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Educating Rita


I walked up behind the short female, admiring her brunette hair that came half-way down her back, and with my hands, grabbed her waist. She squealed, and spun around, her double-d breasts almost smacking me in the side, as I laughed at her, she yelling out, "Damn Steve, you scared me!"

I said with another laugh, "I meant to Rita, how you doing?"

It was pre-game warm-ups, and a puck hit the glass, making a loud smacking sound, as she smiled up to me, saying "Oh, just fine, where's Darlene?"

I sighed, "Home, still not in the mood for hockey. Maybe when playoffs roll around she will be." I saw a man approach, and he hollered out, "Hey Rita, what's up?"

I smiled, thinking maybe Rita finally has a boyfriend, until I saw the wedding band on his finger. Rita hugged the guy, saying "Hi Joe, nothing much." She looked and pointed at me, "Do you know Steve?" He shook his head no, and she said "Joe, this is Steve Chambers. Steve, Joe Moore."

I stuck out my hand, with him saying "Oh yeah, Rita's told me about you."

I smiled, "Well, that could be interesting."

Rita giggled her girlish giggle. At thirty-five, she still looks and sounds like she's in her early twenties, just like when we first got to know her over a dozen years ago. Back then, she was a naive little thing, a blooming hockey heifer. Fortunately, she learned to loose some weight, and is rather attractive, but still very naive. And, from last I heard, still a virgin. Poor girl hunting and saving it for Mr. Right.

We chatted for a bit. Talked hockey and such. Turns out Joe just moved here last summer, and like I, use to play the game until recently. And like I, his wife had him hang up the skates as well. I correctly guessed his age to be about mine, at forty-two.

Once he left, I said "So, that your boyfriend?"

She blushed, "Not hardly, he's married, just like you." She sighed, "How come all the good ones like you two are taken?"

"Don't know, Rita, I'll ask my wife." I said, with a laugh.

Pre-game was now over, and I made my way up to my seat. Saw Joe across the arena sitting by himself, as I settled in and watched the Cats get the game going. We have a good team this particular year, and looks like with the solid goaltending we have, plus good defense, we should go far in the playoffs, which start in a few weeks.

After the game, I made my way home, and found my wife in bed, reading. Stripping down, she asked "How were they tonight?"

"Fine, we won four to one." I said, as I crawled under the covers with her, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"See any of the girls?" she asked. When we went regularly, she became friends with a group of single women, mostly hockey heifers, some even the groupie type.

I said "No, well, I saw a few, but didn't talk to any. Except for Rita."

She smirked, "She got a boyfriend yet?"

"No, says the good ones like me and some guy named Joe are all taken."

"She's got that right."

"Oh dear, is that a hint of jealousy there?" I said, mocking her.

She put down her book, "Don't even start. I know you Steven, if you were allowed to, you would most definitely screw that little girls brains out."

"And so would any other man in America, so what's your point?"

She just shook her head, and went back to reading. I lowered my head, and was almost to sleep, when she asked "Who's Joe?"


"You said she wanted a man like you and Joe! Who's Joe?"

"No, she said the good ones like me and Joe are taken." I said, correcting her.

She sighed with disgust, "Whatever! Now who's this Joe?"

"Just met him, a bit shorter than I. Married, about my age. Close to the same weight." I sighed, hell, was he blonde? "Heck Darlene, I can't remember complete details."

She went back to reading, and I went on to sleep, not thinking any more about it. Why should I? After all, I'm a man!

Darlene on the other hand. We had a home game the following weekend, and just before I was ready to go, she said "Hold on, I'm going with you." I sighed, not knowing why the sudden re-interest in hockey, but I patiently waited, as she got her coat, and we left for the game.

Got some seats at the visitors blue line, and sat down just at the beginning of warm-ups. Darlene was looking around, and I really wasn't paying much attention to her. As I watched them warm up, she stood, saying "I'll be back in a bit."

