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The Dream


She was feeling lonely today, looking out the back window from her kitchen. The scene was lovely, with pine trees all around the small house, and a creek running through the back yard. She remembered the day she and her husband came to look at the little house. " It has only two bedrooms darling," he said to her, as they walked through the front door. She looked at him and smiled. That will do dear, she replied, blushing. Maybe we can get a start on that family we wanted. Will it be a son or daughter first? she said laughing. He reached for her, and pulled her into his strong loving arms, and held her in a tight embrace. She loved it when he held her. She felt so safe in his arms like this. Anything he wanted, so did she want. Love was grand she thought, and never could even imagine herself without him.
She stood there remembering that first day before they made their decision on this house. She was staring out the window, watching the birds flutter at the bird feeders he had built before his heart attack. He died suddenly and without warning one day, leaving her alone and childless in this house full of memories. She wouldn’t leave though. She loved this house in the country, on a back road, with pines all around for added shelter, and privacy. She didn’t have to work; he had made sure she was taken care of after his death. Her bills were paid out of an account he had just for this reason, and she wanted for nothing, except for the warmth of a mans touch upon her body on long lonely nights.
Jean woke up crying the next morning. She had dreamed of the man again. Jean trembled, and still could feel his touch on her body. It was a burning touch of passion. She felt drained of energy, and was exhausted as she normally was after awakening from this repeated dream. Jean got dressed, grabbed a cup of instant coffee, and went to the closet and grabbed an old shirt that was her husbands. She put it on and headed for the craft room to paint. That was something that usually helped her to relax.
Looking at the blank canvas, she imagined what she would paint. She began with cobalt blue, and white, to make a sky, and blended the two colors on her brush. Reaching for the canvas proved to be harder than she thought. Jean kept seeing the man in her dreams, and couldn’t concentrate on the sky colored background. Thinking to her, she decided maybe if she tried to paint this alluring man from her dreams, then maybe he would go away. Jean changed brushes, and began her task. It took the better part of the day to transfer her dream image onto the canvas. When she was done, she stepped back, splatters of paint on her shirt, and smears on her face, and eyed her finished project. Jean was pleased with the painting. The man may as well have been right there while she painted it. It was perfect, and looked just like the man. He was of thin build, and very handsome. He had thick brown hair, and deep chocolate eyes that were ever so soft. He also sported a neatly trimmed mustache. His face was thin, and his jaw line was strong, and his skin tone was darker as if tanned Yes, this was the man in Jeans dreams, the man that haunted her in her awakening hours as well as in her sleep. Jean shivered, and got Goosebumps all over as she looked upon his face.
Jean put her brushes in the water, and stripped off the over shirt and lay it on the table in the paint room. She then proceeded to the bathroom to wash the paint from her face and hands. As she stood in front of the sink, she looked in the mirror. Jean had small dark circles around her eyes. Sleep had not been good to her lately. The dream, the dream, it kept haunting her. The man, the painting now, and the familiar face of the man, the wanting of the touch of the man. Her brain reeled. All these jumbled thoughts were too much. She took cold water and splashed her face over and over again. Jean decided after drying off, and shaking off the thoughts, that she had better get something to eat. It was after six in the evening, and she had spent most all of the day in the paint room. Knowing it would be better if she left the house, she called the restaurant in the next town over, and made a reservation for one.
The waiter met her at the booth at the entrance to the fine restaurant. He was a polite man, and seated her in a cozy corner away from all the rest of the patrons, as was her request. Jean liked privacy, which was one of the main reasons she loved the house to begin with. He handed her a menu, and told her he would be back in a few minutes to take her order and bring her a drink as well. Jean looked over the menu, but knew what she wanted already. The seafood platter, with shrimp, fish, and scallops, a salad and a drink. This is what she always ordered from here. Her husband used to bring her here for dinners weekly before his death. Jean was startled as the waiter set down her glass of water beside her. What will it be Jean, the usual ?he said smiling at her. Yes please Joe, and don’t forget, Catalina dressing for the salad too. Not that Italian stuff she said laughing. She was glad she came here tonight, it had been a while since she got out of the house. She needed this.
It wasn’t too long, and her dinner was in front of her. Jean was famished, and ate each savory morsel on the platter to her surprise.
