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Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Slutty Mary -


Chapter 1 1875 Newly immigrated to the Americas, Sir Thomas Dalton and his wife of many years, Elizabeth Dalton had a somewhat strained marriage. His affairs were becoming blatantly obvious, their daughter was evidence of that, as Thomas had needs that his wife refused to satisfy, and so he had them met in other ways. One of which, produced their daughter, Marybeth. Elizabeth's bitterness defined her existence in a passionless marriage to a man she no longer loved, nor hated. She was indifferent to him and her only joy was found in her relentless pursuit of her craft. Her world was consumed with the desire to wield power over others, to control them and make them her willing slaves, so much so that she devoted her life to the art of witchcraft, in order to obtain the wealth of power. Elizabeth and her stepdaughter were accustom to Thomas' long absences, and learned to carry on without him. His work took him to distant lands, and he would be gone for weeks, sometimes months at a time. Through the years, mother and daughter built a perfunctory relationship. Never were they close, but they could always count on the other for companionship, should the need arise. Feeling somewhat estranged from her father, Marybeth pled with her mother to allow her to accompany him on his travels, now that she was of age. Elizabeth agreed without hesitation, desiring the time alone to work on her newest spells. Thomas agreed as well, as the season had been unusually mild. They loaded down the carriage with all of her feminine essentials, and the pair were scheduled to travel three weeks along the eastern seaboard, returning one week before Christmas. The first few days were uncomfortable for both of them, but they soon found that they had much in common. Both loved nature and enjoyed watching the little furry creatures scurry off into the thicket when their carriage approached. Both enjoyed the silence that the inland offered, but longed to hear the crashing of waves against the shore at the coast. Back at home, Elizabeth looked forward to her time alone. She needed it to work on her magic mirror. She was practicing her craft, testing her powers and perfecting her looking glass. The mirror was a gift from her husband, one of many token gifts he'd brought to her over the years, perhaps to assuage guilt for his many affairs. She cast spell after spell onto the mirror, until she could see beyond her reflection into the lives of others. At first she only looked for a moment or two, peering into peoples lives without their knowledge, spying on them and invading their privacy. But it was not long before she desired more, her need for power and control intoxicated her, and she cast another spell that she hoped would allow her to travel through the mirror. As it usually works with black magic, she invoked demons to help her on her quest. Her powers grew stronger with every evil act she committed. In record time she perfected her spell, and could travel anywhere through a reflection, whether it be mirror, water or glass. What she did not know was that her indiscriminate pursuit of power brought forth a demonic entity that was enhancing her strength as a witch, as it plotted to destroy her life. Soon her soul would belong to the demon and control of her mind and body would be forever lost to the evil entity within. Chapter 2 Back on the trail, Mary and her father were growing closer day by day, and by the second week, the two were inseparable. Thomas found his daughter to be the most enchanting young woman he'd ever known and he felt dreadful for wasting so much time before getting to know her. Marybeth felt much the same way. She admired her father and felt regretful that she had not spent more time with him when she was younger. Their fates were set sometime during the second week when the crisp winter morning turned into a wet stormy gale by late afternoon. As the sun lowered in the west, the wind blew gusts of harsh cold air from the north-east. The sky turned gray, bringing with it an ominous feeling that snow was about to fall from the heavens. Thomas checked his pocket watch and realized that he'd made a grievous error calculating time and mileage. They would never make it to the next town before nightfall. They stopped promptly at four o'clock sharp to set up camp rather than risk being caught unprotected in the storm. The two lone travellers were left unguarded and unprepared for what would follow that evening. Marybeth helped her father set up a small tent and lay in several sticks of wood for a fire. After finishing a meager meal of dried beef and crusty rolls, the two sat by the fire and talked. The flames slowly flickered and burned out. The chill of the evening air drove them into the tent for warmth just as the first few flakes of snow fell to the ground, causing short hissing noises as they hit the smouldering embers. Marybeth rolled out the pallets, and covered them with their wool blankets. She sat down and brushed her wind blown hair, working the knots from every strand. She took a quick glance in her small hand mirror and set it beside her pallet so that she could use it again in the morning. Thomas sat on his pallet and struggled to remove his heavy boots in the close confines of the small tent. Marybeth quickly reached over to help her father. "Here, daddy, let me help you." She said trying to be useful; she took his boot into her hands, carefully working them free from his feet with her nimble fingers. She opened the flap to set them outside the tent. Looking around, she saw that in only a few short minutes the snow had already covered the ground with a thin layer of crystal white flakes. "Daddy, come look. I think we're in trouble." She whispered, frightened at the sight and the idea of freezing to death in the cold. Thomas opened the flap and looked at the blanket of snow. Concerned for the horses he glanced over to see that they were still nibbling on the ground where he left them, in the shelter of a large pine grove. He knew that if it kept snowing all night, by morning it could be several feet deep and they would never make it to the next town. Deep inside, he feared for their safety. She looked so angelic and helpless looking up to him for comfort. He stroked her long auburn hair and placed his hand on her chin. Lifting her porcelain face to look into her crystal blue eyes. "Oh, don't worry honey, we'll be fine, it's just a few flakes." He told her with a wink. Marybeth felt comforted by her father's words and she stretched out on her pallet. She tossed and turned, but found that her clothing kept bunching up under her and the heavy wool dress prevented her from finding comfort. She sat up and unbuttoned her dress, knowing that her chemise would maintain her modesty, and besides, she thought to herself, ‘it's just my father.' Thomas watched intently by the light of the flickering lantern as Marybeth's small fingers unbuttoned her dress. He felt his cock harden and press against his bristly wool pants. "Marybeth, honey, won't you be cold?" He asked seemingly concerned for her health, but knowing that if she removed any more clothing, he may not be able to control himself as it had been months since he'd even seen a woman, much less touched one. "A little, I guess, but my dress keeps bunching up and I can't get comfortable. Can I lay with you to keep warm?" She asked innocently. "Oh, okay. Come here, we'll keep warm together tonight." He told her opening his arms toward her, determined to ignore his raging hormones. Marybeth slipped out the uncomfortable dress, wearing only her thin cotton chemise; she quickly scooted close to her father and took comfort in his strong arms. She pressed her backside against him and felt the heat of his hard masculine body warming her cold frame almost instantly. "Ohhhh, so much better!" She moaned with a shiver, hugging tightly to him as he pulled the blanket up around them. Thomas wondered if she could feel his stiff cock pressing against her, and almost as if she read his mind, she started to