It barely registered, as I don't even remember her leaving. Once warm-ups were done, I headed to the concession stand and bought a nice adult beverage, and returned to my seat. Game started, and no Darlene. Oh well, she's probably talking to one of the heifers somewhere. Midway through the first, I saw her. Up in the far corner, sitting with Rita on her left, and on the other side of Rita, a woman I didn't recognize. A black-haired woman, about our age. Too far away to tell much about her. But I looked next to her, and recognized the guy, it was Joe. So, Darlene has met Joe and his wife, could be interesting.

Period ended, and I went to get a beer. returning to my seat, I found Joe waiting for me. I stuck out my hand, saying "Hi Joe, get tired of three women?"

He chuckled, saying "Yeah, your wife suggested I come and keep you company." He had a beer as well, so I sat and we shot the shit about everything, as we watched the remainder of the game. Found out more about him, and he about me. We talked hockey, work, the area, and of course, our wives, which led us to Rita. Both of us admitted we wanted to nail her ass, if our wives wouldn't find out.

After the game, my wife came back, and we left, saying good-bye to Joe as he made his way to his wife. On the way home, I asked "So, I take it you had a good time."

She smiled, "Yes, Dannie is sweet."

Laughing, I said "Dannie must be the dark-haired girl married to Joe."

"You haven't met her?" she asked, and I shook my head no. "Oh, well, we're having them over for dinner next weekend when the Cats are on the road."

I laughed, guess my wife made a new friend. She went on about Dannie, and adding stuff about Rita. Seems Dannie isn't too sure about Rita being around her hubby. I just smiled, not saying what Joe and I discussed during the game.

The following weekend, we all had dinner, Darlene and I hosted Rita, Joe and Dannie. Finally met her, and finally got to check her out. She stood an inch taller than my wife's five-four frame. And her curly jet-black hair was shoulder length. She was a typical housewife, overweight. Probably about the same as my wife at one-eighty. But her chest was no where near Darlene's 42dd.

It was a very nice evening. Darlene and Dannie were chattering away all night. And Rita was doing her share as well. Joe and I just sat about and drank beer, and watched the Red Wings on the satellite.

For the last three weeks of the season, we went to every home game, and all five of us sat together. Then the playoffs started, and we continued the trend. The first series was a best of five. We swept our opponent in three. The next series was the semi-finals, a best of seven, and that went five games. It was during the second game that I heard something that Darlene said, but didn't think much of it. She said to Dannie something about us wanting them to win, giving them something to play for. But the way she said it, something about they would do something if the team wins. I shrugged it off, and didn't think any more of it. If Joe knew what the hell she was talking about, he didn't say.

The finals started on a Tuesday and we had home ice advantage. Won game one, then game two. Game three they beat us in overtime there, and we beat them in their own rink in game four on Sunday. Game five wasn't until Wednesday, and we had a let down, getting blown out five to one. Game six was away, on Friday night, and I was shocked when Darlene suggested we go to it.

Now, all during hits time, we always had dinner together, and after games that were on Friday and Saturday nights, we would go somewhere and celebrate the win, or loss, didn't matter. And I couldn't help but notice that Joe and I would get rather 'close' with Rita. We would hug her, kiss her, and even paw on her thighs, hips and legs. But, not the chest area. Which is really where I wanted to go. I really wanted to see how firm those melons are tat she's been hiding over these years.

We hadn't done road trips in years, now she wants to go with another couple, and Rita. The opponent is located in a city about three hours away, so we all decided to meet at the north side of town, and ride in our van. Joe and Dannie made arrangements for their youngest to stay at friends, and we didn't have to worry about our son, as he is away at college.

We left home about noon, met the other three at a shopping center where we left their cars, then headed out of town. We talked and joked the whole way, and really had a good time. Got to the arena in plenty of time, went and got rooms at the local Red Roof Inn, and then went and shopped before having dinner, then finally, the reason we came. The game!