She sat back and relaxed after her dinner. Joe cleared away her plate, and brought her a fuzzy navel drink. It was a drink made out of one shot of fine rum, one shot of peach schnopps, and orange juice to fill the glass the rest of the way to the top. This was Jean’s favorite drink, and also was a regular order with her dinner. It went down smooth, and she relished the taste as she sipped it. Maybe, just maybe she would sleep well this night with no dreams of the man.
Jean finished her drinks while watching people leave the restaurant. Couples left arm in arm, and some even had children with them, tagging along with big smiles on their faces. Jean remembered the talks she and her husband had before his death about having a couple kids of their own. It made her smile to think about it. It would have been nice she thought to herself but alas she was alone now. Jean motioned to Joe to bring her the bill from dinner, and paid him leaving him a generous tip as always. Bye Joe, see you in a few weeks she called as she left to get in the car and head for home.
Upon entering her home, Jean went straight to the craft room. She had to; she could not resist looking upon the face of the man who haunted her dreams at night. Jeans mind drifted as she gazed upon the face of the man who always made her feel so good inside in her dreams at least. She could almost feel his hands upon her body. His fingers running down the outside of her arms, touching her ever so lightly, like a feathers touch, giving her Goosebumps. As he leaned into her backside, and placed sweet kisses upon her neck and shoulder area, making her breath come a little faster. Jean shook her head and tried to get rid of the thoughts she was having. She looked back at the painting as she left the room
Jean put her purse in the front room, and turned on the television. She went to the kitchen and poured herself a tall glass of wine, and returned to the front room to watch TV for a while to pass the time till she went to bed. It was already a quarter past ten. She flipped through the channels looking for something of interest to watch, and sipped her wine. She stopped on a channel that showed a couple walking through fields of green grass swaying in the breeze. It was a beautiful sight she thought. She watched them through hazy eyes, and saw that they were in love. This made her sad, and she felt the loneliness creeping up on her again. Jean took a large drink out of the glass in her hand, and almost finished the last of it off. She lay there on the couch, only half aware she was falling asleep.
The glass tumbled from her fingers and onto the rug beside the couch as she drifted off to sleep. Her eyes closed softly, and her breathing became slower and regular and deeper as she slept. There he was again, in her dream with her. He looked so handsome, this man. She studied his complexion, as she looked at every curve of his build. He was slender, and had a dark complexion. His eyes were chocolate brown, and so beautiful to look at. His lips, so soft and tender. His body was wonderful to look at as well, with muscle lines in all the right spots, and his fingers, so lovely were they. The fingertips were rounded nicely and the nails kept meticulously trimmed and clean. Jean always looked at his lips and hands when the dream started, as they fascinated her. He walked to her, and just held her in this dream. He held her in his arms so strong, and she felt safe within them. Jean awoke in the early hours of the morning. She was confused about the dream she'd had of the man. It was different this time. She was almost afraid he was going to go away from her. Jean didn’t want the man to leave her dreams; he was all she had. She turned the television off, and picked up her glass from the rug and took it to the kitchen. The sun was shining brightly in her windows, and she could see the birds at the feeders. The feeders were about empty, and the birds were scrabbling for the best seeds. Jean decided to take care of the problem after her morning shower.
