The girl on the phone is very kind, helpful and convincing, but when I got there, things got less pleasant. The photos of her are from a few years ago and she is certainly older than what she writes and her hair is shorter too. Her breasts are small and empty. The only thing that matches is the "superbooty", which however is only big. At first she is still kind and helpful, but after I gave her the gift she became cold and aloof. No kisses of any kind. She started saying do this, don't do that, touch me here, don't touch me there. In the end I somehow managed to do something, but i will not return.
I can confirm that Anna is a woman that you have to meet at least once in your life. I gave myself this gift. The meeting was perfect. Anna is very beautiful, and this is a good start, and besides being beautiful, she knows how to make you feel important. Sexually she is extraordinary, she is not reserved, she is affectionate. The service is very complete and of high quality.
I met her last week. Good experience. I'll be back for sure. She participates a lot and is very sociable. Clean, elegant and smart. Time passed quickly and I was very happy. Thanks Anna !
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