And what a game! It was a see-saw affair the whole time. We scored first, then they tied it. Then they went ahead by two. Middle of the third, we stormed back, got a power-play goal, then a short-handed tally to even things up, with less than three minutes left. Looked like overtime, and Joe and I were wishing the beer stand would have stayed open. First overtime, tight checking, no scoring. Second overtime, same thing. Both teams were keeping it tight, no action inside their own face-off circles, and when they were in deep, it was up against the boards.

Third overtime, it's late, and Joe and I are thirsty for beer. At eleven-fifty, our center won the draw in our own zone, sending it back to our defenseman on the left side. He fired a cross rink pass to a streaking winger, who broke through the tired defense, in clear from the redline on. A opposing defenseman was just catching up to him, when our guy took it left, then reversed right, causing the goalie to split, his glove came up fast, but not fast enough, as our winger put it top shelf, where momma hides the cookies.

We had about four hundred fans there, in a crowd of almost six thousand, and we all went nuts. We watched our team carry the cup about the ice, celebrating a playoff championship. What a thrill!

Finally got out of the arena at one-thirty. We found a liquor store open, and since Joe and I were still thirsty, we told the girls we were going to get a six-pack. I was shocked when Brenda suggested a case would be more in line for the festivities. Shit, she never drinks!

Got back to the motel, and we all ended up in mine and Darlene’s room. We had a roll-away for Rita, (We loss the coin toss earlier, so we got stuck with the extra shoe, so to speak), and Joe and I flopped on it, as we popped open a beer each in celebration. Our wives and Rita also opened a beer each, and we started laughing and joking. Rita somehow ended up between Joe and I, and after two quick beers by everyone, we were all damn happy.

Not sure why or how it started, the conversation ended up about Rita's pursuit of a man. Darlene asked Rita, "So, you going to let us find you a man?"

Rita blushed as Joe exclaimed, "Shit, she don't need to find a man, there's plenty out there that wants to find her."

I concurred, "Fuck yeah, what guy wouldn't want her?"

Rita retorted, "But I'm too fat!"

Dannie laughed, "Bull shit, you're a hell of a lot smaller than either one of us."

Now Joe and I were drunk, but not drunk enough to add anything to that, at least in comparing our wives to her, but I did say "Hell, what guy wouldn't want to get a hold of these." I reached across, and cupped the bottom of her left breast. Then looked at Joe, asking "What you think Joe, these look bad to you?"

Joe laughed, as he grabbed her other jiggling boob, as she squealed in mock protest and laughter, "Hell no they ain't bad, and they feel damn good through this heavy sweater."

I expected our wives to admonish us for feeling her tits, but was shocked even more when my Darlene stated, "Shit, take her sweater off so you boys can see how well developed they are."

I looked at Joe, and he at I, and we both grinned, as we grabbed the bottom of her sweater, and ripped it up quickly off and over her head. She hollered out "Guys! Stop!" As soon as she realized she was wiring just her flimsy lace white bra, she crossed her arms across her chest. Bad move, as I reached back behind her and expertly undid the clasp with one hand. Years of practice comes in handy.

Joe grabbed at the bottom of the bra, as she tried reaching back to get the clasp, and yanked it off, throwing it towards his wife. Rita reached out trying to grab it, her bare big breasts bouncing free. "Well, you see, they do look nice, don't they Joe!" I said with a laugh."

Joe cupped one, and thumbed the nipple, saying "God yes, and still quite firm."

Dannie said "Been awhile since you've held firm ones, huh big boy?"

I cupped the other one, and massaged it, as Joe tried covering his tracks, "Well, yours are still my favorites."

Darlene laughed, "Good answer, boy."

I lowered my mouth to her tit, and licked her nipple, and she sighed. Dannie said "Oh, she likes that. First time a man played with your nipple girl?"

"NO!" Rita shouted in reply.

Joe goes, "You know, you've got good thighs too."

"My thighs are too fat!" she protested.

I stopped sucking her hardening nipple just long enough to say, "Just the right size to keep a guys ears warm."

I heard both our wives laugh, and saw Joe's hand drop to the fly of Rita's jeans. She tried to brush his hand away, but Dannie said, "Oh Rita, let him see the rest of you. You might actually learn something tonight."

