raise and a home to take care of." I looked at Stephanie and she rolled her eyes in mock of her mom. I could see she had heard this speech many times over. When her mom was finished with her speech she said that it was time to eat. That's when I took my cue to leave, although when I told them I was leaving they all insisted I stay. I made some lame excuse about being tired and that I still had to call my parents at my brothers place. So I said my good bye's and wished them all a merry Christmas and happy new year, and walked out the door. I had just stepped out when Stephanie came out behind me. We stood on the porch and talked for a few minutes. "Ya know Steph, I have to admit I really had a nice time tonight. I felt as if I never left." "I had a great time too. I wish you still lived here we could get together more often." "Yea that would be nice, tell you what though...why don’t you give me your number and the next time I'm here I'll give you a call and we can hang out while I’m here." "Ok, hang on let me get a pen and something to write on." She disappeared into the house and a few moments later was back with a pen and notebook. She scribbled her number down and tore off the sheet of paper. "So why don’t you give me a number where I can reach you?" "Yea ok I can do that." I started to write my number down then I had an idea. "Let me give you one of my cards, it has all my contact information on it." I looked in my purse but couldn’t find one in there so I told her walk with me to my car that I knew I had some in there. At my car I retrieved a card from my glove box and gave it to her. We stood and talked some more. Then as I was about to leave I did something completely stupid and impulsive...I kissed her. It was graduation night all over again, the impulse to kiss her, the look on her face, the rock in the pit of my stomach as I realized she didn’t feel the same. "Oh Stephy, I am so sorry. I don’t know what came over me, I'm sorry I shouldn’t have done that. I'm just going to go now, I'm sorry really I am." I got into my car and drove off without looking back. I was just pulling into the gate at the community where I have an apartment when my cell phone rang, It was Stephanie. She wanted to come over and talk, so I told her that if she wanted to come over to come on and I would give her name to the guard and he would then give her the pass key to get to my penthouse. We hung up and I told the guard that I was expecting a guest and gave him her name and brief description. I also told him not to disturb me, that I didn’t want any calls nor any more visitors. I went to my apartment, and headed straight for my bedroom and called Gloria. She and I talked for awhile before I went to get a shower. As I was walking to the shower Stephanie showed up, I told her to make herself at home and I would be right out. When I got out of the shower I heard some soft music playing in the living room. I smiled and thought to myself "same old Stephanie always one for the classical music." I wrapped myself in my extra large bath towel and was walking to my bedroom when I heard Stephanie call to me from the living room. I walked into the living room it was dark lit only by soft candle light. At first I didn’t see Stephanie, so I walked further into the room and that's when I saw her. She was lying underneath my Christmas tree and she was wearing the lingerie that I bought from Victoria’s secret. I was confused and I have to admit turned on. Stephanie no longer had the teen body I had lusted after in school. She now had a great adult body, her brown hair was falling over her bare shoulders. Her breasts were pushed up and almost falling out of the top of the teddy. She had a slim waist but she also had curves in all the right places. I stood still not daring to move, talk or even blink. She lay there smiling sexily at me. Then she crooked her finger at me. Finally I moved just a step and found my voice. "Stephanie what are you doing?" I walked around and sat on the arm of the couch. "It's not nice to tease. If this is your way of getting me back for kissing you..." For the first time she spoke..."Jessi this is no joke. This is not me teasing you. This me telling you that not only did I enjoy your kiss, but I also enjoyed the kiss 5 years ago." I was floored, she got off the floor and walked to me placing her arms around me, pulling me to her. I rested my head on her large soft breasts for a few minutes before I raised my head and kissed her again. This time the kiss was nice and long. It was a soft and gentle kiss that, had I been standing up would have made me go weak in the knees. Her lips were full and soft. Her tongue was making lazy circles around mine, my fingers were in her hair pulling her closer. When we broke the kiss we were both breathless. We spent a few minutes just staring at each other. Stephanie began to smile again as she took my hands in hers and pulled me to the floor under the Christmas tree where she had been laying. Once on the floor she removed my towel and leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on each of my harding nipples. She then came back up and kissed me again. This kiss was much more passionate than the