wriggled, pushing her bottom up and down and squirming all around. "Hold still, girl!" He told her, desperately trying to maintain his composure. He'd never been in a situation like this with his daughter. His wife insisted that it was undignified to even hug his adolescent child, much less what they were doing. "But, something is poking at me, daddy. It's really hard and it hurts!" She cried, upset that he snapped at her for no reason at all. Thomas, feeling embarrassed and ashamed, moved to roll over. His body had betrayed his mind, and he could not will his cock to obey. It had been so long since he'd felt a warm body, and never had he felt such supple young flesh pressed against the length of his body. It was at that moment that he began to look at her differently and knew he had to break their embrace. "No daddy, don't move, it's okay, I like this, it feels good." She told him, reaching for his arm and pulling it tightly around her for warmth, still unaware of what she was doing to her father as she tucked his hand up under her arm and held it there against her the swell of her soft breast. "Honey, I really need to roll over." He told her huskily, unconsciously caressing the side of her small mound with his fingers. She released his arm and rolled onto her back. Looking into his soft brown eyes she saw something that she's never seen before. His eyes were glazed over and she felt his hand resting on her chest. Almost as if in slow motion, she felt his fingers moving, rubbing small circles around her nipple. She gasped, surprised at both her father's impudence, and at her bodies reaction. Her nipple hardened beneath his finger and she could feel his breath against her cheek. He lowered his head and kissed her tenderly, first on her forehead, then moving down to her cheek, and finally he pressed his warm lips against hers, parting them with a gentle flick of his tongue. He kissed her deeply, passionately exploring the recesses of her sweet mouth unable to satiate his need to taste her. Her unexpected response was to follow his lead, she kissed him back, darting her hesitant tongue in and out of his mouth, still uncertain, but too aroused to even think to stop. Lifting his head- breaking the passionate kiss. “We must stop." Thomas said breathlessly. Marybeth was too stunned to say or do anything; she lay there looking at him with the same glazed look in her eyes. She waited, unsure of what was happening or of what was going to happen. She had a funny feeling in the lower part of her body and pressed her legs tightly together. Still breathless from the kiss, but driven by desire he asked, "Has your mother spoken to you of what a man and woman do, when they have certain feelings for each other?" He trailed off, feeling guilty for wanting his own daughter as he did, but unable to control his need. "No, daddy, she has not." Marybeth replied, "But, you can tell me of these things." She whispered back to him, knowing that she did not want the feelings to go away, she wanted more, but she did not know what. "Marybeth, sweet Marybeth." He whispered, caressing her silken hair. "Your mother and I have not, well, never mind..." He trailed off lowering his head to kiss her again. Instinctively she wrapped her free arm around his neck and pulled him closer. His kiss deepened as his need for her grew. He held her face in his hand and caressed her cheek while exploring her soft lips with his mouth, pressing his finger into the small crook at the corner of her mouth, he felt her flick her tongue against it and his passion overwhelmed him. He knew he had to have her, and yet, it would ruin her for life. His mind and body fought on some unfamiliar level. He was desperate to feel her flesh against his, to drive his manhood deeply into her core, and yet he felt bound by his duty to protect her innocence. "Honey, if we continue, I may not be able to stop, and it will ruin you, do you understand?" He asked her, lifting his head to search her eyes for what he so desperately needed: permission to make love to her. His trembling hands caressed her face, and his voice was deep and husky, "I want to make love to you Marybeth, I want you so badly, but I must deny myself so that you will be able to marry someday." He whispered hotly into her ear. "But, what if I do not desire to marry? What if I want this too, daddy?" She pled, "I know so little of such things and do not wish to stop." She whispered back to him, begging him to continue, and yet completely unaware of the consequences. Thomas sat up and removed his shirt. He needed to feel her skin against his own. He paused when he reached the buttons on his trousers, looking at her, he saw that she watched his every move. Deciding it would be best to wait, he placed his shirt beside their pallet and pulled the blanket back up over them to keep warm. He took her face in his hands and looked deeply into her eyes. "I know of a way to satisfy us both, and if you are certain Marybeth, you must undress yourself, this way, I know it truly your desire as well." He explained. Marybeth sat up and wriggled her chemise up to her hips. She slowly lifted it up and over her head, proudly displaying her perfect melon shaped breasts. Her pink nipples jutted out toward her father, whether it be from the cold or the sexual arousal, it did not matter to Thomas, his cock throbbed at the sight of her beautiful naked body. "Are you certain that you want to do this?" He asked staring at her small bosoms as they rose and fell with each breath. She nodded her head, "Yes, daddy, I am. Although, I do not know of everything, I have read mother's books and know of some things that happen between men and women." She looked at the floor in embarrassment. "But, I wish to learn more. Will you teach me?" She asked innocently. Thomas held his desire in check, deciding that he could satisfy himself and introduce his sweet daughter into the ways of pleasing herself without ruining her for marriage. "The first thing you should know, is that there are ways to please yourself, without the need of another person." He explained, seeing that she hung on his every word, he continued. "Put your hands on your breasts, and massage them, pinch your nipples." She did as she was told, nodding affirmatively as she held her breasts, kneading and squeezing them in her hands. "It does feel good." She said looking up to see her father rubbing his crotch. "What are you doing daddy?" She asked sweetly. He smiled, "I am doing the same thing as you, bringing pleasure to my body." He whispered seductively. "Have you ever seen a man's body before Marybeth?" "No, not in the flesh, but I have seen pictures, and I know they are different, I do know that much daddy!" She said teasingly, giggling in embarrassment of her confession. "Well, would you like to see?" He asked watching her pinch at her pink little nipples, and wishing he could slide his cock between the pert little melons. She nodded her head and watched as her father unbuttoned his wool pants, her surprise was evident when he heard her gasp. Looking up, her eyes were as big as saucers and her jaw hung open ever so slightly. "Wow I did not know they looked like that! Are they always so big? She asked. "When a man is aroused, yes, they are. The rest of the time, it is much smaller." He explained. "What do you do with that?" She asked sweetly. "Sweet girl, you have been too sheltered, and your mother should have had this talk with you long ago." He said exasperated at his wife's incompetence. "I'll try to explain as we go along. Honey, you do know that nobody can know of this, don't you?" He asked her as he gave his cock long slow strokes as she nodded her head in agreement. "It feels good to do this, and you have a place between your legs that feels good to touch too." He told her. "Have you ever touched yourself down there?" "No!" Marybeth exclaimed, "Mother said it was a bad place, and I should never touch myself longer than need be when I bathed. But, daddy, . . .sometimes when I go riding, well, it rubs against me and it does feel good. Is that what you are talking about?" "Yes, that's exactly what I am talking about, and your mother