This incident happened when I was in Hyderabad. I was 26 then and was taking a break from my professional life. It was like a gap year to re-discover my passions. I moved into a new place which a pent house in a very calm and salubrious locality. I liked the place very much and got acclimatized to it very quickly. The owners suggested that the same maid who works for them would also work for me as she was very trustworthy.
This is when I first met Sarita “the maid”. I reckon her to be around 23-24 years old and a nice girl of few words. I would have to say that she is attractive even though not quite beautiful. She has a tad dark complexion and a slender figure. She always wore chudidars which covered the entire body.
After a couple of months, I realized that she was completely trustworthy and therefore gave her more liberty at my place. She would come in the mornings and take care of the work without my intervention. She kept the place neat and always arranged the shelves. One day she wanted to clean the attic, which had many heavy suitcases of mine that haven't been moved in a while. I went to take a shower while she was doing the cleaning.
Now from the next day onwards she started teasing me in jest about that incident. She would always enact the position in which I was standing at that time and make fun about it. I too enjoyed her mimics. This is when I got this feeling of having sex with her. So I decided to check if she wouldn't make an issue out of it.
The next day when she came in, I again went to take a bath and came out naked. She couldn't understand my actions and didn't know what to say but remained calm. I then told her that I usually stay naked when there is no one around and since she had anyway seen me naked, it would be fine for me. And she agreed on my point!!! So for the next few days this continued and now I wanted to up the ante. So after a few days, when she was doing the chores in the kitchen, I lay on the ground naked in the hall and started jerking off. She noticed me and started seeing my act from the corner of her eye as if she wasn't noticing it. I saw this and called her in. She came in and again acted as if she didn't want to see.
This continued for a couple of days and now for the next move. This time during our session (which has become more common now), I asked her whether she masturbated. She blushed and said yes. Then I told her that I knew a technique which would give more pleasure and that I can teach her. She hesitated for a while but then said she wanted to know that. I asked her to take off her pants. She was wearing a chudidar and so even after removing her pants, she was covered to knee length by her upper garment. I made her lie down on the floor and then lifted the garment to expose her cunt.
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