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Chocolate Cinnamon (Revisited)


High school...ugh, am I glad those days are over. Yeah, I had a boyfriend back then. Unfortunately, that term only went so far as the words, 'cause he was only a friend. A real asshole too. He wanted to go for more a few times, thought he was all slick with his outdated moves, but nothing ever felt right. I was still trying to work up the courage to give him a blowjob, but I was so new at making love that my hands scared away from his pants.
I was only a freshman back then, and boy did I look it. I was fairly short, only about 5 foot 4 inches, and I only weighed in at 107 lbs. I'm black, with soft brown skin; my mom commented that it was cinnamon with a hint of sugar. But that's what I get from a caterer. My hair was really short (think Jamie Lee Curtis short but with a bit more spikiness) and this real nice glossy reddish-brown. At times, my skinniness was amplified from sports; I played soccer like a religion, and kept well toned because of it. My legs were almost pure muscle and my stomach, while not overly developed or straight, displayed just a hint of a six-pack. However, my chest suffered; my boobs were small, barely an inch way from my chest, with smallish nipples that stuck through both sports bra and shirt when it got cold.
Anyway, my parents were huge neurotics. You'd think a caterer and a security manager would be a bit more loose, but hell no! They worried about things they shouldn't've, and I suffered in social standing because of this. They were the types that censored what I read and watched, so I was sheltered for quite a while. (Hell, they had trouble with me seeing PG-18 movies!) As I said, I suffered. I didn't have posters of my favorite hunks and actresses, like normal girls, I didn't have a phone in my room; I wasn't allowed anything my parents were quick to label "disturbing to my youth and morals". Yeah right. Fortunately, like most girls, I had my dirty little secrets well hidden, among them a Playgirl mag and some lingerie I bought after my birthday.
School was a month in, when we got the letter. My Aunt Sheila (who was older then my mom, who was getting gray hairs already) was getting married ("at last," my mom said) and the wedding was in two weeks. Normally this wouldn't be so bad, but where my aunt lived was back in Texas. Almost immediately, I was not going.
Not that I wanted too. I didn't know most of our family well anyway, but I was insulted that I wasn't even being considered to go. ("You have your school work to maintain" was my dad's line, "you'd most likely be bored anyway" was my mom's, but, personally, I think she didn't want Aunt Sheila's eccentricity to rub off me) So it was decided, without me, that they would hire a babysitter. HELLO?! I'm fucking fifteen and they don't trust me in my own home!? But they blocked out my protests and spent the rest of week packing for Texas and trying to find a sitter. I, at least, had the satisfaction of hearing a few people laugh at them for asking (they side stepped local people for "profession" agencies, who I found out don't sit for kids over 11!)
At the last day, when they were actually considering taking me with them, my mom triumphantly got off the phone with a winner. Seems their old friend's daughter was back from college on an early fall break and "she'd be so happy to sit for our little Chris (me)". Joy. At least I knew the girl. Rachel had graduated two years ago, but the last time I had even seen her was when I was ten, at some stupid company picnic. She was not exactly what one could call a "looker". She had geek written on her in permanent marker; not so much skinny as out-right lankly, sun frizzled wire hair, dark skin almost like bark, no chest what so ever to speak of, and those weird half dollar glasses that parents seem to find like a metal detector.
Sunday came, and my parents left for the airport. I was told Rachel would be here at one o'clock, so I had until then to myself. (Which I think freaked my parents to leave me alone for so long, but their flight was early and they had no choice) As soon as they were out the door, and sufficient time had passed as they wouldn't be coming back, I was upstairs changing into my two piece bikini and ready to sacrifice myself to the golden sun. After some time outside (with no tan lines) I went inside to change back into some shorts and a tank top. I raided the fridge and waited for that last, crucial, hour. Finally the damn knock came, and I answered the door.
At first I wondered if the person had a wrong address, or was trying to sell something.
"Chrissy!" was all I heard before I enveloped in a hug by this 6 foot nothing beauty.
"Rachel? Is that...what...You look-" hell I was lost. Rachel had always been taller then me (one of those age difference things) but now she had six inches on me. And that was the least of the changes. Her skin now had a smooth complexion and was this lovely oaken brown. The gangly, chopstick thin girl I knew was somehow now built like a starting body builder, had breasts each the size of half a melon, and hair that reached her shoulders in a wave of black curls.
"Yeah, it's me girl," she said as she did a full turn around so I could see it all. "Late bloomer and all! College was great for me!"
And how! She was wearing skin hugging jeans, a stomach showing shirt, and a small jacket. She still wore glasses, but they were now these stylish upside down triangle things. Shit, you watch those stupid Cinderella stories on TV, but you never really see them in real life! Damn this girl was hot!
Wait a minute. What did I just say? No, no, she is not hot. Yes, she looks good, but I will not think of her in that way. I like guys...don't I?
