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Hot time playing with port at a hotel

Sex Toy

Chatting with you, the other day reminded me of thetimes I would pull into different ports here statesideand go out and get me a hotel for the day/night. Ialways thought that it was too dangerous to just goout and try to meet someone for a quickee when Ipulled into different ports. I would always get ahotel near a shopping complex that I would be able towalk to, so I could buy some stuff for myafternoon/evening/night of fun…I might have been bymyself, but I always made the best of my time   LOL.Here is a story about what I would usually do. I wouldgo by a drugstore and get a small bottle of babyshampoo, a hot water bottle/enema kit, a bottle ofsome baby new tooth number (numzzzit LOL), a pack ofgood ladies disposable razors. I would then go to thesupermarket to finish my shopping. I would grab somebeer,,,and also a couple of sixpacks of interestingshapped beer in bottles,,,Michalobs are alwaysfun,…the way they are shaped, and of course a slimbottle of wine. run through the veggie department andgrab some bananas, cumberbers, a couple of eggplants,,,and maybe a long necked zucchini or two. Thelast thing on my list was a small can of Crisco ofcourse, being the anal slut that I am, I always neededthe best when it came to a standby container oflube..LOL. I always like the feeling I get buying allof this stuff in a store, knowing what I am going tobe doing with it,,,in just a little while.  Well thistime I was down in Miami Fl and got a place around11am, and got back to the room around 12:30. I hadalready ate breakfast and started out by taking a longhot shower. I got out of the shower and sat down on atowel, and started carefully shaving the area aroundmy asshole. After shaving the bottom area, around myballs and the sides, I jumped back in the shower andsoaped up my ass and shaved the upper parts around myasshole by feel. I opened up my 2nd beer, taking thefirst one and putting it in hot water so I could peelthe labels off later. I filled up the enema bag, put asquirt of baby shampoo in it, and hung it on one ofthe close hangers, and kneeled down on the floor withmy ass in the air, and opened up the nozzle and letthe 2 quarts of soapy water fill up my behind. Aftertaking all of it up my ass, I sat around and watchedtv for around 15/20 minutes,,,until I couldn’t hold itin anymore, and went to the bathroom and let loose thefirst bag of water. I continued this process until Ihad given myself 6 or 7 enemas, and was clean as awhistle. After the 4th one, I would work one of thecucumbers or bananas up into my ass to start to get meopened up and to make sure, I was empting myself outeach time. By the time I could be slamming 3 fingersin and out of my ass or an 8” banana…and then a 10/12zucanni…I could put 2 or 3 quarts of water up my ass,and expell damn near all of it at one time. By thistime I would be working on a 12 pack,,,and also hadtaken several double shots of Tequila and was startingto get that warm horny feeling that I always get whenI start getting a decent buzz. When I was all cleanand starting to get open, I would start working thenumbzzzit up into and around my asshole…it stings atfirst,,,but then it numbs the opening also. I wouldalso take a slim carrot (I would always buy a bag ofcarrots) and dab some of the numbzzzit on it severaltimes and put it my mouth and push it to the back ofmy throat, and coat the back of my throat with it. Iwould start working one of the bigger and longerveggies into myself,,,and once it was feeling meinside, I would start sucking on a carrot wishing itwas a hot cock, and sticking it futher and futher intomy mouth, until it was past the back of my mouth andinto my throat…the first few times was always roughbut after a bit I could overcome the gag reflex alongwith the numbzzit and start pushing the small carrotdown my throat. I would have tears streaming down mycheeks, and at least 4” of carrot down my throat,slobber running down my chin,,,and me just humping upand down on a veggie. Holding the carrot in one hand,I would beat myself off with the other. After I came,I would lick and suck my cum from myfingers,,,thinking of the fun that I was going to haveover the next several hours. I was laying around justafter this,,,watching tv, relaxing…every now and thensticking a couple of fingers up in my ass,,when I hadan idea,,,I had walked by a bowling alley over by thestore…Now, I am half buzzed,,horny ass hell and reallyhot to trot. I went to the bowling alley and told theperson by the counter that one of my shipmates wasgetting ready to retire and that he was an avid bowlerand that I wanted a pin so, I could cut it in half andmake a nice plaque for him…He made a call and a guy,brought me 2 used pins that they had in the back…wooohooooo. I got back to the room, and started workingmore numbzzit into me, and started screwing myselfwith bigger veggies, and then a beer bottle. I alsogot to the point that I could take a banana down mythroat with ease..and was starting to look at a 12” or so zucanni,,,and wondering how much of it I couldtake down my throat. I ended up riding the bowlingpin, and had about 7” of the zucannni jammed down mythroat when I came the 2nd time. By the time I hadworked myself up to screwing myself with aneggplant,,I was totally open on both ends…I justwished it was the real thing. I came at least 7 timesthat afternoon and night,,,and finished up alternatingfrom 4 finges and a thumb jammed up my ass, to aneggplant or the bowing pin jammed up my ass. I got soopened up that I was able to take a michalob bottlelarge end first….stick it up my ass, walk around withit inside of me, bend over the couch arm, with my assin the air, reach back and open it up,,,and pourmyself a glass of beer…missed more than anythingLOL…but I thought how nice it would be for someone tocrack it open and empty it into a beer glass to drink.This time I finished up in the shower, the bowling pinhalf way up inside of me,,,I had had to piss for aboutan hour and with my legs bent back over my head, letloose all over my face and chest, drinking some of mypiss, and then beating myself off one last time ontomy face…It made for a nice sound sleep at night!!!  Hope you enjoy reading this