Sexy, beautiful, naughty and immaginative. Like Athenas there is not a second. She gives a great massage, is incredibly sexy, she is seductive and enchanting. She gives her best. I cannot describe fully what she did to me. nShe is sweet, funny, extremely sexy and she is in for fun. She is as wild as you want. I met her in Amsterdam and Geneva. She ... knows what she’s doing and what a man wants. She makes you feel at ease and challenges you to give more. nnI met her once in her hotel and once in her apartment. She’s very professional. She told me I was the best fuck she’d ever had. nnAs soon as she’s in the neighborhood again, I’m going to meet her again. more
Julia ile yurtdisi seyahatimde gorustum, kendisi yakin zamanda turkiyede olacagi icin tecrubelerimi aktarmak isterim. Ben sahsen gelir gelmez kombineyi almayi dusunuyorum, bizim su anki istanbul portfoyunde boyle bir sey yok beyler, kendisinin de tabir ettigi gibi tam bir enerji pili. Cok buyuk kadinlari sevmeyenlere selam olsun aradiginiz ruh burd ... a, insani odaya girdigi andan itibaren cildirtiyor, iletisim harika, bakislar inanilmaz, vucut asiri fit, dt sirasinda kendinizden geciyosunuz sanki hic birakmicakmis gibi kavriyor. Burdan gorustugum kadinlardan cok net ilk ikide, hele o nipple kismi ve goguslerin mimarisi, insani butun gece kaldirtmak icin sirazeden cikartiyor. Kesinlikle 10-10-10 bir hatun, zaten gorustukce, konustukca anlicaksiniz diyorum, aman kibar davranin, boyle hatunlar gercekten cok zor geliyor... Resimlerdekinden cok daha iyi olduguna sahit oldugum nadir kizlardan birisi... Ister kiz arkadas yapin ister pse, hepsine gelir tecrubesi hepsine yeter, biraz bosluktakileri kendine asik bile eder:) Yasasin polonya... more
For the new year I wanted to offer me a memorable gift. So I looked existing profiles across Europe, and I decided to meet Francesca for 24 hours. The meeting was exceptional ! Probably the best meeting I had I loved every minute I spent with her in bed, and outside (restaurant, etc.).: Francesca is a woman full of charm, very stylish, intellig ... ent, humorous, with a the face of a fairy and a gorgeous body. (slim, with splendid D-cup breast and great ass). I recommend her, both for her company and for the sexual part. Thanks a lot Francesca... we will see again soon Vincent Pour la nouvelle année je voulais m'offrir un cadeau inoubliable. J'ai donc regardé les profils existants à travers l'Europe, et je me suis décidé de rencontrer Francesca pour 24 heures. La rencontre a été exceptionnelle ! J'ai adoré chacune des les minutes que j'ai passé avec elle, au lit et en dehors : Francesca est une femme pleine de charme, très stylée, intelligente, pleine d'humour, avec le visage d'une fée et un corps magnifique. (mince, des seins très bien dessinés bonnet D et un magnifique cul). Je la recommande, aussi bien pour sa compagnie, que pour la partie sexuelle. more
I am looking for her once again. I really enjoyed her company. She was really sweet. I am really interested to see her once again. She is traveling in within Europe.
A very prety and sweet girl to spend the weekend with , her service is brutal and she likes it a lot , very skilled with very good English and German with Austrian accent. Exactly like her pictures but more light her hair close to blond with perfect body . Real good decision .
Ответить: Thanks .
Karolinna est jolie, très féminine, pas chrono, sympa, m'a reçu en dessous très sexy, une superbe poitrine, des jambes interminables, beaucoup de savoir faire et de gentillesse, j'en suis revenu enchanté. Je recommande :wink:
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