This is my first story, please be patient. :)
this is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people or events is purly coincidental.
My facination with being a cuckold started before i even knew what the word was. I was a freshman in college, and came home to visit and see my 3 year girlfriend. I had found myself fantasizing before about having threesomes. I had also always thought of myself as a voyer. When i got home and went out for the night with her, things felt odd. when we were alone, i was hoping to get laid. (i had been faithful despite being surrounded by horny college girls 1000 miles from home. ) she stopped me and told me that she couldn't do it. she then proceded to tell me that while i was away, she had cheated on me. she said she had gone out to a party, and ended up fooling around with a guy she met there. she paused and noticed that as soon as she said that, i had gotten hard. she asked me "are you hard?. .
She somehow knew more about me than i did, and told me to get it out, and started playing with herself.
I had precum driping from my cock at this point and she was grinning ear to ear watching me jerk off as i listened to her tell me about how she got fucked. she asked "you like hearing this don't you?" I whispered a soft "yes", and she chuckled again and shoved two fingers into her pussy. She told me how she couldn't believe how tight he felt inside her, or how much it hurt. he fucked her long and slow and ened up cumming inside her. when she told me that, i blew my load and she laughed again. Once i cleaned up and drove her home, she kissed me and said goodbye. before she got out of the car she told me one last thing. She said "Oh.
since then, i have been facinated with the desire to watch women get fucked by big cocks. Through college, i was hardly able to keep girlfriends, and nearly all those that i did have, cheated on me. none of them found out that it took three nights of jerking off to finally be able to settle my excitement when i had found out they had been fucked by another.
Well, after college, i finally met someone and we got married. things were fine, but i kept fantasizing about watching her getting fucked. Finally one night she went out with the girls and
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