Darlene added, "Yeah, that you got more power in those jeans than you think."

She stop her resistance, as Joe unzipped, then unsnapped her jeans. She raised her butt off the bed, and Joe and I pulled her jeans off, along with her panties. Oh what a sight! A nice, pussy with a thick covering of brunette hair. I said with a laugh, "Well Rita, you don't color your hair, do you?"

She blushed, as the others chuckled at my comment, before Joe, as he licked his lips, dove face first into her box. She gasped, and then cooed, as his tongue expertly found her most sensitive parts. I undid my pants, and stepped out of them, then peeled off my shirt. Looking down at her, her eyes were semi-closed, and a smile was on her face, as I straddled her body, and rubbed my engorged cock across her lips.

Darlene said "Go ahead Hon, open up and get a taste of what a cock feels like."

She did, and I sank half my meat into her mouth, causing her to gag slightly. I turned my head and looked at my wife, saying "Thanks babe."

She giggled, saying "You're welcome." Then she said to Rita, "Go ahead and grab it at the base, yeah, like that, and squeeze and jerk it into your mouth."

She did, and it felt incredible, as I said "Oh god, yeah!"

I was about ready to blast my load into her waiting mouth, as I reached down and grabbed both tits, and I balled them hard. Just then, she stopped sucking, and then she cried out, her sound muffled by my thick cock, as Joe did his job, getting her off on her first orgasm by a man. Her muffled vocals caused me to loose it, as I groaned, and waves of cum shot out of my cock, drenching the back of her mouth. I heard her gag at first, and saw her cheeks puff out, as she kept a sealed grip about my meat, as she swallowed and whimpered, her body recovering from Joe's tongue lashing. Joe

got up, and pushed his jeans and boxers down, revealing his very stiff wood, ready to do some plunging into Rita's wet cunt. My cock was still in her mouth, a bit limp, but she was nursing on it, as Joe pounced on her, driving his meat home. She screamed at the suddenness, as Joe grabbed her knees, and started fucking away.

He didn't last long, not surprisingly, as he stiffened after only two minutes, and groaned, sending his load into her waiting womb. My cock, as I watched his disappearing pecker trick with her hot box, had somehow quickly regained it's full composure, so to speak. Her swirling tongue may have had some part in that as well. As Joe pulled out, leaving a trail of cum, I got up and moved around the bed and lined up and entered easily. Her cunt full of Joe's spunk, she was sloppy as I started fucking away.

I had her tits in my hands, as I kneaded them and pounded her body into the mattress. It wasn't long before she cried out, and I felt her cunt clamp down on my thick meat, signaling her orgasm. This was too much, as I groaned and blasted my hot jism deep inside of her horny, hot cunt. I pulled out and went to the other bed with our wives, plopping down between them. Joe said "Well now, let's see, I think it's my turn to see how well her mouth works.", as he got over her face, and fed his prick to her lips. She parted her lips, and let him sink half his dong into her moist mouth, as he petted the side of her face.

I was watching this, and was pleasantly surprised, as Dannie reached over, and tugged on my softening meat. I was shocked, and looked at her, then at my wife, who just giggled, as she pushed me onto my back. Dannie leaned over and wrapped her lips about my pecker, and I about died. Oh god, the feeling of her hot mouth, as her tongue did swirlies about my tool.

I watched Darlene get up and undress, getting naked in seconds. I thought she may go over and join Rita and Joe, but instead she got on the bed, straddled my face, and lowered her moist cunt to my lips. I knew what to do next, as I felt her have Dannie share in sucking my soggy tool.

Two hot mouths on my very happy prick, what more can a guy ask for? And my wife was bucking her hips fast, grinding her wet beaver into my face. I never seen her get so hot so quickly, as I jabbed a pair of fingers into her gooey cunt, and felt her spasm, as Dannie was sucking my cock, she let out a wail, signaling her hard cum. As my wife’s breathing returned to normal, I continued eating away, when I heard Joe say, "You know, you should really pay back our wives for this." to Rita.