is wrong. It is okay to touch yourself, anytime you want, as long as it is in private, of course!" He said with a smile, waiting to make sure she understood before continuing, "Are you ready to continue?" He asked anxiously, yet uncertain that he should be the one to take her innocence. "Yes, what do I do?" She said with a smile that encouraged him to continue. "Lay back and open your legs." He told her, gently stroking himself while waiting for her. He was amazed at her comfort level with her body. He watched as she stretched out on the pallet and thought the only women he'd known who were like her, had been bought women who would do anything for a gold coin or two. "Good, now I want you put your hand between your legs and rub yourself, feel around and explore your body until you find a place that feels really good to touch." He told her, watching her small hand fumble around her little pussy. His cock was raging and his need to touch her overwhelmed his senses, he couldn't resist the desire to ask, "Do you want me to show you where it is?" She lifted her hand, resting it on her belly, "Yes, show me." She told him looking up with a smile. Thomas took a deep breath; he wanted this to be special for his daughter so he went slowly. He placed his fingers against her cunt lips and pulled them apart to look at her pink center. He felt his heart beating faster and he hesitated only for a moment before he gently pressed his fingers on either side of her clit and began slowly rubbing it in a circular motion. Without hesitation, she let out a long loud moan, writhing her hips in unison with the motion of his hand. "You like it don't you sweetie?" He asked, smiling, as he waited for her to nod her head. "Good, that makes daddy very happy, you know. Now, I want you to rub your breasts like earlier, it will make your body feel even better and I like to see your nipples hard." He said, seeing her hesitation for the first time, he continued, "It's okay honey, just let your body feel good, relax and enjoy the feelings." He encouraged her, thinking to himself how lucky he was to be able to teach his own daughter how to please her body. "There are so many things I want to teach you Marybeth, if you are ready to learn?" He asked. "Yes daddy, oh yes. I am ready." She moaned excitedly pinching her nipples like he instructed. Her body was on fire with a desire, and a need she never knew existed. He reached up with his free hand and placed it around one tender globe, lovingly squeezing her delicate flesh into his palms. He held her supple young breast, and tenderly pinched the hard little nub. She gasped in shock at the way it felt when he touched her. Instinctively she pushed her chest toward him, offering herself to her father, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensations. "Oh, that feels so good, it feels better when you touch me." She murmured to him as he gently tweaked her small nipple, rolling the hard little nub between his finger and thumb. "You like it?" He asked, watching his daughter's face flush with arousal from her first sexual experience. "Oh, yes." She moaned pressing her breast into his hand and pushing her hips up at him. Thomas needed no further encouragement. He continued his gentle manipulation of her body, guiding her down a path that she had never before experienced. He kept his desire in check even though he wanted to jump up and drive his cock into her sweet cunt in one long hard thrust. He knew better than to rush things. He had to go slow, and he would savor every delicious moment. The light from the full moon reflected off of the snow covered ground, and lit up the inside of their small tent serving him well to see her body. Looking down at her flawless alabaster skin he memorized every detail of her flesh. His hand travelled over her body, placing gently feather like strokes on her shoulder and neck before moving lower, to tenderly caress her chest and belly, burning a path across her hot flesh. Neither one thought of the cold as he gently caressed her belly. He took in the feel and the warmth of her with his hands, and the sweet delicate scent of her with his nose. His hand followed the subtle curve of her hip, and her moans drove him to explore her soft thighs. He teased her, twirling the tiny patch of short curly auburn hair with his finger as he sought her sensitive little nub again, he pulled her puffy little lips apart with his finger and thumb. He lifted her clit from within her folds, and once again massaged her sensitive nub until it protruded from her soft folds. "Open your legs wider for me, I want to look at you." He whispered to her, in his desperation to feel her hot pussy. She parted her legs ever so slightly. "Daddy!" She cried when his fingers wrapped tightly around her sensitive clit, increasing the pressure as he rubbed her until the little nub was rock hard. "Do you like this Marybeth?" He asked, his voice was deep and husky and his cock was throbbing so hard he could feel it pulsate against her thigh. "Oh, yes daddy." She moaned, "It feels so, oh, so good when you touch me." He continued his ministrations to her most sensitive parts, moving slightly away from her clit so that the contact was not so direct, wanting her to feel pleasure and yield to his need. He lifted his hand from between her legs and placed it at her mouth. "Open up, lick my finger and get it wet for me." He whispered softly. She parted her lips and took it into her mouth tasting herself on his finger. It was somehow arousing to feel him slide in and out of her mouth with her lips pursed in and "O" around his thick finger. When he was satisfied that his finger was wet enough, he returned it to between her legs, slipping it between her folds as he pressed into her center. Rubbing up and down her slit, he parted her pussy lips and searched for her small hole. He saw the alarmed look in her eyes as he pressed his finger into her. He felt her pussy spasm and clamp down tightly around his finger. "This may hurt for a second honey, but I will do it quickly and cause you as little pain as possible." He murmured to her soothingly. She nodded in response and waited for the pain as he slid his finger deeper into her tight hole. "There's nothing here." He said in surprise to find that her hymen was no longer intact. Seeing her surprise, he continued, "It's okay honey, it doesn't mean a thing. It could happen from riding horses or even from climbing trees. It's a good thing for us, there will be no pain, only pleasure." He told her as he gently snaked his finger in and out of her small wet hole. Marybeth didn't hear most of what he said. She was lost in the miraculous sensation he created deep in her core. Her eyes were closed and her small hands lay at her sides groping for anything to hold onto. Thomas took her hands, and one at a time he placed them on her breasts, encouraging her to knead the soft flesh and pinch her nipples to bring herself even more pleasure as he fingered her small hole. He felt her juices flowing and he pressed into her deeper, gently slipping another finger into her snug tunnel. He watched her head roll from side to side as small moans escaped from her lips. When he felt that she was wet enough, he slipped his fingers out of her. She opened her eyes to watch as he knelt above her. Bending her knees he pushed her legs wide apart and placed his palm against her center. He rubbed up and down against her clit several times before parting her silky folds. Looking into her hot pink core he couldn't resist the desire to taste her. Lowering his head he inhaled deeply before gently flicking his tongue around the sides of her pussy. She bucked up at him, "Ohhh! Daaaddy!" She cried, when he sucked her little clit into his hot mouth. Lifting his head he looked into her eyes, "This is only the beginning, little one." He told her before returning to flick his tongue up and down her moist slit. He drove his hot tongue deep into her and held her legs tightly so that she couldn't wriggle away from him. He listened to her moaning and felt her bucking up, writhing beneath him. He was pleased that he could bring her so much pleasure. Several