Well, if I did, she was good reason to sway to the other side. I helped her inside, showed her to her room (my parents'), the kitchen, and all that. Over microwave dinners she told me stories of college; frat parties, classes, assholes, and (to my shock) the sorority she had joined. She was just amazing, with all these exciting stories, that we stayed up all that first night just giggling like we were at some slumber party.
Suddenly I wasn't anxious for my parents to come back next Wednesday. Between school hours, Rachel was a one-person party. We went out to eat, caught a movie, and just got to know each other again. I never thought I'd be having this much (hell, any) fun with this girl. What I didn't know was my fun was about to escalate.
Come Friday there was a concert downtown. A local band, good enough to have been played on the radio, had been booked for one of the few teen clubs in town. Rachel, while I was at school, had scored tickets and a ride for. Once I got home, we spent a good two hours in preparation.
With not a real selection of what could be called "club" clothes, I had to mix and match was I had in my drawers to look good. Remember, my parents were tight-asses to anything cool, so I was limited. I ended up with white, khaki material pants that hung loose on my legs then flared at my ankles; a tight black shirt that after I walked for a moment showed my navel, and a white unbuttoned dress shirt I stole from my dad's closet. Using just a touch of that colored gel, I highlighted my hair in some white streaked spikes. Making sure I looked good in the mirror (including a kissy face at myself for luck) I went to check on Rachel.
Rachel...damn, the girl knew how to dress. With more color then I had to work with, she had chosen wisely. A light green tank top that, I swear to god, literally just hung off the edges of her boobs, an orange short-sleeved unbuttoned overshirt, and dark forest green pants that hugged her tight ass. The pants were slid far down on her hips, any further and they'd fall off, with what I saw to be a lime green thong climbing up above the pants. Without thinking, I starting to imagine what those pants hid from me.
No, no, NO! I am not gay! She...she just looks good!
We rode with her friend Jessica to the club, danced to the garage band-pop-grunge music (which really wasn't that bad) on stage, and had fun. I felt a little out of sorts in the club, since most people were more around Rachel's age, but she stood up for me, saying I was just short for my age. At times I just sat back and admired how she moved to the beat, the way her hair spun into her face, the lack of any jiggle in her butt, the bounce of her breasts...
...wait a minute.
When it came time to leave (when the club finally closed) we discovered Jessica had taken off already with some guy she had meet during the dancing. So we were left without transportation back to my house, which was a few miles away.
We could've walked (hey, neither of us was out of shape) but with how dark it was, and the way the sky was looking, Rachel suggested we find a ride. (Truth be told, I didn't want to walk home either) Scrounging what money we had left between us, we took a late bus home. It started raining on the ride and was an outright downpour when we finally got to a stop close to home. Turned out that stop was still about five minutes away, and as soon as we stepped of the bus we were drenched.
Rachel seemed to love it. All the houses were dark all around us, both of us were soaking wet, and all she could do was throw up her arms and spin and laugh. I was treated to this gorgeous view her breasts, her shirt so completely wet it stuck to her like a second skin. I could see everything, including nipples that stuck out like...burr, I got shivers just watching her. Shaking my head to clear it, I laughed, gave her a little push, and soon we were racing home in a half-serious run. We noticed a lack of lights, but didn't care too much.
We got inside and the lights were out. I tried flipping the switch a few times, but when I saw our microwave in the kitchen was out, I knew the power was gone and I just gave up. A flash outside lit the house, and we could see how wet we really were. Our hair, once well kept and stylish, was now plastered to our head, my white gel totally gone. Our clothes were almost worse; everything stuck to us like velcro (I think I ruined my dad's shirt) and don't even get me started on our shoes.
"Guess we got a bit drizzled on, eh?" Rachel giggled. Her giggle was cute, but drowned when the thunder came. We both screamed, then laughed at ourselves for being such scariedy cats.
"Let's get the bathroom, and out of these clothes," I offered, pulling my shirt to show how well stuck it was.
"Right, right," she said, and led the way. We missed the door the first time, but got in after a quick backtrack. My parents, neuroticity coming in handy for once, had bought a few of those touch lights and put one in the bathroom. With that we could at least see what we were doing. Rachel wasn't at all shy about stripping down, pulling her shirt off as soon as we were in.
I couldn't believe it! She hadn't worn a bra all night! Her chest was right there in front of me, the nipples just pointing at me, and I had to contain the urge lick my lips. She then worked on her pants, which gave a bit more trouble. They refused to pull down easy, so while I was taking my own shirt and sports bra off, I had this view of her wiggling her tight ass right in my face. God, I wanted to be those pants, and what I wanted to do to that as-
I quickly finished pulling off my pants and we threw our wet clothes into the bathtub to be forgotten. Neither of us had taken our panties off, so I was treated to yet another wonderful sight. The bikini-like thong was pulled into a high V hanging off her hips, pulling the material a bit taunt. They too were wet, and stuck so bad to her smooth skin I could easy see the contours of her lips even in the bad lighting. With no shadows, I realized she shaved down there. Without thinking, I ran a finger against my own smooth crotch. Startled, I forced my eyes away and turned the caress into a move to pick up my socks.