last. Instead of lazy circles her tongue was busy licking my gums and the back of my teeth. Her hands were roaming my body. I moaned into her mouth when she pinched and rolled my nipples. she broke the kiss and started kissing my neck and gradually moving down. She took my hard pebble of a nipple into her mouth and gave it a great tongue lashing. While she had her mouth busy with one nipple one hand was busy with the other nipple and the other was rubbing across my shaven mound. Stephanie’s hand and mouth switched places on my nipples, while her fingers found their way inside my now steaming pussy. I arched my back as I felt her heavenly fingers plunge deep inside. God I couldn’t believe that this was the same girl who acted as though she was disgusted when I had kissed her all those years ago. Finally Stephanie left my breasts and moved down to let her mouth join in the fun her fingers were having. The first time I felt her tongue on me I thought I would pass out from the pleasure. She licked me deep and hard making sure I felt every move her tongue made on me. I was getting very close to coming, I could feel it welling up inside of me I knew it was going to be a big orgasm. then it happened, Stephanie not only licked my clit but she bit down on it and at the same time she was sucking on it. My orgasm hit like a bullet and I could feel my cum seeping out of me. She licked me till I was dry and then came up and kissed me allowing me to taste myself.During the kiss I pushed her to her back and started kissing every inch of exposed skin I could find. I started on her neck and went down from there. By the time I had reached her navel she was squirming all over the place. I went further down and gave her leaking pussy a gentle lick. I sat up and pulled her into a sitting position. "We have to get this off of you, I think it will look much better on my carpet." I helped her take off the outfit while I kissed each inch of newly exposed skin. I took her nipple in my mouth and suckled as if I were a new born. As much as I was enjoying the nipple play there was something I wanted much more. I pushed Stephanie back and dove face first into her waiting pussy. I parted the hairs and licked her juices from her tender lips. I parted those same lips and licked a complete circle inside her warm puss. Stephanie was moaning and thrusting her hips up to my face. I knew what she wanted, what she needed. But I was being a bit greedy I suppose, I wasn’t ready for her to cum just yet. I was enjoying this all too much for it to end so quick. Finally after hearing her beg and plead for what must have been ten minutes or more, I thrust 2 fingers inside her pussy and at the same time I bit down on her clit. Stephanie had a screaming orgasm, and much to my surprise and delight she was a squirter. Her cum squirted out much as a man's cum does. I kept my fingers pumping into her convulsing pussy until she quit Cumming and begged me to let her go. With one final thrust and a final lick I let her go and moved up and repeated what she had done to me. I kissed her full on the mouth with tongues swirling tasting each other. After we both calmed down we laid underneath the Christmas tree and I had to know exactly why this had happened. "Steph, why did you do this? Was this your first time? Was it a pity fuck or was I your experiment?" "I did this cause I have wanted to do this for the past 5 years, no this wasn’t my first time, and I don’t do pity fucks. I think I answered the last question with when I answered the first." I propped myself up on an elbow and stared into those beautiful deep blue eyes. "What?" She asked nervously. "Well...I was just trying to think of a tactful way to ask you to tell me when your first time was and why didn’t you tell me you felt the same way back in school?" "OK well it's like this, I didn’t tell you back in school cause I was scared and confused before you kissed me. Then when you kissed me I was too scared to do anything but turn you down. My first time was about 2 years ago." I smiled and nodded my understanding then I asked one more question before we called it a night. "So are you going to tell me who she was?" Stephanie grinned a wicked grin and said.... "Well you met her tonight actually, and no it was not Shelia." with all that said I kissed her once and got up. "Hey where are you going? Get back here you." "Calm down babe, I'm just going to get us some covers and the air mattress so we can sleep underneath the Christmas tree." "Ok but why don’t we just go to your bed?" "Well if we did that then I wouldn’t have my Christmas present under the tree when I wake up in the morning." Instead of the air mattress we pulled the mattress off the bed in the guest room. We fell asleep, both of us very satisfied and her in my arms. I awoke the next morning to the feel of someone nudging my foot and calling my name. When I opened my eyes it was Gloria standing above me with a coy smile on her face. **OK it's up to the readers whether or not I continue this story. So don't be bashful, let me know what you think. I am open to all constructive criticism. However if you get nasty just cause you didnt like my story, i can and just might get nasty also.