moments passed and the intoxicating feeling enraptured Marybeth. She never imagined any of it was possible. She loved the way it felt to have her father licking and sucking on her and wanted him to continue forever between her legs. She felt something building deep insider her core, but she did not know what it was. Her instincts took over and she ground herself up at his tongue, moaning over and over again. "Oh daddy, oh daddy, oh daddy!" She cried. Thomas knew that it would not be long before she would experience her first orgasm. But he wanted to feel her as she cried out his name. He lifted his head and moved forward on top of her, pinning her legs to her sides so that she was spread wide open. He wanted to watch his cock enter her little pussy for the first time. With cock in hand he placed it at the entrance to her pussy. He looked into her eyes and said, "I need to be inside you baby, I can not wait any longer." "Oh, yes daddy, yes!" She whispered excitedly in anticipation of what he would do next. Thomas spread her lips apart and pressed the tip of his cock into her wet pink hole. It slipped into her with less pressure than he expected and she groaned as it slid into her. "Oh, more, please, I need to feel more!" She cried to him. Thomas placed his hands on her knees and held them against the ground. He lifted his body and drove into her with small hard thrusts. He was torn, wanting to watch the expression on her face, but also wishing to see her pussy stretch wide to accommodate his thick shaft. He saw her mouth was wide open, as if she wanted to cry out, but no noise escaped. He looked down at her pussy and saw that he had an inch or two to go, so he pulled back out and drove it home again. "Auuuggghhhh!" She screamed this time, feeling every inch of him inside her. "Oh god daddy! It's so big! Sooo big!" She cried over and over. Thomas was almost ashamed to admit to himself, that he liked knowing that his cock was large enough to make her cry out in pain, and pleasure at the same time. He pulled out and plunged forward again, causing the same reaction. He could feel his balls tighten; he looked down at her little hole and watched her pussy expand to swallow his thick cock again and again as he thrust in and out of her. He released her legs and rested on his elbows above her body. Kissing her neck and shoulder, he leaned up on one arm to knead and pinch her nipple. He gently stroked her cheek, and whispered in her ear, "Marybeth, you're pussy feels so good, baby." As he continued to rock back and forth inside her, fucking her slowly. He felt her pussy clamp down around him and knew she was close, her rhythmic spasms felt as though they were milking the cum from his balls. He sat up again, kneeling in front of her and lifted her legs to his shoulders. He held them there against his chest and watched his cock disappear into her as he picked up the speed of his thrusts. "Rub your clit, like we did earlier Mary." He told her as he pumped his cock into her harder. He watched as she slid her fingers between her legs. He held her by the ankles and spread he open so she'd have better access. "Rub hard, baby, rub it really hard!" He told her excitedly. Marybeth did as he said and rubbed her clit for several moments before she felt something she'd never felt before. It started deep inside, and caused every muscle in her body to contract. Her pussy clamped down, spasming out of control. "Ohhhhh, daddy, daddy, yessssss, oh, yesssssss!" She screamed out loud, much louder than she meant. "Wha-, wha-, what was that?" She asked breathlessly, feeling as if every nerve in her body had just been turned on at the same moment. Thomas bucked at her harder, lifting her off the ground with each violent thrust. "You came, baby, you came!" He cried excitedly. "Daddy's cumming tooooo!" He groaned pulling his cock from her tight hole and aiming it at her belly. He stroked it several times, shooting streams of hot white cum all over he belly and chest. She jumped when she saw it coming at her, uncertain of what it was or what it would do she squealed out loud, "Eeeeww! What is that?” She cried. Thomas chuckled, "It's daddy cum, baby. You'll learn to like it, I promise." He said with a wink before collapsing onto the pallet beside her. "Daddy?" Marybeth asked while she wiped up his cum. "Can we do that again?" Thomas chuckled again, "Yes, we can, and we will, all night if you like. But, I need some time to rest in between, okay?" He explained. "Okay." She said sweetly, sitting up to look at him. She leaned over and hugged him tightly. "I love you daddy." She said smiling into his strong hard chest. "Oh, I love you too." He whispered seconds before he dozed off into the most peaceful slumber he'd ever experienced. Chapter 3 Elizabeth could not believe what she was saw as she watched her husband and stepdaughter fuck like animals out in the small tent. ‘No wonder he agreed so readily to her accompaniment on his trip.' She thought to herself, so enraged by the vision, that her mind was clouded and her sanity no longer in reach. "Well, then, we shall make it a trip for them to remember for all time!" She said out loud to herself. In her desperation and anger, she turned to her witchcraft for solace, and revenge. She plotted her retaliation in those dark moments, conjuring demons to avenge her betrayal. She would have called the devil himself to help her, but she was not yet powerful enough to invoke him. She cast her spell invoking the power of any demon who would come to her aid, and she offered to channel his soul in return for the use of his power. Seconds later, the deal was done; she could not turn back even if she wanted to. As a demon would not be denied his payment for suffering his return to an earthbound form. He came forth from the fiery bowels of hell and took her body as his own, and gave Elizabeth the revenge she sought. Neither Thomas, nor Marybeth were aware of the demonic presence peering in on them as they slept peacefully, wrapped in each other’s arms. Elizabeth watched from within the mirror and before they woke that All Hallows Eve morning, she cast her spell. The energy of the sacred day in concert with the demon's power lay weight to the curse as Elizabeth recited the words into her mirror, bitterness and rage consumed her soul and vengeance was her ultimate goal: A husband that betrays his wife, shall pay the charge with his life. Woodland creatures shall extract, atonement for your evil acts. A daughter's betrayal to her mother The charge shall be of many lovers. All of whom will see a whore, a slut you'll be, forever more. Startled awake by a crash of thunder that rang out through the morning sky, Thomas lifted the flap and saw the orange sun peeking over the horizon He noted the oddity of hearing thunder on a clear winter morning, but was more concerned with the familiar swelling in his loins. He found his daughter snuggling against him, with her back pressed tightly against his chest. He watched as her warm breath turned into wisps of white clouds as it left her lungs, and his thoughts quickly turned to the events of the night before. Knowing he should be waking her to tear down camp and get back on the trail, he could not resist his desire to make love to his daughter again. He pressed his cock into her bottom with small humping motions until he felt it wedged snugly between her cheeks. Marybeth woke, fluttering her lashes open; she looked up and saw her father smiling down at her. "I feel you daddy." She said teasingly, smiling back at him. "Good, you know what I want, then, don't you?" He teased back. "Roll over onto your belly." He whispered hotly in her ear. Thomas lifted her bottom off the ground and helped position her on her knees. He leaned over her and gently guided her head back to the pallet. "Like this, baby. Bottom up and head down." He instructed. "Just relax, and daddy will do all the work." Marybeth felt vulnerable and exposed, but her pussy felt warm and flushed with fluid. The anticipation of feeling her father drive his cock into her was almost enough to make her cum without him even touching her, and she had no idea what had