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His Wish part 2

Mind Control

Chapter 2

James’ family was not filthy rich, but they had enough money to buy things that other households didn’t have. For instance, they had a 4x4 swimming pool right next to the hot tub and that was only what was outside. Usually the swimming pool and hot tub was occupied with James’ sister’s friends. Sometimes, when his mom wasn’t home, James’ sister, Christine, would bring friends and guys and fuck them in the pool. Today was no exception except that today there were two of Christine’s hottest friends, Julia and Dakota, wearing the skimpiest swimming suits.

Christine was 21, 5’3 brunette with 36D. Julia was also a 21 year old brunette with 36D. And finally there was Dakota. She was also 21 but was 5’9, blonde, with 50EE. They were all on the university volleyball team. Julia was a known slut throughout the whole town as a slut who slept her way up to university. And whenever she was seen at a house other than her own, it meant that she was going to have sex with the male who lived there. Dakota was a science major, who did not go to most of the parties like Julia and Christine do. She always does her homework, making her ranked first for best future wife. And Christine is, very simply put, a hot but bitchy cock tease.

Christine saw James walking in through the driveway. And as soon as she did, she hurried to her seat and took a piece of paper out. As soon as James was in reaching distance of Christine, she jumped out right in front of him holding the piece of paper right at his face. It took a while for James to figure out what the paper was. It was the letter he had received telling him that he had failed grade 18 For James, it didn’t matter because he got his slave Mrs. Wolfe to fix it all for him. But Christine had other ideas.

“I need $500 for a new dress, give me $500 and I’ll not tell mom about this.”

“I don’t care my V.P. said that the mark was wrong so now she said that she resent a letter with my actual mark with another letter explaining the error so I don’t care what you do with that.” A smirk appeared on Christine’s face as if she was expecting that.

“Well a mail can take up to two weeks to get to us, and if I tell mom about this, she would probably ground you until the mail arrives. Then you might have to miss your precious “Oreos” concert that’s taking place in 3 days.” She meant Eminem and James knew that Christine called Eminem Oreo just to piss James off. James was both angry at himself, for leaving the letter for Christine to see, and at Christine, cuz she went through his stuff and that she was a bitch.

“Go shit your bowels out you fat fuck!” As soon as James said that there was a low “Bbbrrrpppttt” and Christine’s face reddened.

“Whoa Christine step away from the chili! If you’re lucky people on the side of the earth might not have heard your fart!” Julia was laughing her ass off, and Dakota just snickered quietly trying to retain her cool. Christine ran as quickly as possible inside the house.

James ordinarily would have just walked inside and would have been jacking off to his sister’s hot friends but now he had a special power. Today they didn’t look like a bunch of hot chicks but more of a slave.

“Another two for my collection.” James just whispered quietly. Just as James was about to order the two chicks to fuck each other, Dakota jumped out of the hot tub and started to give him a lap dance.In a quiet voice so Julia couldn’t hear, James muttered

“You’re mine and only mine. Now pretend to dry hump me.” As Dakota began to grind her gorgeous ass on James’ pants, James, with one quick fluid motion, took out his cock and stuffed it into Dakota’s ass.

Only a slight “Oh” escaped. Julia, who was still in the hot tub watching Dakota, just thought that Dakota was teasing James and just smiled. Dakota just kept on humping James harder and harder making James’ dick go in further and further with every hump.

Unlike Julia who didn’t know anything, Dakota was having the time of her life. She had fucked her ex-boyfriends a lot of times but James’ dick in her ass was just magnificent. It felt as if her ass was on fire. It was the first time she had used her ass, other than for taking a shit.

Julia who decided to “join” in with “teasing” James got out of the pool, and started to fondle with her pussy through thongs of her bathing suit.

“Hey James did you know that we already knew you were jacking off to us? Today me and Dakota will give you something so you can’t fall asleep for several days.”

Julia smiled and looked at Dakota

“I’m gonna cum! I’m cumming!” Dakota was quiet for the whole fuck until she came, maybe it was because she was embarrassed to be seen in front of her friend that she was being fucked by her friend’s younger brother. As Dakota came, she collapsed. When Dakota woke up, she just saw James back, until know he looked like an immature kid but now she knew. He was a god.

As Dakota collapsed, the James was just starting to cum. But as she fell down, James’ dick came out of her ass and flung up, pointing straight at Julia. His cum landed everywhere, the floor, pool, over Julia’s body and even into her mouth which she had opened, from the shock of knowing that Dakota was being fucked.

“Hey slut, I think you know what to do.” James walked towards her with his cock pointing straight up. James walked until his dick was standing right in front of Julia’s nose that if either one had moved a single millimeter, then James’ dick and Julia’s face would have touched. Julia looked at amazement at how big James’ dick was, it made her realize how small all the cocks of her professors or teachers were.

“Oh and slut, how do you like the smell of my cock?” Julia took a sniff at James’ dick, it somewhat smelt of shit. “Yeah your friend Dakota was having such a pleasurable time she had a hard time controlling her bowels now you have the honor of eating her shit.” There was no way Julia was gonna eat anyone’s shit, nor will she suck James’ dick. But then she heard James say “Take it all the way slut I don’t care if you can’t breathe.” And the next thing she knew, the head of James’ dick was at her throat.

Out of all of Christine’s friends, only Dakota was nice to James, she said that he was like her little brother. Julia on the other hand, like Christine, loved to give him hell. Once, when James brought in his girlfriend to his house and there was Christine and Julia. The two of them began to grope his girlfriend’s tits and cunt that James got duped on the spot. He hated the two. And he knew that he was going to make her pay.