"See ya," I said, making for the door.
"G'night," she said as she walked to my parents room, three doors down.
I got into my room and shut the door, then leaned against it as I tried to control what I was thinking. My mind was racing with thoughts, few decent, and I was scared. My breathing was suddenly husky and deep. I couldn't understand why I was thinking this way, I was sure I liked guys like this. I also couldn't understand why I was suddenly thinking of my soccer teammates when we're in the locker room, or why I remembered accidentally seeing Kristen's, our center, bush when she bent over.
I couldn't think straight, so I forced myself to change for bed. I pulled the last article of clothing from my body and for some reason decided to pull my shoebox out from under my bed. This was she looked down, a bit woozy from the romantic air. "What dear?""What are we? Are we, like, girlfriends now, do we at something far ahead. I was a little afraid of what she going to say, but I trusted her. How could I not after all this?over my hardening nipples. Looking down I could see them stick through the thin material, small dark circles just barely being seen through. I tweaked them quickly before sliding the thong up my legs. A little like Rachel's, the straps came up high and if I wasn't careful, the small crouch bottom would be sucked right in my pussy.
The rain outside hadn't let up a bit, and was now peppered with lightning and thunder, which was getting louder and louder. It was just a bit creepy, but almost nice. I had always liked the rain. I watched the water run down my window before I got into bed (once in, I did have to pull the thong out of my pussy) and just pulled the first sheet over me. For all the rain, the night was damn hot. I hate humidity.
I was almost asleep when I head an "eep" behind me at the next thunder boom. My eyes were fuzzy from that almost-sleep state, but I could tell Rachel was in my room.
"Huh? R-R-*yawn* Rachel? What are you doing?" I managed to get out, not even really bothering to turn over to see what she wanted.
"Um," she said, at least being kind and whispering too, "I...I kinda hate lightning. It scares me." At that, I almost did turn over to look to her, but I didn't. "Can I sleep with you?"
I was silent. After a whole week of these strange thoughts almost ruining my time with her, she wanted to get into the same bed.
"Um...sure, sure," I chuckled, trying to sound like a tease, but my voice was catching. "Just don't snore." That made her laugh a bit, and slid under as I moved over. Together, we laid like next to each other for near five minutes without moving. Slowly I started to adjust, and again closed my eyes. That's when I felt her hand.
It had draped itself over my side, her palm resting on my abs. Okay, I thought, she tosses a bit in her sleep. I was okay with this, until her hand pulled me closer to her. "Mmm, that's nice," I heard her mumble. I was like some kind of teddy bear to this girl! Rachel pulled me all the way against her, her breasts pushing into my back. It took a minute, but I realized I could feel skin. Two hard pokes. She wasn't wearing anything!! This was only confirmed when her leg moved over mine and I felt too-smooth skin and pouty lips on my back thigh. Okay, now I was freaking out a little. My heart was running pace laps, I wasn't moving, I couldn't do anything. Before I knew it, though, I was starting to relax in her arms. I even shocked myself by snuggling up against her. Her nipples were digging into my back, and I loved the feeling.
Then her hand cupped my breast. Shifting my head just a little, I whispered, "What are you doing?"
"Taking a chance girl," she whispered back, her breath breezing down my neck. She almost sounded scared. "I...I'm sorry. But you just, just look so nice, and the way I feel..." her voice died away as her other hand came around and cupped my other boob. They moved away, and I felt my bra moving with it. The fox had unhooked my bra without my realizing it! She tossed the material away and replaced her hands right were they were. I shivered quickly, enjoying her cool hands more then I should've.
"I..," her voice came again, "I like you. And if you'll let me...I can show you how much." She almost sounded like she would cry, but it was also seductive. I was so scared, my heart had moving on to beating like a hummingbird, but at the same time I knew this felt right. More right then when I was with Nick, more right then when I tried to unzip his pants. This was real.
Slowly, I moved my hands up onto hers. I heard her take a small breath, then start to take her hands away. Before she could get away, I pulled her hands back, harder, onto my small breasts, silently moaning at how good they felt there. She paused, then started to rub. I pressed my back into her chest, and she complied by rubbing just a bit harder. My nipples were hardening; I could feel it under her palms. She did too, I guess, because with her nails she slowly ran them up and over the tips. I shuddered.
" want me to stop," I heard her whisper, her voice beginning to lose that scared edge and becoming more husky, "just say so. I won't force this." I nodded, my eyes closed, and just enjoyed what she was doing. Her hands started to knead my boobs. I couldn't stand not doing anything any longer, and grabbed around behind me wildly. My hands found her ass, and I just clamped on. She jumped a bit, rubbing her pussy up my leg, but kept at her administrations.
I played with her butt, massaging it, kneading it like dough, and was rewarded now and then with a stifled moan. She got more adventurous, when while one hand cupped and flicked at a nipple, her other hand started to roam down. Rachel traced my stomach, circling my navel, driving me absolutely nuts. Her fingers walked down my lower stomach, and came to my neither regions. In a flash, I grabbed her hand.
