First time i met a girl that is exactly same as the pictures…I thought that she was fake too but no…Big NO…She is so beautiful and so sexy that i cant describe…Rarely exotic beauty!!👌
Thank you, love, you were a sweetheart with me! Come back whenever you want ♥️
I just left from Cherry…She is just AMAZING!!With a big and beautiful smile on her face!!Very beautiful girl,sooooo sexy and everything she is doing,she doing it with passion…I will definitely meet her again for more time…This was just the beginning!!See you again girl!!😉
Today i met Eva…I have no words to describe how perfect she is!!She is a really beautiful and glamourous lady with even better character!!I will definitely meet her again…I wouldn’t miss that chance!!Thank you for all beautiful girl…The mechanic!!😘
Thanks ☺️
The best of the best!!A real angel on earth!!Her eyes??Her smile??Her body??Oh my god!!!Sooo beautiful that its too easy to fall in love with her!!Thank you Baby!!The car guy!!✌🏻
Will you come to Thessaloniki??
Today i met Eva…I have no words to describe how perfect she is…She is a really beautiful and glamorous lady with even better character!!I will definitely meet her again…I wouldn’t miss that chance…Thank you for all beautiful girl…The mechanic!😘
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I dont know what happening but she doesn’t answer to the messages…I text her many times,before months and now…She sees the messages and she never answer…I dont know if she is good at her work but her behaviour is not right definitely…
If I don't answer you, there are reasons for that, think about it 😉. I've been in Thessaloniki for a long time, and many people know me! The fact that you wrote me a comment will not change the situation! In any case, thank you for your time spent on my account! Kiss 💋