Jean got fresh clothes from her room and headed for the shower. She stripped off her clothes, and turned on the shower water, testing it for warmth. When it was the right temperature for her, she stepped inside, and closed the shower curtain. She stood under the stream of water, and let it flow all over her body. It felt good to her, and gave her Goosebumps. Jean was a beautiful woman, with wavy red hair that fell to her shoulders softly, and she had blue eyes. Her skin was pale and soft, and she had lovely breasts, so firm and soft at the same time. Her waist was slender, and she was very curvy. Jean lathered her body with soap, and washed herself She closed her eyes as she thought of the man again. It seemed he was all she could think about anymore. She stood there leaning against the wall of the shower, with the warm water pouring over her face, trailing down her breasts, she reached her hands up to her breast, and massaged them, thinking of him touching her instead. She pinched her nipples softly like he did, and felt a slight shiver within her
moistness. She continued to fondle her breasts working on her hardened rosy colored nipples. She moaned at her own touch, and became a little firmer in her grasp of her own flesh. She could see him in front of her touching her so gently, and could almost feel his lips upon her skin. She slipped a hand slowly down her waist, reaching for her moist flower below. Spreading her thighs just a little she probed with her fingertips in search of her bud of passion and fire, while still massaging her breast. She wasn’t aware that he wasn’t in the shower with her, in her mind it was the man touching her like this, and making her body burn with desire. Jean gasped as she found what she was searching for, and made small circular movements with skilled fingertips that were not her own. She felt him building her up to a climax, like in the dreams she had. Jean moaned as the knowing fingertips worked their magic on her body, her legs trembling from the strain of needed release. She felt a harder pinching on her nipples and she felt it below in her womanhood as well. It was too much for her to handle. The fingers went faster as she panted and gasped for air, making her moan aloud as she tightened up her muscles within. Jean whimpered and whined as she reached climax, and fell slowly to her knees in the shower. Her head in her hands once again, water pouring over her body as she sat there sobbing uncontrollably, realizing she was there alone, and he was not with her at all
Jean got herself dressed after drying off, and felt worse than before. She was seeing this man everywhere now. She had no sleeping moment alone or waking moment for that matter. She went to the hall closet and picked up the jug of birdseed, shutting the door behind her. She went outside to the feeders, and the birds flew all around her as she proceeded to fill them. She watched them as they flew around her head, and were getting impatient to feed again. Jean backed away, and watched them from her small round table in the yard. These birds were her main interest now. She had no pets of her own. Her husband had agreed with her that it could wait till they had children. Then the pets and kids would grow together, and bond better that way. Jean was having second thoughts now though. She was all alone out here in the country and didn’t have many friends. Yes she thought, a puppy would give me something to do with my time, and give me someone to talk to as well. Jean sat a while longer and watched the birds fluttering around, as she thought more about getting a puppy, she was not thinking of the man.
Jean went about her daily chores for the rest of the day, and the puppy thought passed away from her mind. When she finished mopping the floors in the kitchen and the hallway, she stepped into the craft room once again. She had to see the man in her dreams. She lay aside the mop and bucket and went to the painting. She just stood there starring at it till she couldn't stand it anymore. Taking the picture from the easel, and grabbing a hanger for the painting, she walked into the front room with it. She attached the hanger to the back of the canvas, and hung the picture of the man in an empty spot where there was a nail already in place. She straightened the picture and stood back to view it. Yes, he was becoming an obsession to her. She had to see if this man was real. Jean prayed he was real somewhere. Jean changed her clothes, and fixed her hair. It was around five in the evening. Something was tearing away at her and she didn’t know what it was. She felt as though she must leave the house, but didn’t know why. She looked up the names of restaurants in the neighboring towns; she had to go somewhere new this time.
Jean parked the car in back of this nice little diner a few towns away. It seemed nice enough, and looked familiar to her somehow, but she didn’t know how it could. Jean had never been there before. She combed her hair, and adjusted her purse on her shoulder, and walked through the open door into the mom and pop type diner. There were not many tables in the place, but they were all draped with lace tablecloths, and each sported a glowing candle next to a single rose in a vase. It was quaint and romantic. An older motherly woman came to her, and said "come with me dear, I have the perfect spot for you" smiling. Jean walked with the woman, and was led to a table placed near the rear of the room. Out of the way, but yet a good place to see all around her, facing the front door. Jean sat down, and thanked the kind woman. The woman just smiled at her. The woman had a menu tucked under her arm, but didn’t give it to Jean. She spoke to Jean instead. " Our special of the day is seafood platter, consisting of shrimp, scallops, fish, and lobster tail, a salad on the side with choice of dressing also a drink of your choosing." she said this smiling. Jean was stunned and just sat there looking at the woman. This was her favorite meal. And it was too coincidental. Jean agreed to the special of the day, remarking that it was what she always ordered. The older woman just nodded her head and said I know dear, and smiled and walked away. She came back with a glass of water, and a large basket of fresh made bread sticks, still steaming hot, and placed them on the table by Jean. This is such a large basket of bread, I'd never be able to eat this entire dear, so why don’t you bring me back a smaller one. Because, the older woman said,,,,, One never knows what company we may have. And then she walked away. This older woman and what she had said confused Jean. Jean didn’t know anyone here in this town yet!
