The girl is amazing, very sexy, fanny, good personality. she is sex bomb))) Really her body is fire as for me !! I want to stay more, because time pass faster than always, was nice to meet you Emilia
Very poor service, she very far from the main pic, close to this that it made from the phone, but still in life she is. different i would say :recourse: She dont do Bj without condom, but the worst think she watch her phone all time, i had a filling like i own her something or she is offended, very boring person, and in sex toooo.
On the phone i ask if it this girl on the photo they told me yes and they didnt lie, but Photoshop make the deal. The girl was looks and behave like she is on heavy drugs. Yes she know English, few words i would say, but its like playing very hard game trying to understand what she is saying)))))) finally i had a filling that she is from the film "Dumb and Dumber". On sex she was like plastic doll that speaks about Star Wars. I thought maybe she will make me blowjob without condom.. no. Finally i will newer forget this lady!
Well hi,it’s very interesting comment, as I’m fluent in English, also my boobs are 100% real no silicon, you would know that if you have visited me, but we didn’t meet. Very interesting to read fake made up comments from jealous colleagues. Peace
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