come over her. She just knew if he didn't put it in her soon she's scream out in agony. "Please daddy, do it, do it now!" She cried to him. Thomas knelt behind her and pulled her cheeks apart. He couldn't resist the urge to give her sweet little cunt a few licks. She jumped in surprise, but quickly calmed down as he drilled her hole with his tongue. Her moans were more than he could take. He wriggled his tongue into her tiny little anus, as he held her tightly as she squirmed around beneath him, amazed at her excitement and enthusiasm. "Oh daddy!" She cried in surprise. "Yes! More!" He didn't answer her; instead he sat back up, placed his cock against her pussy and slid it up and down her slit to get the head wet before driving it into her snug tunnel with one hard thrust. He fucked her hard, slamming into her again and again. Getting more and more turned on by the guttural grunting noises she made with every thrust. She didn't know why, but she wanted it hard and fast, and she bucked back at him, meeting his thrusts with a velocity that almost threw him off of her. She reached between her legs and rubbed on her clit like she'd done the night before. Furiously rubbing herself as her father forceful fucked her pussy. It was almost as if she was someone else when she was having sex. She felt her body shudder within, and her hips ground back at him meeting his violent thrusts. "Ohhhh daddy, it's time, I'mmm gonnna cum!" She cried feeling his cock swell inside her. "Good girl, cum for daddy, yes, come on cum for me baby!" He moaned to her feeling her tight hole spasm around his cock. Before she could cum, he licked his finger and quickly slipped it into her bottom. "Relax baby, trust daddy." He assured her when he felt her tighten her anus, resisting the intrusion. Without another word he slid it deep inside her and pumped his finger in and out keeping rhythm with his thrusts. She bucked violently beneath him, slamming her body against his meeting each thrust. "Ooooohhhh, oh, oh, oooooohhhhh daddy!" She cried as the waves washed over her body. She twitched and moaned, unable to control herself as the explosion reached out like little fingers into every inch of her being. Thomas felt her tighten around his cock; he couldn't resist sliding out of her pussy and pressing his dick into her bottom. "Relax, and I'll make you cum again baby." He whispered as he pushed the head of his cock into her. "Good girl, relax and let me get inside you." He almost begged her. It had been years since he'd had the opportunity to fuck anyone in the ass, and he so loved the way it felt to bury his cock in something so tight. Her tiny little hole seemed to call to him as he watched it spasm and open up ever so slightly. He pressed on, until she finally relaxed and allowed him in her. The head of his cock was firmly wedged into her ass, and she was crying for more. He had no idea what had come over her, and he really didn't care, as long as he felt her sphincter clamped down around the head of his cock his mind was not his own. He held her by her hips and pushed deeper. After several inches were inside, he pulled out and started his slow methodical fucking of her ass. He listened to her moans, which had changed from small whimpering to low guttural grunting noises, and they only encouraged him to drill her harder. "Do you like it baby?" He asked, wanting to hear her say it out loud. "Oh, yessss! Oh daddy, I didn't know it could feel so good." She moaned back to him, her head flailing from side to side as she pushed herself back at him, trying to get more inside her. "Say it for me Mary, say the words out loud for me." He begged. "Wh- what should I-," Her words were cut off when she felt it happening again, her body convulsed and her breathing was too shallow to speak. She cried out, "Ohhhhh daddy, daddy I love you!" She bucked back at him, her whole body contorting, her head bobbing up and down as she rode his hard cock. Seconds later, she collapsed beneath him, her body no longer able to support herself. Thomas couldn't have stopped himself if he'd wanted to, he held her legs open and continued to pump in and out of her tight hole. He felt his balls tighten and he bucked at her harder, holding his cock in his hand his body went rigid as he shot his load deep inside her bowels. "Sooo tight! God baby, you are so tight!" He moaned as he milked the last of his cum into her tight ass. Looking down he saw a small stream of white cum dribbling out of her ass and dripped onto their pallet. It was several moments later when Marybeth rolled onto her side and looked at him. "Daddy?" She asked, "What was it you wanted me to say to you?" Thomas chuckled and said, "Oh, honey, I just wanted to hear you say you like it that way. I love it like that, you are so amazing baby, and you are so tight!" He said with a wink pulling her to him to give her a long passionate kiss. Marybeth jumped up and hopped onto his chest. "So what should I have said to you to make it better for you?" She asked teasingly, pinning his arms to the ground. "Nasty things honey, like, oh, I don't know, ‘fuck my ass daddy!" or ‘deeper, harder,' that kind of stuff." He explained watching her expression change from confusion to understanding. "Okay, I'll do it next time. But, daddy, what do I call my, um..." She trailed off. "Call it whatever you like, cunny, pussy, cunt, anything will work for me, baby, I just like hearing it out loud." He told her. A while later he gently eased himself from under the blanket he quickly slipped into his clothes. Lifting the flap on the tent he looked out over the field seeing that it was covered in a thick blanket of snow. The golden rays from the sun lit up the morning sky casting an amber glow onto everything in it touched. For a moment, he thought it looked like heaven must look, he had never been happier in his life. He made his way to the horses and found them where he'd left them, nudging the snow from the ground they pulled at the green grass beneath. Patting his trusty mare on her neck as he passed to retrieve a small bucket of grain from the wagon. After feeding the horses he returned to the tent to wake Mary. If they were going to make it to the next town, they had to leave soon. The snow would slow their journey adding several hours to the gruelling ride. They packed up camp and headed out down the snow-covered trail. Several hours later as the sun began to sink to the west, Thomas felt fear grip at his heart. They were lost. He'd never travelled that trail in the winter and must have made a wrong turn somewhere along the way. He smiled at his daughter and explained that they would once again have to make camp. It happened this way again the next day, and Thomas finally admitted to himself that with each effort to find civilization, he was taking them deeper and deeper into the foothills. Uncertain of his ability to keep them alive out in the open, and knowing that help would not be dispatched due to the weather. He remembered a place they had passed that would make an adequate campsite until the weather broke. It was near a fresh water creek that seemed deep enough not to freeze, and he spotted a large hole in the side of a nearby hill. He fashioned a door from twigs and small fallen trees, all the while, to keep their sprits up, he smiled and sang to his daughter as they worked side by side. It took him a full day to finish their new home, but when it was done, they were both proud of their accomplishment. There was enough room in the cave for them and both horses. It was a primitive existence, but at least they would survive. Food was scarce but firewood was plentiful, so when they did find an errant hare or squirrel they had the means to cook a decent meal. It had been over a week since they became stranded in the wilderness and Marybeth had never been happier. The days passed blissfully, the cold weather served to draw them closer. The long nights of passionate love making, created a new life that grew inside Marybeth, although neither were aware of it's existence. She learned the ways to please a man, and was deeply in love with her father. She also knew that she would never