Jean sat there watching the few people entering the diner. Most all of the people were couples, and looked happy together. Jean’s thoughts went rushing all around as she looked at them. She saw the man in her dreams, she saw her husband, dead now for three years, and she saw herself sitting alone at home. Her thoughts were jumbled and her head reeled. She stood and went to the front door of the diner, to get some fresh air. She stood there for a few minutes, breathing the fresh air, and trying to clear her head of the images she kept seeing in her mind. Jean was brought back to reality by a hand upon her shoulder. She jumped at the touch, and yet felt a familiar burning at the spot she was touched. She turned herself around, and gasped for air, as she looked up into the eyes of the man in her dreams, and almost feinted. He caught her in his arms as she swayed.
Jean stood there leaning into the mans arms, not believing her eyes. It was him! He had the same eyes, so chocolate brown, a mustache, and that firm jaw line even. She could feel his body build against hers as he held her. He was staring into her eyes with a passion that she had felt so many times before, and she wanted to reach to his lips and kiss him fully. He broke his gaze at her and stood back after releasing her. He was looking into her eyes again, smiling at her. Jean was speechless. This was her man, the man in her life that she needed. He saw she was shaking, and led her by her hand to her table. Jean didn’t question how he knew where she was sitting, it didn’t matter, she would have followed him anywhere. After Jean was seated, he took a seat as well at her table. Neither had said a word yet to each other, they just sat there looking at one another. Jeans shaking had turned to slight trembles, and then he reached for her hand again that rested upon the table.
Are you all right now? He asked with concern. 1 didn’t mean to startle you at the door like that. Jean smiled at hearing his voice. He sounded the same even as she had dreamed. Jean was still in shock at the sight of him. He was patient as he held her by the hand still, waiting for her answer. Her palm and fingers burned at his touch and her palms were becoming sweaty as thoughts about her dreams raced through her head. Jean cleared her throat, and answered him with, Yes, lm fine now. She thought to herself, "I need to keep him here, I can’t let him leave without me". Jean tried to compose herself in the best way she could. She straightened up, and took a drink of her water with her free hand. He laughed, realizing he still had her by the hand at that point. I am sorry dear woman; I seem to have forgotten that was your hand I was holding, as he released his grip. He felt the dampness of her hand as his slid away from hers. This made him smile at her again, and her heart skipped a beat. Jean smiled back at him, blushing like a teenager. He liked this in a woman. Modesty was a very good quality to have.
My name is Jean, she said as she extended her hand once more to him. Her heart was erratically beating, and she felt butterflies in her stomach, and the words were hard coming out of her lips. It took all her effort to just say this to him. He took her by the hand, and gently brought her hand to his lips, and kissed the top of her hand softly, as he looked back at her to see her response. Jean blushed at this action. Little did the man know the feelings coursing through her veins when he kissed her hand like that! Jean was feeling his kiss over her entire body. He looked into her eyes, and while still holding her hand, he introduced himself to her. I am Steven, and I am single, he said smiling at her. They both laughed at what he had said so bluntly to her. Well, Steven, I am so glad you are single Jean said as a rush of relief went through her body. Please, Steven, stay here with me and join me for dinner? Jean pleaded with her eyes as well as with her voice. How could 1 say no to such a beautiful woman Jean? Yes Ill join you for dinner.
The two of them ate dinner together in the small restaurant, sharing the huge basket of bread sticks and the rest of her dinner. Neither seemed very hungry, and talked for the most of the evening. Jean hadn’t mentioned the dreams she had or the painting of the very man that sat near her this night. Jean had every intention of telling him though before the night was over. Steven was as good looking in person as in her dreams. He was in fact six foot one inch tall, slender; dark skinned complexion, and had those brown eyes that were the color of chocolate. His lips were so soft looking, and his hands so strong yet tender looking at the same time as well. How could Jean have dreamed this man to the exactness she had? Jean didn’t understand, but accepted it. He was the man in her dreams!
