My Mother and my Husband
Mother's plane was due to arrive any minute. She would be staying with us for 2 weeks. She and I both would be asleep when Mark came home. I know it was about 2:00am when I finally fell asleep. Mom had gone to bed several hours before. I vaguely remember hearing Mark come in the front door. I just remember him snuggling and pulling me close, so I could feel every inch of his cool body against my warm skin.
The next day Mark was off, and he must have awoken from one of his hot dreams, because he rolled over against me with his cock hard and long. And of course, all that seemed to be going through my head at that moment was feeling it slide inside my pussy, which had immediately started to throb with desire. As he slid it inside, my now wet pussy. A moan of pleasure escaped my mouth, followed by several more. Not thinking of Mom in the other room, and what she might hear, or think.
Did we both forget Mom was visiting? I don't think so. She obviously heard us though, because the next thing we knew was her standing in the bedroom door watching us. How long she had been there, I don't know. I was on top of Mark having orgasm after orgasm, and getting wetter by the second.
I then climbed off Mark, and reached out for her hand, saying “It's okay Mom”. There I stood naked in front of my Mom, who was wearing nothing under the robe she had on. I slowly reached for the tie around her waist, watching closely her reaction as the robe fell open, commenting “Too long Mom”. I carefully slipped it off her shoulders, and let it fall to the floor. I could see her nipples were hard peaks on her small breast. She hesitantly objected to nothing.
I then took her hand again, and lead her to the side of the bed, where Mark was watching us, and stroking his hard cock. I ask her to lie on the bed beside Mark, and she did as I asked. I then climbed on the foot of the bed and spread her legs.
I looked at Mom while my mouth was making it's way to lick Mark's cock, and said. . . “I will share. .
And too think she will be here for 2 more weeks. . .
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