Beware. They are a fraud. They will ask for registration fee and then security fee and keep asking for money but you will never get the service. They say that they have quality ladies but it seems that they have contracts with cheap prostitutes who as together in their money grabbing scheme. Also, beware when they say they have the database file fo ... r all the ladies along with their contacts. They actually have a password protected PowerPoint file with pictures of cheap prostitutes in it. And thaBeware. They are a fraud. They will ask for registration fee and then security fee and keep asking for money but you will never get the service. They say that they have quality ladies but it seems that they have contracts with cheap prostitutes who as together in their money grabbing scheme. Also, beware when they say they have the database file for all the ladies along with their contacts. They actually have a password protected PowerPoint file with pictures of cheap prostitutes in it. And that's it. Thy will play like they run a professional company. Sanjay and Jack. But in the end, they are fraud and money grabbers along with 1 lady to make you feel they their service is real. Be ware of these t's it. Thy will play like they run a professional company. Sanjay and Jack. But in the end, they are fraud and money grabbers along with 1 lady to make you feel they their service is real. Be ware of these more
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