Dinner was finished, and they had ordered a drink. Jean and Steven were sharing their past with one another. Jean was getting a bit restless, afraid Steven would bid his farewell and leave to never be seen again. Its now or never she thought. Nervously she took Steven by the hand. He looked up at her when she did this; it had caught his attention. Steven, do you believe in dreams? She asked. Her hand was shaking again. Steven noticed the shaking, and clasped both his hands over hers and held her hand now. Looking in her eyes deeply, he answered her. Yes Jean I do. Dreams can say a lot to a person, and can be very meaningful to the dreamer. Jean’s heart was rampant in her chest, pounding as if it would break apart. Her eyes twinkled, and a smile came to her lips. She pulled her hand wrapped in his to her chest. Lay your hand over my heart Steven, and feel the beating. Steven looked puzzled, but obliged her whim. He lay his palm over her heart, and felt the thunderous beating within through her body. He could actually feel each heart beat as it came. Jean was excited as she saw the look on his face. Steven, my heart beats like this because of you. You make me feel so alive. Steven felt something for this woman he could not explain. It was an attraction to her the moment he saw her at the doorway getting fresh air. Now was the time, Jean had to ask him now or never. She took his hand from her chest, and lay it upon the table, holding it with hers. Steven, I want you to come to my place tonight. I have something I would like to show to you.
The older woman from the diner would not let the two of them pay for the dinner. She smiled at them, and said to be good to one another, then turned and walked away. Jean and Steven went to Jean’s car, and headed for her place. They talked on the way about the old woman at the diner, and how she had said to Jean that she never knew whom she would meet there. Jean chuckled at the mention of it. Steven slid his body closer to Jean as she drove. Jean shivered as his body came into contact with hers. He lay his hand gently upon her leg, and she gasped. Steven was smiling at her response, even though she couldn’t see it. It was dark in the car, and there were no street lights where she lived. He left his hand there, and looked out the window at nothing but darkness. A few minutes had passed when Jean said," we are almost there Steven". She was relieved he kept his hand still for the rest of the drive. She could feel the burning heat where his hand was upon her leg. It was a wonderful feeling. She pulled in her drive a few minutes later. Jean had left the front light on, and Steven was looking around at the quaint house nestled in the wooded area. Jean got out of her car, and waited for Steven. He joined her, and she led the way to the door. She unlocked it, and they went in.
So many thoughts were running through Jean’s mind as they walked into her home. She was so happy to have finally found the man in her dreams. He was all she had dreamed he was. Tall, slender, very handsome, and carried an air about himself Confidence maybe. Jean found she was starring at him, wondering if he would believe her story. She turned on the light in the front room, where the painting of him hung on her wall. He did not notice it to her relief She wanted to wait a little before showing him. Jean led him to the kitchen, and asked him to be seated as she started a pot of coffee brewing on the stove. Jean grabbed cups from the cupboard and placed them on the table, and sat down across from him. All this time Steven was quietly looking around him absorbing the surroundings. He was not accustomed to going to a strange woman’s house on the first night they met. This woman was different, he felt as if there was a purpose for his meeting her, and being here with her. He watched her as she reached up to the top shelf of the cupboard for the cups, and then as she placed the cups on the table and then as she seated herself She was beautiful, very beautiful to him. Steven? Jean paused. Do you have any idea why I brought you here tonight? Her heart was pounding fiercely against her chest, part in fear and part in excitement. Why, no, actually I don’t Jean, he said as a smile spread on his face, not really knowing why he was here. Well Steven, umm she hesitated, its like this Jean drew a deep breath, and trying to control the waver in her voice, she began to tell her story.
I don’t know if you are a believer in destiny? but that is what this is all about. She looked him in the eyes while telling the story to him. I have these dreams Steven, and in these dreams there is a certain someone who is always there. It is a man. He comes to me each night in my dreams, and looks at me, touches me, and makes sweet tender passionate love to me in the dreams. It was all right in the beginning, people have dreams like that, and I thought I could handle them. Yes Steven said its normal to have sexual dreams Jean. He was extremely interested in what she was saying, and was hanging on each and every word from her lips. He saw her tremble a little as she spoke to him, and he still wondered what he could have to do with all of this. Well, Jean said. The dreams started becoming more intense, and it was beginning to drive me crazy. All 1 could think about was this man from my dreams. Even in my waking hours he was still there. I could still feel the burning where he touched me in my sleep. I couldn’t seem to get him out of my mind no matter what I did. Jean began to tear at the eyes, and wiped it away with the top of her hand. Steven reached for her hand and held it, trying to comfort her, this made her hands tremble harder feeling his burning touch upon her flesh again. Jean continued, 1 painted the face of the man in my dreams Steven, in hopes it would make him go away. The coffee began perking over onto the stove, and Jean got up to take it off the burner. She poured the coffee into the cups, almost thankful for the break in conversation. They fixed their coffee in silence, Steven thinking she would continue when she was ready. He sat there looking at her; her trembling had stopped for the better part, until he reached for her again. She gasped as he took firm hold of her hand in his own, and she looked directly at him, and then away immediately. He knew the reaction from her was not in fear, but something else deeper. Please continue, he said to her while still holding on to her hands, as they began to shake again.
