An appointment that you will never remember, expensive (with this money you have better options and for sure with less money), passive sex (she doesn’t want to touch her tits and not only), she is trying to win money without satisfying her partner. Anyway, her project is to find a sugar daddy……
I had no work on 9th of April, have no idea who writes this. You have to look to where u write and to whom you write. I’m very long time on market and no one wrote like this.
Ariadni is the next door girl. She is the type of girl that you want to fuck when you will see her but during sex she is very passive. She is doing a lot of appointments every day (that is the reason that will never satisfy her partner as she is very typical in her program) delay is in her life (she will never fix it). She can offer a lot of services but without success if she has this kind of behavior especially if you are waiting for her minimum 1 hour every time). Fuck selectively.
Samo punoletni
Ova veb stranica sadrži golotinje, eksplicitni seksualni sadržaj i jezik za odrasle. Trebalo bi da ga pristupe samo punoletne osobe na fizičkoj lokaciji odakle pristupate sajtu. Pristupanjem ovom veb sajtu, predstavljate nam se da ste punoletni i slažete se sa našim odredbama i uslovima. Svaka neovlaštena upotreba ove stranice može kršiti državni, savezni i / ili strani zakon. Dok Zuzanane stvara niti proizvodi bilo koji sadržaj koji je naveden na našim oglasima; svi naši oglasi moraju biti u skladu sa našim standardima starosti i sadržaja.
Zuzana ima politiku nulte tolerancije za dečiju pornografiju ili maloletnike koji oglašavaju ili koriste našu veb lokaciju. Slažem se da prijavim nezakonite usluge ili aktivnosti koje krše Uslove Korišćenja.
Takođe slažem se da prijavim sumnjivu eksploataciju maloletnika i / ili trgovinu ljudima odgovarajućim vlastima.
Ova stranica koristi kolačiće. Dok pretražujete naš sajt, slažete se sa našom upotrebom kolačića.
My dear, when someone writes a review probably he doesn’t write something without have personal opinion, so in your job you have to accept positive and negative reviews. Kisses
Because I had no negative guests for that 5 days as I just arrived from another country) guess it’s agencies or girls) your blocking is just in process believe me