"What?" She sounded worried.
"It's just...I've..." How do I tell this beautiful girl that I've never even masturbated before, let alone let anyone else touch me down there. Whenever Nick had tried it, I claimed I had cramps. This far along, I don't think it'd work that well with her. Slowly, hand shaking just a little, I spread my hand over hers and pressed down against the small, thin underwear. Her hand was a little cold, but it felt great. "I've never...gotten this far...and.."
"You're scared," she finished. She chuckled, but it was low and a bit sexy. "I was too, my first time. But Angel was nice and just let me do the same." Rachel's fingers began their wandering again, tracing light lines all across my inner thighs, alongside my lips, tickling the edge of my ass hole. The thong stopped her from direct contact in some places, but that made it feel even better. She never went straight for the heat source, instead she drove me up the wall with her foreplay.
"God..." my voice was low, getting more sultry. "Stop teasing me..." She giggled and took my hand. With her's on top, she guided my fingers to my juice hole. I shook a bit, but let her keep working her magic. Rachel ran my own finger the length of my cunt, making every hair on my body shiver with the electricity. She then pushed my own finger under the silken material and into the moist hole.
My whole body seemed to melt, I had never felt anything like this. I never knew it was so warm, and my vaginal walls automatically tightened around my finger. Rachel seemed to know what to do, thankfully, and pulled my hand up a bit then pushed back down. After a few more times, I got the rhythm, and she let me go on. I loved this feeling, this new energy. After letting me go off on my own for a few minutes, she slowed my hand and pulled it out. I almost felt ready to collapse, this was wearing me out too soon. Her hand on my wrist, Rachel guided my hand up around to her mouth. Her tongue licked the side of my middle finger, the one I had been using. She kissed the tip, and continued to lick all around the digit. To end it, she sucked the whole finger into her mouth, let it go, and kissed the end.
I loved this girl.
After this little event, I decided I wanted to take a risk. Being Rachel had several inches on me, her head was above mine. Stretching my arm up, I slide my hand and fingers through her hair. On impulse, she looked down. When she did, I stretched my head up and locked lips. It was like a new burst of energy. Her lips were a bit salty, but soft and moist. I loved the feeling I got from her. I had kissed my boyfriend Nick a few times, but his lips were always chapped and cracked and hard, and he kissed very rough. My jaw sometimes hurt afterwards. But with Rachel...
She seemed a bit surprised I was the one who had taken that step, and her eyes were wide for just a moment, before she was leaning into it; enjoying the my taste I guess. I felt something along my lips and opened them just a bit. Her tongue darted in. I was surprised that time, but instead of pulling away I quickly pushed into it. Our tongues went against each other, I sucked her's into my mouth, she did the same, and we went on like that for some time. While we made out, her hand started moving again down by my pussy. She was done with foreplay for the moment, and her fingers went straight in, pulling the thong aside. I moaned loud, and the feeling between it and our lips made us even hotter and more excited. Rachel paused when she felt my clit, and pinched it just a little. I groaned and moved my hips into her hand. She inserted a finger and started to thrust it in and out, slowly picking up speed. Her finger was going in faster, more fast then mine had gotten to. She slipped in another, stretching my walls a bit but not stopping. I won't have let her anyway.
I wanted this to last. But then I felt her finger tips touch something I knew was going to be there. We broke the kiss, while she ran her fingers along the barrier inside me. Rachel seemed to look down at me, trying to figure out what to do. For a moment, a scary long moment, I thought she was going to stop.
"I think I need more play time," Rachel purred, and got up to a kneeling position. I thought I had to as well, but she pushed me back to the bed when I tried. "No, no, little kitten," she leaned down near my ear. "You stay right here." She stood, allowing me a quick, darken look at her body, before she walked out of the room. I didn't argue, my body was still catching up to what was happening and leaving my mind in the dust. I closed my eyes, remembering all the feelings she was having on me. There was a thump beside the bed and Rachel was back, standing from the floor.
"Wha-" she placed a finger over my lips.
"You'll see later," she smiled, and leaned in for another kiss. After all that, no way was I letting her go that easily. I pulled her down, our kiss breaking for only a second for her to emit an "eep" of surprise, before she fell on me and our kiss continued. Now with more room to move, we hungrily went at each other, I held her head to mine with one hand while the other pressed our hips together. Unconsciously, we started a grinding motion against our crouches, and this only heightened everything else we were doing. With a breath, Rachel pulled herself off of me, taking in heavy breaths, straddling my body between her. During our kissing match, my head was pushed up closer to the headboard of my bed. Rachel had her legs on either side of me, and looking down I could see some slick moisture inside her legs. Her hair was a bit wild, her bangs falling in front of her face to cover one eye, and her lips were wet from a mixture of our saliva. God, she looked so damn hot.