Jean hesitated at first, thinking this would drive him away, he would think her crazy or something. She had to go on though; she was too close to stop now. It could mean happiness for her the rest of her life. Well, painting the picture of the man didn’t make him go away like I thought she said. And I felt a pulling to find this man, to know if he was at least real. She stood up from the table, and Steven stood as well, not letting go of her hand. Jean said to him, please come with me Steven. I have something that I want to show you. She walked him into the front room, and turned him so his back was facing the painting. Tonight, she said I went to a town I had never been to before. And I went to a restaurant I had never been to before either. I needed a change in pace, and I needed to get away from my dreams and thoughts of this man. This man I am in love with, but have never seen, except for in my dreams. This man who can make my body feel alive and on fire with just a touch. Jean released her hands from his, and reached up to his face, laying each of her palms upon his cheeks. She felt of his skin; slowly running her fingertips over his entire face with her eyes closed, feeling his eyebrows, so thick and his cheekbones so high, and his soft lips, and even his mustache. It was like in the dreams, and she could see him without opening her eyes. This was him.... She opened her eyes, and took him by the hips and slowly turned him to face the wall and the painting, saying, this is the man in my dreams Steven. Hoping against all odds he would not bolt out of the door on her.
Steven fixed his eyes upon the painting in front of him. It was like a mirror image of himself. He looked puzzled at first. He turned around and looked at Jean standing there watching him. Expectancy on her face, waiting for his reaction. Jean, Steven said. That is me? But how? He asked we have never met before. Okay he said a little aggravated, who set you up to this joke huh? John, it must have been John; he gave you a picture of me didn’t he, to use against me. What a joker he is, what a best friend. Jean stood there with silent tears falling from her face. She was devastated at his reaction. He thought it was all a joke. The man of her dreams was standing there joking about it all. Jean ran away from him and the laughter, tears stinging her eyes as she ran to her room. She lay upon her bed, crying in the darkness. Terrible sobs came from her throat. She would again be alone, he would not stay, and she knew it. Her hair fell in front of her eyes and over her face as she wept. Steven followed behind her as she ran from him. He was confused, could her story have been real? Had this all been real? He felt terrible, and ashamed of himself He stood there in the doorway to her room listening to her weep. Her feelings at least were real. Steven felt the wall for a light switch, and flipped it up. A dim light came on, just enough to cast a glow to the room. He saw Jean there on her bed weeping, her hair in wisps about her face.
Jean, he paused, Jean? Please don’t cry he said to her, as he stood there in the doorway looking at her. Steven walked to the edge of the bed, and sat down beside her, moving the hair away from her face. He saw her tears streaming down her cheeks, landing on the quilt as she sobbed. He felt overwhelmed at the sight of her in her sorrow. He lay his hand softly upon her shoulders, and stroked her and spoke tenderly to comfort her. Jean, I am sorry, I didn’t realize, I thought it was a joke darlin, please don’t cry. Jean felt his hands on her body and ached for him to touch her the way he did in her dreams. Her crying slowed down, especially when she heard him call her darlin, and she trembled. She opened her eyes and looked up at him, into that beautiful face of his. Jean sat up in the bed, and faced Steven. She looked into his eyes deeply; love flowing from her tear dampened eyes. She reached for him as he reached for her and held her so tight against his chest He didn’t say a word, he just let the feelings flow from him through his arms to her body enveloped by him. Maybe he wouldn’t leave just yet she thought.