be able to live without sex again, her appetite seemed insatiable from the start. Night after night he would take her into his bed and make passionate love to her, and night after night, she would turn into a wild wanton whore. Begging him for more as he brought her new sensations, new techniques and a new plateau to her unquenchable appetite for sex. Thomas hunted everyday, bringing back just enough food to nourish them. Afraid that she was not getting enough to eat, he tracked a bear to it's den. During his attack on the small brown bear, he sustained severe injuries, but managed to make it back to their camp. She woke the next morning to the sounds of a hunting party as it passed through a nearby trail. She tried to wake her father, but found that he'd passed away sometime in the night. Her cries echoed through the valley and the hunting party followed the sound to her camp where they found her in a heap beside her father, weeping uncontrollably. The men loaded her into the wagon, and carefully lay her father over one of the pack mules and returned them to their home. When Marybeth saw her mother again, she opened her arms, seeking comfort in her embrace. But, she was sadly disappointed in the greeting. Elizabeth merely extended her arms for a cursory hug. Her meager love for her stepdaughter was overshadowed by the dark truth of what she knew in her heart. Marybeth thought her mother looked different somehow, she seemed sullen and mysterious. Her eyes had even changed, appearing dark and hollow, almost empty, much different than she was before. She sensed that her mother was less than pleased to have her return home, and wondered if she could possibly know more of what happened out there, than she thought. After a suitable amount of time passed and her daughter had fully rested from her ordeal, Elizabeth stormed into Marybeth's room to confront her daughter with the questions she had regarding her condition. "You're pregnant, and don't deny it. The child, my grandchild," She started, "it is, . . .it is your father's child, is it not?" She asked stoically already knowing the truth. "Yes ma'am." Marybeth told her lowering her eyes to look at the floor, she was not disgraced, but she could sense that her mother felt disgrace when the child's paternity was revealed. Elizabeth huffed and turned on her heel, she swiftly left the room, leaving Marybeth alone with only her guilt to keep her company. Chapter 3 Almost a year had passed in a blink of an eye, and Marybeth was happily preparing for a midnight tryst with a stable boy at the same time her mother was preoccupied with her preparations for an All Hallow's Eve celebration in a nearby town. Marybeth's heart was slowly healing from the loss of her beloved father, but her body had quickly returned to its original condition after the birth of her precious son. She felt horrible for doing it, but her appetite for sex had never diminished. It grew stronger and stronger until she felt she may be possessed by demons, as she was driven by her obsession to seek sex at every opportunity. She spent hours masturbating like her father taught her, using any object that would fit inside her to bring herself orgasm after orgasm. She seduced every stable boy, and houseboy she came in contact with. She even tried to seduce her own maid, only to be turned down and had to resort to self-gratification again. Luckily, her mother left her alone for the most part. They would see each other upon occasion, but never sought the other's company. Elizabeth surprised her daughter by charging into her room late that morning with a box in her hand. Elizabeth told her that she must be put to work to help with the additional expense of feeding her child, and she would not entertain debate. There was no emotion at all displayed in her face when she announced the instructions to her daughter. "You will begin tonight,” She told her, throwing a box onto the bed. "You have had sufficient time to heal, and I feel that it only appropriate for a whore such as yourself to earn a living doing what you do best." She turned to leave, but paused, looking down at her daughter with disgust, "Don't deny it Marybeth, I know what you've been doing, and even the horses are not safe with you around!" She spat the words out and stomped out of the room, slamming the door behind her, never once accepting responsibility for Marybeth's sexual appetite. Marybeth was confused and distraught at her mother's words. She was unaware that she had been so obvious with her desires. She lifted the lid and opened the box to find a black lacy negligee, garters and hose. She jumped up and chased after her mother calling her name, but her mother refused to answer. She found her mother outside in the garden holding her son. When she approached, her mother looked her in the eyes and Marybeth thought she saw a fleeting red glint of light. "Mother, what has come over you?" She asked. "Please don't make me do this! I can not help what I am!" She begged, when she saw the lack of emotion in her mother's eyes. She knew that she would enjoy what she was being told to do, and the guilt from her enjoyment overwhelmed and confused her to the very verge of insanity. "You will do as you are told, or your son will pay." Elizabeth told her pressing her fingers against the infant's throat without hesitation. "What! Mother! How could you?" Marybeth screamed running to her son. Pulling the infant from Marybeth's reach. "How could I? How could I? How dare you ask me that! You whore! You slept with your own father, you carried his beloved son and you dare ask me how I could threaten you?" She screamed, too enraged to stop herself. "You and your father were my family, the only family I had and you both betrayed me! You betrayed your own mother by seducing your father, my husband, and having this child!" She glared at her waiting for a response. The words hit Marybeth like stones, "Mother, no, please, it wasn't like that!" Marybeth pleaded with her. "Please try to understand, we did not intend to hurt you!" "And, yet you did!" She shrieked. "Now, you will pay for what you did, you ruined yourself, you ruined our family Marybeth, and there is no hope of marrying you to any respectable man. You are a whore, and you will do what I say. We need the money, and you will provide it. I will care for your son for as long as you do what you are told. If you resist, it will be the child who pays! I will kill him!" She threatened still holding the gurgling infant by his throat. "Yes, yes, mother, I will do as you say." Marybeth sobbed, in agreement as she reached for her baby to hold him. "No, you will not see him, or hold him again until after you have satisfied a portion of your debt to me. You will work do as I say, go, go prepare your body, your carriage will be here soon to deliver you to your party this evening." She paused and smiled. "If you do well, you will find your son in the nursery when you return, if you fail, you will not see him again." Elizabeth told her, seemingly satisfied that she would extract her revenge at long last. "Yes ma'am." Marybeth said dejectedly, turning to return to her room. After a hot bath she dried and powdered her body preparing to dress in the lacy outfit. She pulled the hose up her legs and fastened them in place before slipping the negligee over her head. It was a perfect fit; she looked in the mirror and stared at her reflection. "What am I to do?" She asked herself out loud. "I must desecrate my body in order to save my son, and please my mother? Father, where are you when I need you the most!" She wailed, but nobody came to her rescue, and after several long moments she picked up her hairbrush and threw it at her reflection breaking the mirror into hundreds of pieces. She fell to the floor and wept, sobbing uncontrollably until the maid came in to fetch her. Elizabeth jumped, startled by the sudden disappearance of her view of her daughter. "The little whore! She broke my window to her room!" She muttered to herself as she dressed for the evening’s entertainment. "Well, it's not over yet you little slut, as a matter of fact, my fun is just beginning." She