With a wink from the eye I could see, she leaned over me and licked my ear. I moaned a bit, but she didn't stay there. She started to slowly kiss her way down my neck, over my shoulders. She took her time around my breasts, licking the shallow indent between the small mounds. But when she got to the nipples, she just attacked them! She sucked my whole right breast into her mouth! I gasped, held her head closer to the boob, breathing harder with every suck and lick.
"Good lord, Chris," she managed to say between her licking, "Your nipples are so fucking long! I love it!" I ran a hand up to the other breast and felt for myself. Geez, the end was more then half an inch up! It seemed to have thickened during the short time too. I was starting to lose myself, but I pinched my nipple regardless. I almost passed out, between Rachel and my own hand. Around this time I was starting to feel something build down near my stomach, but nothing I felt now was going to stop this. I had come too far for this.
While Rachel occupied herself with my boobs, I felt up her back. Muscle quivered under my touch, and I couldn't help but run my nailed fingers up and down her spine. She stopped her sucking (not to my liking) and shuddered, and seemed to have had enough of my breasts. She kissed each, giving the left nipple a little bite, and then continued her road trip down my stomach. I think she felt my stomach sink at the touch of her tongue, because she gave a long, slow lick down and up my belly button. From there she licked her way to my thighs, making little suction noises just inside them.
By now, I was going nuts; I wanted her and I wanted her bad. I wanted to clamp my legs over her head, but I knew that she was taking her time for me, and because of that love I held back. She didn't disappoint either. She quickly made her way down my legs but didn't go past the knee. She made her way back up and flicked her tongue just under the edge of the thong.
"Let's remove this obstacle," I barely heard her say. My panties by this time were soaked, lust juice making most of my inner thighs slick and the material dark and transparent. Her fingers came up and slowly hooked the material. She slid my panties down, off my legs and threw them to the other side of the room. My bare skin and pussy lips where open to her, all for her. She smiled at me, this sexy little secret smile, and from my navel kissed her way back down. This time she didn't ver away and I felt her lips at the top of my pussy. I was shaking with need, but she seemed oblivious. Like with her finger, she traced the length with her tongue, making me groan, "Go, baby, go for it." She giggled, and kissed the middle of my mound. That was it, I was tired of waiting. I trust my hips up, catching her off guard and her mouth open. I felt her tongue enter the slit and I fell back to the bed with this intense pleasure, more powerful then when her fingers had gone in.
She seemed ready for this. She dove into my pussy like it was the eternal fountain, soon lapping at my spurting juices. I felt that strange pressure just above her administrations, and again couldn't figure out what I felt. She nibbled at my clit, pulling just with her teeth, making me jump every time. But it was soon lost to her tongue, which I swear was six inches long itself. Rachel stretched it as far she could, the swished it around inside. I was close to bucking, but was careful to not hurt Rachel. She was licking faster and faster, my breaths turning to gasps.
"Fuck Rachel, keep going," I was near shouting, "Eat me, suck my pussy!" I was loving this! Then I felt something new. "Oh! OH! Rachel, I...I...ooOOOOOHHHHHHhhhh!!!" I just suddenly felt this huge release, and that pressure was just gone. I felt this tidal wave of pleasure just shoot through me, my pussy suddenly spurting with my cum juice. Rachel kept her head there, letting me cover her face and boobs. She also kept licking, sucking like a vacuum until I couldn't move anymore. I just laid on the bed, trying to get my breath back, staring down at Rachel with just love in my eyes.
"Did you like that?" she asked in a shy, vixen-like voice. Her face was running with white globs, my cum a mask on her lower face. She smiled, licking her tongue all around her mouth, sucking up anything that was within reach.
"What do you think?" I retorted, waving my hand for her to come closer. She obliged, moving up to my mouth. I got a good taste of myself in that kiss; almost no real taste at all, but then there was this strange sweetness at the same time. I kissed her, then started to peck-kiss all around her eyes, mouth, nose, everywhere I had left a mess. Between my cleanup, Rachel kept kissing me, sucking what in my mouth back into her's. The sucking reminded me of a prize I had yet to take.
I slide down under Rachel while she supported herself on all fours. I kissed my way all down her collarbone then came face to face with her breasts. I felt a shiver run through me, I wanted these two orbs so bad. No sag to them whatsoever, they were firm and round, giving me something to hope for when I caught up with her. Her nipples were harden and large, more thick to my long. I ran my nose down and around, from the top of the right one to the nipple, and gave it a small bite. Rachel above me moaned, moving her chest down closer to me. I was happy to continue, and sucked the small nub into my mouth. I tried to take in as much of the breast as I could, but it was too big. I just kept sucking at much as I could into my mouth, then letting it go, making loud popping noises every time. My tongue came out to play, flicking back and forth on the nipple like a boxer.
Now I couldn't not have my hands empty, so I reached under and cupped her boobs while I continued to suck at them. Damn, neither could fit into my hand! I squeezed with lust, getting more and louder groans from Rachel. I went back and forth between the two wonders, even burying my face in the large valley between them. Rachel seemed to be enjoying all this, because with one hand she kept pressing my head into her, talking soft dirty things to me between groans.