Jean and Steven left the bedroom and went to the front room where the picture hung on the wall over the couch. They both looked at it for a while, and Jean spoke first to him. Steven, this painting is of the man in my dreams. He is the man I need in my life, and in my arms. He makes me feel so complete while 1 am dreaming. When I awaken I am so alone, because he is not there. You are that man Steven; I can feel it in my heart and soul. We were meant to be. Steven just stood there for a while, looking at the painting of himself on her wall. Thinking to himself„ this must be real. She pulls at me even just standing here so close to her. I want her in my arms, and I don’t know why. But I do. He took her by her arm and sat her on the couch beneath the painting, and he himself sat on the rug on the floor next to the couch. Lay here darlin, and rest a bit he said to her, as he lowered her to a sleeping position on the couch. She didn’t fight him; she was drained of energy, mentally and physically. She lay there while he watched over her. As her eyes closed slowly he said softly in her ear, I will be with you shortly darlin. And he kissed her cheek as her eyes closed all the way
Jean was fast asleep within minutes, and breathing deeply and regular. That’s when Steven got up off the floor and went to the kitchen as quiet as he could. He felt a deep yearning for her, and wanted her badly. He went rummaging through the cupboards, and drawers looking for candles, and matches until he found what he was looking for. He took the items to the front room where she lay asleep still, turning off the lights in the house as he went. He wanted it dark, so the candles would give a romantic glow to the room when lit. He lit them, and placed them around the room. Jean was stirring a little, and making sounds in her sleep. She was with the man in her dreams again. A place she loved to be, and he was kissing her upon her lips. His kiss so soft and tender, and she moaned aloud. She could feel him kissing her fully on her mouth, his tongue darting in and out of hers in search of her tongue. They kissed deeply and long and passionate. This was where she was happy, with him. He slowly worked away from her mouth, and made his way to her cheek, and then to her earlobes, kissing and trailing his tongue over her flesh. Placing sweet kisses upon her, and she shivered, and moaned. Jean's dream was so real that she shivered lying there on the couch where Steven was watching her sleep. Her nipples became hard as she moaned from what her dream was making her feel. Steven was watching her reactions, and wanted to touch her nipples that were covered with her clothing. He sat there watching her, but couldn’t resist much longer hearing her moans, knowing she was dreaming about him.
Steven stripped his shirt off and removed his belt from his pants; Jean called out his name in her dream. Steven, she said., As she moved her body on the couch. He was in her dreams, kissing her all over her throat, making her burn with passion with each tender sweet kiss. She felt him cupping her breast in his knowing hands as he teased her hard nipples with his fingertips, pinching so tenderly. Jean whimpered as he took a nipple in his mouth and suckled her breast firmly while massaging her other breast. She could feel her nest on fire, with the wonderful passion that flowed from her veins. Steven was unbuttoning her blouse careful not to wake her from her dream. He wanted her breasts in his mouth to nibble and suckle on. His passion was rising hearing her moans and her calling his name. His maleness was hard against his pants straining to be released from the confines. He unbuttoned the blouse all the way, and leaned over her and planted a kiss upon her lips, and she responded. His cock jumped at this. He kissed her deeply, moving his tongue around in her answering mouth. She moaned as he kissed her throat, and worked his way down from there to the valley between her breasts, tasting her body as he went, lavishing her with a tongue bath. She moaned again, as he pulled her bra down from her breast and exposed it to the air and planted a sweet kiss on her hard nipple. He took her nipple in his hot mouth, and nipped her softly then suckled hard as he freed her other breast and fondled it as well. Jean was feeling all of this as she dreamed, because she was dreaming what he was doing to her at the time. Jean was beginning to pant slightly, and Steven's manhood was throbbing with want. He took both breasts in his hands and pushed them together so he could lick both nipples at the same time. Jean moaned again. He held her breast to his mouth as he touched her body with the other hand and fingers. He was making her get Goosebumps from the pleasure of his touch on her body. He ran his hand down from her breast and made circles around her tummy as he went. Jean was feeling both the dream, and the reality in her body, but wasn’t able to realize it. She lay there moaning, looking into the face of the man in her dreams, he was running his hands down her naked body feeling every inch of her, making her so hot all over. She gasped as his hand went between her legs and searched for her love spot. He entered her moist nest first with his fingertips, making her whimper aloud, panting as he made her so wet and ready for him, rotating his fingers from her nest to her clit, making small circular movements over her special spot. Jean was getting ready to beg him. Stevens hand slipped under Jeans pants and he could feel the warmth of her love nest, she moaned and pushed up against his hand, wanting the wonderful feelings he could make in her body. Steven had spread her legs apart, and had one leg over the edge of the couch, making room for him to access her wet nest easily. He could smell her fragrance as he kissed her up and down her legs while he worked her clitoris to frenzy; he slowed down his pace, and placed a finger inside her. Jean tossed her head slightly, making soft sounds deep in her throat as he slid his finger in and out of her sweet pussy, making her wetter than she already was. Jean was waking up a little feeling him inside her hot nest, building her to climax. Steven changed his position without stopping, and placed his thumb on top of her clit while leaving his other finger inside her, and rocked his hand back and forth, in her pussy, then across her clit, then in her pussy, and he kept repeating the motion. She arched her back, only somewhat aware she was waking up from her dream. He kissed her fully on the lips, and Jean hungrily accepted his actions. Her eves opened as he left her mouth and worked his way down her tummy as he worked her clit with a passion. She looked at him, dreamily still, but knew it to be real this time.