cackled, laughing out loud. The carriage called and Marybeth was hustled into the small black cab. She was covered with a heavy wool cloak to keep her warm until she was delivered to the country chateau. She entered the foyer and looked into the parlor where she saw four middle aged men. They were playing poker and smoking smelly cigars. A cloud of gray smoke hung above their heads, swirling like a pool of raw sewage. A servant girl approached her, swiftly removed her cloak, and then quickly disappeared into another room closing the door behind her with a soft click. Marybeth knew she could not escape. They locked her in with the men, just following orders, she supposed. She walked into the parlor and the men stopped talking, heads turned her direction and she could tell they were pleased with what they saw by the smiles on their aged faces. One motioned for her to come in and pointed to the sofa where she was to sit. She was served a drink and the men made several futile attempts to become acquainted with her. She resisted, insisting that she was not interested in becoming friends with anyone. She had one purpose and she'd like for them to get on with it so that she could return home to her son. The men happily agreed, and opened a door that led to an adjoining room. "Come, onto the bed then." One of the men told her chuckling as he motioned to large bed in the center of the room. She did as she was told and crawled up onto the bed. In mere seconds the men surrounded her, two on each side and she felt hands creeping all over her body. She closed her eyes and let her mind travel back in time to when her father was making love to her. She'd had many short trysts with the stable boys in effort to satisfy her cravings, but none compared to her father. She knew it was wrong to enjoy sex as much as she did, yet, she could not deny her body. She felt her legs being pried open and a hands squeezing and groping at her thighs. She could hear them talking about her as if she wasn't there. "Let me feel your pussy, how tight are you?" One man asked, slipping a hand between her legs, rubbing up and down her smooth slit before shoving a stubby finger into her pussy. "Oh, it's really tight boys, but not for long!" He snickered pushing another finger into her and twisting them in and out. She gasped at the sensation and she was about to beg them to stop when she felt lips descend onto her own, kissing her gently at first, but as his passion rose, he drove his hot thick tongue into her sweet mouth. She had no idea what came over her, but she began to kiss him back. Slowly at first but her passion and lust rose to a level that she could no longer control. Her hips moved on their own accord in unison with the hands pressing into her tender flesh. She felt someone move on top of her, she opened her eyes and saw only one man, it was her father. So relieved that it was him she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply for several moments. Her body was on fire, she wanted him so much that she heard herself moaning and begging for more. The men were quite pleased with her reaction, and one took the opportunity to lift her negligee so that they could see her entire body. She was exquisite; her young body had no signs of carrying or birthing a child. They watched as she writhed and bucked under their ministrations. They left no part of her body untouched, squeezing and sucking on her small firm breasts, tasting the remnant of mother’s milk as they kneaded her delicate globes. She felt a warm moist mouth kissing her legs, travelling up and down her thighs. She kept her eyes closed and felt only her father's touch as she gyrated up to meet the kisses. Fingers pressing into her center pulling her open, she felt the cool air meet her exposed pussy and it aroused her even more. "You like it, don't you, my little whore?" Someone whispered in her ear. "Yes! Yes, I like it daddy!" She cried, out of her mind with passion, and lost in her hallucination. "Oh, so I'm daddy, am I?" He laughed, "Well okay then, daddy wants you to roll over and get on your hands and knees." He told her with a chuckle. Marybeth did as she was told; she remembered how her father liked it, her head down and bottom up. Once in position, she felt warm flesh pressing against her lips, she opened her mouth and licked the head of the thick cock. She did just as her daddy taught her; she teased it with her tongue and then sucked it into the back of her throat. She heard the moans and felt him reach down, holding her head still while he pumped his cock in and out of her face. She kept her eyes closed and her mind took her to another place where it was okay to be aroused and enjoy sex. "Ohhh, fuck! You're a good little cock sucker!" He groaned, pumping his cock in and out of her plump rosy lips. A moment later she felt fingers digging into her pussy, parting her cunt lips. Someone grabbed her legs and spread them wide apart. She lifted herself and pushed her bottom upward to accommodate them. Fingers pulled at her clit causing the little nub to swell and throb, she tried to moan, but no sound could escape her cock filled throat. The fingers worked her into a frenzy, she was grinding her pussy down onto his hand and humping up and down. "Gawd damn! Look at her go!" One man exclaimed in excitement watching Marybeth writhing and moaning in pleasure. Satisfied that she was ready he mounted her from behind, guiding his hard cock to the entrance of her wet pussy. He pushed it into her several inches, holding her hips he rocked her back and forth onto his cock. "It's so fucking tight!" He groaned, savoring the feel of her sweet cunt as he guided her back and forth. "Come on baby, fuck daddy!" He ridiculed her. But, she never even noticed, she bucked back at him, desperate to feel his cock deep inside her. The closer she got to her ultimate goal, the more intense the fucking became. They stopped guiding her and began thrusting into her at the same time. They found their rhythm and picked up the pace as they pounded her small body with their cocks. She felt a hand reach under her and tug on her clit. "Cum for us." He said, demanding that she obey. "If you cum for us, we may go easy on you." He taunted as he stroked her little nub. Before she could respond, she felt a hot stream of cum shoot down her throat as the man rammed himself at her face. He held her steady by her hair while milking the last of his cum into her open mouth with his free hand. Satisfied for the time being he dropped her head and announced, "Next!" He called, with a chuckle as he rolled over to the side of the bed to make room for the next man. The next man moved into position, kneeling in front of her, he rammed his cock into her eager mouth. She relaxed her muscles and felt his cock in the back of her throat in one hard thrust. He held her by the hair just as the last man had done, but he was much more forceful as he tried to get her to take his cock all the way to his balls. She gagged and choked which seemed to annoy him but didn't deter his resolve. He fucked in and out of her mouth as if it was her pussy, but he was too long to get her to take the whole cock. "Hope that pussy of yours can take all of it, or I'll have to resort other methods!" He chortled, sliding his cock in and out of her swollen lips. The other two men were still grappling at her cunt and Marybeth felt herself close to cumming when they abruptly stopped. She had a cock buried to the hilt inside her pussy when she was pushed upright into a kneeling position with her back against the man inside her. He held her by her arms against him and fucked in and out of her several times, almost lifting her off the bed with his brutal thrusts. She kept her eyes closed but felt someone fumbling around in front of her. Calloused hands mauled her sensitive breasts and another pinched her clit. She felt fingers forcing their way into her pussy, stretching her to gain entry beside the cock. She cried out in pain, but they ignored her pleas. Someone moved beneath her, sliding between her legs and spreading her open to accommodate his girth. A moment later she was pushed forward, down onto his