Now came my real test. I shrugged my way down the bed until I was looking up at her pussy. Her thighs were caked with her juice, and I could see a hint of her clit sticking out. I licked my lips, getting ready to dive into my new world of sexuality. I came up and kissed the top of her mound, enjoying the feel of the smooth, baby skin. The smell of her pussy was starting make me dizzy; it was sweet like my own, but had a touch of something I couldn't identify. Whatever it was, I wanted more. I ran my tongue just inside the slit, edging it further and further in. My hands came up and grabbed her ass, pulling it closer to my mouth. I was soon lapping at the free flowing cum, ignoring everything else. Rachel, I think, had grabbed the headboard of the bed for better support and was now moaning very loud. She started to thrust in time to my tongue, moving in her arms. I even shocked myself by snuggling up against her. Her nipples were digging into my back, and I loved the she whispered back, her breath breezing down my neck. She almost sounded scared. "I...I'm sorry. But you just, just look loved the taste of her, but didn't know how I was going to drink it all, there was so much, and just let it overflow out of my mouth. I kept my tongue inside her, moving it around while she was overtaken by lust, and she came again, almost as much as the first time and only adding to the cream I was covered in.
I moved up and let her fall to the bed, her breathing uneven and deep. Her eyes were closed, but she had a wonderful smile that told me everything I needed to know. I leaned over and kissed her, not one of our previous "I want your body now" kisses, but more gentle. During that moment, I pressed and rubbed my lilth body all over hers, spreading her cum juice all over her body. That lasted a minute before it broke and even after we didn't say anything.
"Thank you," I mouthed to her, silently giggling at what I must look like.
She chuckled herself and said, "There's one last thing I can do for you." This peeked my curiosity, after that session what more could she do to me? Reaching over the side of the bed, she pulled up what she had gotten before this had all started. I must've looked shocked, because she laughed. In her hand was this 2ft, pussy red dildo! The thing had a cock shaped head at both ends (I only knew what a cock looked like from my sex-Ed class), and had to be close to two inches thick! How the hell did she think I was going to take all that?! With a shaking hand, I gripped the shaft. It almost felt warm! I ran my hand up and down the thing, more and more indecent thoughts rushing into my head. I felt an odd metal part at the middle, and guessed you could unscrew the giant rod to be used as two separate parts (adding even more dirty thoughts to the collection).
"This," I heard her say, while I was still enthralled with the dildo, "was a birthday present. I haven't used it yet." She got close to my ear. "Would you please help me break it in?" I giggled at how she was talking to me, like we were testing a new brand of perfume or something. I nodded, giving her a quick kiss on the nose. She motioned for me to remain laying down, while she got up and stood near the foot of the bed. With the prosthetic dick in her hand, she moved one head at the edge of my pussy, a little juice trickling out as she pushed against the lips.
"This may feel strange," she said, "and it will hurt for a moment, but just trust me, okay?"
"With my life, love," I replied, emitting a smile on her face. She went back to her act, twisting the dildo head around to make sure it would go in just right. I giggled; I couldn't help it, the head was tickling my lips. She smiled again, and slowly, her grip on the shaft firm, pushed the rod into me. I jumped. For as warm as I had felt, the damn thing was like ice! Not to mention the size of the thing was stretching me tight! I tensed, groaning as I got used to the cold and size. I almost said something to Rachel, but when I started to open my mouth, she just thrust the thing in a little further, making me jump again. I got used to it, and even started to enjoy the feeling of the large, cold cock in my hot vagina, moaning to the rhythm she had picked up.
I felt the cock head come back to my barrier. I realized Rachel hadn't broken it during any of her administrations! I was still technically a virgin. She felt it too, and looked into my eyes, wanting me to tell her it was all right. I was a bit stunned; losing my virginity hadn't been on my mind, losing it to a girl had never come up, but right now I felt better losing it to Rachel then I would have to Nick. Shaking myself back to reality, I nodded, and steeled myself for what I thought I going to feel. Rachel, thankfully, knew how to do this right. She didn't just back up and ram forward, like I knew most guys at school would have just done; instead she quickened her thrusting speed, never breaking down the wall and just increasing my lust. I was relaxed, and moaning to her thrusts, when I felt it break through. I didn't scream, didn't cry. I did freeze, gasping as the pain, feeling my cherry be popped by this gorgeous woman I had been making love to all night. The feeling lasted a short second, because Rachel didn't stop and let me feel the agony. She kept speed, actually helping kill the pain with the pleasure that was drowning it out.
Then she stopped. I was just starting to really get into the whole act, now with more room to take it in, when she slowed and took her hand away. She left the dildo still in my cunt, and I could feel its thickness as my pussy tightened around it. I watched her get back on the bed, but instead of coming up near me, she bent over and picked up the other end of the dildo. Feeling it slide and move, I felt obligated to moved with it, as Rachel placed the other end at her own pussy hole. With a wink, she sat down and took the whole fucking length right into herself! She gasped at the size (even she was surprised by it) but didn't get off, she just winced as she twisted and turned until she had her half all the way inside. I giggled, now understanding what she was up too. She sighed, getting used to the length of the red rod, and pressed her open pussy against mine. Let me tell you, that brought a whole new set of feelings to my crotch, all of them wonderful! I was struggling a little bit, with a foot of two-inch plastic inside me that I almost felt in my stomach, but I pressed back against her hips.
