She comes out of the dark Â
Her smile warm and bright Â
on a journey we do embark Â
as She leads me into the light Â
Her smile is warm and kind Â
Her eyes twinkle with a spark Â
as She takes hold of my mind Â
and warmly melts my heart Â
we walk along the shore Â
She whispers in my ear Â
offering me so much more Â
then She pulls me near Â
"There is nothing to fear Â
I have so much to teach you Â
so follow me, my dear Â
first times are always new" Â
She leads me to a place Â
and She opens the door Â
windows adorned with lace Â
the same color She wore Â
She takes me to a room Â
candles placed all around Â
there was no sense of doom Â
only happiness was found Â
She places me on a bed Â
my limbs are gently bound Â
my gentle laces of red Â
i do not make a sound Â
She says i am safe Â
and She will do no harm Â
in Her, i have faith Â
and feel no alarm Â
"There are some things Â
that You should learn Â
when your heart sings Â
My love you shall earn" Â
She blows out each candle Â
and leaves me in the dark Â
"I hope You can handle Â
being alone when i depart" Â
"I shall not be far away Â
but this is your first test Â
all I have to say Â
is it's for the best" Â
as i lie bound and alone Â
i face my deepest fears Â
a chill fills my bones Â
and i burst out in tears Â
off to my right Â
i hear a stirring Â
She emerges into sight Â
then my heart does sing Â
"I am here little one Â
I have not abandoned you. Â
your test is done Â
and I love you, too."
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