sweaty body. She felt his hands groping and mashing her tender breasts, while her arms were still held behind her back. She was straddling him and felt his cock pressing against her clit as he humped upward at her pussy. Without a care for bruising her tender flesh, he thrust at her with great voracity as he grunted like an animal. He reached between their bodies and held the head of his cock against the opening of her pussy. Pushing upward with all his might, he forced the head of his cock into her beside the other cock. She howled in pain and the men just laughed at her. "Don't cry sweetie, you'll like it soon enough." He teased thrusting his cock deeper into her stretched cunt. "No! Please- I- I- can't take it!" She stammered, feeling as though she'd be ripped in two. She heard them talking to each other, but her mind could not process the information. Her body was on fire with pain and pleasure at the same time as they both fucked her once tight pussy. The man behind her slide his cock out of her pussy after several moments to allow the man on the bottom the freedom to fuck her with abandon. She sighed in relief from the intense pressure of having two cocks in her, but her solace was short lived. She felt fingers prying into her bottom. "Oh! Nooooo!" She cried, still trying to catch her breath from being fucked by the two cocks at the same time. First there was only one finger, and she relaxed to allow it entry, knowing that tensing up would only cause pain and possible damage. The finger snaked in and out of her several times before he got it all the way inside her small hole. He held it there in place and moved it around in circles trying to stretch her tight hole. "Yea, you like it, don't you?" He taunted as he worked her ass with his finger. He slid it out of her and held his cock against her tiny pucker. He pressed down on the head of his cock and pushed the head into her only to have it pop back out again. "Aaaeeeyyy!" She screamed, bucking wildly away from the large intrusion. "Hold her still damn it!" The man yelled angrily. She felt the hands holding her in place, she knew she couldn't escape and yet she continued to fight them, desperate to free herself of the impending intrusion into her bottom. She'd awoken from her trance like state and begged them to stop. "Auuuggghhh! No! No, please!" She cried, feeling a tear stream down her cheek. "Aww, ain't that something!" The man behind her started, "We got ourselves a screamer!" He said laughing heartily with the others. "That's it make her scream real loud Franky, lean up some, so-as I can watch it go in her ass!" Someone said laughing at her agony. "How's this?" He asked leaning back. "Now watch." He instructed holding his cock in his hand, he slathered the tip with his saliva and forced the head into her tight hole with a pop, while the other men held her steady so she couldn't squirm away. "Aaayyeee! Ohhhh god! Noooo!" She cried feeling her bottom stretch open. It felt like someone shoved a timber into her, the pain ripped through her bowels. There was no stopping him once he got the head of his cock into her again, she felt him pushing it deeper and deeper. She heard him groaning and mumbling something about her being tight and she wanted to scream again, but refused to give him, or any of them the satisfaction after what they said earlier. She closed her eyes tightly and thought about her father, remembering what he taught her about relaxing. She had to relax so that they didn't hurt her. She took several deep breaths and let her mind take her where she needed to go to survive the brutal attack on her body. She imagined it was her daddy making love to her again, when they were all alone in the cave and free to show their love to one another, the only time she'd ever felt comfortable and safe. "Daddy, oh daddy!" She whispered out loud, "Help me daddy!" She begged. But there was no one to save her from the attack. "You want your daddy, baby?" The man groaned into her ear from behind, "I'll be your daddy." He taunted her, shoving his cock into her over and over again. Chapter 4 "Yea, that-a-boy, fuck her, fuck her hard!" Elizabeth whispered quietly, "Make her pay for what she did!" She continued, furiously fingering her pussy. She'd spent months planning, and arranged for her perfect view from behind the large mirror on the wall. She'd given specific instructions to ruin her for any man who might ever want to marry her. Elizabeth hoped that the humiliation would drive her daughter to take her own life after the ordeal so that she could raise Thomas as her own. What she didn't expect was her own arousal at watching the abuse. She knew it must be the demon inside her that was so turned on by watching her whore of a stepdaughter take on four smelly old men. She wanted to join them and get a good fucking for herself, or maybe even make her daughter eat her pussy. But she chose to wait a while and just watch as she masturbated her own cunt. Reaching down, she rubbed her clit, using both hands to work her pussy into a frenzy of lust and wanton desire. When she heard her stepdaughter cry for her father, the pleas drove her to a point of delirium. She jumped through the mirror and ran into the room. She stood over by the bed, watching the men drive their cocks into her stepdaughter. "You want your father do you? You little bitch!" She screamed slapping at Marybeth's ass. "Say it!" She shrieked grabbing her by her hair and shaking her head violently as the men laughed and continued to fuck her. Marybeth looked at her in dazed confusion, "Wha- what are you doing? How did you come through there?" She cried. "Hel- help me mother! Pleeeease" She begged as the man drove his cock into her deeper with each thrust. She feared he would come out the other end. Elizabeth laughed out loud, and evil cackling sort of laugh, "I am helping you. I read your diary; I saw what you wrote about your father, about how you liked his cock in your ass! I read it all, and I know all your secrets Marybeth. I'm getting a handsome price for your services, and you are getting exactly what you deserve!" She said as she watched the cock fuck Marybeth's ass. "Good, get it all the way in her, fuck her harder, damn it! Harder!" She ordered. The men were not deterred by the older woman's presence, one even walked up behind her and rubbed his cock against her the back of skirt. "Come on Liz, fuck me like you used to, before you married that man." He coaxed, wrapping his arms around her waist and humping at her ass. Feigning insult, she turned and looked at him, "That MAN, happened to be my husband, and until this little WHORE seduced him, he was a decent husband!" She yelled. "But," she continued, "if you roll her over so I can use her too, I may be convinced to suck your cock." She taunted, smiling wickedly. The man obliged and with his cock still deeply imbedded in Marybeth's ass, he pulled her on top of him so that they were both on their backs. The new position caused his cock to sink into her bowels all the way to hilt. He struggled for a moment, but managed to return to thrusting his cock in and out of her while still holding her down by her arms. Another approached and guided his dick into her pussy from the front. He pushed forward an impaled her on his thick rod with one hard thrust. He gave a few short thrusts before leaning back and to gain access to her clit. He returned to thrusting his hard cock in and out of her wet pussy while rolling her clit between his fingers. "That's good, fill the whore with cock!" She groaned, "Now it's time for momma!" Elizabeth shrieked, lifting her heavy skirts. She pulled them out of the way so that she could get on top of her stepdaughter and straddle her face. She lowered her pussy to Marybeth's face and ground herself against her daughter's swollen pink lips. "Lick it, suck my pussy, make momma cum the way you made your daddy cum, you little whore!" She ordered as she ground her hips back and forth over her daughter's face. Marybeth didn't know what to do, so she did what her father had done to her and sucked her mother's clit into her mouth, swirling her tongue around the sides. She h