Steven used one hand to slip her pants down and off her, and removed his hand from her hot nest, but only for a second or two. He spread her thighs apart and placed himself between her lovely legs. He undid his pants, and slid them off as well. He then placed himself where he wanted to be so badly. His large cock was free, and glistened on the end, as he lowered his face to her sweet pussy. He darted out his tongue, and gently touched her clit, and she gasped, as she touched his hair, and run her fingers through it. He re entered his finger into her hot tunnel as he licked her pussy, and planted sweet suckling kisses upon her clit, like he had never done before with such passion. It wasn’t long before Jean was whining and whimpering for release. That made Steven get harder, and made him work her faster, until she was arching her back up off the couch. she cried out loud, oh my god Steven, Steven„ Yes, yes, A sound she had never made before came from her lips as she exploded with passion. Steven lapped at her all the more, wanting to savor her taste. After her breathing came more regular, he slid himself up and on the couch with Jean, kissing her and letting her taste herself while he positioned himself over her body. Jean reached down for his maleness as he kissed her. She wanted to feel him in her hands. He was very large, and her dreams did not mislead her. She took his cock in her hands, and stroked him gently up and down while looking into his eyes. She used the glistening drops to help her slide her fingers over the head of his cock. Around and around she went with her palm and fingers, building him close to climax; just like in her dreams.
I need you Steven said as he kissed her again on her lips, and trailed to her neck once more biting and nipping a little hard this time. Jean spread her legs wide, and raised her hips to him. He touched her with the tip of his cock, and she whined, and raised herself higher, wanting him inside her. Steven obliged by slipping the head of his cock inside her moist and ready pussy. He pumped just a little in and out, teasing her. She raised her hips again, wanting more of him, and he gave her another inch, and teased her with this again. Steven couldn’t stand the feelings anymore, and took her by the hips, and held her firm to the couch, and pushed more of himself into her waiting pussy as she cried out a guttural sound from deep within. Steven almost lost it then and there, and stopped to rest and regain control of himself. Jean kept moving though, and he couldn’t hold himself, he plunged the rest of his cock into her wanting pussy, as she met him with her own thrust of her hips. Jean tossed her head back and forth, not being able to stop the feelings of love and passion that burned within her body. As he pumped his rod in and out of her pussy, she had climax after climax, tightening her muscles inside her nest, making him so close to the edge. She could feel his cock meat throbbing inside her pussy walls as he grew his last extra amount. The cum worked its way up his shaft, and was ready to explode within her. He grabbed her by her hips, as she grabbed hold of his shoulders and upper back with her fingernails, and dug in a little as he pounded her deeply within her pussy. The more she dug in, the harder he pumped her pussy, until he arched his back, and raised his shoulders as he panted and moaned loudly, as he shot his love juices into her nest, and she moaned with him, as she made unrecognizable sounds as she came with him. He lay his chest upon hers and rested, his body al relaxed, as well as hers. He looked in her eyes and kissed her lips, and she kissed him back.