After what we both had gone through already, neither of us was going to last long. She was quickly moaning and gasping and I was about ready to scream. Feeling the slight movements of the dildo, as well has having my vagina lips grind against Rachel's, I was ready to pass out from the lust I felt. Our legs were scissored together, and we pulled our bodies hard against one another, making this climax reach above all others. Then Rachel pulled a surprise; slowing her grinding to a minimum, she bent over and moved her fingers between our two pussies. I wondered what she was doing, when I felt her twist the metal part between the two halves. The damn dildo vibrated! It must have had several settings, because I could hear several clicks coming from my crotch. She had turned the damn thing on high! I couldn't take this anymore, I began grinding and shaking like I was going to die, the trio of sensations I was getting was too much of an overload.
"Rachel!" I squealed, "Rachel! You bitch, I love this!" I couldn't believe what I had just said, but I had meant it. "Rach-oh. Oh! Oh, Rachel, I'm g-going to c-"
"Hold it!" she commanded, her own voice none too in control. "H-hold it for as l-l-llaaaaaaahhh...l-long as you can!" We were both bucking like horses, trying to hold our climaxes in, but failing from the sensations we were feeling. I felt a small squirt of cum escape and I couldn't hold it any longer. In a half moan, half groan, half scream of wild ecstasy, I let loose my gates. This climax was my highest yet (considering it was only my third or so) and I was amazed I still had so much cum still inside me. Rachel, feeling my juices overflow onto her pussy, screamed herself and let it all go. I felt her flood cover my crotch area, and I felt so exhausted from it all I couldn't move. But with the dildo still on hummingbird mode, my relaxing only triggered a second intense orgasm.
My body couldn't handle it anymore. I struggled to sit up, and wearily moved to turn off the damn shaft. My fingers moving around my lips made me moan, my pussy walls and lips were so damn sensitive after all that had happened. I fought to get the metal to turn, it was all slick from the mix of our cum, but I finally managed to turn it off. I just fell back, lying there, I was so worn out. Rachel was breathing deeply, but seemed content in a sex kitten kind of way. Neither of us bothered to take the dildo out, we just left in our pussies.
Finally, Rachel was the first to move. It was a strange position to climb out of, but she back away from me, pulling the dildo out slightly but it was still in me when she managed to stand. Bending down, she proceeded to pull the dildo from my mound, giving the slit a final lick, like a lollypop, before just dropping the hard plastic on the floor and curling up beside me on the bed. My sheets were a mess, I'd probably end up cleaning a bit of the floor, and we both needed a bath, but at the moment, I didn't give a fuck. I used some of my waning strength to give Rachel a kiss, more passionate then anything previous. We stayed like that, just holding each other. Slowly, we both fell asleep.
Morning came, and we both were a mess. The cum had dried and was flaking as we moved. If Rachel's face was any indication to how I looked, I'm glad I wasn't near a mirror.
"Guess we should clean up," she said, giving my ass a little squeeze. I jumped away, laughing, and we both headed for the shower. Lord, what happened in there is whole other story, one I'm keeping to myself...for now.
The rest of the time passed on to fast. After Friday night, I moved into my parent's bed with Rachel, where we proved (continuously) that it was not just a one-night fling. I was the happiest I'd ever been, and dreaded Thursday afternoon when my parents would be home, and Rachel will have gone home. Monday night, we actually went on real date; not that anyone around us knew that, but for us alone. We went to a nice restaurant at a five-star hotel, one where we had to dress fancy with full glitter, and stayed for a formal dance in the ballroom. We used the excuse that our dates where in the bathroom or getting drinks when anyone asked why we girls were dancing together. I danced as close to her as I could, and neither of us, I think, was happy when the last number was played and we went home.
Wednesday. The last night we could spend together as lovers. Around the house we had been very open with each other, and that evening found us both on the couch, cuddling together, Rachel against the back cushion, me laying against her chest. Dressed just in jeans, neither of us wore tops, our breasts open to the cooling air. I held her hand while she stroked my arm, just listening to a soft rock CD one of us had put in.
"Um, Rach?" I dared to break the moment. "What does this mean?"
"Hmm?" she looked down, a bit woozy from the romantic air. "What dear?"
"What are we? Are we, like, girlfriends now, do we call each other on the phone, what? I...I'm still new to all this, and just want to know what will happen."
She was silent, looking at something far ahead. I was a little afraid of what she going to say, but I trusted her. How could I not after all this?