I chuckled, wondering what he had in mind. Darlene rolled off, and Dannie rolled onto her back, her ass on the edge of the bed. Joe led Rita to the bed in front of his wife, and pushed her willingly to her knees. Oh, well that's a thought, and I had a better one. "Hold on a sec, Joe. I've an idea." I jumped up, and stood in front of Dannie, pulled her to her feet, and sat down where she had been sitting. I then grabbed her hips, and pulled her back to my stiff cock.

I moaned with delight, as she sank down on my pole. She sighed, saying "Oh yeah, that does feel good."

I thought Joe might get a bit jealous over that statement, but seeing he was French kissing my wife a the moment, as she was reaching down and tugging on his meat, I figured he wasn't too concerned about his wife's comment. I grabbed her legs just above the knees, and pulled them up and out, saying to Rita, "Go ahead, show Dannie how much you appreciate this evening."

As soon as Rita's tongue hit Dannie's clit, Dannie arched her back and moaned, her hips bucking on my cock. Oh yeah, this is nice, damn nice. I didn't even move, my hard cock stuck deep in her twat, as I felt Rita's chin bouncing off my balls as she ran her tongue about Dannie's cunt lips and clit. I let go of her legs, and my hands went to her heaving tits, as I groped them, kneading them like a baker does bread dough. They were a bit firmer than my wife's, but not by much, and not nearly as firm or big as Rita's or Darlene's.

But hey, two tits in hand are better than just being able to look at them. And my wife, she was now bent over the bed, her legs spread apart, feet on the floor, her body supported by her elbows on the mattress, as Joe was shoving his cock in and out of her tight cunt from behind. And Darlene was giving him words of encouragement, as she was telling him to fuck her harder, saying she was enjoying his cock. Yeah, what a girl.

He looked at me, and I smiled, saying "She's got a good cunt, doesn't she?"

He chuckled, saying "Yeah, how's my wife?"

I laughed, as I gently pulled on his wife's extended nipples, saying "I ain't complaining, dude."

Dannie hissed, as she said "And you had better...aaahhhhhhhhhhhh!" She didn't complete the statement, as her body stiffened, her cunt feeling like it was going to rip my cock off, as she then shook with a powerful orgasm. I kept my cock still, feeling her vaginal walls ripple up and down my long shaft.

She was panting, as Rita continued licking away. I nibbled her ear, saying "Sounded like you enjoyed that."

She giggled a girlish giggle, saying "That was intense." She grabbed Rita's head, and pulled her to her face, and they kissed, as she started rocking on my cock. I could feel the pressure building, and hearing my wife cry out in a hard cum of her own about had me there.

But what got me off was seconds later, when I heard Joe grunt, and say "Oh god, your wife's cunt, god damn!", as he blasted his load into my wife's upturned cunt. That was all it take, as I slammed my cock up, it spurting it's contents deep into Dannie's hot pleasure hole.

I wrapped my arms about Dannie, and watched as my wife rolled onto her back, propped herself up on her elbows, and looked at Rita, saying "Hey girl got some of Joe's cum here, come get it."

Rita crawled up onto the bed, and buried her face into my wife's just fucked quim. She closed her eyes, and leaned her head back, and smiled, as Rita went to work. Joe went and got another beer, as Danny stood, my cock slipping from her twat with an obscene plopping sound. I saw a glob of cum dribbling down the back of her thigh, as she went and got two beers, and brought one over, giving me one. Joe joined us on the bed, with Dannie between us, as we watched Rita work over my wife's cunt.

The show she was giving, her ass up in the air, showing her cunt lips and mine and Joe's cum leaking out, was rather erotic. As was the sound of my wife, as she gasped at the pleasure that our friends tongue was giving to her clit and cunt. Joe and I were both playing with Dannie's cunt and tits, as we continued watching. Finally, after a good twenty minutes, my wife screamed as her orgasm hit, her teeth clenched and eyes closed, as she grabbed Rita's head, and ground it into her wet cunt.