As James got his dick into Julia’s mouth, he pushed her to the ground. Pinching her tits as hard as possible, he kept his dick all the way at the back of her throat. James saw Julia convulse a bit and looked at her pussy to see the Julia actually came from getting her tits pinched and giving head. When James looked at his Julia’s face, he saw the whites of her eyes.

“Fucking cunt is useless!” Standing up, James gave a great kick right above her pussy. As soon as he did, he saw piss coming out. James had fun stomping on that one place over and over again making Julia piss all over the floor.

When he was done stomping Julia, he turned around to see Dakota was up again. Though she was panting, she looked ready for more action. James’ dick was throbbing. Just when he was about to cum, Julia fainted. Now Dakota jumped on top of James. In a 69 position, Dakota took James’ dick all the way to the back of her throat. Unlike Julia, Dakota was using her tongue very well.

“Ah…Dakota! Ah…Ah…I’m Cumming!” James came very quickly. It seemed that James’ cum went straight down her throat. Standing up, Dakota dragged James into the pool.

“I always wanted to be fucked in a pool. I always loved you like my brother but can you love me back as a lover?” She didn’t have to say any more. James jumped on Dakota pushing her onto the side and began to fuck her tight pussy rapidly. For Dakota, she had her breast mauled while having one hands and a much larger dick in her pussy, but she did not get excited, nothing gave as much pleasure as James’ dick. Now even though James was fondling her tits while fucking her, she was pleasured beyond imagination.

Dakota knew that James was the one for her. And now she was going to do her best to get him to love her back. And as James fucked her, she began to imagine what their marriage and honey moon would be like. She would make their marriage a secret one only between the two of them. Then after James puts a ring around her finger, she would get him to fuck her instead of a kiss. Then for a honey moon, Dakota didn’t care, it could even be in an attic, just as long as she got to fuck James. She would also have to study extra well, cuz she wanted to be the one who worked to keep the family while James just stayed home so that whenever Dakota would come home from work, James would always be there ready to fuck her in any hole he liked.

Dakota was being immersed in her imagination. Then all of the sudden he had an urge to take a piss. She didn’t want to take pa piss because the piss would hit her precious James. Trying to go inside to take a piss, James stopped her.

“Dakota why do you think we have a pool?”

“I don’t want to get it dirty.” Then a smile came up on James’ face. In the school locker room, as he got changed for P.E., he heard a bunch of guys say something about saying something cheesy, and then the girls would usually let them do whatever they want. Trying this out, James thought of the corniest lines he could ever think of. Taking his dick out

“Dakota, honey, I love you and I ‘m sure you love me. But why don’t we mark each other as each other’s territory?” James pulled Dakota out of the pool, and gave her a full frontal hug with a French kiss. He made sure to like every possible location in her mouth. And then he began to take a piss all over Dakota. Because he still had an erection, all of his piss was hitting Dakota’s tits and even some got her chin. Dakota seemed to be taken back but soon she was licking and sucking on James’ tongue. James then felt something hitting his legs and foot. Looking down he saw Dakota taking a piss.

After Dakota and James were done pissing and slobbering all over each other, James, looking at Julia commanded.

“Slut, come here and lick us both off clean. Then Go to the hot tub and position your pussy right in front of the water jet. I don’t want aids from you, bitch.” Julia first started to lick off Dakota’s tits then made her way up. As she did, for all the times she was a bitch, James began to slap her on the ass. Soon both Julia’s ass and James’ hands were red. When Julia was done licking off Dakota, she moved on to James.

“Dakota spank Julia as hard as you can. She was so mean to me forever. You don’t want to make your love mad do you?” Hearing this, Dakota seemed really mad.

“Don’t you ever fucking bother James ever again you mother fucking slut!” And with each word came a slap from Dakota.

When Julia was done licking off James she went to the hot tub and positioned her pussy in front of the water jet. James cranked the jets to its max.

“Bitch I should tie you up in a tree on a street and let anybody fuck you so you die of aids.” Dakota looked serious. James not wanting anybody enjoying his sex slaves other than himself, decided to take Dakota’s mind off Julia. He fucked Dakota in every single position he knew and he even learnt some new positions from Dakota. He came in Dakota over five times in her mouth, over 18 times in her mouth. And because James was addicted to her ass, he came over 20 times.

When he was done with Dakota, he decided to give Julia a fuck just so she knew who her master was. After James came in both Julia’s pussy and ass he decided to call it a day. Julia and Dakota were going to wait for Christine to come back while James walked into his house.

It would have been a problem if his mom had seen what he did with the girls out in the pool but fortunately she wasn’t home. As James walked upstairs, he saw Christine’s thongs thrown on the floor. Picking it up, James knew that he could control anyone to do anything for him because there was a dark mark on her thong which sort of looked like shit. As James took a whiff, he noticed the smell immediately. James smiled as he went to his room. As James was walking to his room, he noticed that the lights of the bathroom were turned on. Thinking, that Christine was taking a shit downstairs, and that someone left the lights on, James turned the knob and open the door. Inside James found his sister on the toilet.

“Get the fuck out you mother fucking prick. And why the hell are you naked you cock sucker! Don’t tell me you mooned my friends!” James was holding his hands right in front of his dick. To show Christine that he was not in fact a prick, he decided to show her his dick that had fucked four different chicks. Unveiling his still erect cock, Christine seemed to be lost for words

“Of course I didn’t just moon your friends, I did something even better.” It took Christine about five or six seconds to find her words. Finding her words, Christine shouted

“Well I don’t’ care what you did you fucking pervert just give me back my thong and leave you gay fuck! Or else I’ll tell mom all about this and I’ll also tell her that you failed grade 11!” A smile came up on James’ face

“Oh don’t worry sis, I’ll give you back your thong” and in a small voice James said “and from four becomes five.” As he stepped into the bathroom, he made sure to lock the door behind him.

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