"Well," she started, "it's like this. I love you." She gave my hand a squeeze of reassurance. "Don't ever think that I don't. But," I knew that was coming, "I...I kinda already have girlfriend back at school. And you know the college I go to is back in California. Honestly, I don't think either of us having a long distance thing would work right.
"Don't think this is you, I've had to think of all this when I decided to go to you." She chuckled, a small tear running down her soft cheek. "I know you kept sneaking looks at me all week. You think I wore bikinis and tank tops just because you were lucky? I felt it from our first hug that you liked me." She laughed, "A lot more then when we were kids. And I knew I was taking a huge chance, but I had to. I didn't want to leave you and not know if we could've had something. But I also didn't want to ruin things for me and Diana." With her free arm, she hugged me just under my boobs. "I know I'm rambling a bit, but I know we can't keep this up. My parents would wonder why I suddenly decided to change schools, and I just can't do that to Diana. I'm sorry." She was really scared, tears coming down more freely.
I didn't know what to say. I loved this woman, but at the same time I knew I couldn't keep her. It was kind like finding a puppy for a week, making friends with it and just deciding on a name, when the owner comes to pick it up, calling it's name. I felt scared, that this would be my only moment happy with a woman, but I reached up and wiped her tears away.
"Rachel...I won't hold you here." I leaned up to kiss her lightly; not our usual lust/love filled ones, but one of comfort. " a lucky girl to have you. And I'm lucky that you showed me this side of love." I mustered a laugh, something to break this depression. "Now I know I don't have to go down on Nick to be happy!" She managed a small laugh, but she was truly worried for me.
"You know," she said, "you'll have others. In this town, you'll find more then one willing to try things differently. And I won't be the one who stopped you from finding out that there's more then one pair of breasts that have love for you." She kissed the top of my head, and I heard her say very softly, "Thank you." I wasn't sure I was supposed to have heard that-I wasn't sure I wanted to-but we both agreed it wouldn't be right to stay together.
Well...permanently together; we made sure our last night in the same bed would either break the damn thing, or else leave our screams of passion buried into the woodwork. I called in sick to school, faking whatever was going around at the time, and helped Rachel clean the house. Anything that resembled our love was scrubbed, the beds were all changed of sheets (we even flipped the mattresses to be careful) and said sheets were washed before noon. Around 12:30, there was knock at the door. I answered, and was greeted by this long hair, emerald eyed Asian woman.
"Um, yeah, is this where Rachel is?" she asked, sounding unsure but still displaying full confidence. I knew this was Diana, and gave her a look over. Still taller then me, she had a somewhat angular face, a small nose with a silver stud, and sunglasses covering her eyes. Her breasts, while smaller then Rachel's, were very firm and had no jiggle at all when she moved. Her legs were fair, too hard to judge through jeans, but her upper body was toned; washboard stomach, and well muscled arms. Just looking at her, I knew she was good for Rachel
"Yeah, she's getting her stuff," I said, opening to allow her in.
Diana shook her head, motioning back to a nice looking car. She looked over her sunglasses, showing me these nice almond eyes in the most striking green I'd ever seen, and smiled. "She sat for you?"
"Um, yeah."
She chuckled. "You're too old for that," she said, as she looked me up and down, "but not for some other things." I knew I could get to like this girl. I smiled and said I'd go get Rachel. She nodded and went back and opened the trunk. Going to my parent's room, Rachel was zipping her duffel and looked over.
"So here I go," she said as she hoisted the bag over her shoulder. "What can I say, really?" I just shook my head and pulled her down into our final kiss. I put everything I felt for her into it, hoping on some level she'd feel it. That lasted a long, perfect moment, before we heard Diana knock on the door downstairs, seeing if we were still there.
"That's your cue," I said. She nodded, and we walked down. Diana's eye lit up the moment she saw Rachel, and hurried just a little too fast to help with the bag. She gave Rachel a hug, and quick peek on the cheek; I knew we wouldn't risk another kiss, and just walked Rachel the five feet to the door.
"You know, when you graduate, think about California. You might be surprised," she commented as she walked to the car beside Diana. I nodded, we said our good byes, and she made to go. The door was almost closed when I heard Diana ask, "Did you get to use my present?"
I turned around quickly.
"Hey, Rachel?"
She looked back at me, a questioning look on her face.
"I was did know...last week..." I was tongue-tied, I couldn't put into words my question. Maybe just being outside the house and on the open street made me more self conscious of my new choices in life.
She looked at me like I had gone nuts, then brightened when she got was I was getting at, and then just let out this loud, hearty laugh at the funniest joke she'd ever heard.
"I get it, I get it," she assured me, and got into the car and rolled the window down. Just as the motor started, and before Diana tore down the suburban street, I clearly heard-
"What do you think my sorority initiation was?"
Ack! I can't believe I just wrote all that! I swear, I should just go back and delete that whole last part, she'd kill me if she ever found out. Well, it's done; I know it's a tad long, but I remembered that time really well (so well I started a sex journal to add to my box of things-my-parents-will-never-see) Comment on it, and if I get enough good ones I'll consider posting more of my encounters!