Rita sat up, and wiped her face with the back of her wrist, as my wife laid there, spent and sated. I got up, and got her and Rita each another beer, which my wife drank heartedly. I smiled, and kissed her lips, asking "Well, how was it?"

She had a glazed look in her eyes, as she responded, "Great." Then her eyes flew open, adding "But not as good as you!"

I laughed, and drank some beer, sitting next to her, and wrapping my arm about her. Both Joe and I were in an aroused state, but we both sensed we should wait to see what happens next. Our wives were with their own spouse, and Rita was on the floor, drinking her beer. We talked for awhile, then the girls went potty, all three at once. Still can't figure that one out. Why does it take three? Anyway, after they were done, Joe and I took turns going to drain the lizard. He went first, then after he was done, I went in.

Coming out, I had found the second surprise of the evening, Rita spread eagle on the bed, and both our wives heads at her crotch, licking away. Joe was on the other bed, sipping his beer, and tugging on his meat. We had both gone soft a bit, so not nearly ready. But after watching for ten minutes, and listening to Rita moan non-stop, as one orgasm after another split through her body, we were both rock hard.

I asked him, "Which one you want?"

He chuckled, "Well, not sure if I'll ever get another chance to screw another woman other than my wife, so can I do Darlene?"

"Good choice, I agree." I responded, as we stood and went to the other bed. I lifted up Dannie’s left leg, and eased my prick into her fuck hole, as Joe did the same to Darlene's right leg. Soon we were both fucking away, as they continued doing the old carpet munching on Rita. As we fucked our women, I was trying to remember how many times I had cum so far, was it three? Or was it four? My cock felt like it had never been this fuckin hard before, as we went at it for over thirty minutes, with Rita writhing in all her glory, as orgasm after orgasm swept through her. And all the while, Joe and I would drink our beer. What a life!

Finally, my wife lifted her head, and whispered something into Dannie's ear. Dannie giggled, and both our wives rolled over away from Rita, causing our stiff cocks to pop out of their bodies. Darlene pulled Joe down onto his back, and said to Rita, "Come on girl, climb on for a ride." Rita smiled, and moved slowly and sensually on top of Joe, before sliding her messy cunt onto his hard salami. Then, Darlene and Dannie got to each side of Rita's ass, and pulled her ass cheeks apart, and looked at me with a devilish smile.

I kind of was hesitant, as I now knew what they had in mind. My wife stuck a finger into her asshole, and Rita groaned at the anal intrusion, but didn't protest. Well, what the fuck. I got behind her, and rubbed my cockhead about her puckered anus, and inserted the head in. She stiffened, but didn't complain. Joe by now knew what was to happen, as he grabbed her ass, and spread those cheeks farther apart.

My wife got up, and whispered, "Go ahead, take her anal cherry, Joe got her pussy's."

Well, I didn't need any more encouragement, as I sank down through her sphincter, feeling her tight ass grip my cock, as it rode over Joe's in her cunt cavity. She moaned and hissed at the same time, as I stopped and let her adjust to the feeling of being double penetrated. Then Joe and I started moving in and out of her respective orifices, enjoying the feeling of the tightness. I sort of forgot about our wives, until I looked behind me, and they were locked in a sixty-nine, with Dannie on top. Oh yeah, what a sight. Both Joe and I were in it for the long haul, and we drilled her cunt and ass for what seemed like an hour. And Rita, she would cum, and cum again. Her body quaking between us. And the muffled cries of pleasure from our wives, as they would get each other off with their tongues and fingers.

Joe and I finally let loose with our final load, and it was unbelievable, as we filled her ass and cunt with our spunk. And all five of us collapsed right there on that bed. It was crowded, but we managed. A tangle of arms, legs, two satisfied cocks, and three very warm cunts. The next morning, we woke up hungover, but all happy. We got cleaned up, went and had breakfast, and returned to the motel, where we decided to spend another night teaching Rita the ropes. Yeah, seems she could use a few more lessons. And she's learned them well.

