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The Roster (First time post)

Slut Wife

Topic: "The Roster" 
  Hello readers,
  My husband and I have been together for eight years, we have done alot of things together. We signed up here to get some feedback on some of the moments we have shared together and apart. And we are also interested in getting some emails from people about there comments, pictures and so on. This post is not really a story, just a little bit about our history, or mine at least.
  Our sexual lifestyle is great he is very open and lets me do as I please with mostly whom I please. Our relationship started off very normal for the first three weeks or so. lol. My husband and I met at school.He had some cheesy line that he said to me to get my number. The line was " So am I going to call you, or you going to call me? " Haha. Well needless to say thats how it started.
  Well after about three weeks into our relationship we had a bump, and that bump I believe is what got the ball rolling into the current direction.  I cheated on him. (The first time) We were very early into our relationship so it was not like it was all that seriouse yet, but I did like him.  Well this is how he found out about me. I took him home one day after school and we were messing around, he was chasing me around the yard, well when I was running a few notes fell out of my pocket 3 or so. All of them were his but one, well I picked them up and soon after left, well I did not get them all picked up and it just so happens the one I did not pick up was the note that was not from him. . .
  The note was from a friend of the guy who I cheated on my husband with.  The note said something like " Wow, Kevin got on the buss today he was smiling from ear to ear, and had scratches all down his back, so you had fun?. Oh and he said you could keep his shirt. " Well after he found that note the he called me and I told him some lie like " He was just making it up, I did nothing with him besides just hang out. We are just friends. " He did not belive me of course.The next day he got out of school a half hour before I did. And as I was leaving with Kevin because he did not have his own ride either, we were walking down the sidewalk and my hubby jumped out as we walked by punched Kevin in the face. After that was all done I went ahead and gave kevin a ride home that day but after that he soon dropped out, so that was the end of that.
 Soon after that I cheated on him again. (Second Time) This time we were together about 6 months maybe. I was spending alot more time over at his house. Him, His brother, mother and step dad lived there. And his friends were constantly over there I usually had a good time with his friends and family, he on the other hand always played this game on the computer called "Starcraft". Oh i forgot to mention that his younger brother by a year went to school with us also. So I gave him rides to school sometimes with his bro too, 'taxi cab' lol.
  Well one night I was over to my hubby's house ' boyfriend at the time ' oh and from now on I will reffer to my hubby as my boyfriend or bf.  Anyways I was over at his house and he was playing "starcraft",  his brother and I were hanging out talking completely harmlessly. And then we got on the subject about sex I guess. His brother said " I am going to be a virgin for the rest of my life ."  And my reply was " Wanna bet on that? ". Well that ended up into me taking his virginity behind the locked doors on the floor of his bathroom. It didnt last long but he was not a virgin any more. And we had sex one more time after that the next day in my car after school, my bf stayed home from school that day. My bf never actually found out about that for almost uhmm.. 2 years into our relationship. 
   (The Third) I cheated on him again this time with his best friend Matt. This was around Christmas time about a week after.  My bf and his brother went north up state with his real father to visit his half brother for christmas.  While he was gone Matt came over to my bf house and by now I was living with him. I was borred out of my mind when he came over. He asked me if i wanted to hang out since I had nothing to do, so I said sure. We ended up going to his house and watching a movie. Well we did not get long into the movie and the next thing I know is Matt is leaning over and we are kissing on his couch. It did not take long after that we were in the middle of his hallway having sex. I had sex with him a couple times for the week my bf was north. He came back and didnt not find out we had sex. But thought that I just kissed him. It was quite sometime later in our relationship after we started having threesomes together with other guys that one night we were having hot sex and he asked if I fucked him. And I admitted to him. He was pissed when he found out I kissed him a year or so before. But now it just made him hotter.
   (The Fourth) This time I did not cheat on him this was our first threesome. One night my bf, his buddie and I were all drinking and my bf asked me if I wanted to try to have a threesome with his friend Josh. We ended up on a gravel road and the 2 had turns with me. It really wasnt a threesome just one had me while the other sat in the car and then when one was done the other one took his place with me and in the car. It really was not good his friend had the smallest thing I have ever seen. So our first threesome sucked but still was kinda interesting and fun at the same time.
   (The Fifth) Our second threesome was alot better, This time it was with my brother in law, thats right I know my sisters husband. My bf, brother-in-law and I were over at our new house playing cards and drinking when we decided to play strip poker and the betting was based on clothes first and then sexual favors and then just sexual favors and no cards and both my bf and b.i.a ended up taking turns eating me and making love to me all night. And and believe it or not that was not the last time we have had this kind of get together. My b.i.a has been back over several times since. But now after about a years time and about 6 times of us all messing around I'm done with him the last time was about three weeks ago. It was good and all but wrong. I know what you are thinking, what you get a conscience now? . Ya I know but its cool whats done is done.
   (The Six and ect. . . ) The five that I just wrote to you about is definetly not the last. But  I am going to save some of them for later so that I can go into better detail if we get a good responce from this. I will give you "The Roster" of who my bf and I have been involved with either just me, or him and I both.  1.Kevin  2. His brother  3. Best friend   4.His other good friend brother-in-law   6.My brother-in-law best friend   7.My friend Jay   8. My best friends friend Joe(Huge)   9. Some guy from a bar(1 nighter)   18 A ex-bf   11.  40 year old guy that came into the gas station I worked at alot.   12. Bf good friend Alex   18 Bf good friend Mel   18 bf good friend chris   18 my first free tattoo and tattoo guy(one time after hours)   18 Our neighbor(my sons friends dad)    18 my friend Brian.   These people are just since we have been together, before we were dating I dated alot of other guys and slept with about four of them. And by the way I am 24 and my hubby is 23.
   Well I hope everyone will like what we or I have posted and reply to us.  Thanks enjoy.