A few years have gone by since then, and Rita still doesn't have a man of her own. But she doesn't need to, as she has two good friends that loan their hubby's out. Since then, we're always looking forward to the next road trip. And it always include hot sex after the game back in the motel afterwards.

I thought Joe might get a bit jealous over that satement, but seeing he was french kissing my wife a the moment, as she was reaching down and tugging on his meat, I figured he wasn't too concerned about his wife's comment. I grabbed her legs just above the knees, adn pulled them up and out, saying to Rita, "Go ahead, show Dannie how much you appreciate this evening."

As soon as Rita's tongue hit Dannie's clit, Dannie arched her back and moaned, her hips bucking on my cock. Oh yeah, this is nice, damn nice. I didn't even move, my hard cock stuck deep inher twat, as I felt Rita's chin bouncing off my balls as she ran her tongue about Dannie's cunt lips and clit. I let go of her legs, and my hands went to ehr heaving tits, as I groped them, jneadinghtem like a baker does bread dough. They were a bit firmer than my wife's, but not by much, and not nearly as firm or big as Rita's or Darlene's.

But hey, two tits in hand are better than just being able to look at them. And my wife, she was now bent over the bed, her legs spread apart, feet on the floor, her body supported by her elbows on the mattress, as Joe was shoving his cock in and out of ehr tight cunt from behind. And Darlene was giving him wrds of encouragement, as she was telling him to fuck her harder, saying she was enjoying his cock. Yeah, what a girl.

He looked atme, and I smiled, saying "She's got a good cunt, doesn't she?"

He chuckled, saying "Yeah, how's my wife?"

I laughed, as I gently pulled on his wife's extended nipples, saying "I ain't complaining, dude."

Dannie hissed, as she said "And you had better...aaahhhhhhhhhhhh!" She didn't complete the statment, as her body stiffened, her cunt feelign like it was going to rip my cock off, as she then shook with a powerful orgasm. I kept my cock still, feelingher vaginal walls ripple up and down my long shaft.

She was panting, as Rita continued licking away. I nibbled her ear, saying "Sounded like you enjoyed that."

She giggled a girlish giggle, saying "That was intense." She grabbed Rita's head, adn pulled her to her face, and they kissed, as she started rocking on my cock. I could feel the pressure building, and hearing my wife cry out in a hard cum of her own about had me there.

But what got me off was seconds later, when I heard Joe grunt, and say "Oh god, your wife's cunt, god damn!", as he blasted his load into my wife's upturned cunt. That was all it take, as I slammed my cock up, it spurting it's contents deep into Dannie's hot pleasure hole.

I wrapped my arms about Dannie, and watched as my wife rolled onto her back, propped herself up onher elbows, and looked at Rita, saying "Hey girl got some of Joe's cum here, come get it."

Rita crawled up onto the bed, and buried her face into my wife's just fucked quim. She closed her eyes, and leaned her head back, and smiled, as Rita went to work. Joe went and got another beer, as Danny stood, my cock slipping from her twat with an obscene plopping sound. I saw a glob of cum dribbling down the back of her thigh, as she went and got two beers, and brought one over, giving me one. Joe joined us on the bed, with Dannie between us, as we watched Rita work over my wife's cunt.

The show she was giving, ehr ass up in the air, showingher cunt lips and mine and Joe's cum leaking out, was rather erotic. As was the sound of my wife, as she gasped at the pleasure that our friends tongue was ging to her clit and cunt. Joe and I were both playing with Dannie's cunt and tits, as we continued watching. Finally, after a good twenty minutes, my wife screamed as her orgasm hit, her teeth clencehd and eyes closed, as she grabbed Rita's head, and ground it into her wet cunt.

Rita sat up, and wiped her face with the back of ehr wrist, as my wife laid there, spent and sated. I got up, and got her and Rita each anotehr beer, which my wife drank heartedly. I smiled, and kissed her lips, asking "Well, how was it?"

She had a glazed look in her eyes, as she responded, "Great." Then her eyes flew open, adding "But not as good as you!"

I laughed, adn drank some beer, sitting next to her, and wrapping my arm about her. Both Joe and I were in an aroused state, but we both sensed we should wait to see what happens next. Our wives were with their own spouse, and Rita was on the floor, drinking her beer. We talked for awhile, then the girls went potty, all three at once. Still can't figure that one out. Why does it take three? Anyway, after they were done, Joe and I took turns going to drain the lizard. He went first, then after he was done, I went in.

Coming out, I had found the second surprise of the evening, Rita spread eagle on the bed, adn both our wives heads at her crotch, licking away. Joe was onthe otehr bed, sipping his beer, and tugging on his meat. We had both gone soft a bit, so not nearly ready. But after watcing for ten minutes, and listening to Rita moan non-stop, as one orgasm after another split through her body, we were both rock hard.

I asked him, "Which one you want?"

He chuckled, "Well, not sure if I'll ever get anotehr chance to screw another woman other than my wife, so can I do Darlene?"

"Good choice, I agree." I responed, as we stood and went to teh otehr bed. I lifted up dannie's left leg, and eased my prick into her fuck hole, as Joe did the same to Darlene's right leg. Soon we were both fucking away, as they contiuned doing the old carpet munching on Rita. As we fucked our women, I was trying to remember how many times I had cum so far, was it three? Or was it four? My cock felt like it had never been this fuckign hard before, as we went at it for over thirty minutes, with Rita writhing in all her glory, as orgasm after orgasm swept through her. And all the while, Joe and I would drink our beer. What a life!

FInally, my wife lifted her ehad, and whispered somethinginto Dannie's ear. Dannie giggled, and both our wives rolled over away from Rita, causing our stiff cocks to pop out of their bodies. Darlene opulled Joe down onto his back, and said to Rita, "Come on girl, climb on for a ride." Rita smiled, and moved slowly and sensually on top of Joe, before sliding her messy cunt onto his hard salami. Then, darlene and Dannie got to each side of Rita's ass, and pulled ehr ass cheeks apart, and looked at me with a devilish smile.

I kind of was hesitant, as I now knew what they had in mind. My wife stuck a finger into her asshole, adn Rita groaned at the anal intrusion, but didn't protest. Well, what the fuck. I got behind her, aand rubbed my cockhead about erh puckered anus, and inserted the head in. She stiffened, but didn't complain. Joe by now kew what was to happen, as he grabb edher ass, and spread those cheeks farther apart.

My wife got up, and whispered, "Go ahead, take her anal cherry, Joe got her pussy's."

Well, I didn't need any more encouragement, as I samk down through ehr sphinter, feeling her tight ass grip my cock, as it rode over Joe's inher cunt cavity. She moaned and hissed at the same time, as I stopped and let her adjsut to teh feeling of being double penetrated. Then Joe and I started moving in and out of her erspective orifices, njoying hte feelingof the tightness. I sort of forgot about our wives, until I looked behindme, adn tehy were locked in a sixty-nine, with Dannie on top. Oh yeah, what a sight. Both Joe and I werein it for the long haul, and we drillde ehr cunt and ass for what seemed like an hour. And Rita, she would cum, and cum again. Her body quaking betewen us. And the muffled cries of pleasure from our wives, as they would get each otehr off with their tongues and fingers.

Joe and I finally let loose with our final load, and it was unbelieveable, as we filled her ass and cunt with our spunk. And all five of us collapsed right there on that bed. It was crowded, but we managed. A tangle of arms, legs, two satisfied cocks, adn three very warm cunts. The next morning, we woke up hungover, but all happy. We got cleaned up, went and had breakfast, adn returned to the motel, where we decided to spend another night teaching Rita the ropes. Yeah, seems she could use a few more lessons. And she's learned them well.

A few years have gone by since then, and Rita still doesn't have a man of her own. But she doesn't need to, as she has two good friends that loan thier hubby's out. Since then, we're always looking forward to the next roadtrip. And it always include hot sex after the game back in the motel afterwards.